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      • 해적피해방지를 위한 형사법적 대응방안

        최석윤(Choi, Suk-Yoon) 한국피해자학회 2004 被害者學硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        This study addresses a countermeasure against piracy m the viewpoint of criminal law. The core idea of this study is that the criminal law has also to contribute some help to the prevention of piracy. Piracy is the enemy of the human race. Pirates commit acts of murder, robbery, plunder, rape or other villainous deeds at sea, cruelly against humanity. Korea, as a big maritime country, is obliged to suppress piracy under international treaties it ratified, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the two 1988 Conventions against maritime terrorism. Though Korea's existing domestic law and law enforcement are not adequate to crack down on piracy effectively, Korea has been making increased efforts by tightening up anti-piracy measures. Korea is also taking a positive attitude towards the regional cooperation which is necessary for the suppression of piracy in the waters of Southeast Asia In spite of the effects of international coordination and cooperation to prevent piracy, it is recently on an increasing trend every year. Such circumstances may have a bad effect on the sound development of world economy by means of trade in sea as well as treat to the safety of crews and safe operation of ships. In oder to contribute a help to the prevent of piracy, Korean Criminal Law has to be somewhat revised and the international cooperation in criminal justice has to be more closely fixed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        선박안전법상 화물차량 운전자와 임시승선자에 대한 해석론적 쟁점

        최석윤(Suk Yoon Choi),홍성화(Sung Hwa Hong),하창우(Chang Woo Ha) 한국해사법학회 2018 해사법연구 Vol.30 No.3

