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崔在穆 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2001 남명학연구 Vol.11 No.-
My aim in this paper is to argue that the concept of Kyum(謙) of Ha Hongdo(河弘度, a pen name: Gyunjae(謙齋). 1593 - 1666) played a crucial role in the history of Neo-Confucianism in East Asia. To do this, first, I shall argue that Gyumjae, followed and sticked to, the concept of Gyungyi(敬義) of Chosik(曺稙, a pen name: Nammyung(南冥), 1501-1572), and he, on the basis of this concept, established his unique concept of Gyungyi. This new concept is well shown in his Gyumgoedo(謙卦圖, Diagrams of a Trigram) that is grounded in Chu(the Book of Changes): He had this Gyumgoedo completed at the age of 48, which he had sincerly followed the Chosik's concept, In so doing, I will also argue that Hongdo Ha regarded Gyumgoedo, among other Trigrams, as the most important virtue that Gunja ought to obey: It seems that the reason why he was not engaged in politics naming his pen mane, Gyumjae, is based on this sort of his value. Second, I will strongly argue that from the New-Confucian historical point of view, Hongdo Ha, like Chosik, must be considered as a typical Chu Hsi's student: In this respect, Gyumjae, throughout his life, did the same as his mentor, Chosik, did, such as not engaging in politics, living in retirement from actively liberal life, focusing on cultivation his internal virtues. On the basis of Kyumjae's philosophical thinking that holds that people should suppress their desires and pursue Kyum as quite and internal value, it is possible to say that we are in need of reinterpreting and reevaluation intellectuals of Chosun, who sought silent and internal value. Finally, I will conclude that Kyum that needs to be reevaluated and illuminated is unique in the history of modern thought in East Asia. Although our interest and discussion about Kyunjae's thinking that was covered as simple local study just started this movement to try to restore the intellectual history of Chosun is to provide invaluable information.
최재목 한국양명학회 2005 陽明學 Vol.0 No.15
이 논문은 霞谷 鄭齊斗(1649~1736)의 사상 전개상에 보이는致良知說의 弊비판 시기를 재검토해보려는 것이다. 2004년 10월 15일〜16일 양일간 강화도의 안양대학교(강화캠퍼스)에서「강화양명학파의 위상과 현대적 의미」라는 주제로 열린 『강화양명학파 국제학술대회』에서 中純夫 교수(일본⋅京都府立大學文學部)는 그의 발표문 「初期江華学派における陽明学受容―霞谷・恒斎・樗村―」(239〜241쪽)에서, 종래 국내 연구에서 추정해온致良知說의 弊비판 시기에 의문을 던지면서 나름대로의 견해를 제시하고 있다. 이것은 지금까지 국내에서 ‘본격적으로’ 문제제기된 적이 없는 것이며, 더욱이 종래의 하곡학 연구 성과에 영향을 줄 수 있는 발언이라고 판단된다. 따라서 연구자의 한 사람으로서 이에 대한 객관적인 재검토의 필요성을 느끼게 되었다. 물론, 예컨대 종래 국내의 연구에서도 中純夫씨가 제기한 일부 내용에 대해서 단편적인 언급은 하고 있지만 본격적인 검토는 하지 않고 있다. 이 논문에서는 이러한 내용들을 다시 한번 짚어보는 방식으로 中純夫씨가 제기한 문제의 타당성을 재검토해본다. 윤남한과 유명종은 하곡이 양명의 치양지설 비판을 하곡의 만년으로 보고 있다. 이 이후 이것이 거의 정설화 되었다. 이렇게 해서 하곡의 사상을 우경화, 우파적으로 변형되었다는 일종의 추정이 나오게 되었다. 그러나 지금까지 논의한 내용을 토대로 필자는 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하고자 한다. 첫째, ‘양명 치양지의 폐에 대한 비판 내지 평가’는 「존언」 저술 시(43세경)에 ‘23세경에 이루어진 꿈의 기억’과 더불어 기록되었다고 추정할 수 있다. 다만, 「존언」이 하곡의 만년 혹은 죽기 직전까지 ‘계속 보완되었다’고 한다면 이 추정 또한 변경될 수 있을 것이다. 둘째,「任情縦欲之患」에 자극받아 하곡의 양명학 이해는 결과적으로 중국, 혹은 일본 양명학과 다른 「良知體用論」을 구상하게 되었으며, 이것은 그의 독특한 「良知體用圖」로 구체화시키는 쪽으로 작용하였다. 그리고 이것은 그의 만년까지 양명학 이해를 유지하도록 하는 기본틀로서 작용하였을 것으로 생각된다. 이것은 하곡의 良知體用論的 양명학 이해는 중국과 일본에서 볼 수 없는 독자적인 사색의 유형을 보여주는 것이라 평가해도 좋을 것 같다. 앞으로 하곡의 연보적, 사상적 자료가 새롭게 발굴될 가능성도 있으며, 이에 따라 하곡의 양명 치양지설 비판에 따른 양명사상 체계 변화 또한 새롭게 평가될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
최재목,정다운,김찬우,곽재관 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.19
This thesis is to look over a digest about ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ where anti-Japan intellectuals in Yeoungnam province used to socialize each other during the Japanese Colonization in Korea, which the domestic and international academic world has not known up to date in detail. Also, this study is aimed to shed light on intelligent people with anti-Japan imperialism in Deagu․Gyeongbuk region again and ponder which role they play. ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)」’ was a library run by Lee Ilu(李一雨) who was a uncle of Sang Lee Hwa(李相和), a famous anti-Japan poet. ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ was a small education institution, which was called Sasuk(私塾) in Korean, which was equipped with millions of books and able to lodge and board. Furthermore, this is a well-known place where noble-minded patriots ranging from Yeoungnam area to all the part of country got together and pursued academic explores. Afterward this became the father of ‘Gyonam school(嶠南學院)’. That is to say, today this is called ‘Daeryun school(大倫學校)’. ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ has great importance of anti-Japan movement history against the Japanese invasion and Japan's invasion policies in early 1900s in Yeoungnam province. This paper plans to examine documents left about ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ and review exact appearance of ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ based on these documents as preparation for more concrete studies. This thesis is to look over a digest about ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ where anti-Japan intellectuals in Yeoungnam province used to socialize each other during the Japanese Colonization in Korea, which the domestic and international academic world has not known up to date in detail. Also, this study is aimed to shed light on intelligent people with anti-Japan imperialism in Deagu․Gyeongbuk region again and ponder which role they play. ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)」’ was a library run by Lee Ilu(李一雨) who was a uncle of Sang Lee Hwa(李相和), a famous anti-Japan poet. ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ was a small education institution, which was called Sasuk(私塾) in Korean, which was equipped with millions of books and able to lodge and board. Furthermore, this is a well-known place where noble-minded patriots ranging from Yeoungnam area to all the part of country got together and pursued academic explores. Afterward this became the father of ‘Gyonam school(嶠南學院)’. That is to say, today this is called ‘Daeryun school(大倫學校)’. ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ has great importance of anti-Japan movement history against the Japanese invasion and Japan's invasion policies in early 1900s in Yeoungnam province. This paper plans to examine documents left about ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ and review exact appearance of ‘Uhyeonseoru(「友弦書樓」)’ based on these documents as preparation for more concrete studies.