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        최재성(Choe, Jae-Seong) 역사학연구소 2012 역사연구 Vol.- No.22

        Guidance League was organized as school alliance which had expense structure and system. So it could control outside school life of students effectively. Japanese imperialism prevented resistance of Choseon students forehand and firmly solidified ruling system by forcing them into human appropriate for imperial subjects. After the Liberation from Imperialist Japan, Yi Yeoseong tried to construct a nation-state. He engaged in the Committee of the Preparation of Korean Independence, Korean People"s Republic and Korean People"s Party each as a promoter. He acted in favor of the middle-of-the roadism based on the right-and-left coalition. The foreign ministers of America, the Soviet Union and the U. K. at Moscow in December, 1945 decided to put the country under the trusteeship after establishing the provisional Korean government. Yi Yeoseong opposed the trusteeship, but he stated to cooperate with the U.S.-Soviet Joint Committee for the foundation of the provisional Korean government. His opposition to the trusteeship was based on the national self-respect. When the Joint Committee was in recess, he urged to do best effort to resume the Committee with the thought that the Committee was only gateway to establish the nation-state. As all efforts for the nation-state were dispersed in south Korea, he went to Pyeongyang for the formation of a unied nation through the south-north negotiations as his last tryout.

      • KCI등재

        일제 경찰기구의 위생 선전

        최재성(Choe, Jae-Seong)(崔在聖) 한일민족문제학회 2021 한일민족문제연구 Vol.40 No.-

        日本の朝鮮統治が30年が過ぎた時点で、30年以上の間に衛生思想の普及のためにいくつかの施策を実施したにもかかわらず、伝染病にかかった患者数と死亡者数は大幅に減らなかった。朝鮮で衛生観念の普及のために帝國主義日本の警察は怖がらせてなだめる「ニンジンと鞭」施策を展開した。なだめる施策は、時間と空間を活用した宣伝活動である。特定の時間を設定して集中宣伝する方法は、「衛生デー」や「防疫週間」などの運営である。一定の空間に大衆を集め宣伝する方法は、各種「展覧会」の開催などである。京城で衛生展覧会が初めて開催された1921年末にも、5年前に比べて伝染病患者数は1.7倍程度増加した。患者数は約1500人程度増加した。5年後の1926年には、患者数と死亡者数の両方減少した。その間に1922年から京城と地方の衛生展覧会、1924年の蠅展覧会、そして各地の「衛生デー」の設定、運営があった。1926年の伝染病患者数の減少は、これらの活動の影響と言えるかもしれませんが、5年後の1931年までに再び増加傾向があります。1933年防疫展覧会と防疫週間の設定が同時に行われた後、統計を見ると、1936年にも1931年に比べて患者数と死亡者数の両方若干の増加を示す。患者数は約18%、死亡者数は31%増加した。上昇曲線の傾きは1920年代に比べて緩やかだったが、増加は依然として続いていた。コレラは減少効果があった1930年代後半には、衛生デーと防疫週間が設定され、運営されていましたが、1941年の伝染病患者数と死亡者数の両方が増加しました。5年前より各各35%,21%増加した。1942年には1年前より患者数,死亡者数,死亡率ともに若干減少を示した。減少傾向の逆転に最大の貢献をした伝染病は、天然痘だった。代わりに、1942年には発疹チフス患者数と死亡者数が大幅に増えたが、天然痘の統計数値がその増加を相殺した。結核患者関連の統計は着実に増加現象を見せた。入院患者·外来患者·治療延日数の三方1931年比で1939年の統計は、それぞれ3.5倍、4.5倍、2.87倍に激増した。1936年には結核予防週間と1938年の結核予防デー設定運営、1939年の結核予防展覧会はすべて、このような結核患者激増への対応だったとすることができる。しかし、1942年の健民運動週間にもまだ結核撲滅が主な目標であったことから分かるように、結核問題は依然として大きな問題であった。 At the time of the Japanese colonial rule over 30 years, the number of patients and deaths from infectious diseases did not decrease significantly even though the Japanese police implemented various measures to spread hygiene ideas for 30 years. In order to spread hygiene ideas in Joseon, Japanese police have implemented a ‘carrot and whip’ policy that threatens and appeases. The soothing measure is propaganda activities that utilize time and space. The way to set up a specific time and promote it intensively is the operation of ‘Hygiene Day’ and ‘Anti-virus Week’. The way to bring the public together in a certain space and promote it is to hold various ‘exhibitions’. At the end of 1921, when the hygiene exhibition was held for the first time in Gyeongseong, the number of infectious disease patients increased by 1.7 times compared to five years ago. Five years later, in 1926, both the number of patients and the number of deaths decreased. In the meantime, there were hygiene exhibitions in Gyeongseong and local areas since 1922, a fly exhibition in 1924, and ‘Hygiene Day’ establishment and operation in various places. The decrease in the number of infectious disease patients in 1926 is the influence of these activities. But five years later, in 1931, it was on the rise again. After the 1933 anti-virus exhibition and the anti-virus week setting were simultaneously performed, statistics showed a slight increase in both the number of patients and the number of deaths compared to 1931 in 1936. The number of patients increased by about 18 percent and the death toll by 31 percent. The slope of the upward curve was gentler than in the 1920s, but the increase remained. However, only cholera had a reduction effect. In the late 1930s, also hygiene day and anti-virus week were established and operated. However, both the number of infectious disease patients and the number of deaths in 1941 did not decline; they increased by 35 percent and 21 percent, respectively, compared to five years ago. In 1942, both the number of patients, the number of deaths and the death rate decreased slightly compared to a year ago. The epidemic that contributed the most to the reversal of the decline was smallpox. Instead, in 1942, the number of typhus patients and deaths increased significantly, but the statistical figures of smallpox offset the increase. The statistics related to tuberculosis patients showed a steady increase. The number of inpatients, outpatients, and treatment days increased 3.5 times, 4.5 times, and 2.87 times, respectively, compared to 1931. In 1936, the Tuberculosis Prevention Week, the 1938 Tuberculosis Prevention Day, and the 1939 Tuberculosis Prevention Exhibition were all responses to the increase of tuberculosis patients. However, as we can see from the fact that tuberculosis eradication was still the main goal in the 1942 campaign week, the tuberculosis problem was still a big problem.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 1910~20년대 일제의 어업조합 방침과 운영

