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      • KCI등재

        경채 및 경찰승진 시험에서 「수사」 과목의 출제경향 분석 연구

        정연균 한국경찰학회 2020 한국경찰학회보 Vol.22 No.4

        In the Police Recruitment Examination and the Police Promotion Examination, the “Investigation” course was adopted in the exam course since 2001 and has been practiced by many candidates. From 2001 to 2011, it was an essential subject for the employment test, and from 2012 to now, it has remained as a subject of the police practice and the police practice (2) in the employment recruitment exam and police promotion exam from the police administration department. From 2022, when the test subjects are newly changed, the “investigation” subjects in the police recruitment test disappear from the recruitment test, and in the promotion test, the police officer promotion appointment rules were revised in 2020, and the police practice (2) was abolished and the police practice was comprehensive. Part of the question was asked. Although it disappeared from the employment test since 2022, it seems that it has been necessary to analyze the characteristics of the “investigation” subject and the trend of questions so far as it has been a test subject until now. Is to proceed. First of all, I would like to describe what the characteristics of the practical subject ‘Investigation’ are divided into the general investigation and rhetoric, and analyze the questioning trend of the ‘Investigation’ in the past 10 years and examine whether it was an appropriate question as a test subject . It is revealed that this study was conducted in the hope that it will be used as a reference if future “research” subjects are re-listed as exam subjects, rather than by presenting alternatives. 찰채용시험과 경찰승진시험에서 「수사」과목은 2001년부터 시험과목에 채택되어 현재까지 많은 수험생들이 공부를 한 실무과목이다. 2001년부터 2011년까지는 채용시험 필수과목이었고 2012년부터 지금 현재까지는 채용시험에서 경찰행정학과 출신 경력경쟁채용시험과 경찰승진시험에서는 경찰실무종합과 경찰실무(2)라는 과목으로 존치하고 있다. 새롭게 시험과목이 변경되는 2022년부터는 경찰채용시험에서 「수사」 과목은 채용시험에서 자취를 감추고 승진시험에서도 2020년 <경찰공무원 승진임용 규정>이 개정되어 경찰실무(2)는 폐지되었고 경찰실무종합에 일부분을 출제하게 되었다. 비록 2022년부터 채용시험에서는 사라지지만 지금까지 시험과목으로서 역할을 해 온 만큼 「수사」 과목의 특성과 지금까지의 출제경향을 분석할 필요가 있다고 보이고 이후 시험과목 선정에 도움이 될까 싶어 이 연구를 진행하는 바이다. 먼저 실무과목인 「수사」 과목의 특성이 어떻게 되는지 수사총론과 수사각론으로 나누어 서술하려하고 지난 10여년간 「수사」 과목의 출제가 어떻게 이뤄져 왔는지 출제경향을 분석하고 시험과목으로서 적정한 출제였는지 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구는 대안을 제시하는 측면보다는 지금까지의 기록을 정리하고 차후 「수사」 과목이 시험과목으로 재등장할 경우 참고가 되기를 바라면서 진행하였음을 밝혀두는 바이다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Complete genome sequence of Microbacterium aurum strain KACC 15219<sup>T</sup>, a carbohydrate-degrading bacterium

        정연균,정병권,박창언,제랄드 콘라드 이발,김상준,신재호,Jung, YeonGyun,Jung, Byung Kwon,Park, Chang Eon,Ibal, Jerald Conrad,Kim, Sang-Jun,Shin, Jae-Ho The Microbiological Society of Korea 2019 미생물학회지 Vol.55 No.2

        이 연구에서는 Microbacterium aurum KACC $15219^T$ (=IFO $15204^T$ = DSM $8600^T$)의 완전한 유전체 서열이 해독되었다. 하나의 원형 염색체는 3.42 Mbp였으며 G+C 함량이 69.9%였다. 해당 염색체 염기서열을 주석화한 결과, 총 3,096개의 유전자 서열이 발견되었다. 16종 이상의 탄소원을 분해하는 것으로 알려진 M. aurum KACC $15219^T$에는 방향족 아미노산 합성 기질인 quinic acid를 비롯한 다양한 탄소원의 이용과 관련된 유전자가 존재하였다. M. aurum KACC $15219^T$의 유전체 정보는 이 미생물에 대한 이해를 높이고 산업적인 이용을 위한 기반이 될 것이다. The complete genomic information of Microbacterium aurum KACC $15219^T$ (= IFO $15204^T$ = DSM $8600^T$) is described. The genome of M. aurum KACC $15219^T$ contains 3,096 protein coding genes and an average G+C content of 69.9% in its chromosome (3.42 Mbp). This strain can use various carbon sources for growth, including quinic acid. Quinic acid is used as a substrate for the synthesis of aromatic amino acids via the shikimate pathway which are useful in the industry. M. aurum KACC $15219^T$ will provide basis to improve our understanding of this organism and allow more efficient application of the strain to industry.

