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        초등학생 읽기동기 척도의 타당화 및 규준 연구

        정수정,최나야 한국아동교육학회 2018 아동교육 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the reading motivation scale (Jeong, 2017) developed to measure reading motivation of elementary school students, and to establish the norms of this scale. For this purpose, 1,535 students from 11 elementary schools in Korea conducted a questionnaire survey on their reading motivation and related variables. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0 programs. In order to verify the reliability of the scale, the internal consistency coefficient, the half reliability coefficient, and the test-retest reliability coefficient were calculated. The validity was tested by comparing with the reading attitude(ERAS) test, and verified by checking the relationship between reading motivation and reading activity based on the cross validity that confirms the fitness index of the measurement model and the result of the previous study. As a result, the stability and suitability of reading motivation scale of elementary school students were confirmed. Finally, we examined the differences in reading motivation by students’ grade and gender for the standardization and norm setting of the results, and calculated standard scores(T-score) and percentile scores. Teachers and parents can use this reliable and valid scale to grasp the child's motivation to read and apply it for instruction and intervention. 이 연구는 초등학생의 읽기동기를 측정하기 위해 개발된 척도의 신뢰도와 타당도 검증과 규준 마련을 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 전국 8개 11개 초등학교 1-6학년 학생 1,535명에게 정수정(2017)이 개발한 ‘초등학생 읽기동기 척도’의 준거관련 척도들로 구성된 질문지 조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 21.0과 AMOS 21.0, Exce1 2007 프로그램을 통해 분석하였다. 척도의 신뢰도 검증을 위해 내적 일치도 계수, 반분신뢰도 계수, 검사-재검사 신뢰도 계수를 구하였고, 타당도 검증을 위해 초등학생용 읽기 태도(ERAS) 검사를 준거로 하는 공인타당도, 성별, 학년별, 지역별로 각 측정모델의 적합도 지수를 확인하는 교차타당도, 선행연구의 결과를 토대로 읽기동기와 읽기활동 간의 관계를 확인한 결과타당도 검증을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 초등학생 읽기동기 척도의 안정성과 적합성이 확인되었다. 마지막으로, 결과의 표준화 및 규준 설정을 위한 학년과 성별에 따른 읽기동기의 차이를 살펴보고, 표준점수(T-점수)와 백분위 점수를 산출하여 규준을 마련하였다. 교사나 부모는 신뢰할 수 있고 타당한 검사도구인 초등학생 읽기동기 척도로 아동의 읽기동기를 파악하여, 독서지도와 중재에 유용하게 활용할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        고등학생의 디지털 리터러시 프로파일 탐색: 자기조절학습, 창의성 및 학업성취와의 관계

        정수정,최고은 부산대학교 교육발전연구소 2024 교육혁신연구 Vol.34 No.1

        Purpose: This study aims to investigate the individual differences in digital literacy among high school students and to examine how these differences are associated with students’ self-regulated learning ability, creativity, and academic achievement. Method: Latent profile analysis was conducted on the survey responses from 2,793 third-year high school students using the 9-year panel data from the 2010 Seoul Education Longitudinal Study (SELS). Results: Three distinct profiles of digital literacy for high school students were identified: Overall high-level profile (86.2%), High-level management and low-level creation profile (7.9%), and Overall low-level profile (5.9%). Furthermore, significant differences were found between the three profiles in terms of students’ self-regulated learning ability, creativity, and academic achievement. Conclusion: Our findings are expected to provide important insights into how to enhance adolescents’ self-regulated learning, creativity, and academic achievement through personalized and targeted digital literacy education.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트에서의 독어 관용어 쓰임에 관하여