        최재성 ( Jae Seong Choe ) 수선사학회 2014 史林 Vol.0 No.47

        The fishermen`s unions(FU) were established from 1912. Joseon government-general(JGG) started to permit to set up the FU for procuring aquatic resources, immigration promoting and protecting of Japanese fishermen, and Korean fishermen and fishing villages. In 1910s, because the policy of JGG about the FU was very passive, permitting to establishment of the FU was so selectional, and the activities of FU were very insignificant. In 1920s, JGG changed the policy. The new policy of the FU was very positive. The promotion expenses, salaries of directors, and subsidies for cooperative activities of the unions were started to give unions by the JGG. Therefore, the number of unions and union`s members were increasing. Inducements of the union`s members were exercising fishing rights by the union and participating cooperative facilities of the union. But the exclusive ownership of fishing rights by the union was dissatisfaction of Korean fishermen. And Forced selling of fish instead of loaning funds was another complaint of Korean fishermen, too. Because Korean fishermen had to respect their duties instead of their rights. JGG judged the activities of FU in 1920s were also insufficient, changed the policy of the union to revise the fishries law and fishermen`s union rule, etc.

      • KCI등재

        상공인명록을 통해 본 1930년대 초 인천지역 기업 활동

        최재성(Choe, Jae-seong) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2019 인천학연구 Vol.30 No.-