      • KCI등재

        전의경 구타근절대책이 부대적응에 미치는 영향

        정연균,이창한 한국경호경비학회 2014 시큐리티연구 Vol.- No.41

        The main objective of this research was to grasp using a structure equation analysis ifan auxiliary police officer unit's measure of getting rid of assault gets to their adaptationto the unit through stress factor to reveal the cause of an auxiliary police officer unit'sadaptation to unit. The data used for the research is survey data of all auxiliary police officerbelonging to Ulsan Metropolitan Police Agency in 2011. The result of structure equationanalysis showed that the mediated effect through stress was statistically meaningful in thelevel of p<.001. Also, the result of confirming the size of effect through standardizedregression coefficients was that the effect of stress upon the adjustment to units was higherthan the effect of unit's measure of getting rid of assault. Namely, unit's measure of gettingrid of assault has a positive effect upon a conscripted policemen unit's adaptation to unit,but it showed that an auxiliary police officer unit's adaptation to unit had the biggerindividual stress factor than that of unit's measure of getting rid of assault. From this,authorities should recognize that an auxiliary police officer’s stress is a cause to determinetheir adaptation to units, and prepare its alternative. 이 연구는 전의경의 부대적응의 원인을 밝히는 데 있어 전의경 부대의 구타근절대책이스트레스 변인을 통해 부대적응에 이르는지를 구조방정식분석을 사용하여 파악하는 데 그주된 목적을 두었다. 연구에 사용된 자료는 2011년 울산지방경찰청 소속 전의경 전원에대한 조사 데이터이다. 구조방정식 분석결과, 스트레스를 통한 매개효과는 p<.001 수준에서 통계적으로 유의미한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 표준화 회귀계수를 통해 효과크기를 확인한 결과, 스트레스가 부대적응에 미치는 영향력이 부대의 구타근절대책의 영향력 보다 더더 컸다. 즉, 부대의 구타근절대책이 전의경의 부대적응에 긍정적인 영향을 주지만, 전의경의 부대적응력은 부대의 구타근절대책 보다 개인이 느끼는 스트레스 요인이 더 커다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이를 통해 경찰당국은 전의경이 겪는 스트레스가 부대적응도를 결정할 수있는 원인임을 인지하고, 이에 대한 대안을 마련하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        통일 대비 남북한 경찰의 협력방안에 관한 연구