        이 논문은 선박안전법시행규칙 제5조 제9호와 관련된 임시승선자의 연혁과 현황을 살펴보고, 외국의 입법례를 참고하여 개선방안을 제시한 것이다. 이 논문의 주요내용을 간략히 정리하자면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 선박안전법시행규칙 제5조 제9호에 대한 유권해석으로 인해 종래 화물차량과 함께 임시승선자로 승선하였던 운전자가 12명까지만 여객으로 승선하고 나머지 화물차량 운전자는 항공기 등 다른 교통수단으로 이동해야 함으로써 원활한 화물운송이 곤란할 뿐만 아니라 과도한 비용과 불편이 초래되고 있다. 그런데 로로화물선의 경우 선원과 동승하여 생활하는 선원의 가족이나 선박소유자 등은 임시승선자로 인정하더라도 승선인원의 안전과 선박의 안전운항에 문제가 없다고 하면서도, 화물관리인은 임시승선자로 인정하지 않는 것은 형평 성에도 어긋날 뿐만 아니라 논리적 모순이 있다. 둘째, SOLAS 협약이나 유럽연합 규정 등에서 여객이나 선원과 구분되는 ‘기 타의 자’가 일본의 선박안전법시행규칙 세칙에서 ‘기타 승선자’로 변형되면서 범위가 확대되었으며, 더 나아가 우리나라의 선박안전법시행규칙 제5조에서 ‘임시승선자’로 변형되면서 그 범위가 한층 더 확대되었다. 셋째, 해양수산부장관의 유권해석과 부산지방법원의 판결은 문리해석, 논리적․체계적 해석, 주관적․역사적 해석, 객관적․목적론적 해석 등과 같은 전통적 해석방법론뿐만 아니라 오늘날 일반적으로 통용되는 해석방법론에도 부합하지 않기 때문에 근거가 부족하고 설득력이 없는 것으로 보인다. 전통적 해석방법론이나 오늘날 일반적으로 통용되는 해석방법론에 따르면 선박안전법시행규칙 제5조 제9호는 여객선뿐만 아니라 화물선에도 적용될 수 있다. 넷째, 해석론을 통한 개선방안으로도 업계의 요구나 현실적인 필요에 대부분 대응할 수 있지만, 불필요한 논쟁과 송사를 피하기 위해서는 법률개정을 통한 입법론으로 개선방안을 마련하는 것이 더 바람직하다. 따라서 우리나라에서 운송되는 화물의 특수성이나 선박운항의 특수성 및 물류시스템의 현황을 반영하고, 자의적인 해석이 아니라 일반인의 상식적 판단에 따른 객관적 기준을 제시하기 위해서는 선박안전법시행규칙 제5조 제9호는 “화물의 특성상 특별한 관리가 필요한 농산물·수산물 운송차량, 가축운송차량 및 폭발성·인화성 물질 운송차량의 화물관리인(운전자는 화물관리인을 겸할 수 있다)”으로 개정하여야 한다. This research paper suggests improvement plans referring to the history and present of ‘temporary passengers’ related with Paragraph 9 of Article 5 of the Ships Safety Act Enforcement Ordinance and examples of legislation of other countries. The following is the main findings of this research paper. First, because of the authoritative interpretation of Paragraph 9 of Article 5 of the Ships Safety Act Enforcement Ordinance, the drivers who formerly boarded as temporary passengers with vehicle cargo now board as passengers up to 12 persons and the rest of the vehicle cargo drivers need to move by other transportation such as aircrafts, which leads to excessive use of cost, inconvenience and trouble with efficient cargo transportation. In case of Ro-Ro cargo ships, it is logically contradictory and against fairness to not acknowledge supercargo as temporary passenger when there is no problem with safe navigation of ships or safety of people on board even when the seafarer, the seafarer’s family and the shipowner may be acknowledged as temporary passengers. Second, the ‘other persons’ which are differentiated from the passengers and the seafarers in the SOLAS Convention and the EU directives expanded its’ meaning in the modification of the Japan detailed rules of the Ships Safety Act Enforcement Ordinance, which enlarged its’ meaning in our country once more with its being modified to temporary passengers in the Article 5 of the Ships Safety Act Enforcement Ordinance. Third, because of the fact that the authoritative interpretation of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the judgement of Busan district court does not relate with not only the traditional interpretational methodology such as grammatical interpretation, logical-systematic interpretation, subjectivehistorical interpretation, objective-teleological interpretation but also the interpretational methodology that are commonly used today it lacks logical basis and looks unpersuasive. According to traditional and recent interpretational methodology, Paragraph 9 of Article 5 of the Ships Safety Act Enforcement Ordinance can be applied not only on passenger ships but also on cargo ships. Fourth, improvement plans through theory of interpretation can be a way to deal with the demands of the business world and realistic needs, however, to avoid unnecessary disputes and lawsuits, improvement plans using theory of legislation through statutory reform is more desirable. Therefore, Paragraph 9 of Article 5 of the Ships Safety Act Enforcement Ordinance should be amended to “Supercargo who deal with cargo that requires special care due to the characteristics of the cargo, such as transportation vehicles for agricultural products, marine products, livestock, explosives and flammable materials can serve both as a driver and a supercargo” to reflect the distinct characteristics of cargo and ship navigation in Korea including the current distribution system, while setting an objective standard based on commonsense of ordinary people and not on arbitrary interpretation.

      • KCI등재

        음주운전에 대한 형사정책의 문제점과 개선방안

        최석윤 ( Suk Yoon Choi ) 한국형사정책학회 2011 刑事政策 Vol.23 No.2

        In this paper, we want to talk about the history of criminal policy on driving under the influence of alcohol(DIU), criticize the existing policy by comparing it with other criminal policies in other countries, and then show ways to improve this policy. If we conclude the above, it is like this. The history of criminal policy has been a strict sticking to expansion and reinforcement of criminal punishment and a periodic general crackdown. Namely the policy that we have been enforcing was only relying on the things that were mentioned above. On the other hand in other countries like America, England, Germany, Japan and so on, they have been running various preventive policies and prevention of second offence programs in addition to crack downs and punishment, and by this they have had quite a success in reducing harms and accidents. Accordingly we need to make an improvement by using more diverse policies, like prevention, crackdown, punishment, treatment, and rehabilitation, which not only the police but government and citizens can also participate in, by looking at the precedents of other countries. In it`s final analysis, it is not good for criminal policy to only rely on crackdowns and strong criminal punishment, but not only do we need to use preventive policies and prevention of second offence but we also need to adopt real time monitering system for drunk or dangerous driving while government and citizens also participate fully. Only then will we get the anticipated results.

