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      • KCI등재

        지역사회 재가 여성노인의 칩거와 영향 요인

        최경원,박언아,이인숙 한국간호과학회 2012 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.42 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate homebound status and significant related factors for community-dwelling female elders according to age. Methods: The participants were female elders over 65 years of age registered in public health centers. Data were collected by interviewing the elders, who voluntarily completed the entire survey. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression were performed using SPSS version 18.0. Results: There were statistically significant differences in homeboundness and related factors between the young-old (65 to 74 years of age) and the old-old (75 years of age or older). The level of homeboundness of the old-old was higher than that of the young-old. Multiple logistic regression showed, timed "up and go", depression, and fear of falling as significantly associated with homebound status of the young-old, while hand grip strength (right), timed "up and go", static balance ability, severity of urinary incontinence, and fear of falling as significant for the old-old. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that homebound status and related factors for elders are different according to age, and therefore, interventions to prevent and help homebound elders get over being homebound should be developed according to age.

      • KCI등재후보


        최경원,김귀분 성인간호학회 2002 성인간호학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        Purpose: This study was to identify the meaning of the lived experiences, to describe of the meaning structures and to develop the strategies of nursing intervention centering to these meanings of the smoking cessation. Method: This study was derived from a phenomenological analytic method suggested by Giorgi. The participants in this study were five adults who had the previous experience of smoking cessation. The data were collected from September of 2001 to April of 2002 through systemic interviews and participatory observations. Average of five interviews were performed, and each interview lasted an hour and half. Result: The meaning of smoking cessation was categorized with nine components. That is (1) obstinacy of the habit of smoking : difficulty of endurance, succumb to temptation of smoking, repetition of smoking and smoking cessation, habit-forming. (2) Bring about a symptom of improving : took place headache, expectoration of sputum, sense of instability. (3) Waver in worthy ; doubts about smoking cessation, ridiculed smoking cessation. (4) Be narrowed social life ; become estranged from friends. (5) Futility ; unnecessary, harm. (6) Self-repression ; occurred indomitable mind, strong will, endurance. (7) Gratification ; self-admiration, receive praise from family. (8) Delightfulness : clean in body and clothes, be disgusted with the foul order of smoking. (9) Improvement in welfare ; a clear mind and good memory, improve in health, have a good appetite. Conclusion: The nursing intervention must be focused on these concerns to accomplish successful smoking cessation program.

