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      • 日本語の過去の出來事を表わす表現について : 韓國語との對照硏究 韓國語와의 대조 연구

        崔炳奎 단국대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        본고는 일본어와 한국어의 여러 문법적인 형태 중 에서 특히 過去事態를 나타내는 シタ(完成相過去形), シテイタ(繼續相過去形)과, 이들과 意味的으로 대응하는 ‘했다’, ‘했었다’, ‘하고 있었다’, ‘해 있었다’形을 서로 대조ㆍ분석한 것이다. 분석의구체적인 방법을 종래의 방법이 아닌 基準時点의 개념을 도입하여 事態時点. 發話時点과의 상관 관계로 설명하고자 하였다. 이것은 단순 시제뿐만 아니고, 시제적, 상적으로 복합적인 意味의 완료(perfect)까지도 체계적인 설명이 가능하기 때문이다. 분석 결과, 두 언어에 있어서 文의 時間性(temporality), 특히 過去의미는 각각 ‘했다’와 ‘シタ’가 핵심적 역할을 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 특히 ‘했다’는 相的으로 持續性(imperfective)을 가지고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 그 意味領域도 ‘シタ’보다 광범위 하다는 사실에서 뚜렷한 차이를 보이고 있다. 이는 ‘했다’가 ‘해 있다’에서 파생되었다고 하는 語源的인 요인과 깊은 연관성이 있음을 입증하는 것이다. 이 밖에 韓國語의 경우 대과거적인 뉘앙스가 강한 ‘했었다’와 ‘シテイタ’의 意味도 基準時点 移動의 文法 현상으로 설명이 가능하였다.

      • 現代日本語動詞のパ-フェクト(完了)について

        崔炳奎 단국대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        本稿는 日本語動詞의 <完了(perfect)>의 意味用法에 대하여 고찰한 것이다. 完了의 下位分類는 從來의 方法을 의거해 <狀態性完了>와 <動作性完了>로 나누었으며 각각을 形態別로 나누어서 分析하였다. 그러나, 그 범위에 있어서는 先行動作의 完了局面에 存在하지 않는 <長期的活動> 도 확대 해석하여 後者의 範疇에 넣기로 하였다. 이 경우에도 先行局面의 完結이, 客觀的인 形態가 아닌 意識속에는 存在하고 있기 때문이다. 구체적인 分析方法은 話者가 文을 서술하는 位置를 나타내는 視点을 基準時点으로 규정하여 非完了形(普通形)과의 대비 속에서, 주로 時間關係를 中心으로 完了形의 意味機能을 分析하였다. 實際로 文의 意味成立에 있어서, シタ形에 의한 <發話直前의 運動成立>의 경우는 狀況上 時制的인 要因이 <長期的인 活動>의 경우는 相的인 要因이 각각 크게 작용하고 있다. 물론 이들의 中間段階의 意味領域이 많이 存在하고 있으며, 이는 狀態性完了와 動作性完了가 서로 連續的인 關係에 있음을 잘 나타내고 있다. 이러한 점들은 完了가 時制와 相의 성격을 동시에 가지고 있다는 사실을 생각할 때 당연한 결과라 하겠다. 한편, 完了性의 發現에는 先行과 後續의 두 時間段階間의 時間的인 近接함, 動作成立場面과 發話場面과의 相關性이나 텍스트(text)的인 機能등 여러 要因이 복합적으로 작용하고 있다. 마지막으로, 完了槪念의 一般化를 고려할 때 語彙的인 側面, 述語의 意味的 인 側面, 文의 意味的인 側面등 여러 레벨의 意味的인 側面에 대해서도 충분한 검토가 必要하리라 생각되며, 이들은 앞으로의 課題들이다.