      • KCI등재후보

        현행 양형기준상 집행유예기준의 개선방안

        최석윤(Choi, Suk-Yoon),이진국(Lee, Jin-Kuk) 대검찰청 2012 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.37

        우리나라에서는 2007. 1. 26. 법원조직법의 개정으로 양형기준을 마련하기 위한 양형위원회의 설치근거가 마련되었고, 2007. 4. 26. 우리나라 사법 사상 최초로 1명의 위원장과 12명의 위원으로 구성된 양형위원회가 출범하게 되었다. 이에 따라 양형위원회는 약 2년간의 집중적인 분석을 거쳐 2009. 5. 7. 살인범죄군, 뇌물범죄군, 성범죄군, 강도범죄군, 횡령 · 배임범죄군, 위증범죄군, 무고범죄군 등 7개 범죄군에 대하여 최초의 양형기준을 제정하였고, 2009. 4. 27. 출범한 제2기 양형위원회는 약취 . 유인범죄군, 사기범죄군, 절도범죄군, 공문서범죄군, 사문서범죄군, 공무집행방해범죄군, 식품 · 보건범죄군, 마약범죄군 등 8개 범죄군에 대한 양형기준을 새롭게 마련하였다. 이와 같은 양형기준은 집행유예를 위한 양형기준도 포함하고 있다. 그런데 대륙법계 국가에서 집행유예를 위한 양형기준은 원래 형법에 명시해둔 집행유예의 요건에서 도출되어야 한다. 왜냐하면 형사제재규정도 일정한 구성요건으로 표현되어 있기 때문에 집행유예의 요건을 해석함으로써 일응의 기준을 도출해야 하기 때문이다. 그러나 집행유예에 관한 엄격한 요건을 법정해두지 않는 경우에도 현행의 양형기준제도에서 일정한 기준을 설정하여 집행유예제도의 합리적 운영을 도모할 수는 있다. 이와 관련하여 현행의 양형기준상 집행유예의 기준이 불명확하다는 지적이 적지 않게 나오고 있다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 현행의 양형기준제도 하에서 집행유예의 기준을 검토함으로써 문제점을 지적하고 합리적인 개선방안을 제시하였다. In der gegenwärtigen Strafzumessungsrichtlinie enthält sich auch die Richtlinie für die Strafaussetzung. In der Tat soll die Richtlinie, ob eine Strafaussetzung zulässig wäre, aus der Voraussetzungen der Strafaussetzung heraus entnommen werden, da die strafrechtlie Sanktionen im koreanischen Strafgesetzbuch einen Tatbestand darstellt ist und gerade deshalb auch die Zulässigkeit der Strafzumessung durch Auslegung eines Sanktionstatbestandes nach sich gezogen werden soll. Auch wenn die strenge Voraussetzung der Strafaussetzung jedoch nicht normiert wird, kann durch durch die Erstellung einer bestimmten Richtlinie für die Strafzumessung eine vernünftigere Handhabung der Strafaussetzung in der Praxis erreicht werden. In diesem Hintergrund hat der Verfasser in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Strafzumessungsrichtlinie in der geltenden Strafzumessungsrichtlinie kritisch analisiert und ihren Novellierungsbedarf gezeigt. Durch die Änderung des Gerichtsverfassungsgesetzes vom 26.01.2007 wurde die gesetzliche Grundlage geschaffen, zum Zweck der Erstellung der Strafzumessungsrichtlinie eine Strafzumessungskommission einzurichten. Darauffolgend wurde am 26.01.2007 die in der koreanischen Justizgeschichte erstmal eingerichtete Strafzumessungskommission mit ihrer Aufgabe angefangen, die aus ein Vorsitzender und 12 weitere Mitglieder besteht. Die koreanische Strafzumessungskommission hat am 07.05.2009 nach 2-jähriger intensivierter Analyse der einzelnen Strafzumessungsfaktoren die erste Strafzumessungsrichtlinie erstellt, die auf sieben Straftatengruppe wie Tötungs-, Bestehungs-, Sexual-, Raubs-, Unterschlagungs- und Untreue-, Meineid-, falsche Verdächtigungsstraftaten angewandt werden sollen. Später nanach hat die koreanische Strafzumessungskommission auch die Erstellung der Richtlinien im Bereich der acht Straftatengruppe wie Entführungs-, Betrugsstraftaten usw. fertig gemacht.