        이 글에서는 1931년 인천상공회의소에서 발행한 〈인천상공인명록〉을 대상으로 하여 업종별 외형적 파악과 기업 활동의 내면적 분석을 시도했다. 먼저 외형적 파악의 첫 단계로 인명록 정보 가운데 납부 영업세액을 살펴보았다. 고액 납세업종에 속하는 것은 금융업, 양조업, 정미업, 운수업, 무역업, 거래원업 등이었고, 50원 미만 납세 기업이 압도적 다수인데, 그만큼 규모면에서 소규모 기업이 많았음을 증명하는 것이다. 다음으로 기업 소재지별로 보면, ‘리’ 단위 지역에서는 조선인 업체수가 일본인 업체수에 비해 5배 정도로 월등히 많다. 특히 외리와 내리가 조선인 기업의 밀집지역임을 확인할 수 있다. ‘정’지역에는 ‘리’보다 업체수가 월등히 많고, 또 일본인 업체가 조선인 업체에 비해 압도적으로 많다. 세 번째로 겸업자를 민족별, 영업 종목수별로 나눠보면, 모두 일본인이 조선인 보다 많다. 그만큼 일본인이 조선인보다 기업 활동에 적극적이었음을 인지할 수 있다. 다음은 인천의 대표적 기업인 무역업·정미업·양조업·성냥제조업을 대상으로 심층 분석하였다. 무역업 가운데는 미곡과 면제품을 중심으로 고찰하였다. 먼저 수이출 부문을 보면, 인천에서 이출된 조선 쌀은 일본 각지로 이송되었다. 다음으로 일본으로부터 이입 중요품 가운데 ‘수입품의 백미’인 면직물을 보면, ‘면사포·마직물류 무역’에서 독보적인 위치를 차지하는 이는 이 무역을 통해 858원의 영업세를 납부했다. 이제 제조업을 보자. 먼저 정미업을 보면, 1930년대 초 인천의 공업별 생산액 중 정미와 현미 등 정미공업의 생산액은 다른 공업에 비해 압도적 위치에 있다. 영업세액 1천원 이상을 납부한 정미 기업 3곳의 영업세액 3천 9백 원이다. 두 번째는 양조업이다. 청주·소주·약주·탁주 등 술 종류 4개의 생산액은 190여만 원이다. 여기에 장유와 미소의 백여만 원을 더하면 양조업 생산액은 약 3백만 원이다. 조일양조주식회사와 野田장유주식회사 인천공장의 영업세액은 각각 1427.95원과 398.5원이다. 세번째는 성냥 제조업인데, 그 생산액은 약 33만원이다. 성냥은 조선인촌주식회사에서 독점 생산한 것으로 이 회사의 1931년 영업세액은 537.14원이다. 이들 제조업(정미업·성냥제조업)의 기업 활동 이면에는 조선인 노동자들의 희생이 있었고, 희생을 강요당한 노동자들은 저항하면서 일부는 뜻(요구조건 관철)을 이루고, 또 일부는 해고되기도 했다. 이를 통해 일제식민지기 인천지역 기업 활동의 이면에는 조선인 노동자들의 희생과 저항이 있었음을 확인할 수 있다. This article was written for the purpose of identifying the appearance of each information and analysing corporates’ activities in relation to the list of names published in 1931 by the Incheon Chamber of Commerce and Industry. First of all, I looked at the amount of operating tax paid out of the personal information as a first step in identifying the appearance. It was the financial industry, the brewing industry, the rice industry, the transportation industry, the trade industry, the trading business, etc. Next, in terms of location, the number of Korean companies is five times higher than that of Japanese companies in the area of "Ri(리, 里)". In particular, it can be confirmed that “Oe-Ri(외리)” and “Nae-Ri(내리)” are concentrated areas of Korean companies. There are far more Japanese companies outnumber Korean companies in the "Jeong(정, 町)" area than "Ri". Third, there are all more Japanese than Koreans in double job. It is understandable that the Japanese were more active in corporate activities than Koreans. The following was an in-depth analysis of the trade business, rice-cleaning business, the brewery business, and match manufacturing business, which are major companies in Incheon. Among the trade, rice and cotton goods were considered. First of all, the rice from the colonial Joseon, which was removed from Incheon, was transferred to various parts of Japan. Cotton fabric is the "the best of imports" that comes from Japan. Now let"s look at the manufacturing industry. First of all, the output of rice-cleaning business of the manufacturing industry is overwhelmingly higher than that of other industries in Incheon in the early 1930s. The second is brewing. It is produced by four types of alcohol, namely Cheongju, Soju, Yakju, and Takju, and Soy Sauce and Soybean paste. The third is the manufacturing of matches, which were produced exclusively by the Chosen Match Corporation. The increase in profits of these manufacturing industries was made at the expense of Korean workers, and the workers forced to sacrifice tried to defend their rights and interests.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1907ㆍ8년 地方金融組合의 설립과 운영

        최재성 ( Choe Jae Seong ) 한국민족운동사학회 2001 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.28 No.-