      • 日本語 目的文의 性格에 관한 考察 : 類意表現과의 比較를 통해서 類意表現との比較を通じて

        최병규 단국대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        本考は日本語敎育で目的文として使われている(ために)(ように)(のに)(~に)文の性格を類義表現との比較を通じて分析を試みたものである. その結果 1. ために文のためは本來形式名詞で, 內部的に目的の意味を持っているため語彙的(一次的)な目的表現といえる. 一方, ようには複合約な意味の中で構文的條件, 文脈と外部約な要因による派生的(ニ次的)な目的表現である. 2. 連用形+に文も制限的ながら目的表現專用の形式である. のに, (ため)には文はように文同樣派生的な目的文である. 3. ために, に文は前-後件共に動作性(意志性)動詞を要求する動作性目的表現で·あるが, ように, のになどは狀態性動詞を要求する狀態性目的表現である. 4. ために文は前件-後件の構成が(動作+動作), ように文は(狀態+動作)で互いに異なる. 5. ために文は主體の意志性によって直接フントロ―ルされるが, ように文は期待 願望の意味を表れ-めそれが間接的になる. 6. 時間的な意味は相財的時制の着味が成立し, 程どの場合 以後(相對的未來)を表すが, 同時(相對的現在)も表しうる. 7. ために文とように文は相互補完的に機能分携をしている. 8. 結局, 目的文の意味は各形式の持つ語彙的な意味と構文的條件, 述語の時制-相的意味など複合的な要因によって決定されるといえる.

      • KCI등재

        독일의 법학교육, 상사법교육 및 시사점

        최병규 한국상사법학회 2011 商事法硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        Nowadays the legal education system plays very important role internationally. The competitiveness of one country depends on such a legal education system. In the field of commercial law the confusion of legal systems of civil law and common law show its characteristic. The two principal legal systems in the world today are those of civil law and common law. Continental Europe, Latin America, most of Africa and many Central European and Asian nations are part of the civil law system. The United States, along with England and other countries once part of the British Empire, belong to the common law system. The civil law system has its roots in ancient Roman law. The common law system began developing in England almost a millennium ago. By the time England's Parliament was established, its royal judges had already begun basing their decisions on customary law “common” to the realm. A body of decisions was accumulating. Able lawyers assisted the process. On the European continent,Justinian’s resurrected law-books and the legal system of the Catholic Church played critical roles in harmonizing a thousand local laws. We should find out the differences between both legal systems. It is often said that the common law system consists of unwritten “judge-made” law while the civil law system is composed of written codes. For the most part, law in the United States today is “made” by the legislative branch. To some extent, however, the judge-made law analogy is true. But it would be incorrect to say that common law is unwritten law. At the same time, not all law in civil law countries is codified in the sense that it is organized into a comprehensive organic, whole statement of the law on a given subject. Sometimes individual statutes are enacted to deal with specific issues without being codified. Because of globalisierung of law the both legal systems are nearing rapidly. Therefore we should reflect how the both legal systems will be integrated in korean law and legal system. Corporate law is one important example that shows the integration and similarity, especially after the IMF accident in 1997, 1998. Germany has reformed several times commercial law, especially corporate law in recent times. To make establishing corporate easier, germany allowed 1 EURO limited liability company. This trend is similar to korean reform and reform plan. In this sense korean legal system is based on continental civil law system. But the law school is in the near of common law and case based legal system. Nevertheless after beginning of law school in 2009 the korean legal system would not change to anglo-american common law system rapidly. But cases and case study will be more important. In korea the teaching method is based on continental theory based method. Recently court cases play very important role in learning and also teaching. But the students will not question actively during the lecture. It should be therefore reformed. The german legal education system will give us good suggestions, because we belong to continental civil law based country. Case study is important,but legal theories should also not be neglected.