      • KCI등재

        제9회 한,중 형법 국제 학술심포지엄 : 부패범죄의 원인과 대책

        최석윤 ( Suk Yoon Choi ) 한국비교형사법학회 2011 비교형사법연구 Vol.13 No.2

        In this report, I examined through the concept and the present condition of corruption crime and also reviewed the causes and countermeasures. The contents can be summarized by the following passages. First, to define the concept of corruption crime according to the general definition of corruption, it is the action of public officials abusing or misusing their status and authority for their private benefits. It is usually shown as a form of dereliction of duty, misfeasance, taking bribes, offering bribes, property crimes such as embezzlement and malfeasance in office. According to the official statistics and the survey, the crime rate has decreased compared to the past but is rising again. Second, the happening of corruption crimes in Korea is a result of both microscopic and macroscopic factors complex interacting. In other words, corruption crime is not only because of public officials` personal characters or values but also due to the structural factors and cultural traditions (in this case, the cultural feature of the public officials` organization) of the Korean society. Supreme power that cannot be regulated, incompleteness of rational and fair process, absence of fair rules, flaws in rational legal·institutional regulation device or the problems of the devices are included as the social structural factors. Nepotism, affective humanism or paternalism, culture of returning, practice of sending presents, family events culture, bureaucrat etc are the cultural traditions that cause corruption crimes. The pressure of conforming to organization standards which is also a cultural feature of Korea can be a cause of the crime, as well. In addition, despite the introduction of diverse legal·institutional regulation devices trying to eradicate corruption crimes for the past ten years in Korea, recently, the crime has been increasing instead. Hence, there is a need to establish a special organization against corruption in legal·institutional aspects or guarantee politic independence and grant the practical right to investigate. Moreover, a thorough prosecution to the public officials who committed crime of corruption, the maintenance of consistency and fairness in criminal justice system, modification and improvement in irrational rules are required. We also need to lead citizens to change their thoughts and reinforce norm consciousness by thoroughly and consistently taking judicial action of the corruption crimes induced by the social and cultural tradition of Korean society. Such fair and consistent criminal justice system will make it possible to change the public officials` perception and gradually improve the social, cultural traditions. Furthermore, to cope with the crimes in aspects of public officials` organization and duty, reasonable pay system and fair promotion system should be established, and cut off external pressures by thorough observation and punishment of politicians and senior officials. Conclusively, countermeasures to the corruption crime should help the public officials to perform their job responsibly in a healthy environment by changing the policies that cause the corruption instead of the negative regulations focused in punishment. Also because the measure for corruption crime takes reducing the crime rate it self as a primary goal, criminal prosecution and punishment is unavoidable, but ultimately under the vision of Providing the service for citizen with low cost but high quality service.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공해상 선박충돌사고와 관련된 형사재판권

        최석윤(Suk-Yoon Choi),변용남(Yong-Nam Byun),주종광(Jong-Kwang Ju) 한국해사법학회 2015 해사법연구 Vol.27 No.3