        정수정 한국독어학회 2008 독어학 Vol.17 No.-

        In dieser Arbeit wurde versucht, Phraseolexeme mit Eigennamen(onymische Phraseolexeme) aus der Perspektive der Verwendung im Text zu betrachten. Beim Übergang vom Systemaspekt zu funktionalen, textlinguistischen und pragmatischen Aspekten soll ermittelt werden, wie die onymischen Phraseolexeme in der textuellen Vernetzung konstituiert und wie sie spielerisch abgewandelt werden. Dabei geht es um textbildende Potenzen bzw. die spezifische textuelle Ausprägung von Phraseolexemen. Sie beruhen auf der Semantik, in der die konnotative Komponente kategorialbildend ist und auf der potenziellen Variabilität des Konstituentenbestandes. Das Spiel mit formalen oder inhaltlichen Auffälligkeiten beim Gebrauch von Phraseolexemen können unterschiedliche Effekte erzielen. Sie reichen vom Freude am spielerischen Umgang mit Sprache, Erregen von Heiterkeit bis hin zu einer inhaltlichen Verflechtung mit dem Text. Was die Modifikationen angeht, so wurden neben usuellen Varianten einer im Wörterbuch fixierten Form Phraseolexeme, an denen für den Zweck eines Textes produzierte Abwandlungen festgestellt wurden, als okkasionelle Modifikationen bezeichnet. Bei ein und demselben Phraseolexem bestehen mehrere Modifikationstypen. Als eine der häufigen Modifikationsmöglichkeiten kann die Substitution betrachtet werden. Dabei wird eine (auch mehrere) phraseologismusinterne Komponente(n) wie Buchstaben, Morpheme, Lexeme oder Teile von PL durch andere phraseologismusexterne Elemente ersetzt. Die Expansion bzw. die Erweiterung erfolgt durch unterschiedliche Verfahren. Dabei werden hauptsächlich folgende Verfahrenstypen unterschieden: die Hinzufögung adjektivischer Attribute und die Hinzufügung substantivischer Attribute sowie die Komposition mit einer phraseologismusinternen Komponente. Unter Reduktion wird ein Modifikationsverfahren verstanden, in dem phraseologismisinterne Komponenten zur Informationsverdichtung bzw. Komprimierung kontextbedingt weggelassen werden. Reduktionen in der Rede sind besonders in Textberschriften und Schlagzeilen anzutreffen. Hinsichtlich der Valenz und Distribution verbaler Phraseolexeme ist von der Fähigkeit auszugehen, Leerstellen zu eröffnen, die durch bestimmte Kontextpartner besetzt werden können oder müssen. Diese Normen der semantischen Selektionsbeschränkungen können beim Gebrauch onymischer Phraseolexeme in der Rede ignoriert werden.

      • KCI등재

        독일 유방암 환자들의 질병체험이야기에 나타나는 관용구에 대한 연구

        정수정 한국독어독문학회 2017 獨逸文學 Vol.58 No.4

        In diesem Beitrag wird anhand deutscher gesprochensprachlicher Daten von Krankheitserfahrungen versucht, unter kognitiv-linguistischem Aspekt Phraseme in der deutschen Sprache zu untersuchen. Dabei konzentriert sich der Aufsatz vor allem auf kognitive Möglichkeiten der Untersuchung mentaler Prozesse bei Verwendung der Phraseme. Materielle Grundlage bilden die auf der Webseite von www.krankheitserfahrungen.de veröffentlichten Transkripte der Krankheitserfahrungen von deutschen Brustkrebspatienten. Durch eine Analyse der Krankheitserfahrungen von Brustkrebspatientinnen kann ein auf einem prototypischen Szenario basierendes prozeduales semantisches Phrasem-Netz gestellt werden, in dem die Phraseologismen den konzeptuellen Frame [Krankheitserfahrung] sprachlich repräsentieren. Das semantische Netz hat keine lineare Struktur, die Knoten im Szenario sind simultan, d. h. es handelt sich um verschiedene in der Welt nebeneinander existierende Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Außerdem tritt dabei hervor, dass die Phraseologismen im mentalen Lexikon weltwissenorientiert sowie natürlich vernetzt repräsentiert sind. Zusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass die semantische Modellierung dieser Art dazu führen kann, die Rolle der Phraseme bei der Textproduktion sowie Textprogression zu erfassen und auch ihre paradigmatische sowie syntagmatische Relationen darzustellen. 본 논문은 독일 질병체험이야기 데이터베이스(www.krankheitserfahrungen.de)를 토대로 독일 유방암 환자들의 암 투병 이야기 속에 나타나는 다양한 유형의 관용구를 인지언어학의 측면에서 조명하는 데에 그 목적을 두고 있다. 무엇보다도 유방암 환자들의 주관적이고 자전적인 체험 이야기에 의식적 혹은 무의식적으로 사용되는 관용구가 질병체험이야기라는 의사소통 상황에서 어떻게 상호간에 연결되어 있는지를 밝히고자 한다. 독일 유방암 환자들의 유방암 체험 이야기는 환자의 투병 체험에 관한 구조화되고 체계화된 구조물이다. 질병체험이야기는 [질병체험]이라는 경험 사건들의 시간적 인과적 연쇄 속에서 체계적으로 상호 연관되어 조직화된 프레임과 스크립트를 따르게 된다. 유방암 환자의 머릿속에 활성화된 프레임은 다시 유방암 환자로 하여금 자신의 질병체험에 대한 담화처리를 가능하게 할 수 있는 연관 관용구들의 의미망을 작동시키게 한다. 따라서 질병체험이야기 속에 나타나는 관용구 분석은 관용구들의 의미망에 관한 시소러스를 구축하는 데에 토대를 마련할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        독어 관용구 발화시 수반되는 몸짓에 대한 고찰

