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      • PAA(Pad Area Array)을 이용한 ITS RF 모듈의 3차원적 패키지 구현

        지용,박성주,김동영,Jee, Yong,Park, Sung-Joo,Kim, Dong-Yong 대한전자공학회 2001 電子工學會論文誌-SD (Semiconductor and devices) Vol.38 No.1

        본 논문에서는 RF 회로의 3차원 적층 구조를 설계하고 RF 회로의 특성개선 효과를 살펴보았다. 3차원적 RF 회로를 구현하기 위하여 분할 설계 기준을 제안하였으며 이에 따라 RF 회로를 기능별, 동작 주파수별로 분할하여 구현하였다. 분할된 하위 모듈을 3차원으로 적층 연결할 수 있도록 PAA 입출력 단자구조를 이용하여 3차원 형태의 ITS RF 시스템을 제작하였다. 이에 따라 아날로그 신호와 디지털 신호, DC 전원이 혼재되어 있는 ITS(지능형 교통관제 시스템) 224MHz RF 모듈을 구성되는 회로를 특성 임피던스 정합과 시스템의 동작 안정도를 고려하여, 기능별로는 송신부, 수신부, PLL(Phase Locked Loop)부, 전원부로 분할하였고 주파수별로는 224MHz, 21.4MHz, 및 450kHz~DC의 주파수 대역으로 분할하여 설계하였다. RF 회로 모듈을 구현하는 과정에서 224MHz 대역에서 동작하는 송신부와 수신부 증폭회로는 설계치와 일치하는 18.9㏈, 23.9㏈의 이득, PLL부와 전원부는 위상 고정, 정전원 입력의 동작특성을 최대화시킬 수 있었다. 3차원 구조의 RF 모듈은 2차원의 평면구조의 단일 기판 구성방법과 비교하여 부피 및 배선길이에서 각각 76.9%, 28.4%를 감소시킨 $48cm^3$, 1.8cm를 나타내었고, 열적 성분인 최고 동작 온도특성은 37% 감소한 $41.8^{\circ}C$를 나타났다. PAA형 3차원 적층 구조는 고속 고밀도 저전력의 특성을 가지며, 저비용으로 구현할 수 있으며 RF 주파수 영역에서 각 모듈을 기능별, 주파수별로 모듈화해 제품의 기능을 가변적으로 변화시켜줄 수 있음을 알 수 있었고, RAA 형태의 입출력 단자로 연결함으로써 단일 양면 기판으로 구현되던 2차원적 RF 회로 모듈의 부피와 전기적 동작 특성과 열적 특성을 개선시킬 수 있었다. This paper presents three dimensional structure of RF packages and the improvement effect of its electrical characteristics when implementing RF transceivers. We divided RF modules into several subunits following each subunit function based on the partitioning algorithm which suggests a method of three dimension stacking interconnection, PAA(pad area array) interconnection and stacking of three dimensional RF package structures. 224MHz ITS(Intelligent Transportation System) RF module subdivided into subunits of functional blocks of a receiver(RX), a transmitter(TX), a phase locked loop(PLL) and power(PWR) unit, simultaneously meeting the requirements of impedance characteristic and system stability. Each sub­functional unit has its own frequency region of 224MHz, 21.4MHz, and 450KHz~DC. The signal gain of receiver and transmitter unit showed 18.9㏈, 23.9㏈. PLL and PWR modules also provided stable phase locking, constant voltages which agree with design specifications and maximize their characteristics. The RF module of three dimension stacking structure showed $48cm^3$, 76.9% reduction in volume and 4.8cm, 28.4% in net length, 41.8$^{\circ}C$, 37% in maximum operating temperature, respectively. We have found that three dimensional PAA package structure is able to produce high speed, high density, low power characteristics and to improve its functional characteristics by subdividing RF modules according to the subunit function and the operating frequency, and the features of physical volume, electrical characteristics, and thermal conditions compared to two dimensional RF circuit modules.

