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      • KCI등재

        中國 名茶 考察

        조기정,장효은 중국인문학회 2013 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.55

        So far, have examined how do chinese well-known tea is qualified and how many well-known tea is exist. To summarize the overall contents;Chinese well-known tea must be qualified in 6factors. ① Have to be superior to the environment of tea tree's growing area. ② Tea tree's variety should be outstanding. ③ The cultivation of tea tree should appropriate. ④ The manufacturing technique should be exquisite and creative. ⑤ Have to pour tea well. ⑥ Need historical and cultural requirements. Chinese well-known tea is divide broadly according to the time and the space. According to the time, can classify to historically well-known tea and modern times well-known tea, in space, regionally well-known tea, the whole country well-known tea․internationally well-known tea. Historically well-known tea are re-classified to before Tang dynasty․Tang dynasty․Song dynasty․Yuan dynasty․Ming dynasty․Qing dynasty. Modern times well-known tea is classified to traditionally well-known tea․recovered traditional well-known tea․new manufactured well-known tea. In historical tea, there are 1species before Tang dynasty, 54species Tang dynasty, 101species Song dynasty, 50species in Yuan dynasty, 60species in Ming dynasty, 45species in Qing dynasty. It proves Song dynasty which was heyday in tea cultural industry, produced amount is among the best. In modern time well-known tea, there are 20species in traditionally well-known tea, 21species in recovered history well-known tea, 31species in new manufactured well-known tea. There is a chart which is sorted 312species in regionally well-known tea according to province and variety of tea; Green Tea is out of common as 266species, Oolong Tea(18species), Black Tea(15species), Flower Tea(5species), White tea(3species), Fermented Tea(2species), Pressed tea(2species), Dark Green Tea (1species). According to province, Green Tea's main producing district, Zhejiang province(45species) and Jiangxi province(44species) was the most, Hunan province(32species), Anhui province(31species), Hubei province(21species), Fujian province(25species), Sichuan province(24species), Jiangsu province(15species), Yunnan province(13species), Guangdong province(11species), Guangxi autonomous area(3species), Guizhou province(7species), Shanxi province(6species), Henan province(3species), Shandong province(2species), Taiwan(2species), Hainan(1species) can prove. Up to 1989, the whole country's well-known tea was 117species of Gold Quality Prize and 74species of Silver Quality Prize , overall 191species is researched. Up to 1988, internationally well-known tea was 36species of Gold Quality Prize and 5species of Silver Quality Prize , overall 41spices is researched.

      • KCI등재

        중국차의 대중화 과정 고찰

        조기정,장현화 중국인문학회 2018 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.69

        目前韩国饮茶习俗的大众化普及有较大的难度,相比较而言,中国大众化的饮茶是很普遍的现象。因此为了推进韩国饮茶大众化的进程,特意对中国的饮茶文化进行了考察了解。通过调研得知中国茶树的种植面积和茶叶的产量及消费量均居世界首位,茶叶出口量仅次于肯尼亚之后位居第二,人均茶叶消费量逐年递增,2017年达到1500g,处于世界产茶国中的优秀水平。 从古至今中国饮茶的大众化进程可以分为基础期、开始期、推动期、加速期和完成期五个阶段。唐朝中期以前为基础期,唐朝中期后直宋朝初期为开始期,整个宋朝为推动期,元朝开始到明清时期为加速期。直到20世纪后半期才算是完成了饮茶的大众化普及。 《茶经》中“七之事”出现的内容和统一王朝修建的各种运河以及丝绸之路的繁荣为饮茶文化普及提供了物质基础,而儒、释、道文化的兴起为饮茶的普及提供了精神支柱。 茶在普及过程中早期主要是以注重精神层面的文人为中心形成的茶文化,而随着贡茶的增加,皇室对高级茶有更多要求,制茶法也越来越精细,茶开始强调物质层面的追求,斗茶的初期形态和中间形态可以看作茶大众化的开始。 以文人为中心的茶文化向宫廷、民间的延伸推动了饮茶大众化的进程。喜茶爱茶的文人代表有蔡襄、苏东坡、陆游等人,受其影响,皇室专享了贡茶,并在皇家礼仪中出现了茶礼,贵族也纷纷效仿。随着朱子家礼的普及,茶礼也逐渐为大众接受,献茶、支茶、下茶礼等风俗在民间流行开来,从民间到文人、皇室流行的斗茶推动了饮茶的大众化普及。 炒青制茶法的发明以及茶壶、盖碗泡茶等简便泡茶法的出现加快了中国饮茶的大众化速度,从元朝开始的“俗饮”风潮以及明末清初出版的多部茶书著作也促进了饮茶的大众化普及。 “茶藝”一词1977年在台湾开始使用,随着改革开放的浪潮,1988年起在大陆广泛传播开来,至此才真正完成了饮茶习俗的大众化。