        Local financial cooperatives had been established to settle a credit crunch generated from the modification of the Korean finance system and the currency reform since 1907 when they were opened in 10 areas including Gwangju in where the first cooperative started to do business, and 939 of financial cooperatives were established till 1939. And they were aimed to isolate the righteous troops from the rural commnities by lending peasantry money at low interest than other lender's. They played roles to make Korean rural communities to be adapted under the economic structure of Japanese Imperialism. They were established by a plan of Megata Shotaro(目賀田鍾太郞) who was a financial adviser for Korean Government and supports of Ito Hirobumi(伊藤博文) who was a residental-general, and maintained by Arai Gentaro(荒井賢太郞) who was the deputy Minister of Finance of Korean government and the office of a governor-general. They were financial facilities which dealt with only loan business not deposit business before 1914. The funds for loan business were provided from a part of the national dept which Japanese imperialists passed the liability for colonization unto Korean people. And managers of the financial cooperatives are all young Japanese graduated from a junior college. Managers of the financial cooperatives registered in account books and submitted them to the supervisory &vision of the Ministry of Finance. In this process, the supervisory officers who were Japanese instructed managers of the financial cooperatives to do business and register in account books. Local financial cooperatives helped in the process of the tax collection and in exchange of money. Also they operated cooperative buying, consignment sale and warehousing in addition to a loan businesses. The consignment sale and warehousing were relative to the import of products from Japan, These businesses assisted Japanese imperialists to colonize Korea. As we see above, the establishment, management and activity of local financial cooperatives were aimed to assist to colonize Korea.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 식민지 금융기관의 활동과 여수 · 순천 지역의 변화

        최재성(Choe Jae-seong) 고려사학회 2010 한국사학보 Vol.- No.39

        This study is to find out the relation between the activities of the colonial banking facilities and the local changes in the first half of the 20 century. I selected Yeosu and Suncheon as the area survey, for Yeosu-eup(여수읍) and Suncheon-eup(순천읍) were the representative urbanizing areas following with Mokpo-bu(목포부) and Gwangju-bu(광주부) in South Jeolla Province at that time. And Yeosu branch of Joseon Production Bank and Cooperative Credit Societies(CCS) were Colonial banking facilities in Yeosu and Suncheon area in that period. Colonial banking facilities made local society play a role for Japanese Imperialism. These facilities brought local people over the colonial banking system, it was linked to the colonial system. When Suncheon Cooperative Credit Societies were established in 1907, Suncheon CCS covered five counties including Yeosu and Suncheon, and the member of CCS was only 305. However, the number of CCS turned to 14, and the members of CCS were growed to about 47,000 in same counties. According to the increases both sides of CCS and the member of CCS, the land-less peasants class were permitted to join a CCS. And local notables who were mainly landlords were able to participate as board members. They could control peasants. the members of CCS. Japanese colonial financial policy was carried out through this system in CCS. In the urban of Yeosu-eup and Suncheon-eup, many Korean and Japanese industrialists became members of urban CCS. Some of them were selected as board members.

      • KCI등재

        일제 식민지기 이여성(李如星)의 민족운동

        최재성 ( Jae Seong Choe ) 수선사학회 2011 史林 Vol.0 No.39

        Yi yeoseong(1901~?) whose real name is Yi myeong-geon, was a nationalist in the first half of 20 century. He did a national liberation struggle under the rule of Impeialist Japan. After liberation from Japanese rule, he engaged in the movement for establishing national state. He was one of the member of Hyeseongdan organized during 3·1 Independence movement. He was arrested by Japanese police, was put in prison for 3 years. After discharge from jail, he went to study to Japan. He did activities in Bukseong-hoe and Ilwol-hoe, socialist Korean young peple`s and student`s groups. These activities were dirrect engagement of national liberation struggle. After living in Shanghai for about 2 years, he wrote in the newspaper, the Dong-a ilbo and Joseon ilbo, about the people of a small and weak power, the peoples of the philippines, Egypt, India, Vietnam, etc. These writings were written to extract hints help to Korean national struggle. From the year of 1931, he published a series of Statistical study of Korea. He exposed the actual condition of colony and the nature of Impeialist Japanese rule in these works. Japan was reorganized on the war basis in 1937, the year of the invasion of china. Under the Japanese extreme control on all dimensions, Yi yeoseong devoted to paint paintings relate to historical figures and events, and study the history of the Korean traditional clothings. Writing about the people of a small and weak power in the newspaper, Publishing series of Statistical study of Korea, painting historical paintings, and studying the history of the Korean traditional clothings were indirrect engagement of national liberation struggle.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부 발행 1910·20년대 교과서의 보건·위생론