        정수정 한국독일어교육학회 2010 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.27 No.-

        Ziel des Beitrages ist es, nonverbale sprachliche Elemente von Phraseogesten im Deutschen zu untersuchen. Dabei handelt es sich hauptsächlich darum, zu ermitteln, wodurch sich Phraseogesten im Bereich ‘Phraseologie’ auszeichnen, in welchem Verhältnis ein Phraseologismus und eine Geste zueinander stehen. Schließlich wurde versucht, herauszufinden, welche Geste bei der Äußerung eines Phraseologismus in der Alltagskommunikation konkret ausgeführt wird. Unter Phraseogesten versteht man phraseologische Einheiten, bei deren Äußerung eine bestimmte Geste begleitet werden muss oder kann und die somit in einem spezifischen Verhältnis zu einer Geste stehen. Sie beschreiben zumeist eine nonverbale menschliche Gebärde und haben deren übertragene konventionelle Bedeutung. Insofern weisen sie eine Doppelschichtigkeit auf. Bei der Äußerung, „Ich drücke dir die Daumen.„ drückt man sich beispielsweise die Daumen. Die Geste gilt aber nicht als eigenständige aus sich motivierte körperliche Handlung, sondern existiert nur in der phraseologischer, übertragenen Bedeutung. Bei dieser Phraseogeste handelt es sich um eine Beschwörungsformel, die Glück bringen soll. Die Obligatorik der verbalen und der nonverbalen Beteiligung kann bei einer Phraseogeste unterschiedlich sein. Es gibt jedoch Phraseogesten, bei denen beide Teile obligatorisch bzw. komplementär mit einem Sprechakt verbunden sind. Außerdem stellt sich heraus, dass im Deutschen eine Geste mit unterschiedlichen Phraseologismen verbunden werden kann, wobei man nicht genau weiß, welcher im Bewußtsein der Sprecher dominant wäre.

      • KCI등재

        Appendicitis during Pregnancy: The Clinical Experience of a Secondary Hospital

        정수정,Do Kyung Lee,Jun Hyun Kim,Pil Sung Kong,Kyung Ha Kim,Sung Woo Bae 대한대장항문학회 2012 Annals of Coloproctolgy Vol.28 No.3

        Purpose: Appendicitis is the most common condition leading to an intra-abdominal operation for a non-obstetric problem in pregnancy. The aim of this study was to examine our experience and to analyze the clinical characteristics and the pregnancy outcomes for appendicitis during pregnancy that was reported in Korea. Methods: We reported 25 cases of appendicitis during pregnancy that were treated at Good Moonhwa Hospital from January 2004 to March 2010. We also analyzed appendicitis during pregnancy reported in Korea between 1970 and 2008 by a review of journals. Results: The incidence of acute appendicitis during pregnancy was one per 568 deliveries. The mean age was 27.92 years old, the gestational stage at the onset of symptoms was the first trimester in 10 patients (40%), the second trimester in 14 patients (56%), and the third trimester in 1 patient (4%). Among the 25 cases, 21 were treated with an open appendectomy and 4 with laparoscopic appendectomies. The postoperative complications were 2 wound infections and 1 spontaneous abortion. Conclusion: Our experience demonstrated that appendectomies on pregnant patients can be successfully performed at secondary hospitals. Purpose: Appendicitis is the most common condition leading to an intra-abdominal operation for a non-obstetric problem in pregnancy. The aim of this study was to examine our experience and to analyze the clinical characteristics and the pregnancy outcomes for appendicitis during pregnancy that was reported in Korea. Methods: We reported 25 cases of appendicitis during pregnancy that were treated at Good Moonhwa Hospital from January 2004 to March 2010. We also analyzed appendicitis during pregnancy reported in Korea between 1970 and 2008 by a review of journals. Results: The incidence of acute appendicitis during pregnancy was one per 568 deliveries. The mean age was 27.92 years old, the gestational stage at the onset of symptoms was the first trimester in 10 patients (40%), the second trimester in 14 patients (56%), and the third trimester in 1 patient (4%). Among the 25 cases, 21 were treated with an open appendectomy and 4 with laparoscopic appendectomies. The postoperative complications were 2 wound infections and 1 spontaneous abortion. Conclusion: Our experience demonstrated that appendectomies on pregnant patients can be successfully performed at secondary hospitals.

