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      • KCI등재

        독일영화의 한국 수용에 대한 연구

        최경은 한국독어독문학교육학회 2008 獨語敎育 Vol.43 No.-

        Seit 1976 bietet ‘Korean Film Council’ die List der im koranischen Kino aufgeführten Filme an. Bis zum Jahre 2007 sind etwa 4.600 Filme (inkl. ausländische Filme) in Korea uraufgeführt worden. Davon sind 118 Filme aus Deutschland. Aber nicht alle Filme, die im Produktionsland Deutschland gemacht gedreht wurden, gehören zum ‘deutschem’ Film. ‘Deutsche Filme’ sollen hier neu definiert werden. In dieser vorliegenden Studie heißen ‘Deutsche Filme’, 1. die Originalsprache ist Deutsch, 2. der Regisseur, 3. der Drehbuchautor kommen aus Deutschland, 4. Drehorte oder der Hintergrund des Films sind Deutschland und 5. das Produktionsland ist Deutschland. Filme, die zwei oder drei der oben genannten Bedingungen angehören, können deutsche Filme genannt werden. Nach meiner Definition sind 77 Filme deutsch. Deutsche Filme sind in Korea selten aufgeführt. Die Zahl der Leinwände und Kinobesucher sind sehr gering. 2.6% der aufgeführten Kinofilme sind deutsch, nur knapp 1% der Kinobesucher sehen deutsche Filme. Nur drei der 10 erfolgreichsten deutschen Filme in Korea sind in der letzten zehn Jahren produziert. Nach der Bewertung der Portalsite ‘Naver’ gewinnen <Bandit>, <Das Boot>, <Männerpension>, <Das Leben der Anderen> eine hohe Punktzahl. Nach der Umfrage, an der 100 koreanische Studenten/innen teilgenommen haben, ist <Das Leben des Anderen> der beste deutsche Film.

      • KCI등재

        하얀 리본과 검은 교육 -미하엘 하네케의 영화 <하얀 리본> 분석-

        최경은 한국독어독문학교육학회 2010 獨語敎育 Vol.49 No.-

        Michael Hanekes Film Das weiße Band ist eine Art Historienfilm. Der Hintergrund ist ein protestantisches Dorf im Norden Deutschlands. Es heißt 'Eichwald', dessen Name Assoziation an den Massenmordbürokraten Eichmann oder das Konzentrationslager Buchenwald nahelegt. Man denkt natürlich an den deutschen Nationalsozialismus. Aber der Regisseur leugnet, dass Das weiße Band als Film über den deutschen Faschismus zu verstehen ist. Er sagt, "es geht um ein gesellschaftliches Klima, das den Radikalismus ermöglicht. Das ist die Grundidee" des Films. Die Kinder des Dorfes wachsen in einem gesellschaftlichen Klima auf, das vom tief verwurzelten Glauben an protestantische Grundsätze, feudale Herrschaftsstrukturen und autoritäre Erziehungsmethoden geprägt ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund geschehen seltsame Ereignisse, die als Gewalt und Terror zusammengefasst werden können. Die Kinder sind Täter und zugleich Opfer der unerklärten Gewalttätigkeiten. Der Film untersucht Machtverhältnisse, vor allem das Gefälle von Eltern zu Kindern, und enthüllt einen Mikrokosmos aus Demütigung, Drohung, Denunziation. Er blickt hinter die Fassaden von Schule, Kirche und Wohnhäusern. Frauen und Kinder werden gedemütigt und missbraucht. Gesundheit besiegt die Behinderung. Reinigung soll durch körperliche Strafen erreicht werden. Die Schule ist ebenso ein Ort der Furcht wie das elterliche Heim oder der sonntägliche Gottesdienst. Michael Haneke betrachtet fast wissenschaftlich die sogenannte 'schwarze Pädagogik', die im Film als 'das weiße Band' symbolisiert wird. Alle negativen Erziehungsmethoden früherer Jahrhunderte, die stark manipulativen oder gewalttätigen Charakter haben, sind unter dem Sammelbegriff der 'schwarzen Pädagogik' zusammengefasst. Also geht es in dem weißen Band, wie so oft bei Haneke, um Erziehung. Der Film projiziert auf eine Gesellschaft, die sich gegen moralische Vergiftung durch die 'schwarze Pädagogik' scheinbar schützt. 악의 뿌리, 즉 나치즘의 근원은 영화뿐 아니라 여러 장르에서 이미 다양하게 추적되었다. 예컨대, 철학자 한나 아렌트는 『예루살렘의 아이히만』(1963)에서 나치범죄자 아이히만을 분석하면서, 그가 야수나 괴물이 아니라 평범한 아버지, 남편이었으며 히틀러의 명령에 충실한 ‘공무원’이었다는 점을 강조한다. 아이히만은 규칙을 잘 지켰고 생활에 충실했으므로 그의 행위는 ‘준법’에 해당되었다. 문제는 유대인을 가스실로 실어 나르는 ‘최종 해결Endlösung’이 윤리를 송두리째 파괴하는 반인륜적 범죄였다는 점이다. 아렌트가 보기에, 그것은 사이코페스 같은 정신 병리학적 요소나 인종적 우생학과 같은 이데올로기적 확신 탓이 아니라, 사유의 결핍 때문이었다는 것이다. 즉, 윤리적 파탄은 “현실을 담아내지 못하는 상투어와 관용어의 습관적인 사용, 특히 타자의 관점에서 사유할 수 있는 능력, 행동할 수 있는 능력의 결여에서 비롯된다”는 것이다. 아렌트는 이것을 ‘악의 평범성Banalität des Bösen’이라 불렀다. 하네케도 인터뷰에서 ‘아이히만 소송’을 예로 들면서 독일 나치즘의 원천을 나름대로 분석하고 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Role of the Korean Wave in Tourism on a National Scale: A Case of Chinese Tourists Visiting South Korea