        최재성(Choe, Jae-Seong)(崔在聖) 한일민족문제학회 2020 한일민족문제연구 Vol.38 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to examine the health and hygiene descriptions of the textbooks published by the Governor-General of Joseon and to find the contents of the discipline that the colonial powers aimed at. In addition, the research method reviewed the health and hygiene-related units for three subjects of textbooks: Moral training, Joseon-language reading, and National-language(Japanese) reading, in which the “will” of Japanese colonial rule is directly and explicitly projected. In addition, the descriptions of the textbooks were tracked by time to extract the theory of health and hygiene of colonial powers and compared with articles from other media (newspapers, magazines, etc.). In this paper, we first considered the process of publishing textbooks in the 1910s and 20s. In 1911, the “Joseon Education Ordinance” was enforced, but the Japanese Government-General of Joseon could not immediately issue textbooks as new contents, so it first used textbooks compiled by the Korean Empire’s undergraduate departments. Thus, ‘correct’ textbooks were published from 1911. At the same time, the Japanese Government-General of Joseon started a textbook compilation project in accordance with the school system and the confirmation of each school curriculum, and published almost all of the books for ordinary schools in 1917. In 1922, a new ‘Joseon Education Ordinance’ and ordinary school regulations were promulgated and enforced again. Accordingly, textbooks for ordinary schools were newly published. From the 1910s to the 1920s, textbooks were published three times. Secondly, we looked at the logic of health and hygiene. The 1910s and 20s textbooks are based on the theory of health and hygiene that health and hygiene should be taken care of for filial piety (parent), public interest (society), and loyalty (state). Furthermore, there is a logic that health spreads in the order of individuals, societies, and countries. Third, we identified characteristics through key words. What can be seen from the core words of textbooks published in the 1910s and 20s is, first, units of subjects directly related to an individual’s body in lower-level courses, and units of topics related to public hygiene in higher-level courses. Second, it is a characteristic of each period, which shows that new content has been added or replaced by the latter. 本稿の研究目的は朝鮮総督府が発行した教科書の保健·衛生に関する記 述を調べ、植民権力が目指していた規律の内容を探ることだ。また、研究方 法は日帝(総督府)の“意志”が直接的かつ露骨に投影されている修身、朝鮮語 読本、国語読本の3科目の教科書を対象として保健·衛生関連の単元を検討 した。また、教科書の叙述を時期別に追跡し、植民権力の保健·衛生論を抽 出し、他のメディア(新聞、雑誌など)の記事とも比較した。 この論文ではまず1910~20年代の教科書発行過程を考察した。1911年、朝 鮮教育令が実施されたが、朝鮮総督府は教科書を新しい内容で直ちに発行 できないため、代わりに大韓帝国の学部編纂教科書を活用した。1911年から ‘訂正’教科書が発行された。それと同時に朝鮮総督府は学制および各学校の 教科課程の確定に合わせて教科書編纂事業に着手し、1917年に普通学校の 教科用図書のほぼ全てを出版した。1922年には再び新しい朝鮮教育令と普通 学校規定が公布され、4月から施行された。それに伴い普通学校の教科書も 新たに発行された。1910年代から1920年代に至るまで、このように3次にわたり 教科書が発行された。 第二に、保健·衛生の論理を考察した。1910~20年代の教科書では親孝 行(親)、公益(社会)、忠誠(国家)のために健康と衛生に注意しなければならないというのが保健·衛生論に基づいている。さらにこの三つを網羅して健康が個人·社会·国家に波及するという論理もある。3番目に、核心語を通じて特徴を把握した。1910~20年代発行の教科書の核心語から分かるのは、第1に、より下級課程では個人の身体と直接関連のあるテーマの單元であり、より高級課程では公衆衛生と関連したテーマの單元だ。第二に、時期別の特徴として、後期にいくほど新しい内容が追加されたり、交替したりすることが分かる。

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