      • 한중 문화교류를 통한 백제 차문화 고찰

        조기정 중국인문학회 2005 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.31

        As the most of historical remains or records for BakJae dynasty periods have not been descended, there are no records existing for Tea culture. However, a report has it that there is remains recording the tea was served for the religious event for Buddha as well as for the event of the ancestral shrine of the royal family in the period of Shinla being in the same periods of BakJae dynasty. With this record, assumingly, there was a tradition enjoying the tea in the BakJae dynasty periods. It can be inferred that the tea-serving at traditional rites was performed in BakJae periods when considered the fact that the most of Jolla provinces regarded as good place to cultivate tea was a part of BaekJae and there is a book written by a BakJae Buddhist monk, Hangki, introducing the cultivation of tea at Dong Dae Temple in Japan. Especially, when considered that a tea called ‘Baksan Cha’ was served for ritual rites from Ancient Chosun (Ko Cho Sun), it can be expected that the same tradition was existed during the BakJae dynasty in which people was replying on the Almighty. The culture enjoying tea in BakJae periods can be found in that of Chinese royal families being in the same periods of BakJae dynasty. It is recorded that BakJae had vivid transaction with Chinese Governments, Namjo, Su, Jin, Dang, which presumably made it possible for the governmental officials and religious leaders to transfer the tea culture to BakJae dynasty.

      • KCI등재후보

        긍정적 청소년 발달 관점을 통한 여가교육 프로그램 적용 방안 연구

        조기정,한승진 한국체육정책학회 2012 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        In the current states that in-school violence is intensified, there have been various attempts to prevent in-school violence throughout diverse departments of education field. This study attempts to seek a measure to reduce in-school violence through sports or leisure activities by applying leisure education program adopting perspective of positive development of youth, As detailed application methods, firstly, the value of participation in sports activities for youth will be applied by focusing rather on whole-rounded development than on acquisition of skills. Second, through the experience of 7 positive dimensions that can be obtained through participation in sports activities, 5C, which are competence, character, connection, confidence and caring, will be adopted as main contents. Third, the leisure training program with the perspective of positive development of youth will be possibly applied to the regular physical education curriculum, as well as to after-school programs and sports clubs. After all, this may remove direct and indirect causes of in-school violence for youth, and may also contribute to establishing upright youth culture.

