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        정지용의 ‘民謠風詩篇’과 초기시의 다양한 형식에 나타나는 비근대적 사유의 양상

        정용호(Jeong, Yong-Ho) 한국어문학회 2015 語文學 Vol.0 No.127

        Considerable numbers of traditional elements can be found in Jeong Ji-Yong’s early poetry. One of the most significant implications in Jeong Ji-Yong’s early poetry is its folk style, which has been discussed in quite a few times. Surprisingly, discussions on Folk Style Poem Collection, of its term ‘Folk Style’ has been denominated by Jeong Ji-Yong himself, however, would not seem to be placed quite actively. In addition, it has been concluded that previous discussions on Jeong Ji-Yong’s poetry was only focused on his borrowing of folk style, which resulted in lack of detailed discussion on emotional contexts of folk style, Thus, this paper will review the format of Jeong Ji-Yong’s Folk Style Poem Collection and his mental orientation based on its format. Presumably, the main format of Jeong Ji-Yong’s Folk Style Poem Collection is closely connected with the principle of folk style’s extended edition. The insertion, which takes place in folk song’s oral transmission site, can be processed by adding performer’s own lyrics into its original lyrics and making it extended edition. In this process, individual songs can be affected as a whole component with overall organic characteristics. The process of putting four pieces of poetry into one collection under the same category of Folk Style Poem Collection has a similar aspect of folk song’s style of extended edition. This feature shows in the formal characteristics of symbols, functioning as a ring phrase and nonformal word spacing. Jeong Ji-Yong also made it clear of the value of his words (languages) in his thought. This rather has dynamic and fluid forms, which is totally different from the words that produce stereotype and fixed structure and value, The image of the words, which Jeong ji-Yong pursued had constantly shown in his works from Folk Style Poem Collection to Nostalgia. Words in his work pieces represent dynamics and openness, which embraces various things.

      • 데페이즈망 기법을 활용한 디자인 작품 사례 연구

        정용호(Jeong, Yongho) 한국디자인지식학회 2015 디자인지식저널 Vol.33 No.-

        벨기에의 초현실주의 작가 르네 마그리트(Rene Magritte)는 일상적인 사물을 예기치 않은 공간에 두거나 크기를 왜곡시켰다. 나아가 그는 사물에 대한 관습적인 인식을 논리적으로 뒤집어 자신만의 독특한 회화 세계를 구축하였다. 본 연구는 크게 세 개의 단락으로 구분되어 연구하였다. 첫 번째, 미술사학자 알렉산드리안(Sarane Alexandrian)의 데페이즈망(depaysement) 분류 방식을 통해 마그리트 작품들 속에서 공통적으로 나타난 다양한 데페이즈망을 연구한다. 데페이즈망을 활용한 사례 연구를 통해 방법론을 고찰한다. 사례 연구를 통하여 데페이즈망 기법이 다양한 디자인 분야에서 쓰이고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 데페이즈망 기법을 적용한 작품제작을 통하여 작품 아이디어를 위한 데페이즈망의 새로운 가능성을 실험하는 것이 목표이다. 그러나 상호작용성에 치중하여 작품의 주제를 표현하기 위한 데페이즈망 기법이 효과적으로 표현되지 못했던 문제점이 제기되었다. 본 논문은 다양한 데페이즈망 기법은 광고나 건축 분야 및 미디어 작품 제작에 창의적인 표현 방법으로써 활용될 수 있음을 제시한다. 앞으로 디자인 영역에서 창작을 위한 다양한 방법론으로서 활용 될 수 있는 데페이즈망 기법에 대한 연구가 더 필요하다. Belgian surrealist artist Rene Magritte put everyday objects in unexpected spaces or distort a size of everyday object. In addition, He who logically change the conventional perception of things was building his own unique world. This study was conducted in three major sectors. First, The purpose of this study is to investigate the various depaysement techniques commonly appeared in Magritte works through a classification of the art historian Alexandrian about depaysement. Then This study consider a methodology of depaysement through a case study in depaysement technique. This technique was found that being used in a variety of design fields through a case study. Finally, By making a work which is applied depaysement, This goal of study is to experiment new possibility of depaysement used in ideas on works. But Focusing only on interactivity, The problem of depaysement technique to express the theme of the work had not been raised effectively represented. This study suggests a variety of techniques of depaysement which can be used to method as a creative expression in advertising and architecture and media productions. In future, More studies is needed on new study about depayement that can be used as a methodology for the creation in the design fields.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        산림(山林)의 입지환경인자(立地環境因子)가 표층토양(表層土壤)의 조공극율(粗孔隙率)에 미치는 영향인자(影響因子) 분석(分析)(II) - 활엽수림(闊葉樹林)을 중심(中心)으로 -

        정용호,박재현,김경하,윤호중,Jeong, Yongho,Park, Jae Hyeon,Kim, Kyong Ha,Youn, Ho Joong 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.4