      • RF 송수신 회로의 적층형 PAA 패키지 모듈

        지용,남상우,홍석용,Jee, Yong,Nam, Sang-Woo,Hong, Seok-Yong 대한전자공학회 2001 電子工學會論文誌-SD (Semiconductor and devices) Vol.38 No.10

        본 논문에서는 RF(Radio Frequency) 회로의 구현 방법으로서 3차원 적층형태의 PAA(Pad Area Array) 패키지 구조를 제시하였다. 지능 교통망 시스템(Intelligence Traffic System)을 위한 224㎒의 RF 시스템을 적층형 PAA 패키지 구조에 적용시켜 구현하였다. 적층형 PAA 패키지 구성 과정에서는 RF 회로를 기능별, 주파수별로 분할하였고 3차원적인 적층형태의 PAA 구조로 설계한 후 분할된 단위 모듈의 RF 동작특성과 3차원 적층형 PAA 패키지 모듈의 전기적 특성을 개별적으로 분석하였다. 적층형 PAA RF 패키지가 갖는 연결단자인 공납(Solder Ball)에 대한 전기적 파라미터 측정결과 그 전기적 특성인 기생 캐패시턴스와 기생 인덕턴스는 각각 30fF, 120pH로 매우 미세하여 PAA 패키지 구조인 RF 시스템에 끼치는 영향이 무시될 수 있음을 확인하였고, 구성된 송수신단은 HP 4396B network/spectrum analyser로 측정한 결과 224㎒에서 수신단, 송신단 증폭이득은 각각 22dB 27dB. 나타나서 설계값에 비하여 3dB감소 된 것을 알 수 있었다. 이는 설계와 제작과정 사이의 차이로 판명되었으며 수동부품 보정방법을 통하여 각 단위모듈의 입출력 임피던스 정합을 이루어 각각 24dB, 29dB로 개선시킬 수 있었다. 따라서, 본 실험에서는 RF 회로를 기능별로 모듈화하고 3차원 적층형 PAA 패키지 구조로 구현하여 전기적 특성을 개선시킬 수 있음을 확인하였다. This paper presents a three dimensional stacked pad area away (PAA) package configuration as an implementation method of radio frequency (RF) circuits. 224MHz RF circuits of intelligence traffic system(ITS) were constructed with the stacked PAA RF pakage configuration. In the process of manufacturing the stacked PAA RF pakage, RF circuits were partitioned to subareas following their function and operating frequency. Each area of circuits separated to each subunits. The operating characteristics of RF PAA package module and the electrical properties of each subunits were examined. The measurement of electrical parameters for solder balls which were interconnects for stacked PAA RF packages showed that the parasitic capacitance and inductance were 30fF and 120pH, respectively, which might be negligible in PAA RF packaging system. HP 4396B network/spectrum analyzer revealed that the amplification gain of a receiver and transmitter at 224 MHz was 22dB and 27dB, respectively. The gain was 3dB lower than designed values. The difference was probably generated from fabrication process of the circuits by employing commercial standard

      • DRAM 메모리 모듈 제작에서 MCM-L 구조에 의한 설계

        지용,박태병,Jee, Yong,Park, Tae-Byung 대한전자공학회 1995 전자공학회논문지-A Vol.32 No.5

        In this paper, we studyed the variables in the design of multichip memory modules with 4M$\times$1bit DRAM chips to construct high capacity and high speed memory modules. The configuration of the module was 8 bit, 16 bit, and 32 bit DRAM modules with employing 0.6 W, 70 nsec 4M$\times$1 bit DRAM chips. We optimized routing area and wiring density by performing the routing experiment with the variables of the chip allocation, module I/O terminal, the number of wiring, and the number of mounting side of the chips. The multichip module was designed to be able to accept MCM-L techiques and low cost PCB materials. The module routing experiment showed that it was an efficient way to align chip I/O terminals and module I/O terminals in parallel when mounting bare chips, and in perpendicular when mounting packaged chips, to set module I/O terminals in two sides, to use double sided substrates, and to allocate chips in a row. The efficient number of wiring layer was 4 layers when designing single sided bare chip mounting modules and 6 layers when constructing double sided bare chip mounting modules whereas the number of wiring layer was 3 layers when using single sided packaged chip mounting substrates and 5 layers when constructing double sided packaged chip mounting substrates. The most efficient configuration was to mount bare chips on doubled substrates and also to increase the number of mounting chips. The fabrication of memory multichip module showed that the modules with bare chips can be reduced to a half in volume and one third in weight comparing to the module with packaged chips. The signal propagation delay time on module substrate was reduced to 0.5-1 nsec.