      • KCI등재

        唐代 茶政 考察

        조기정 중국인문학회 2010 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.46

        唐代茶業的興起, 如楊華≪膳夫經手錄≫所載: “至開元․天寶之間, 稍稍有茶,至德․大曆遂多,建中以後盛矣.” ≪膳夫經手錄≫成書于公元856年, 所記唐代茶業的發展, 有的是親目所睹, 有的是距之不遠的事情, 因此內容是較爲可靠的. 根據≪封氏聞見記≫的記載, 所謂“茶興于唐”, 具體來說是興盛于唐代中期. 這一點, 也和≪全唐詩≫≪全唐文≫等唐代各種史籍的記述相一致. 唐代開元以後, 隨着北方城鄕茶葉賣買和消費的風行, 南方茶區的茶市, 江河要道上由茶葉運輸而形成的茶埠等水陸碼頭, 也如雨後春筍般發展了起來. 至唐代中後期, 茶葉生産和技術的中心, 便正式轉移到了長江的中游和下游. 唐代茶業發展的主要原因有四. 其一, 是盛唐經濟文化的影響. 其二, 陸羽的倡導. 三是僧道生活和茶爲敎事吸收的影響. 其四, 這時的氣候條件, 也有利于茶業的發展. 中國茶文化到了唐代基本形成. 判斷茶文化是否形成要看幾個主要標準. 一是有較豊富的茶葉物質. 二是茶葉科學形成了體系. 三是飮茶在精神領域有了較完善的體現. 四是有較多的茶葉著作和茶詩茶畵等. 五是作爲上層建築的茶政開始出現. 茶文化所以在唐代形成, 主要有以下幾個原因: ①與佛敎的大發展有關. ②與唐代科擧制度有關. ③與唐代詩風大盛有關. ④與唐代貢茶的興起有關. ⑤與中唐以後唐王朝禁酒措施有關. ⑥與陸羽倡導有關. 唐代茶文化的最大特點表現在五個方面: ①確定了以煎茶法爲核心的一整套茶藝技術, 强調了茶藝的美學․意境和氛圍. ②將人的精神與茶事相結合, 强調人的品格和思想情操, 注重人茶合一. ③尊定了將茶事活動與儒․佛․道思想文化相結合的中國茶道精神基本框架. ④將茶道精神與自然山水相聯系, 强調茶人在大自然中舒發心志, 以寬廣․包容之心去接納萬物, 注重天人合一. ⑤文人以茶作詩, 記茶喩志, 大量茶詩問世. 中國古代茶政卽官府管理茶葉經濟, 掌握茶葉産銷和經營之利的制度. 具體地說, 涉及古代管理的禁榷制度․官工業制度․財政制度․邊境貿易制度等管理職能. 唐代措施的茶政有四個, 卽榷茶․ 貢茶․茶稅․茶馬互市等. 唐文宗太和九年(835)九月, 王涯爲相, 極言榷茶之利, 文宗卽以王涯爲榷茶使, 下令江南百姓茶樹移官場栽植, 在官場製茶. 茶葉産銷, 全由官府經營. 榷茶自此爲始, 推行不久, 因王涯被誅. 王涯死後由令狐楚代鹽鐵使兼榷茶使, 吸取了王涯的敎訓, 于太和九年十二月, 奏請罷榷茶法, 得允. 至此,榷茶苛政不到兩個月被撤消. 但開始了茶葉官營先例, 成爲後來各朝各代所實行的一種茶業政策. 代宗大曆5年(770)在湖州長城和常州義興交界的顧渚山, 設立了貢茶院, 由官府直接管理茶園, 專門加工各種貢茶, 這就不是土貢了. 雅州的蒙頂山, 也有貢茶院, 蒙頂貢茶雖稱仙茶, 名氣很大, 但産量很少. 因此, 唐代的貢茶大部分是顧渚山的紫筍茶和陽羨茶. 顧渚山貢茶院自代宗大曆5年(770)至明洪武8年(1375), 長達605年, 其間唐代規模最大, 有役工三萬 工匠千人, 製茶工場三十間, 焙場百餘所, 每年朝廷要花費千金之資. 生産萬串貢茶. 貢茶每年增加, 到武宗會昌年間(841-846) 單是顧渚山紫筍就已增加到18,000斤. 唐德宗建中3年(782), 依戶部侍郞趙贊議, 稅天下茶漆竹木, 十取一, 以爲常平倉本錢, 這是第一次抽收茶稅. 但未幾, 興元元年(784), 德宗詔罷茶稅. 貞元9年(793), 鹽鐵使張滂向德宗奏請回復茶稅, 德宗從之, 幷自此成爲定制. 貞元時稅茶, 歲得不過40萬貫. 但至長慶元年(821), 鹽鐵使王播又奏請大增茶稅, ...