      • KCI등재후보

        인간세상의 痴情에 대한 讚美와 懷疑 -영화 「倩女幽魂」과 「靑蛇」을 중심으로

        최병규 연세대학교 인문학연구원 2011 人文科學 Vol.93 No.-

        本論文談徐克導演的兩片類似的電影-「倩女幽魂」和「靑蛇」所反映的癡情. 這兩部電影都肯定癡情爲人間最美好的東西, 不過在表現方法上有所不同之處. 「倩女幽魂」是一味讚美肯定世間癡情男女的美好癡情, 而「靑蛇」則否定且懷疑人世間的癡情. 基於這種觀點, 本論文細談「倩女幽魂」在表現癡情方面的卓越之處, 卽這部電影如何突破其原典『聊齋志異』「聶小倩」的不足之處. 『聊齋志異』在表現癡情上, 只是通過女主角聶小倩的形象來表現出來. 所以其他角色如寧采臣與燕赤霞等人就沒有鮮明的個性特點, 也沒有襯托出聶小倩這重要人物的癡情之處. 相比之下, 「倩女幽魂」在這方面, 這三個重要角色都有鮮明的個性特點, 尤其寧采臣可以說是把『聊齋志異』的主題癡情意識表現得淋漓盡致. 此外, 鐵石心腸的燕赤霞也在這部電影中被寧采臣感動, 爲癡情大哭一場, 把這電影的主題意識卽癡情表露得盡善盡美的地步. 如果說「倩女幽魂」是講癡情, 「靑蛇」是主要講人的欲情. 它認爲.. 人很自私, 充滿欲情. 人世間最代表聖潔與癡情的法海大師與許仙書生也無法過此欲情關. 他們都是人世間的濁男人而已. 尤其「靑蛇」在諷刺書生許仙方面不遺其餘力, 大大鞭撻其自鳴淸高, 軟弱無力, 無情無義, 自私狡猾等等人性衆多弱點. 不過「靑蛇」也不是反對或輕視癡情, 它只能透過蛇精白素貞來表現癡情. 這樣它對人世間人類的眞情與癡情, 懷有徹底絶望的態度.

      • KCI등재

        인과관계 없는 고지의무위반과 계약해지가부 - 대법원 2010.7.22. 선고 2010다25353 판결에 대한 평석을 중심으로 -

        최병규 한국경영법률학회 2011 經營法律 Vol.21 No.2

        In insurance contract law the duty of disclosure plays very important role. Insurance contract is a contract of utmost good faith. Many of conflicts are arising from the duty of disclosure. Thereby causal relationship takes very significant position. There were discussions, whether the insurer can surrender insurance contract, when the violation of disclosure duty has no relation to cause of insurance accident. The supreme court has, until the new case in 2010 appear, decided that the insurer can not surrender the contract in such a case. But the new supreme court has decisively shown its new attitude, that the insurer can surrender then the insurance contract for the future. This is a right decision. This study concentrates on analysing the new korean supreme court decision about the possibility of contract surrender in case of disclosure duty violation without causal relationship. The author has done comparison study with german legal status about the detailed contents of disclosure duty and causal relationship. The author has tried to pick out some suggestions from comparison with german legal status. In the future german new insurance contract law, their discussions, court decisions can give us very useful suggestions. Nowadays many countries are making effort to get better insurance contract law. The current korean insurance contract law in korean commercial code was effected in 1963. It has many problems. The reform discussion about korean insurance contract law is being done in korean national assembly. By the reform discussion in korea the legislator has decided to adopt one provision about possibility of contract surrender in case of disclosure duty violation without causal relationship. The reform draft of korean commercial code has namely the same contents. But it has not passed the national assembly until now. In short terms, we should agree with the attitude-change of supreme court.

      • KCI등재

        경영판단원칙과 그의 수용 방안- 최근 독일의 입법 내용을 중심으로 -

        최병규 한국기업법학회 2005 企業法硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        The duty of loyalty and the duty of care are the important duties of directors. The liability of directors arises out of violation of such duties. The duty of loyalty requires that officers and directors don't profit at the expense of their corporation, whether through self-dealing contracts, usurpation of corporate opportunities, or their means. The duty is applicable typically when an director, officer, or parent corporation has a conflict of interest, for example, when influencing or potentially influencing both sides in a contract negotiation. It is, on the other hand, generally recognized that when corporate director makes a business judgment in good faith, he or she will not be held liable for any losses that ensue as long as the director ① is not interested in the transaction, ② is reasonably informed with respect to the subject of the business judgment, and ③ reasonably believes that the business judgment is in the best interests of the corporation. The liability and legal expenses of directors who are the subject of claims based on a lack of due care, and for certain other wrongful acts, will often be covered by Directors' and Officers'(D&O) insurance. Directors are liable for the misuse of his position. But there should be some degree of free decision. Directors should act offensively in the competition society. Business judgment rule is going to be accepted in germany also. We should accept the business judgment rule and its location position should be in § 399 Korean Commercial Law And we should decide case by case, whether it is business judgment or not.

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