      • 128K$\times$8bit SRAM 메모리 다중칩 패키지 제작

        김창연,지용,Kim, Chang-Yeon,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 1994 전자공학회논문지-A Vol.31 No.3

        We experimented on memory multichip modules to increase the packing density of memory devices and to improve their electrical characteristics. A 128K$\times$8bit SRAM module was made of four 32K$\times$8bit SRAM memory chips. The memory multichip module was constructed on a low-cost double sided PCB(printed circuit boared) substrate. In the process of fabricating a multichip module. we focused on the improvement of its electrical characteristics. volume, and weight by employing bare memory chips. The characteristics of the bare chip module was compared with that of the module with four packaged chips. We conducted circuit routing with a PCAD program, and found the followings: the routed area for the module with bare memory chips reduced to a quarter of that area for module with packaged memory chips. 1/8 in volume, 1/5 in weight. Signal transmission delay times calculated by using transmission line model was reduced from 0.8 nsec to 0.4 nsec only on the module board, but the coupling coefficinet was not changed. Thus, we realized that the electrical characteristics of multichip packages on PCB board be improved greatly when using bare memory chips.

      • 다층 기판 위에 표면실장된 SRAM 모듈 설계 제작

        김창연,지용,Kim, Chang-Yeon,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 1995 전자공학회논문지-A Vol.32 No.3

        In this paper, we ecamined the effect that MCM-L technique influencess on the design and fabrication of multichip memory modules in increasing the packing desity of memory capacity and maximizing its electrical characteristics. For that purpose, we examined the effective methods of reducing the area of module layout and the wiring length with the variation of chip allocation and the number of wiring layers. We fabricated a 256K${\times}$8bit SRAM module with eight 32K${\times}$8bit SRAM chips. The routing experiment showed that we could optimize the area of module layout and wiring length by placing chips in a row, arranging module I/O pads parallel to chip I/O pads, and equalizing the number of terminal sides of module I/O's to that of chip I/O's. The routing was optimized when we used three wire layers in case of one sided chip mounting or five wire layers in case of double sided chip mounting. The fabricated modules showed 18.9 cm/cm$^{2}$ in wiring density, 65 % in substrate occupancy efficiency, and module substrate and functionally tested to find out the module working perfectly.

      • TFT/LCD 시스템 패키지 전기적 특성 분석 및 설계도구의 구현

        임호남,지용,Yim, Ho-Nam,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 1995 전자공학회논문지-A Vol.32 No.12

        This paper describes the development of a software tool LCD FRAME that may guide the analyzing process for the electrical characteristics and the design procedure for constructing the thin film transistor liquid crystal display(TFT/LCD) packages. LCD FRAME can analyze its electrical characteristics from the TFT/LCD system package configuration, and provide the design variables to meet the user's requirements. These analysis and design procedure can be done in real time according to the model at simplified package level of TFT/LCD. LCD_FRAME is an object-oriented expert system which considers package elements as objects. With this LCD_FRAME software tool, we analyzed the I-V characteristics of a-Si TFT and its signal distortion which has maximum 1.58 $\mu$s delay along the panel scan line of the package containing 480 ${\times}$ 240 pixels. We designed the package structure of maximum 6.35 $\mu$s signal delays and 3360 ${\times}$ 780 pixels, and as a result we showed that the proper structure of 20 $\mu$m scan line width, 60$\mu$m panel TFT gate width and 8 $\mu$m gate length. This LCD_FRAME software tool provides results of the analysis and the design in the form of input files of the SPICE program, text data files, and graphic charts.

      • 코프래너 급전 이중 주파수 모노폴 안테나

        김준일,최순신,지용,Kim, Joon-Il,Choi, Soon-Shin,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 2005 전자공학회논문지TC (Telecommunications) Vol.42 No.8

        The design method for a dual frequency antenna using CPW feed lines is presented. The antenna structures can be simplified by CPW feed lines and easily designed on integrated circuits. The presented antenna has two resonant frequency ranges and each respective resonant frequency is determined by its own length of monopole antenna. We used an impedance matching method by using a monopole coupling related to the ground of CPW feed lines As a result, the resonant frequencies were 5.25[GHz] and 23.5[GHz] and their bandwidths $35.2\%,\;and\;41.3\%$, respectively, and also, the separation of the two frequencies $370\;%$. We presented an analytical designing method to implement a dual frequency monopole antenna and showed simple antenna structures having two frequency ranges for RFIC Integrations.