        이 논문은 공해상 선박충돌사고와 관련된 형사재판권에 관한 부산지법의 판결요지와 쟁점을 정리하고, 그러한 쟁점에 대한 검토를 통해 부산지법의 판결을 평석한 것이다. 이 논문의 주요내용을 간략히 정리하자면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 부산지법은 해양환경관리법위반에 대해 유죄를 인정하고 벌금을 선고한 반면에 특가법위반과 업무상과실선박매몰에 대해서는 유엔해양법협약 제97조 제1항에 근거하여 공소기각의 판결을 선고하였다. 그런데 유엔해양법협약 제97조 제1항에 규정된 선박충돌 또는 기타 선박항행사고는 충돌, 접촉, 좌초, 전복, 침몰, 표류 등과 전형적으로 이에 수반되는 업무상과실치사상, 업무상과실선박매몰이나 업무상과실선박파괴, 업무상과실에 의한 해양오염 등을 포함하는 개념이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 세 가지 공소사실 가운데 특가법위반과 업무상과실선박매몰과는 달리 해양환경관리법위반에 대해서만 재판권을 인정하 여 유죄판결을 선고한 것은 잘못된 판결이라고 평가할 수 있다. 둘째, 부산지법이 과실범뿐만 아니라 고의범도 유엔해양법협약 제97조 제1항의 적용대상이라고 보아 업무상과실선박매몰뿐만 아니라 특가법위반에 대해도 공소기각판결을 선고한 것은 유엔해양법협약 제97조 제1항의 입법배경과 연혁을 잘못 이해한 것이거나 인류의 보편적 인식 또는 건전한 상식에도 어긋나는것이라고 평가할 수 있다. 셋째, 부산지법의 판결은 가해선박의 기국과 가해자의 국적국이 모두 재판권행사를 포기한 경우에 대해서 전혀 고려하지 않았다는 결함을 지니고 있다. 유엔해양법협약 제97조 제1항의 입법배경이나 연혁에 비추어 볼 때 가해선박의기국과 가해자의 국적국이 모두 재판권행사를 포기한 경우에는 유엔해양법협약 제97조 제1항에도 불구하고 피해선박의 기국이나 피해자의 국적국이 재판권을 행사할 수 있다고 해석하는 것이 타당한 것으로 보인다. 결론적으로 유엔해양법협약 제97조 제1항은 과실범에 대해서만 적용되기 때문에 가해선박의 기국이나 가해자의 국적국이 재판권을 행사한다면 업무상과실매몰과 해양환경관리법위반에 대해서는 공소기각판결을 선고하고 특가법위반에 대해서는 재판권을 행사하는 것이 타당하다. 그러나 라이베리아와 필리핀이 사실상 재판권을 포기한 상황이기 때문에 세 가지 모든 공소사실에 대하여 우리나라의 재판권을 행사하는 것이 타당하다. This paper organizes the essentials of judgment and issue of the Pusan district court on penal jurisdiction in cases of incident of ship collision on the high seas, and annotates the ruling of the Pusan district court by the analysis of such issue. To simply organize the main points of the paper is as follows. First, the Pusan district court pleaded guilty and sentenced fine for violation of the Marine Environment Management Act, on the other hand sentenced dismissal of public prosecution for the violation of the Additional Punishment Law on Specific Crimes and professional negligence resulting in ship sinking based on the UNCLOS § 97 ①. However, a collision or any other incident of navigation concerning a ship, defined in the UNCLOS § 97 ①, can be interpreted to include collision, contact, running aground, overturn, sinking, drifting and professional negligence resulting in injury or death, professional negligence resulting in ship sinking, professional negligence resulting in wreckage of a ship, professional negligence resulting in marine pollution, which typically accompany these happenings, within its concept. Accordingly, solely pleading guilty and sentencing fine for violation of the Marine Environment Management Act from the three criminal facts subject to judgment, not regarding the violation of the Additional Punishment Law on Specific Crimes and professional negligence resulting in ship sinking, can be evaluated as a bad ruling. Second, the Pusan district court determining that not only the Criminal negligence but the deliberate offense as a subject of application of UNCLOS§ 97 ① and sentencing dismissal of public prosecution on not only the professional negligence resulting in wreckage of a ship but also the violation of the Additional Punishment Law on Specific Crimes, seems to be a misinterpretation of the legislative background and the history of the UNCLOS§ 97 ① and further wrong doing in perspectives of universal awareness of the human race or the healthy common sense. Third, the ruling of the Pusan district court has a flaw of not regarding the case when both flag state of the assailant ship and the land of citizenship of the perpetrator gave up their right to jurisdiction, when regarding the legislative background or the history of UNCLOS§ 97 ①, in case when both flag state of the assailant ship and the land of citizenship of the perpetrator gave up their right to jurisdiction, in spite of the UNCLOS§ 97 ①, it is reasonable to interpret that the flag state of the victim ship or the land of citizenship of the victim has the right to jurisdiction. In conclusion, because UNCLOS§ 97 ① only has its effect on a criminal negligence, when either one of the flag state of the assailant ship or the land of citizenship of the perpetrator decides to exercise their right to jurisdiction, it is reasonable to sentence dismissal of public prosecution for violation of the Maritime Environment Management Act and professional negligence resulting in ship sinking and exercise right to jurisdiction for the Violation of the Additional Punishment Law on Specific Crimes. However, in fact that Liberia and the Philippines gave up their rights to jurisdiction it is reasonable for Korean Court to rule upon all three criminal facts subject to judgment.

