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      • KCI등재


        진리 대동한문학회 (구.교남한문학회) 2016 大東漢文學 Vol.46 No.-

        Comparatively detailed written discussions among Chinese and Korean scholars that are remained are at least 647 essays, up to eight hundred thousand words. The major characteristics are shown as below: In the term of characters: Korean scholars who participated in writing discussions mainly consist of three Korean diplomatic envoys and the offspring of military officers. The characteristics of the Scholars in Qing Dynasty are: Firstly, with the difference of time period, the major identity characteristics of the figure who participating in writing discussions present distinctive changes. The pattern is as follows: The majority of scholars who participated in writing discussions in Qing Dynasty are intelligent in lower class before the middle of 18th century. Between the mid-18th century and the mid-19th century, the majority became scholars in the imperial court, metropolitan graduates and provincial graduates. During the middle and late 19th century, most of the scholars who participate in the written discussion are the assistants in the imperial court, government officials from six central departments and Tianjin Machinery Bureau. Secondly, most of the scholars who participate in the written discussion are Han people. The minority of them are Manchu, Mongolian people and Qing people. Lastly, the Qing people who had contacts with Korean scholars are several constant groups and individuals. Some of them are the bachelors in the imperial academy. Some are the former subordinates of Sangui Wu, such as Chaorui Guo, the father Huan Guo and his son, Shengqi Tian, Benyu Lin and etc. Some are the Qing scholars who are famous in the ancient Korean academy, such as Tingyun Pan, Yun Ji. Some of them are intended and dedicated in communicating with Koreans such as Peilian Qi. In terms of location: the major areas of the written discussions happened in the northern part. According to the division of province and district, mostly happened in Beijing, Fanyang, Shanhaiguan, Yongping fu, fenrun county and Yutian county. It can be seen from the detailed locations: commonly the places of discussions were the mansions of Qing scholars and Korean diplomatic envoys. Also, the main places were Beijing Liu Li Chang, which means “glazed tile factory.” and Imperial Academy. Few written discussion was recorded in the southern province in Qing Dynasty. In the term of content: the contents of written discussions among Chinese and Korean scholars are very multiple, also with some certain regularity: general contents are abundant and systematical. With the transferring of time, the contents of written discussions indicated a periodical characteristic, influenced by social development and whether Chinese scholars had profound communications with Korean scholars. The contents are closely related to the academic features of the scholars; the topics also have a close relationship with the hometown and ancestors of the Qing scholars. The content of the written discussion is usually authentic. In the term of format and language: the sentences are usually brief and concise. Generally speaking, the written discussions adapt to the question-answer pattern. Both questions and answers are very direct and condense, no more than 50 words and commonly only severs or around 10 words. But when it refers to political topics, Chinese and Korean scholars were afraid of literacy inquisition. Their Language is more twists and turns, and sometimes even very obscure. 現存的較爲詳細的中朝文士筆談至少在647次以上,有80餘萬文字。其特徵主要表現爲: 人物方面:參與筆談的朝鮮文士以朝鮮三使、軍官子弟爲主。淸文人特徵表現爲:首先,隨著時代的不同,參與筆談交流人物身份的總體特徵也呈現出不同的變化,規律如下:在十八世紀中期以前,淸代參與筆談交流的文士以下層知識分子爲主。十八世紀中期至十九中期,以朝廷文人、進士、舉人爲主。十九世紀中後期,參與筆談交流的淸文士多爲朝廷重要輔臣、六部官員、天津機器局官員等。其次,參與筆談的淸文人以漢人爲主,少數滿人、蒙古人與淸人有筆談。最后,與朝鮮文士多有筆談交流的淸人,有幾個固定的群體和個人:一是翰林院庶吉士;二是吳三桂的舊部,如郭朝瑞、郭垣父子、田生琦、林本裕等;三是聞名於朝鮮學壇的著名淸文士,如潘庭筠、紀昀等;四是有意或醉心與朝鮮人交流的淸文士,如齊佩蓮。 地點方面:大部分的筆談發生在北方區域,就州縣而言:以北京、瀋陽、山海關、永平府、豐潤縣、玉田縣等爲主。從具體地點來看:一般爲淸文士的寓所、朝鮮使臣的住所等。此外,北京琉璃廠、北京翰林院等也是筆談發生的主要場所。少量的筆談發生在淸朝的南方州縣。 內容方面:中朝文士交流的內容非常豐富,也呈現出一定的規律性:整體內容豐富而具有系統性;隨著時間的推移,受到社會發展、中朝文士是否深入交流等的影響,筆談內容總體上呈現出階段性特徵;筆談內容與交流者的治學特點密切相關;話題的提出亦與筆談交流對象淸文人的籍貫、先祖有著密切的關聯;筆談的內容往往具有真實性。 形式與語言方面:筆談的語句往往簡短而精煉。一般來說,採用一問一答式,而問和答都比較直接而集中,字數很少超過五十字,以幾個字或十幾個爲常見。但涉及到時諱的話題時,出於對文字獄的恐懼和防範,以免招致殺身之禍,中朝文人的筆談語言就顯得比較曲折,有時甚至極爲隱晦。