        정연균 한국공안행정학회 2019 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.28 No.3

        Five-time South-North Korea summits have thus far been achieved. This process has clearly indicated a substantial progress in their relationships compared to before, although there still remain power-controlling relationships with the surrounding nations. This South-North progress suggests a possible future unification of Korea. The unification remains unpredicted but it may happen abruptly any time in the future. Two political entities with completely different systems and ideologies need to prepare measures in all fields to achieve the unpredicted unification. In a bid to explore South-North police cooperation measures, this study theoretically examined terms such as the police concept, police system, police legislation system, and unification, as well as South-North police development history and relevant previous studies. To explore South-North cooperation measures in preparation for the unification, the current South-North police systems and police legislation systems were compared. As South-North police cooperation measures in preparation for the unification, first, the German case of unification was examined, second, the integration of South-North police legislation systems was proposed, and the security manpower utilization measures following the unification were also proposed. For the integration of South-North police legislation systems, first, the establishment of integrated South-North police organization for the unification was proposed, second, preparation should be made for the adoption of autonomous police system, and third, the integration of South-North police organization duties was proposed. For the post-unification security manpower utilization measures, first, North's police manpower transfer problems should be addressed, and second, North's police manpower fostering measures were proposed. North's police data available are scanty and hard to gain, making the study difficult, but such problems are expected to be tackled by follow-up studies. Meantime, the various data obtained were used to conduct this study. This study is hoped to help the unification of South-North police when Korea is unified. 남북정상회담은 지금까지 5번이 성사되었다. 이런 과정을 본다면 주변국과의 역학관계도 있지만 확실히 예전보다는 남북관계가 진전되었다고 볼 수 있고, 남북관계가 진전을 이루고 있다는 말은 앞으로 남과 북이 하나로 되는 통일도 가능하다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. 남북한이 하나가 되는 통일은 아직까지는미래이지만 아무도 예측하지 못한 채 우리에게 다가올 수 있는 것이다. 체제와이념이 전혀 다른 두 정치실세가 하나가 되기 위해서는 각 분야에서는 미리대비책을 세워두어야 할 것이다. 남북한 경찰의 협력방안을 위해 본 논문에서는 이론적 배경에서 경찰개념, 경찰제도, 경찰법제, 통일이라는 용어에 대해 살펴보고, 남북한 경찰의 발전과정과 선행연구를 검토하였다. 이후 통일 대비 남북한 경찰의 협력방안을 살펴보기 위해 현행 남북한 경찰제도와 경찰법제를 비교하였다. 통일 대비 남북한경찰의 협력방안으로 첫째, 독일의 사례를 검토하였고, 둘째, 남북한 경찰법제의 통합, 셋째, 통일 이후 치안인력 활용방안을 제시하였다. 남북한 경찰법제의통합에는 첫째, 통일대비 남북한 통합경찰기구 설치, 둘째, 자치경찰제 도입을위한 준비, 셋째, 남북한 경찰조직 임무통합을 제시하였고, 통일 이후 치안인력활용방안에는 첫째, 북한 경찰인력 승계문제, 둘째, 북한지역 경찰인력 양성방안을 제시하였다. 북한경찰에 대한 자료가 워낙 미흡해서 연구에 어려움이 있으나 이는 향후연구에 맡겨두고 현재 도출된 여러 자료를 바탕으로 연구가 진행되었고 이 연구가 혹시 통일이 되었을 때 경찰통일에 있어서 도움이 되었으면 한다.

      • KCI등재

        자치경찰제 도입과 발전방안에 관한 연구– 경상남도를 중심으로

        정연균 한국경찰학회 2023 한국경찰학회보 Vol.25 No.6

        In 1995, Korea opened an era of local autonomy through the election of local government heads. In terms of security administration, the basis for the autonomous police system was established in accordance with the Special Act on Local Decentralization and Local Administrative System Reorganization enacted in 2004, and the era of autonomous police was opened in July 2021 after long discussions and pains. However, at the beginning of its introduction, there were many criticisms and concerns about the collusion between autonomous police and local autonomous forces, lack of investigative linkage and expertise, unclear division of duties of police officers in charge of autonomous police affairs, and differences in welfare, but after the current implementation, it gradually increased. The situation is such that voices of criticism and concern are being silenced. However, the current autonomous police system is evaluated as an incomplete transitional system, and this is largely due to the fact that legislation was passed to change to a unified model instead of a dual model that creates a separate autonomous police organization in addition to the national police organization. However, even though it is in the early stages of implementation, shortcomings are being improved one by one. Accordingly, in this study, we first examine the introduction and current implementation status of the autonomous police system, especially in Gyeongsangnam-do, with a focus on the autonomous police system, which has been in effect for two years, and then derive an appropriate plan for the development of the autonomous police system in Gyeongsangnam-do. In this study, as a development plan for the Gyeongsangnam-do autonomous police system, it is argued that, first, substantiating the functions of the Gyeongsangnam-do Autonomous Police Committee, second, actively promoting the Gyeongnam-style autonomous police system and ensuring participation opportunities, third, substantiating personnel rights and securing a realistic budget, and fourth, expanding Gyeongnam customized autonomous police policies. We hope that this study will be of some help to the development of the Gyeongsangnam-do autonomous police system and that many follow-up studies will be conducted.

      • 유기질 폐기물의 분해촉진 방안을 통한 매립지의 조기 안정화에 관한 연구

        정연규,임성균,정연균 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1991 논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        In this study, the stabilization process of solid wastes was investigated related to bio-gas production, using lysimeters filled with municipal wastes contained a high percentage of organic refuse. The lysimeters were operated four types; continual through-flushing with water, leachate recirculation, leachate recirculation with pH control, and in-situ condition. Also each type was consisted of three lysimeters and operated with detention time 3 days, 6 days, 12 days, respectively. As the results, inorganic material, ??, was decreased by physical dilution and organic materials such as COD, VS were decreased by biological activity as well as dilution. The ratio of VS to TS was decreased proportionately in the course of time. Leachate recirculation was shortening the period of stabilization by accelerating bio-degradation of organic wastes. And the reactors operated leachate recirculation with pH control accelerated the rate of gas production.