      • KCI등재

        현대한어 영성모(零聲母)의 내원고찰

        조기정 영남중국어문학회 1987 중국어문학 Vol.13 No.1

        聲母是音節中的第一個音素, 大部分是輔音, 但中國人把元音開頭的音節或元自成一個音節也認爲有聲母, 這類的聲母, 通常叫做零聲母. 在這篇論文, 以考察零聲母的來源爲主, 而調査關於聲母的名稱, 以及用中華新韻分析現代漢語零聲母, 最後整理隔音方法. 本論文的要旨如下. 其一, 在中國韻學史上, 關於聲母的名稱有八個, 按照使用次序而列如下; 雙聲·體文(體語)·紐·字母·字父·聲類·聲紐(紐)·聲母·其中體文·字母·字父屬於外來名稱. 體文·字父等於輔音的槪念, 其他與聲母相通. 其二, 在中華新韻裏, 現代漢語零聲母字出現於十七個韻·三十八個韻母, 都是1203字. 這類的字,按照四呼, 分爲四大類, 就是 a·i·u·u¨類零聲母. 其三, 零聲母的來源可分爲七個 ; 則喩·于·影·疑·日·微母及其他. 喩母於切韻以前已變零聲母. 於中華新韻裏, 中古的喩母出現於十三個韻·十六個韻母, 而四類零聲母中, 只出現於 i·u·u¨類. 于母在6C末, 從匣母分化出來, 再在10C頃, 근喩母合流而變零聲母. 于母出現於十個韻, 十二個韻母, 근喩母一樣, 只出現於三類零聲母. 影母的零聲母化, 開始於北宋末, 完城於14C. 影母出現於十六個韻·三十三個韻母. 於四類零聲母都出現. 疑母的零聲母化, 也開始北宋末, 最遲也在15C中葉, 除極少數的例外字以外, 都變零聲母. 疑母出現於十七個韻·二十八個韻母, 影母一樣, 於四類都出現. 日母的零聲母化, 開始於北宋及遼代, 完成於17C以前. 타只進行於一部止攝韻的開口音三等字. 日母中的零聲母字, 只出現於兒韻及a類. 微母原來屬於明母, 在7C從明母分化起來, 完成於8C∼10C. 在北宋末一部分變v, 然後再變零聲母, 這個變化完成於17C. 微母出現於六個韻(母), 只出現於u類零聲母. 其他的零聲母字, 有的是從十六個別的字母變來的, 有的是在黃韻裏沒有的字. 前者是不規則的變化, 後者是在黃韻以後的韻書及字書裏增加的字. 其四, 隔音就是爲了消減병音時音節與韻節之間可能産生界限不淸的現象, 隔音的方法有兩種, 就是字母隔音和符號隔音.前者是用y·w來隔音, 使用於 i·u·u¨類零聲母, 後者是用‘’’的符號來隔音, 使用於 a類零聲母.

      • KCI등재

        중국 차문화의 최근 연구 동향 분석

        조기정,두연(杜娟),원류(袁柳) 중국인문학회 2018 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.70