      • KCI등재

        조선전기 왕실 比丘尼院 女僧들이 후원한 불화에 보이는 女性救援

        최경원 연세대학교 국학연구원 2011 동방학지 Vol.156 No.-

        This study examines the three extant Buddhist paintings commissioned by Buddhist nuns in the palace cloisters of the sixteenth-century Joseon dynasty. The examination of the theme, iconography, and composition of each painting is incorporated to interpret their religious significance from the perspective of the social status of their patrons. The nun-patrons are identified either as officially ordained practitioners from non-royal families or as widowed royal concubines who were removed from their residences and their positions of influence in the inner quarters to live with fellow concubines in a common royal-residence-turned-cloister on the outskirts of the palace after their royal husbands died. These women certainly experienced a multifaceted marginality at the centrum of the patriarchal Confucian polity in the religion, gender, family, and marriage systems. From this perspective, the paintings are presented as a visualization of the salvationist aspirations of Buddhist women of the sixteenth-century Joseon court. By replacing the judgment scene above in the usual Ten Kings paintings with the Ksitigarbha assembly scene and combining it with the depiction of retribution in hell below, Ksitigarbha and the Ten Kings of Hell switch the thematic emphasis from “punishment through judgment” to “salvation from punishment,” picturing the hope for salvation of the patrons. The Painting of King Sala Tree adds the image of Lady Wonang at the critical moment of salvation, when the literature of the narrative relates only Prince Allakguk’s being taken to the Land of Ultimate Bliss, exhibiting a greater hope for women’s “salvation to paradise.” The image of a fellow court woman crossing over to paradise in a dragon boat must have reassured nuns in the cloister of their own salvation. The Assembly for Welcoming the Dragon Boat of the Nine Grades of Rebirth in the Western Paradise highlights the scene where Buddha Amitabha ferries in via a salvific dragon boat the soul of a female devotee, which is the portrayal of the woman to whom the painting was dedicated. It depicts a more personalized prayer for “the salvation of a specific individual.” The paintings are visual embodiments of the religious aspirations, patronage, and practice of Buddhist women of the Joseon palace cloisters. 이 논문은 16세기 후반 왕실 비구니원 소속 여승들이 발원하고 후원한 현전하는 불화 세 작품의 종교적 의미를 여승 후원자의 신분과 관련하여 해석하고자 한다. 먼저 화기에 주어진 후원자들의 신원과 소속기관을 검토하여 그들의 신분과 후원의 배경을 알아본다. 여승 후원자는 남편의 사후 50년 이상 왕실 비구니원을 거점으로 信行한 淑嬪 尹氏와 惠嬪 鄭氏라는 인종의 두 후궁들과 이들에게 합류한 정식 수계를 받은 비왕족 출신 여승으로 나뉘며, 이들이 신행한 비구니원은 先王 후궁의 공동거주를 위하여 궁중의 외곽에 마련된 별궁이 본격적인 불교시설로 변화한 慈壽宮 혹은 仁壽宮이다. 이들은 조선사회의 유교화가 완성되어가는 16세기 후반 유교를 국가이념으로 천명한 政體의 중심지 궁중의 일각에서 여승으로 신행하면서, 後室 혹은 유교적 사회질서 밖에 놓인 존재로서 중층적인 周邊化를 경험하였을 것으로 보인다. 다음은 이들이 후원한 작품의 주제와 도상, 구성을 검토하여 이 작품들이 주변화된 후원자들의 구원에 대한 염원을 반영하고 있는 것으로 해석할 것이다. 지옥장면 위에 지장보살 집회장면을 배치한 <地藏十王圖>의 전례 없는 작품구성은 지장보살 구원의 희망을 담은 것으로, 구원의 순간에 궁중여성의 이미지를 첨가한 <沙羅樹幀>은 여성 구원의 이미지를 직접적으로 표현한 것으로, 또한 <西方九品龍船接引會圖>는 구체적인 개인의 구원을 명료하게 시각화한 것으로 해석한다. 이 글은 불교의 쇠퇴기라고 알려진 조선전기에 한국불교의 전통을 유지하는데 중요한 역할을 한 왕실여성의 불교후원 가운데 여승 후원자에 주목하여 왕실여성의 후원에 대한 연구를 세분화하고, 한국불교와 불교미술의 발전에 있어 그들의 역할을 드러내어 한국미술사 연구에 새로운 후원자 계층을 편입할 것이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        일개 도시 취약 가족의 특성에 관한 조사연구

        최경원,이인숙 지역사회간호학회 2009 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        Purpose: This study aimed at describing the characteristics and nursing needs of vulnerable families in a City. Methods: A total of 427 vulnerable families enrolled in the Visiting Health Care Center in K-gu of S city were investigated in this study. Data were collected using questionnaires for one year from Jan to Dec, 2003, and analysed using mean, standard deviation and x2. Results: Most of the vulnerable families investigated here showed many deficits, especially incomplete family structure (62.8%), financial problem (84.0%), lack of support (55.8%) were prevalent. The score of level of economic status in Family Capability for Self management (1.95±0.65) was lowest, and the score of perception of family problem and health of family members (2.62±0.78) was highest. The four family groups divided according to the total score of family management capability showed significant differences in family interaction, support, and coping domain. The total score of family management capability increased as family functioning-related problems decreased in the vulnerable families. Conclusion: In order to find vulnerable families, and improve their family function, it is required to develop the systematic assesment tools, community supportive systems and nursing interventions for family strength.

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