      • KCI등재

        해적행위에 대한 법적 책임과 대응방안

        최석윤(Suk-Yoon Choi),이윤철(Yun-Cheol Lee),홍성화(Sung-Hwa Hong),박정기(Jeong-Ki Park) 한국항해항만학회 2005 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        Piracy is the enemy of the human race. Pirates commit acts of murder, robbery, plunder or other villainous deeds at sea, cruelly against humanity. The Republic of Korea(ROK), as a big maritime country, is obliged to suppress piracy under international treaties it ratified, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the two 1988 Conventions against maritime terrorism. The Korean government is recently taking a positive attitude towards the regional cooperation which is necessary for the suppression of piracy in the waters of Southeast Asia. In spite of the effects of international cooperation to prevent piracy, it is recently on an increasing trend every year. Such circumstances may have a bad effects on the sound development of world economy by means of trade at sea as well as treat to the safety of crews and safe operation of ships. This paper aims to suggest the countermeasures against piracy in terms of criminal law, civil law and international law in order to secure safe operation of vessels at sea. 해적행위는 오래 전부터 국제범죄로 인정되어 왔으며, 해적행위를 행하는 자는 인류공동의 적으로 간주되고, 국제관습법상 어떠한 국가의 군함 또는 정부명령을 받은 선박으로도 해적을 공해상에서 나포하여 자국항으로 연행해 처벌할 수 있다. 1982년 유엔해양법협약에서는 해적행위를 “사적인 목적을 위하여 민간 선박의 승무원 또는 승객이 공해상 또는 어떤 국가의 관할권 밖의 지역에서 다른 선박, 승무원 또는 재산에 대하여 자행하는 모든 불법폭력ㆍ구금 또는 약탈행위”라고 정의하고 있으며, 더 나아가 해적행위에는 그러한 행위를 의도적으로 조장 또는 선동하는 행위와 그 선박이 해적 선박임을 일면서도 그 선박의 운항에 자발적으로 참여한 행위도 포함된다고 규정하고 있다. 이러한 해적행위에 대처하기 위해 국제기구는 물론 우리나라 정부도 해적행위에 적극적으로 대처해 오고 있으나, 해적행위는 점점 흉포화 되고 있으며, 매년 증가추세에 있다. 따라서 이 논문은 해상에서의 안전한 선박운항을 확보하기 위해 형사법적, 사법적, 국제적 대응방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다.