        中国茶大众化普及程度很高,全民尚茶的同时茶文化的研究从未停止。要想了解中国茶文化目前研究的现状和发展,可以通过在中国CNKI数字图书馆网站上的检索及下载结果,掌握近年来各个领域学者对茶文化的研究动向。 分析历年来以茶文化为主题的文章,发现几个基本规律: 一是初始期,主要是80年代后期到2009年之前。最早的茶文化论文是庄晚芳先生在1984年写的≪中国茶文化的传播≫。之后,茶文化的理论研究逐步开始慢慢发展起来,2009年之前茶文化的研究无论从论文数量还是研究领域来说都处在缓慢发展时期。 二是发展期,2009年到2016年期间。2009年之后与茶相关的论文数量开始出现急剧增长。这主要是由于2009年中央一号文件第一次出现茶和茶产业之后,对茶文化的研究逐渐得到重视,文献研究数目开始加速增长。 三是兴盛期,是指2016年后至今。2016年之后中国国家又出台了许多专项的茶产业扶持政策,因此更多的人重视到茶文化对茶产业发展的重要性,学术界涌出了大量研究成果,大大推动了中国茶文化研究的发展, 分析近5年间中国茶文化方面的论文,发现2014年到现在中国出版的关键词为“茶文化”的论文共有10,857篇文章。按照研究层次进行分类,主要是社会科学类的基础研究和自然科学的基础研究以及社会科学的行业指导;被引用频次最高的文献主要集中在茶文化与旅游产业结合方面的研究;通过对关键词进行共现分析可以看出相关论文主要关键词为茶文化旅游、传统茶文化、包装设计、英语教学、翻译等词。 考察当前主要的研究内容,有三个方向是当前研究的重点:一是传统文化研究,二是创新文化研究,三是文化与社会管理实践结合的研究。

      • KCI등재

        상업스포츠 시설의 서비스 품질평가에 대한 소고

        조기정,정영남 한국스포츠산업경영학회 1998 한국스포츠산업경영학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        국민들의 스포츠활동의 욕구를 수용하고 있는 상업스포츠 시설은 양적인 증가를 보이고 있음에도 불구하고 이용자들의 만족도는 낮게 나타나고 있다. 상업스포츠 시설에 대한 의존도가 높아지고 있는 현시점에서 체계적이고 설득력이 높은 상업스포츠 시설의 서비스 품질 평가 모형 개발을 통하여 서비스에 대한 실증적 평가를 할 수 있는 근거를 제시해 주는 것은 매우 중요하다. 따라서 본고에서는 상업스포츠 시설의 특성을 파악해 보고 이를 토대로 하여 Parasuraman, Zelthaml, & Berry(1985)의 SERVQUAL(service quality) 모델에서 사용한 10가지 측정 항목, 즉, 신뢰성(reliability), 반응성(responsiveness), 능력(competence), 접근성(accessiveness), 예절(courtesy), 의사소통(communication), 신용성(credibility), 안정성(security), 이해성(understanding), 유형성(tanglbles)을 중심으로 상업스포츠 시설에서의 서비스 품질 평가문항을 제시하였다. 향후 상업스포츠 시설 이용 고객의 만족 방안을 모색하는데 기초 자료로 제공 되었으면 한다. This study consists of empirical investigations on the relationship of customer satisfaction & service quality in using commercial sport facilities. (1) commercial sport facilities as a service industry and customer satisfaction. (2) the relationship of customer satisfaction & service quality in using commercial sport facilities, and then browsing in the data on ten measurements used in Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry's Servqual models as service marketing studies. (3) theoretical survey on service quality evaluation in using commercial sport facilities. Afterwards, this study supplies basic data for prospective researchers on service quality evaluation in using commercial sport facilities. In the end, this kind of study will improve customer satisfaction scale, and revitalize 'sport for all' movements. The main subjects in commercial sport services are customers, and then paticipation in the service field in a necessity. Customer types are individualized, and then depend on personal characteristics. Commercial sport facilities are individual on certain group's properties. Their first aim is to make money, using their properties in the name of sport facility. Their service traits are intangibility, inseparability, variability, perishability, and subjectivity in addition. Service quality evaluation, or supply of high-quality services in an affective strategy for service goods positioning on the market. Reliability, responsiveness, ability, proximity, etiquette, communication, credibility, safety, understandability, and types are ten measurements to evaluate service quality. Utilizing these elements in developing service quality evaluation item, the evaluation item model according to each dimension & definition plays a key role in evaluating commercial sport quality.

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