        산림의 수원함양기능 지표인 표층토양에서의 조공극율(粗孔隙率)(pF2.7) 에 영향하는 입지환경인자를 밝히기 위해 1994년 3월부터 10월까지 전국의 활엽수림 표본조사구를 대상으로 업지, 토양, 임분환경인자 등 총 15인자에 대하여 spss/pc+를 이용하여 상관 분석하였다. 표층토양에서의 조공극률에 영향을 미치는 수고, 하층식생 피복도, 토양의 유기물함량비 3개 인자가 유의한 정(正)의 상관관계를, 표층토양의 견밀도가 1% 수준에서 유의한 부(負)의 상관관계를 나타내었다. Stepwise를 이용한 다중회귀분석결과 표층토양에서의 조공극률에 영향하는 인자는 표층토양의 견밀도, 토양의 유기물함량비 2개 인자이었다. 활엽수림의 수원함양기능 증진을 위한 시업은 표층토양의 조공극 발달이 촉진되도록 하층식생 피복도가 30%에서 80%를 유지하도록 실시해야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study aimed to clarify the influencing site factors of the mesopore ratio on a pore geometry of surface soil in deciduous stands as an index of the water retention capacity. Fifteen factors including site conditions and soil properties were analyzed by spss/pc+ for the data collected during March to October of 1994. The factors influencing the mesopore ratio(pF2.7) on the surface soil were as follows; tree height, under vegetation coverage and organic matter contents of soil. And influencing factor on the ratio of mesopore in the soil surface was correlated with surface soil hardness shows high negative significance. Also, multiple regression equations for mesopore ratios of surface soil hardness, organic matter contents of soils show high significance($R^2=0.84$). In deciduous stands, it is effective in promoting development on the ratio of mesopore that forest practice for enhancing of the water resource retention capacity should be carried out when the under vegetation coverage rates of stands are maintained from 30 to 80 percentages.

      • KCI등재

        산림(山林)의 입지환경인자(立地環境因子)가 표층토양(表層土壤)의 조공극률(粗孔極律)에 미치는 영향인자(影響因子) 분석(分析)(I) - 침엽수림(針葉樹林)을 중심(中心)으로 -

        정용호,박재현,김경하,윤호중,Jeong, Yongho,Park, Jae Hyeon,Kim, Kyong Ha,Youn, Ho Joong 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.3

        This study aimed to clarify the influencing factors of mesopore ratio on a pore geometry of surface soil in coniferous stands as an index of the water retention capacity. Twenty three factors including site conditions and soil properties were analyzed by spss/pc + for the data collected during March to October of 1993. The factors influencing the mesopore ratio(pF2.7) on the surface soil were as follows; macropore ratio(pF1.6), slope, crown-cover rates, thickness of F layer, organic matter contents, and the growing stock. And influencing factor on the ratio of mesopore in the soil surface was correlated with percentage of amount of clay, soil surface, A and B horizon soil hardness shows high negative significance. Also, multiple regression equations for mesopore ratios of surface soil and surface soil hardness, clear length, growing stock, B horizon of soil hardness, organic matter contents show high significance($R^2$; 0.80). In coniferous stands, it is effective in promoting development on the ratio of mesopore that forest practice for enhancing of the water resource retention capacity should be carried out when the crown-cover rates of stands are more than 80 percentages. 산림의 수원함양기능 지표로서 표층토양에서의 조공극률(粗孔隙率)(pF2.7)에 영향하는 인자를 밝히기 위해 1993년 3월부터 10월까지 전국의 침엽수림 표본조사구를 대상으로 입지, 토양, 임분환경인자 등 총 23개 조사항목에 대하여 상관분석하였다. 표층토양에서의 조공극률에 영향을 미치는 유의한 인자는 표층토양에서의 조대공극률(粗大孔隙率)(pF1.6), 경사도, 상층식생 울폐도, F층의 두께, 토양의 유기물함량비, 임목축적 등 6개 인자가 정(定)의 상관관계를, 점토함량비, 표층토양의 견밀도, A층, B층 토양견밀도 등 4개 인자가 각각 5%, 1% 수준에서 유의한 부(負)의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 또한, stepwise를 이용한 다중회귀분석결과 표층토양에서의 조공극률에 영향하는 인자는 표층토양의 견밀도, 상층임분 지하고, 임목축적, B층 토양의 견밀도, 토양의 유기물함량비 등 5개 인자이었다. 침엽수림의 수원함양기능 증진을 위한 시업은 표층토양의 조공극 발달이 촉진되도록 상충식생 울폐도가 80%를 넘게 되었을 때 실시해야 할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        산림의 입지환경인자가 표층토양의 조공극률에 미치는 영향인자 분석 (1) - 침엽수림을 중심으로 -

        정용호(Yong Ho Jeong),박재현(Jae Hyeon Park),김경하(Kyong Ha Kim),윤호중(Ho Joong Youn) 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.3

        This study aimed to clarify the influencing factors of mesopore ratio on a pore geometry of surface soil in coniferous stands as an index of the water retention capacity. Twenty three factors including site conditions and soil properties were analyzed by spss/pc + for the data collected during March to October of 1993. The factors influencing the mesopore ratio(pF2.7) on the surface soil were as follows; macropore ratio(pF1.6), slope, crown-cover rates, thickness of F layer, organic matter contents, and the growing stock. And influencing factor on the ratio of mesopore in the soil surface was correlated with percentage of amount of clay, soil surface, A and B horizon soil hardness shows high negative significance. Also, multiple regression equations for mesopore ratios of surface soil and surface soil hardness, clear length, growing stock, B horizon of soil hardness, organic matter contents show high significance(R²; 0.80). In coniferous stands, it is effective in promoting development on the ratio of mesopore that forest practice for enhancing of the water resource retention capacity should be carried out when the crown-cover rates of stands are more than 80 percentages.

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