      • 폐지 소각 공정의 전과정평가

        정수정,류지연,허탁 한국전과정평가학회 2004 한국전과정평가학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구에서는 전과정평가(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)기법을 이용하여 폐지 소각 공정에 대한 전과정영향평가를 수행하였다. 폐지 1kg을 소각할 경우, 전력 0.089kwh, 용수 0.86kg, 각종 화학약품 0.0086kg이 투입되고 대기배출물로 이산화탄소는 1.13kg, NOx는 0.0015kg 발생되고 바닥재와 비산재는 각각 0.1kg, 0.013kg 발생하며 폐열을 이용한 스팀 에너지 3.42MJ이 회수된다. 소각 공정 자체에 의한 이산화탄소 배출은 1.13kg/f.u.이며 에너지 회수로 인하여 0.32kg/f.u.가 환경 이득이 되어 최종적으로 0.82kg /f.u.의 이산화탄소가 발생한다. 전과정 영향평가 결과, 지구온난화가 77.7%, 자원고갈 6.3%, 산성화, 부영양화, 생태독성 순으로 조사되었다. 이산화탄소의 주원인인 탄소함량을 줄이면 환경영향이 줄어들 수 있으나 일반적인 종이의 탄소함량은 일정하므로 이는 해결방안으로 적절치 못하다. 그렇다면 폐열 에너지 회수율을 높이는 것이 전체 환경부하 저감에 도움이 될 것이다. 회수율을 높이는 방안으로는 수분함량을 줄이는 것, 즉 폐지와 함께 섞여 들어오는 음식물 쓰레기의 양을 줄이면 에너지 회수율을 좀 더 증가시켜 환경부하를 저감하는 하나의 방안이 될 것이다. 또한 보다 근본적인 해결방안으로는 되도록이면 현재 56% 정도인 폐지의 재활용률을 높여 폐지소각으로 인한 환경부하 발생을 감소시켜야 할 것이다. This study is about practicing LCA on the incinerating waste paper. One kilogram of waste paper needs a 0.089kwh of electricity, 0.86kg of water and 0.0086kg of various chemicals while burned. As a result, 1.13kg of CO2, 0.0015kg of NOx are eliminated as the outcome to the air. Also, 0.1kg of ashs and 0.013kg of arsenic acids are produced. Steam caused by using waste heat is recovered by 3.42MJ. The exhaust of CO2 in the stage of incinerating itself is 1.13kg/f.u. but it gets 0.32kg/f.u. from the energy recovery, so, the total counts 0.82kg/f.u. The order of impact categories from the LCA result is global warming(77.7%), abiotic resource depletion(6.3%) and acidification, eutrophication, ecotoxicity. Even though it might somewhat reduce the bad effect on ecology to cut back the amount of carbon, which is the main ingredient in CO2, however, given that the amount of carbon in paper remains unchanged, that is not the proper plan. Now we can suppose that promote energy recovery would help minimizing the overall burden on the environment. One solution to increase the rate of energy recovery is reducing the content of water in food waste came along with waste paper. And this results in lessening the burden on the environment. Promoting the recycling rate of waste paper, which accounts 56% now, might be the basic solution to reduce the burden on ecology generated from the incineration of paper.

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