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        도시 상록 조경수의 탄소저장 및 흡수 -소나무와 잣나무를 대상으로-

        조현길 ( Hyun Kil Jo ),김진영 ( Jin Young Kim ),박혜미 ( Hye Mi Park ) 한국환경생태학회 2013 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.27 No.5

        본 연구는 도시의 주요 상록 조경수종인 소나무와 잣나무를 대상으로, 직접수확법을 통해 탄소저장 및 흡수를 용이하게 추정하는 회귀모델을 제시하고 도시수목의 탄소저감 효과를 계량화하는데 필요한 기반정보를 구축하였다. 수종별로 유목에서 성목에 이르는 일정 간격의 흉고직경 크기를 고려하여 개방 생장하는 조경수목을 구입한 후, 근굴취를 포함하는 직접수확법에 의해 개체당 부위별 및 전체 생체량을 측정하고 탄소저장량을 산출하였다. 또한, 흉고 부위의 수간 원판을 채취하여 직경생장을 분석하고 탄소흡수량을 산정하였다. 흉고직경을 독립변수로 생장에 따른 수종별 단목의 탄소저장 및 흡수를 계량화하는 활용 용이한 회귀모델을 유도하였다. 이들 회귀식의 r2는 0.98 이상으로서 적합도가 상당히 높았다. 동일 직경의 탄소저장 및 흡수량은 유목의 경우 소나무가 잣나무보다 더 많았으나, 20㎝ 이상 성목의 경우 생장량 차이에 기인하여 그 반대인 경향을 보였다. 흉고직경 25㎝인 소나무와 잣나무는 각각 115.6㎏, 130.0㎏의 탄소를 저장하고, 연간 9.4㎏, 14.6㎏의 탄소를 흡수하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 조경수목의 직접 벌목 및 근굴취의 난이성에 기인하여, 생체량 확장계수, 지하부/지상부 비율, 직경생장 등 산림수목의 계수를 대용하여 대상수종의 탄소저감을 계량화한 기존 연구의 한계성을 극복할 새로운 초석을 마련하였다. This study generated regression models through a direct harvesting method to estimate carbon storage and uptake by Pinus densiflora and Pinus koraiensis, the major evergreen tree species in urban landscape, and established essential information to quantify carbon reduction by urban trees. Open-grown landscape tree individuals for each species were sampled reflecting various diameter sizes at a given interval. The study measured biomass for each part including the roots of sample trees to compute the total carbon storage per tree. Annual carbon uptake per tree was quantified by analyzing radial growth rates of stem samples at breast height. The study then derived a regression model easily applicable in estimating carbon storage and uptake per tree for the two species by using diameter at breast height (DBH) as an independent variable. All the regression models showed high fitness with r2 values of higher than 0.98. While carbon storage and uptake by young trees tended to be greater for P. densiflora than for P. koraiensis in the same diameter sizes, those by mature trees with DBH sizes of larger than 20 ㎝ showed results to the contrary due to a difference in growth rates. A tree of P. densiflora and P. koraiensis with DBH of 25 ㎝ stored 115.6 ㎏ and 130.0 ㎏ of carbon, respectively, and annually sequestered 9.4 ㎏ and 14.6 ㎏. The study has broken new grounds to overcome limitations of the past studies which quantified carbon reduction of the study species by substituting, due to a difficulty in direct cutting and root digging of landscape trees, coefficients from forest trees such as biomass expansion factors, ratios of below ground/above ground biomass, and diameter growth rates.