      • KCI등재후보


        진리 중국문화연구학회 2009 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.15

        本文在搜集《创造社资料》“把”字句的基础上,从种类和主要动词及附加成分两个方面对《创造社资料》的“把”字句进行了考察和探究,发现该时期的部分“把”字句与现代汉语语法规范有所不同,既能看到明清时代白话小说的影子,又呈现出白话文运动初期“把”字句向现代汉语语法规范靠拢的特点。在考察过程中,试图简单概括出新文化运动初期“把”字句的特点,弥补这一阶段“把”字句研究的空白。 This paper shows that the differences between the kind and primary verb -secondary element of ‘把’s sentence of < 创造社资料 > at that time and those of modern Chinese as result of analyzing two aspect. This characteristics result from the effect of modern Chinese novels in Myeong-Cheong period and the changing the ‘把’s sentence of the early stage of ‘may 4th new literature movement’ into modern Chinese grammar. This study shows that the characteristics of the ‘把’s sentence in the first period of new culture movement are clearly organized and I would like to fill up the vacancy of the study about the ‘把’s sentence in the same period.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮、安南使臣詩歌贈酬考述 ― 兼論詩歌贈酬的學術意義

        진리·리주문 ( Chen Li ),( Li Shuwen ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2017 中國硏究 Vol.71 No.-

        Ancient Korean Peninsula and Vietnam are separated by ten thousand miles. There is a great difficulty in the academic and literary exchange between Choson and Vietnam. However, there are a large number of works of Choson and Vietnam ministers survive in the world. This special cultural phenomenon is of great significance in the history of cultural exchange in ancient East Asia and is of great historical material value, which is worth paying academic attention to. Based on the ancient East Asian literature, such as Vietnamese Yanxing integration (25 copies), 556 kinds of Yeonhaengrok, Huang Yue Shi Xuan by Pei Huibi, Mu Zhai Ji by Kim An Kuk, Hou Yun Lu by Ryuduekgong, Poetry sinks of Qing by Xu Shichang and so on, this article will collect existing responding poem of Choson and Vietnam ministers, and study the causes and significance of poetry communication on this basis. This article will be very important for revealing the historical fact of ancient Korea and Vietnam literature exchange. There are both objective and subjective reasons for the the generation of Poetry between the two countries. For one hand, tributary system in Qing Dynasty and large banquet create objective conditions for the acquaintance between Korean and Vietnam. On the other hand, common confucian cultural background and the same language are the cultural foundation of the two country. The subjective reason is the willingness to communicate. Mainly in two aspects: Firstly, both North Korea and Vietnam messengers hope that their own literature can be spread in other countries. Secondly, comparative poetry skills is also one of the reasons. The content of the literati poetry are quite rich in both countries. This have the understanding of the national customs, phenology and the identity of heaven, earth and Confucianism,etc. They also have the emotional resonance in a foreign country, etc. There are both objective and subjective reasons for the the generation of Poetry between the two countries. For one hand, tributary system in Qing Dynasty and large banquet create objective conditions for the acquaintance between Korean and Vietnam. On the other hand, common confucian cultural background and the same language are the cultural foundation of the two country. The subjective reason is the willingness to communicate. Mainly in two aspects: Firstly, both North Korea and Vietnam messengers hope that their own literature can be spread in other countries. Secondly, comparative poetry skills is also one of the reasons. The content of the literati poetry are quite rich in both countries. This have the understanding of the national customs, phenology and the identity of heaven, earth and Confucianism,etc. They also have the emotional resonance in a foreign country, etc.

      • 전통문양을 응용한 경관디자인에 관한 연구

        진리사(Chen, Li-Si),홍관선(Hong, Kwan-Seon) 한국실내디자인학회 2014 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2014 No.11

        Traditional national graphic pattern has rich regional ethnic characteristics, representing the cultural deposits and connotation of a nation. As a living pattern and the carrier of cultural inheritance, landscape architecture makes full use of the traditional national graphic pattern, which can more clearly and directly represent the prospect and spirit of regional landscape. New-regionalism is defined.In such national graphic pattern of regional characteristics, it is an exploration of the integration of national art and modern design to dig the art beauty combined with the living habit and aesthetic taste of modern people, and design the modern landscape space with national and regional characteristics based on extraction and integration, the grasp of features and flexible application.