      • MCM/PCB 회로패턴 검사에서 SEM의 전자빔을 이용한 측정방법

        김준일,신준균,지용,Kim, Joon-Il,Shin, Joon-Kyun,Jee, Yong 대한전자공학회 1998 電子工學會論文誌, D Vol.d35 No.9

        본 논문은 주사전자현미경(SEM)의 전자총을 이용하여 MCM 또는 PCB 회로기판의 신호연결선에서 전압차를 유도시켜 개방/단락 등의 결함을 측정 검사하는 방법을 제시한다. 본 실험에서는 주사전자현미경의 구조를 변형시키지 알고 회로기판의 개방/단락 검사를 실시할 수 있는 이중전위전자빔(Dual Potential) 검사방법을 사용한다. 이중전위전자빔(Dual Potential) 측정검사 방법은 이차전자수율 값 δ의 차이를 유기시키는 δ < 1 인 충전 전자빔과 δ > 1 인 읽기 전자빔을 사용하여 한 개의 전자총이 각각 다른 가속전압에 의해 생성된 두 개의 전자빔으로 측정하는 방법으로 특정 회로네트에 대한 개방/단락 등의 측정 검사가 가능하다. 또한 읽기 전자빔을 이용할 경우 검사한 회로 네트를 방전시킬 수 있어 기판 도체에 유기된 전압차를 없앨 수 있는 방전시험도 실시할 수 있어, 많은 수의 회로네트를 지닌 회로 기판에 대해 측정 검사할 때 충전되어 있는 회로네트에 대한 측정오류를 줄일 수 있다. 측정검사를 실시한 결과 glass-epoxy 회로기판 위에 실장된 구리(Cu) 신호연결선은 7KeV의 충전 전자빔으로 충전시키고 10초 이내에 주사전자현미경을 읽기 모드로 바꾸어 2KeV의 읽기 전자빔으로 구리표면에서의 명암 밝기 차이를 읽어 개방/단락 상태를 검사할 수 있었다. 또한 IC 칩의 Au 패드와 BGA의 Au 도금된 Cu 회로패드를 검사한 결과도 7KeV 충전 전자빔과 2KeV 읽기 전자빔으로 IC칩 내부회로에서의 개방 단락 상태를 쉽게 검사할 수 있었다. 이 검사방법은 주사전자현미경에 있는 한 개의 전자총으로 비파괴적으로 회로 기판의 신호 연결선의 개방/단락 상태를 측정 검사할 수 있음을 보여 주었다. This paper presents a characterization method for faults of circuit patterns on MCM(Multichip Module) or PCB(Printed Circuit Board) substrates with electron beams of a SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope) by inducing voltage contrast on the signal line. The experimentation employes dual potential electron beams for the fault characterization of circuit patterns with a commercial SEM without modifying its structure. The testing procedure utilizes only one electron gun for the generation of dual potential electron beams by two different accelerating voltages, one for charging electron beam which introduces the yield of secondary electron $\delta$ < 1 and the other for reading beam which introduces $\delta$ > 1. Reading beam can read open's/short's of a specific net among many test nets, simultaneously discharging during the reading process for the next step, by removing its voltage contrast. The experimental results of testing the copper signal lines on glass-epoxy substrates showed that the state of open's/short's had generated the brightness contrast due to the voltage contrast on the surface of copper conductor line, when the net had charged with charging electron beams of 7KV accelerating voltages and then read with scanning reading electron beams of 2KV accelerating voltages in 10 seconds. The experimental results with Au pads of a IC die and Au plated Cu pads of BGA substrates provided the simple test method of circuit lines with 7KV charging electron beam and 2KV reading beam. Thus the characterization method showed that we can test open and short circuits of the net nondestructively by using dual potential electron beams with one SEM gun.

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