      • KCI등재

        수변구역 조성 녹지의 모니터링을 통한 식재방안 모색 - 가평군 시공지를 대상으로 -

        조현길 ( Hyun-kil Jo ),박혜미 ( Hye-mi Park ) 한국환경과학회 2016 한국환경과학회지 Vol.25 No.12

        The growth conditions of planted trees, invasion of nuisance herbaceous species, competition between species, and effects of erosion control were monitored over five years in a riparian greenspace in Gapyeong County that was established through multilayered and grouped ecological planting. Of 156 trees planted in the upper and middle layers, 5.8% died. This tree death was attributed to poor drainage or aeration in the rooting zone from the clay-added root ball and too deep planting as well as a small-sized root ball and scanty fine roots. Of all the trees, 21.6% grew poorly due to transplant stress in the first year after planting, but they started to grow vigorously in the third year. This good growth was largely associated with soil improvement before planting, selection of appropriate tree species based on growth ground, and control of dryness and invasive climbing plants through surface mulching and multilayered/grouped planting. Mixed planting of fast-growing species as temporary trees was desirable for accelerating planting effect and increasing planting density. Thinning of fast-growing trees was required in the fifth year after planting to avoid considerable competition with target species. To reduce the invasion of herbaceous and climbing plants that oppress normal growth of planted trees, higher density planting of trees (crown opening of about 15%), woodchip mulching to a 10-cm depth, and edge planting 2 m wide were more effective than lower density planting (crown opening of 70%), no surface mulching, and no edge planting, respectively. This reduction effect was especially great during the first three years after planting. Nuisance herbaceous plants rarely invaded higher density planting with woodchip mulching over the five years. Higher density planting or woodchip mulching also showed much greater erosion control through rainfall interception and buffering than lower density planting with no mulching did. Based on these results, desirable planting and management strategies are suggested to improve the functions of riparian greenspaces.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미기후 변화에 따른 식물계절 차이

        조현길 ( Hyun Kil Jo ),안태원 ( Tae Won Ahn ) 한국환경생태학회 2008 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 우리나라 중부지방에 위치한 점봉산과 봉의산에서 일부 자생수목을 대상으로 봄철 식물계절 변화를 관찰 비교하고, 관련 환경인자를 함께 측정하여 미기후 변화에 따른 식물계절 차이를 구명하였다. 점봉산 조사지의 2004년 1~5월 평균 기온은 봉의산 조사지보다 4.1℃ 더 낮았다. 점봉산 내 조사구별 4월의 토양온도는 남사면에 비해 서사면에서 1.8℃, 북서사면에서 4.4℃ 각각 낮았다. 표본목 중 개화시기가 가장 이른 종은 생강나무로 봉의산에서 3월 하순에, 점봉산에서 4월 초순에 각각 개화하였다. 동일 수종의 개화시기는 점봉산보다 봉의산에서, 그리고 서사면이나 북사면보다 남사면에서 더욱 빨랐으며, 이른 봄 개화하는 수종의 경우는 지역간 약 2주의 차이를 나타냈다. 개엽시기는 대개 봉의산에서 4월 중순, 점봉산에서 5월 초순이었으며, 동일 수종의 개엽시기 역시 점봉산보다 봉의산에서 2주 정도 빨랐다. 개화 및 개엽시기의 Nuttonson 온량지수(Tn)와 일적산온량지수(YDI)는 동일 수종에서 지역간 유사한 값을 나타냈다. 지역간 식물계절 변화는 주로 온도에 의해 영향을 받는 것으로 분석되며, 기후변화와 온도상승은 식물계절 변화를 현재보다 더욱 촉진시킬 수 있음을 시사한다. This study observed and compared phenological changes in the spring for some native woody plants growing at Mt. Jumbong and Mt. Bongeui located at central districts of our country, and also inquired into the phenological difference subsequent to microclimate change by measuring its related environment factors as well. The average air temperature at a survey point of Mt. Jumbong from January to May in 2004 was 4.1℃ lower than that of Mt. Bongeui. As for the soil temperature in April by a survey section within Mt. Jumbong, the soil temperature on the west and northwest slopes was 1.8℃ and 4.4℃ lower than that of the south slope, respectively. It was found that the earliest tree species in a flowering period was Lindera obtusiloba among the sample woody plants and its flowering began in late March at Mt. Bongeui and in early April at Mt. Jumbong. The flowering of the same species began faster on the south slope than the west or north slope; in case of the tree species flowering in early spring, there appeared about two-week interval between the survey sites. Likewise, leafing time of the same species was two weeks earlier at Mt. Bongeui(in mid-April) than at Mt. Jumbong(in early May). Nuttonson`s Index and Year Day Index for the flowering and leafing time of the same species showed similar value between the survey sites. It is analyzed that the transition in phenological phases between the sites is mainly caused by temperatures; further, it is implied that the climate changes and rise in temperatures could expedite the changes in phenological phases more than ever.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        강원도 영서지역 소나무 마을숲의 생장환경과 관리방안