      • 외국에서 집행된 형의 산입 - 대법원 2017. 8. 24. 선고 2017도5977 전원합의체 판결 -

        최석윤 ( Choi Suk Yoon ) 법조협회 2017 최신판례분석 Vol.66 No.6

        이 논문은 외국에서 집행된 형의 산입과 관련된 대법원판례의 쟁점을 정리하고 평석한 것이다. 대상판례에서 쟁점은 ‘외국에서 미결구금되었다가 무죄판결을 받은 사람의 미결구금일수를 형법 제7조에 의하여 그가 국내에서 같은 행위로 인하여 선고받는 형에 산입할 수 있는지 여부’라고 할 수 있다. 첫째, 대상판례의 쟁점과 관련된 다수의견의 요지는 “형사사건으로 외국 법원에 기소되었다가 무죄판결을 받은 사람은, 설령 그가 무죄판결을 받기까지 상당 기간 미결구금되었더라도 이를 유죄판결에 의하여 형이 실제로 집행된 것으로 볼 수는 없으므로, ‘외국에서 형의 전부 또는 일부가 집행된 사람’에 해당한다고 볼 수 없고, 그 미결구금 기간은 형법 제7조에 의한 산입의 대상이 될 수 없다.”는 것이다. 둘째, 반대의견의 요지는 “형법 제7조의 문언상 외국에서 유죄판결에 의하여 형의 전부 또는 일부가 집행된 사람이 아니라 단순히 미결구금되었다가 무죄판결을 받은 사람에 대하여 위 법조를 직접 적용할 수 없다는 것은 다수의견이 지적하는 바와 같지만, 유추적용을 통하여 그 미결구금일수의 전부 또는 일부를 국내에서 선고하는 형에 산입하여야 한다.”는 것이다. 셋째, 반대의견에 대한 보충의견의 요지는 “미결구금일수 전부를 선고형에 산입하도록 하고 있는 우리나라 형사법 체계는 물론, 외국에서 집행된 형의 전부 또는 일부를 선고형에 산입하도록 하고 있는 형법 제7조의 규정 취지에 비추어 다수의견은 타당하다고 할 수 없다.”는 것이다. 우선 이와 같이 대립되는 다수의견과 반대의견 가운데 반대의견이 훨씬 더 설득력이 있는 것으로 보이며, 특히 반대의견에 대한 보충의견은 매우 설득력 있는 근거를 제시한 것으로 보인다. 왜냐하면 유추적용이 허용되지 않는다는 다수의견과 달리 반대의견은 유추적용이 허용된다고 주장하였는데, 죄형법정주의의 근본취지에 비추어볼 때 피고인에게 불리한 유추적용은 엄격히 금지되지만 유리한 유추적용은 얼마든지 허용된다는 것이 대다수 형사법학자들의 일치된 의견이기 때문이다. 그런데 대상판례에서 형법 제7조를 적용하는 것은 유추적용이 아니라 직접적용이라고 보아야 한다. 왜냐하면 대상판례에서 체계적 해석이나 목적론적 해석에 의하면 형법 제7조가 직접 적용될 수 있는 것으로 보이기 때문이다. This study investigates an issue of the Supreme Court precedent related to Inclusion of the Sentence executed in foreign Country. The core issue of the judicial precedent is ‘whether one who was released on acquittal in a foreign country after Detention during Pendency could include the time spent in his pre-trial detention into his sentence decided in the home country for the same misconduct according to Article 7 of the Criminal Code.’ First of all, the majority opinion regarding the issue is that “one who was ruled not guilty for a criminal case in a foreign court cannot be considered as ‘one whose sentence, or at least part of his sentence, has been executed.’ This is because even if he has been in lengthy periods of pre-trial detention, it cannot be seen as an actual execution of sentence carried by a conviction. Therefore, the time spent in Detention during Pendency cannot be included in the domestically decided sentence in accordance with Article 7 of the Criminal Code.” Second, those who oppose to the majority states that “while it is true that the Article 7 does not apply to people who was simply held in a pre-trial detention in a foreign country but to people whose sentence has been executed by a conviction, an Analogical Application should be established in this case, so that the entire period of pre-trial detention or a part of it can be included in the sentence decided in the court of their home country.” Third, the opposition adds that “the majority opinion cannot be considered valid not only in terms of the Korean legal system of criminal law which includes the entire period of detention to the actual sentence but also according to the purpose of Article 7 of Criminal Law which stipulates that the sentence executed in a foreign country should be included either entirely or partially in the domestic sentence.” Between the two very conflicting sides, the opposition appears to be much more persuasive. Specifically, the supplementary argument of the opposition is highly convincing. This is because, unlike the majority opinion, the opposition’s contention to establish the Analogical Application corresponds to the criminal law scholars’ consensus that the Analogical Application is permissible when used in favor of the defendants according to the principle of legality. Nevertheless, in the referred precedent, the application of Article 7 of criminal law should be considered as a direct application rather than an Analogical Application. A systematic or teleological interpretation of the specific precedent will enable the direct application of Article 7 to the case.

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