      • KCI등재


        奈?眞理(나고 마리) 동아시아일본학회 2011 일본문화연구 Vol.40 No.-

        본고에서는 연중행사를 화제로 삼은 홈 코미디 애니메이션을 통해 일본 생활문화를 학습할 때의 콘텐츠 선택 지침을 정리했다. 먼저 한국에 유사한 행사가 있을 경우 양자 사이의 차이점은 어떤 부분인지 명확히 한다. 그리고 의의?관습까지 비슷한 행사는 학습 테마에서 제외시킨다. 이런 테마는 이 문화 학습을 증진시키지 않기 때문이다. 그 다음에 [의의는 유사하지만 관습?사회상황이 다른 행사], [다른 의의, 관습?사회상황이 있는 행사]의 한국과의 차이점을 반영하는 콘텐츠를 선택한다. 한편 한국에 없는 연중행사인 경우 의의, 관습, 사회상황에 이르는 전체상을 파악할 수 있어야 한다. 사전에 각 행사의 전체상을 정리하여 콘텐츠 내용과 대조함으로써 전체상이 간략하게 설명되는 콘텐츠를 선택한다. 상기 콘텐츠 선택 지침에 따라 한국과 다른 부분을 반영하는 콘텐츠(한국에도 있는 행사), 전체상을 반영하는 콘텐츠(한국에 없는 행사)를 선택하여 수업에 사용해 봤다. 그 결과, 학습자는 의의?관습?사회상황을 대략 파악할 수 있었다. 하지만 이 문화로서 중요한 부분이 스토리상 강조되지 않고 학습자가 파악하지 못 했거나 불필요한 화제가 강조되어 보편적인 사실이라고 착각해 버리는 경우도 있었다. 교사는 콘텐츠 선택 단계에서 착각하기 쉬운 부분을 미리 예상하여 보완 설명을 할 준비를 해두는 것이 필수라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        서의,진리 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2014 中國硏究 Vol.60 No.-

        The 18th century is a period when Qing and Chosŏn literati communicate frequently with a variety of communicating forms such as conversations by writing, the exchange of poetry, reciprocating letters, asking for providing preface and postscript, literary criticism as well as giving books as presents, among which the conversations by writing is the most popular way of interaction. According to statistical study by the author, at least 193 detailed conversations by writing happened in the 18th century were recorded in the extant Yeonhaeng Rok, one of Chinese and Korean ancient scriptures. Its contents mainly covered ten aspects, in which some in-depth exchange was recorded. Therefore, these materials are of great literature value. Regarding to the communication of etiquette system and custom, Qing people’s comments on Chosŏn ambassadors’ clothing and inturn Chosŏn views of binding feet of Qing women are always the key points. Besides, it also includes the communication of imperial examination system in Qing Dynasty and Ancient Korea;the discussion about academy and literary between Qing and Chosŏn scholars;Chosŏn literati’ concerns with religion;Chosŏn literati’ focus on the Ming historical events, Qing political and agricultural situation as well associal development;Chosŏn literati’ acquaintance with compilation of books in Qing Dynasty, for example “The Imperial Collection of Four Treasures”;the exchange of banned books in Qing Dynasty between Qing and Chosŏn literati;Chosŏn scholars’ care for the landscape, geography of China and places of interest in China. Qing people also pay attention to Chosŏn in many regards, for instance,landscape and geographical situation, scene style and feature views, ancient authors and their works, history, etiquette, custom, education, languageetc. It is obvious to find the diversity of their conversation topics. And these topics are closely associated with the culture, custom, history and the focus on Confucianism of Qing Dynasty and Chosŏn. It should also be emphasized that no matter how abundant the conversations are, the key point is always related to concerns of Chosŏn literati when visiting Qing Dynasty and their own scholar traits.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 한국과 일본여대생의 체형인식과 자아존중감, 신체만족도 및 신체이미지가 유행선도력에 미치는 영향

        정수진 ( Su Jin Jeong ),佐藤眞理子 ( Mariko Sato ),추미선 ( Mi Seon Chu ) 한국의류산업학회 2013 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.15 No.5

        This study compares the perceived body image of female college students in Korea and Japan as well as explains the difference in the level of self-esteem, body cathexis, body image and fashion leadership based on nationality and body. The sense of fashion leadership affected by these factors was also analyzed. A high ratio of Korean and Japanese female students perceived themselves as obese compared to actual body physique. It was shown that body was highly distorted. They showed a comparatively low level of satisfaction with appearance in contrast to their high interest in their appearance and weight. Thin bodied individuals showed a high level of self-esteem and body cathexis; however, persons with an obese body showed a low level of body cathexis. They showed high interest in appearance regardless of body physique; however, they remain unsatisfied with their appearance. Individuals with an obese body and a standard somatotype showed a high concern with weight. A high fashion opinion leadership was reciprocal to a high interest in appearance and satisfaction with appearance. Korean female students showed an indirect positive effect on fashion opinion leadership through body cathexis, self-esteem, interest in appearance, and satisfaction with appearance. A thin body showed a positive effect on fashion opinion leadership and an obese body had a negative effect. Fashion innovativeness was directly influenced persons with a high degree of self-esteem and interest in appearance. Japanese female students were directly affected by fashion innovativeness; however, Korean female students were indirectly affected by fashion innovativeness through self-esteem and interest in appearance.

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