      • 국내 주방쓰레기 발생실태에 관한 연구

        민달기,박준환,정연규,정연균 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1993 논문집 Vol.25 No.1

        The waste generation rate of Korea is the first rank of the world and waste generation rate is 2.3 kg per capita per day. In spite of the severe waste problem, the management of wastes is very weak and most of wastes landfilled simply, and the study of waste generation and characteristics is also poor. Therfore, in this wtudy, waste source, unit discharge rate and physicochemical property of organic fraction of muicipal solid wastes, (especially food wastes, are inverstigated, and future waste generation is predicted using DYNAMO simulation. As the result, generation rate of food wastes in dwelling area, market place, cafeteria, and food feeding center are 187 g/cap/day, 975 g/㎡/day, 427 g/㎡/day, and 191 g/cap/day respectively. In addition, the total amount of food wastes generation in Korea is estimated 16,395ton/day (or 6million ton/year), or 454g/cap/day as a unit discharge. Also, the food wastes fraction of the total wastes in the year of 2000 and 2010 is predicted increasing by 31.4%(19,302ton/day) and 35.3% (24,362ton/day)respectively.

      • KCI등재

        북한이탈주민에 대한 신변보호의 문제점 및 개선방안

        정연균(Jung Yeoun Kyeun) 한국공안행정학회 2018 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.27 No.4

        2018년 6월말을 기준으로 북한이탈주민의 수는 3만 1천여명을 넘어서고 있는 형편이다. 이들의 한국으로의 안정적인 정착은 북한이탈주민과 대한민국 국민의 화합과 미래지향적인 남북한의 모습을 그대로 투영하는 것이라 여겨지므로 대단히 중요한 문제라고 볼 수 있다. 그러나, 실제 이들의 안정적인 정착은 쉽지 않은 문제이고 이에 대한 현실적인 모습에 조금이나마 도움이 되고자 본 연구가 진행된 것이다. 북한이탈주민의 남한내 정착의 경우 경찰을 통해 신변보호를 받고 있는데 여기의 문제점을 먼저 신변보호담당관의 입장에서 살펴보면 첫째로는 신변보호담당관의 인력과 예산, 장비의 부족, 둘째로는 신변보호담당관과 북한이탈주민과의 심리적 괴리감, 셋째로는 북한이탈주민의 거주지 불분명 문제, 넷째로는 신변보호담당관의 업무과중의 문제점이 있다. 아울러 북한이탈주민의 입장에서 문제점을 살펴보면 첫째로는 신변보호담당관의 잦은 교체, 둘째로는 맞춤 식 신변보호담당관의 배치 미흡, 셋째로는 애로상황의 민원창구 일원화 미비, 넷째로는 신변보호 담당기간의 연장 필요성의 문제점이 있다. 위의 문제점들에 대해 본 연구에서 제시하는 개선방안으로는 첫째로는 신변 보호담당관의 업무여건 개선, 둘째로는 맞춤식 신변보호담당관 배치, 셋째로는 주소지와 거주지 불일치에 따른 관리체계 수립, 넷째로는 민원창구의 일원화 및 주기적 교육 강화, 다섯째로는 신변보호담당기간의 연장을 제시하였다. As at the end of June 2018, there are more than 31,000 North Korean defector residents. It is considered that stable settlement of North korean defectors directly reflects harmony amongst the citizens of South Korea and the future orientated image of South & North Korea, so this is a very important issue. However, stable settlement of these people is not a simple task, so this study seeks to make even a small contribution in relation to the reality of the current situation. When North Korean defectors settle into South Korea, they receive personal protection from the police, and the problem points in the viewpoint of the personal protection officers are as follows. First is the lack of personnel, budget and equipment for the personal protection officers, second is the conflicting sentiment between the North Korean defectors and the personal protection officers, third is the uncertainty of residential address of the North Korean defectors, and fourth is the excessive workload on the personal protection officers. Likewise, we can point out the problem points in the viewpoint of the North Korean defectors as follows. First is the frequency of personal protection officer replacements, second is insufficient deployment of customized personal protection officers, third is absence of systemized communication channels for submission of problem issues, and fourth is the need to extend placement periods of the personal protection officers. In relation to the above issues this study proposes the following as the improvement methods. First is the improvement of working conditions for the personal protection officers, second is the deployment of customized personal protection officers, third is the establishment of a management system for address and residency inconsistencies, fourth is the systemization of communication channels and reinforcement of education, and fifth is the extension of personal protection officer placements.

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