        최경은 한국문화역사지리학회 2009 문화 역사 지리 Vol.21 No.3

        This paper examines the role of the Korean Wave in connection with Chinese tourism to South Korea. The Korean Wave first appeared as part of the media-based popular culture(especially TV drama and film) and has experienced the expansion of its scope to include other Korea-related preferences. But the media are still the central pivot of the Korean Wave and provide a glimpse of Korean lifestyles to a large audience outside South Korea. As a conceptual tool for describing how the spatial representations of the drama and film are depicted in the audiences’ mind, geographical imagination is introduced in order to better understand a close connection between the Korean Wave and tourism. The components of geographical imagination are proposed in the structural frame of six categories(actor, agency, event, story, scene, purpose) using the notions of drama elements. In a case of Chinese tourists, this paper focuses on the process that the Korean Wave creates the Korean cultural landscapes through the reconstruction of geographical imagination and is connected to the increase of visit intention. And some tourism marketing practices based on the potential sustainability of the Korean Wave are addressed. Implications and limits of this paper are discussed for further research.

      • 더블 니트 편성물의 열차단 효과

        최경은,김학용,이덕래 全北大學校 附設 都市및環境硏究所 2000 都市 및 環境硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        In this study, testing materials were prepared with 50 kinds of double knitted fabrics on sales which 1×1 rib and interlock consisted by different yarn count N_e 30, 40, 45, 50, 60 and P/C 45. The relationship between thermal resistance of double knitted fabrics and structural parameter by statistical analysis was discussed. The regression equations could be obtained between thickness and yarn count of double knitted fabrics by means of multicuervilinear regression analysis. The results were as follows. Clo values were decreased with an increase of thickness, bulk density and weight but increased with porosity, specific volume and permeability in rib knitted fabrics R_(rib) = -0.4669 + 29.395(T) - 0.0034(C) + 0.0001(C^2) - 2.3792(T^2) - 0.0102(CT) R_(Interlock) = -0.1344 + 1.767(T) + 0.0103(C) + 0.0001(C^2) + 0.4364(T^2) - 0.0192(CT) Where R = thermal resistance of the knitted fabrics (㎡/℃/W) T = thickness of knitted fabrics (mm) C = count of knitted fabrics (Ne)

      • KCI등재후보

        발명 체험활동이 아동의 발명 태도 및 감성적 요인에 미치는 영향

        최경은,정진현,강종표,곽혜란,정미경 한국실과교육연구학회 2014 實科敎育硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        아동들이 발명 체험활동을 통하여 아동들의 발명 태도 및 감성적 요인에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지를 파악하는데 그 연구 목적이 있다. 발명 체험활동의 체험 전과 후로 구분하여 평가한 후, 발명 체험활동이 아동의 발명 태도와 감성적 요인에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 발명 체험활동 프로그램을 적용 수업을 한 실험집단이 일반적 수업을 한 비교집단보다 발명 태도에 대해 더욱 긍정적인 태도를 가지고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 발명 체험활동 전에 거의 보통 이상의 긍정적인 감성 상태를 보이면서 체험활동을 수행하였지만, 체험활동 후의 모든 평가항목이 긍정적으로 증진되는 감성 변화가 나타났다. 셋째, 발명 체험활동 전의 평가항목의 요인분석 결과, 3개 요인으로 설명되어지고 있고, 제1요인은 ‘흡족한’, 제2 요인은 ‘신나는’, 제3요인은 ‘믿음직스러운’ 의 평가항목이 각 요인별로 상관성이 가장 높게 나타났음을 알 수 있 다. 넷째, 발명 체험활동 후의 평가항목의 요인분석 결과, 3개 요인으로 설명되어지고 있고, 제1요인은 ‘재미있는’, 제2요인은 ‘마음이 놓이는’, 제3요인은 ‘편리한’ 의 평가항목이 각 요인별로 상관성이 가장 높게 나타났음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 발명 체험활동 프로그램이 아동들의 발명 태도와 감성을 긍정적으로 변화시켰다는 것을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the invention experience activity can influence on the invention attitude and the emotional factors of children. In this study, the invention attitude evaluation items and the evaluation items composed of a pair of adjective was used to obtain the invention attitude and the emotional factors of children through invention experience activity. In order to analyze the effects of invention experience activity, it is conducted the survey before and after the experience activity. Results of this study were as follows:1. Experimental group showed the promotion result positively in the invention attitude in comparison with control group. 2. Children showed above average emotion condition mostly before being the invention experience activity, but showed emotion change that all evaluation items promote positively after the invention experience activity. 3. The results of factor analysis have shown 3 factors extracted from the survey before being the invention experience activity. The first factor had very high correlation with 'enough', the second factor had very high correlation with 'exciting', and the third factor had very high correlation with 'authentic' evaluation item. 4. The results of factor analysis have shown 3 factors extracted from the survey after being the invention experience activity. The first factor had very high correlation with 'interesting', the second factor had very high correlation with 'reliable', the third factor had very high correlation with 'convenient' evaluation item. It showed that the invention experience activity affected highly in the emotion like interesting, reliable, convenient. Therefore, children showed their invention attitude and emotion changed positively by invention experience activity program.

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