        조현길 ( Hyun Kil Jo ),서옥하 ( Ok Ha Seo ),최인화 ( In Hwa Choi ),안태원 ( Tae Won Ahn ) 한국환경생태학회 2011 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        본 연구의 목적은 마을 주변의 전통 소나무숲을 선정하여 숲의 구조와 생장실태를 조사하고, 양호한 생장과 보전을 위한 관리방안을 수립하는 것이었다. 연구대상 소나무숲은 강원도 영서지역에 분포하는 12개소를 선정하였다. 숲의 조성시기는 개소별로 최소 50~최대 200년 전이었고, 소나무의 평균 흉고직경과 밀도는 각각 27~52㎝, 0.5~9.3주/100㎡이었다. 생장기반인 토양환경은 소나무 생장에 대개 양호한 편이었으나, 토성이 사토로서 보비력이 낮은 2개소의 경우 토양양분이 현저하게 낮았다. 일부 숲은 복토, 답압 등으로 인해 근계생장 장해에 따른 수세저하가 나타났다. 수간의 수피탈저 및 공동피해가 6개소에서 발생하였고, 그 원인은 인위적 외상, 전정 부주의, 동해 등이었다. 병해는그을음잎마름병, 갈색무늬병 등이 6개소에서 발생하였고 피해정도는 경미하였다. 충해의 경우는 솔잎혹파리에 의한피해로서 피해정도는 6개소에서 경미하였으나, 2개소에서는 상대적으로 더 현저하였다. 이와 같이, 연구대상 소나무숲의 생장저해를 야기하는 주 요인은 양분부족, 복토 및 답압, 수간훼손, 병충해 등이었다. 이들 원인별 문제점을 개선하여 해당 소나무숲을 보전할 관리방안을 모색하였다. 관리방안은 유기물과 석회 시용, 복토 제거, 토양굴기와 자갈포설, 목도설치 또는 우드칩 포장, 목책 및 보호틀 제공, 수간 외과수술, 수세강화, 수간주사 등 생장환경을 개선하거나 수간훼손과 병충해를 제어할 대책을 포함하였다. The purpose of this study was to survey structures and growth conditions of Pinus densiflora village groves, and to establish management strategies for their desirable growth and conservation. Twelve village groves were selected in western Gangwon province for the study. The age of the study groves ranged from 50 to 200 years. Average dbh (diameter at breast height) and density of trees for each study grove were 27~52㎝and 0.5~9.3trees/100㎡, respectively. Soil environments were favorable to Pinus densiflora growth in the majority of thestudy groves, but 2 study groves with sandy soils showed considerably poor nutrient contents. Low tree vitalitywas found in some of the study groves due to poor conditions of root growth from soil fill and trampling. There were detachment of cambial tissue and damage of stem cavity at 6 study groves, which were caused by artificial injury, careless pruning, and frost damage. Light disease damage by Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii and phomopsis blight were found at 6 study groves. Light pest damage by Thecodiplosis japonensis was also found at 6 study groves, but the pest damage at 2 study groves was relatively considerable. Thus, major factors limiting normal growth of Pinus densiflora village groves were infertility, soil fill and trampling, stem damage, and disease and pest. Desirable management strategies were explored to solve growth-related problems and to conserve the study groves. The management strategies included fertilization of organic matter and lime, removal of soil fill, soil plowing and graveling, wood-trail installation or woodchip mulching, supply of wood fences and protective frames, surgical operation for damaged stems, vitality enhancement, and trunk injection to improve growth environments or control stem damage and disease/pest.

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