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        Perspectives on the Nanotechnology Applications of for the Analytical Detection of Heavy Metals in Marine Organisms

        조연호,김교범,최종훈 한국생물공학회 2016 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.21 No.2

        Heavy metals accumulate in organisms throughout the food chain and eventually end up in humans. Heavy metals can cause severe diseases and may even result in death. Therefore, concerns about heavy metal accumulation in marine organisms have increased in recent years. To determine solutions to this concern, the sensitive detection of heavy metals in marine organisms is required. Current detection techniques for heavy metals present in marine organisms have several limitations, such as complicated pre-treatment steps and a lengthy analysis time. Thus, there are increasing needs for the newly developed methods of detecting heavy metals in marine organisms. In this review, we focus here on (1) the current detection techniques available and (2) the application of newly emergent nanotechnology for the sensitive detection of heavy metals in marine organisms.

      • KCI등재

        한국무속에 대한 인격교육적 해석

        趙延浩 韓國宗敎敎育學會 2003 宗敎敎育學硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        이 글에서는 한국무속을 인격교육 관점에서 해석해 보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여, 먼저 오래도록 탄압 받아 오면서도 무속이 한국에서 유구하게 전승될 수밖에 없었던 문화적 배경을 살펴보고(제Ⅱ장), 이어서 무당의 신앙심(제Ⅲ장)과 인격확립과정(제Ⅳ장)을 살펴보았다. 연구자의 현지조사 결과에 의하면, 무속은 한국문화의 소산으로서 여타의 고등 종교 내지 철학이 상대적으로 소홀히 지나친 한국인 삶의 한 영역을 관장하며 맺힌 것을 풀어주는 종교문화적 장치였고, 무당은 한국무속을 문화적으로 학습한 사람이며, 개인적 삶의 이력으로부터 무속 신에 대한 의식이 남다르게 형성된 사람이다. 이런 관점에서 보면, 무당 신앙심의 바탕인 신(神)은 한국역사 속에서 정제된 위인이거나 돌아가신 부모와 같은 조상이거나 인간이 범접하기 힘든 천지자연이기 때문에 독실한 신앙 대상이 되기에 유리했으며, 강신무에게 있어서 신(神)이란 신앙 대상인 동시에 그들 자신의 삶을 관장하는 가치관이다. 그래서 강신현상은 인격이 변화되는 현상이고, 성무과정은 인격이 바뀌는 과정인데, 이 인격변화는 ‘거듭남의 고난[신병]’을 계기로 ‘인격이 전환’하여 ‘새로운 인격을 확립’하는 과정이다. 교육학의 관점에서 보면, 강신무의 인격확립은 강신을 계기로 조절작용을 통하여 새로운 단계로 도약한 것이기에, 이 인격변화는 초월적 인격전환을 예증하는 교육적 자원으로서 의의가 있다. The purpose of this paper is to interpret Shamanism that is Korean indigenous religion and cultural foundation, in terms of Moral Character Education. To accomplish it, this paper includes Cultural Background of Korean Shamanism and Shamans(Chapter Ⅱ), Korean Shamans' Faith(Chapter Ⅲ), and Korean Shamans' Character Formative Process(Chapter Ⅳ). Based on my exploratory study of Korean Shamanism, the results are as follows: Korean shamans‘ possession process was analyzed as a natural pattern of changing character involved in Korean culture. It was found that any informant did not intend to be a shaman disparaged in Korean society before inevitably becoming one. However, they had several common factors before initiation; they were brought up in religious families, experienced shamanic rituals, and learned already the faith of gods in Korean culture. It is in Korea that they were born, grew up, became shamans at crises of life, put their faith in Korean native gods, and have had their transcendent belief and thought. Therefore, shaman's faith was made slowly and unconsciously, was exposed at serious bodily/mental crises called Shin-Byung meaning god-disease, and thence has functioned as core to life. In fact, the gods are Korean geographical designations, historical persons, and shaman's late-parents, -grandparents, -great-grandparents, and even the founder of Korean people. So the gods can be interpreted as the symbols of traditional cultural faith and Korean shaman's personal value system. Also, the Korean Shamans' character formative process can be explained in short form as "ises ⇒ qualitative change ⇒ confirmation of new character"The change having arisen in the Korean shamans' characters can be deduced as the result of strong faith. Shamans live mainly according to the authority of their gods, that is to say mind-centered mechanism, instead of their bodily sensation. So genuine shamans can be interpreted as successors and learners of transcendent characteristic formation which has been inherited in Korean culture.

      • KCI등재

        전후 비대칭 독립회전 방식 철도차량의 임계속도 해석

        조연호,엄경수 한국철도학회 2019 한국철도학회논문집 Vol.22 No.12

        In order to improve the disadvantages of independently rotating wheel type railway vehicles, a vehicle has been proposed in which the front axle is a rigid wheel type system and the rear axle is an independently rotating wheel type system. Although system was developed through various studies to satisfy both straight running performance and curving performance, it shows intermediate characteristics between rigid axle type and independently rotating wheel type. When the front axle is operated with the independently rotating wheel type, the running performance is rather poor. In this paper, characteristics of front and rear asymmetric independently rotating wheel type vehicles were compared and evaluated by critical speed analysis of various types of vehicle using four configurations: rigid wheelset, independently rotating wheelset, front only rigid wheelset, and rear only rigid wheelset.

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