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        개념적 은유를 활용한 영어 구동사 학습효과

        정세현,김현옥 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2011 교과교육학연구 Vol.15 No.4

        오랫동안 제2외국어 학습자에게 구동사는 암기의 대상으로 간주되어 왔으나, 인지의미론의 대두와 함께 불변사의 이미지와 영상도식을 활용한 교수방법론의 도입으로 깊이 있는 정보처리에 바탕을 둔 학습의 수월성을 기대할 수 있게 되었다. 본 연구는 고등학교 영어 구동사의 수업에 있어 개념적 은유를 활용한 인지전략의 훈련효과를 고찰하고자. 서울시내에 위치한 고등학교 2학년 101명을 연구대상으로 선정하여 다른 형태의 수업을 실시하고, 사후검사와 후속 장기기억 검사를 시행하였다. 학생들을 세 개의 반으로 분리하여, 통제집단은 기존의 암기전략에 따른 구동사 학습이 진행된 반면, 실험집단 1과 실험집단 2는 영상도식에 근거한 개념적 은유전략을 훈련하였고, 실험집단 2는 은유전략 외에도 해당 구동사와 의미가 같은 단어를 추가적으로 제시하였다. 사후검사 결과, 개념적 은유와 언어자료를 함께 사용한 실험집단 2의 학생들의 학습효과가 가장 높게 나타났고, 다음이 단순암기를 훈련한 통제집단 그리고 개념적 은유만을 활용한 실험집단 1의 순으로 나타났다. 반면, 후속검증에서는 개념적 은유만을 활용한 실험집단 1의 학습효과가 가장 높게, 다음이 통제집단 그리고 개념적 은유와 언어자료가 함께 제시된 실험집단 2의 순으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 제2외국어로서 영어 구동사의 학습에 있어서 가장 많이 활용되어온 암기전략의 수월성으로 인해 전략훈련이 크게 효과적이지 못한 것으로 보인다. 한편, 본 연구의 결과는 개념적 은유에 기초한 인지전략의 훈련을 통한 장기기억의 효과를 기대할 수 있음을 시사하였다. By enhancing an awareness of conceptual metaphors embedded in particles in the construction of phrasal verbs, this study investigated the training effect of conceptual metaphors in learning English phrasal verbs. A total of 101 second-year, high school students were assigned to three different kinds of treatment groups in learning English phrasal verbs. The students in the control group received the conventional type of instruction in learning phrasal verbs using memorization strategies, while the students in the two experimental groups were given awareness tasks by enhancing conceptual metaphors. The second experimental group was also presented with additional linguistic support by providing a word, the meaning of which was identical with that of each phrasal verb. The results showed that the students who received both conceptual metaphors and linguistic input outperformed the students in the control group, indicating that conceptual metaphors help students process the meaning of phrasal verbs. On the other hand, the students in the control group had higher scores than those who only had the image enhancement work; this needs corroborative support through further study. In the test for delayed effect, the students in the metaphor group outperformed those in the control and the second experimental group. When the effect of the instruction was compared with literal versus figurative phrasal verbs, the presentation and explanation of the metaphoric image was seen to be equally facilitative. The findings imply that grammar teaching needs to incorporate alternative approaches including conceptual metaphors and other cognitive strategies.

      • 三 · 一抗爭期의 韓國學生運動 : 國內 學生運動을 中心으로

        鄭世鉉 淑明女子大學校 1968 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        The modern Korean student movement begins with the activities at the time of the March First Movement in 1919. When Korea became a Japanese colony in 1910, Korean students became a new intellectual class who could criticize and analyze the tragic situation of their country and contributed greatly to the enlightment bf their nation. It was the student class who could respond sharply to national selfdetermiantion, an important part of ideiological backgrounds of the March First Movement. Ittwas those Korean students studying in Toyko who read the Declaration of Independence on February 8, 1919. However, this thesis mainly deals with the student movement at home which contributed to the March First Movement. (1) The student independence movement was to take place apart from the grown ups in the beginning of 1919, but it switched to develop an allied front after the constitution with 33 representatives of the nation. (2) The students were more active in propaganda, agitation and demonstration in the March First Movement. (3) The students all over the country participated in mass mobilization, demonstrations and fought bravely against Japanese forces and policemen. National self-determination was accepted as a pcinciple which encouraged anti-Japanese movement at the time the March First Movement. It became a motivating force of resistance for the Korean students apart from the principles of national self-determination on the world scene. In the development of the march first Movement in 1916, students exhibited the largest, organized resistance forces.

      • 近代 韓國學生 階層의 形成 : 初期의 學生運動과 관련하여

        鄭世鉉 淑明女子大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Stated above is an outline of the formation of student classes, in Modern Korea's. Japane'se aspect of suppression and environment to govern Korea and the Korean students' anti-Japanese movement in the early days of 1900s. It was referred in the mais subject that the ideology of Korean's mordern education integrated the education for our people and national salvation. When Japan took a supreme command in earnest in 1906, they desperately strived to change our modern education which was about to develop. It was done by the reason that in those days our educational idea was to modernize this country independently considering the sgnificance of our people's being and we pursued cultivation of national power and independence from a foreign invade. Japan could only spread her aggressional policy on Korea by means of smashing the nucleus of our people which keeps the consciousness of Korean people. If we could have spreaded out a desperate resistance through the success of the education for our reople and national salvation at that time, Japan's aggressional policy had run against a post. Thus, Japan suppressed our education for the peo;oe and national salvation, whatever might happen, and enjored amitiotry deucation that demanded Korean to be a subject for them. Japan who was not able to ruin the nucleus of our people strongly rejected her aggression, drove forward to colonize korea in politics, economy, culture, education and the whole by military forc and brouht it to a settlement at last. There were teachers in uniform and sword at school, and they oppressed our national education by all kinds of educational ordinance including the Korean education act. However, it is the Korean student classes that built up a main current in youth culture overcoming the difficulty under the oppression of Japan. Particularly during 1901-1919, Japan was cruel enough to propel her policy for establishing their colony organization. We did not cease to resist for regain our lost national prestige and independence under that misfortune. Korean's enthusiasm toward the new education was greatly raised on the whole nation wide with the north-west region, since the execution of the new education and the movement for nationalism and democracy by virtue of foundation of Hyup Sung meeting, the first student association, at Pai Jai high school in 1896. The new education included a character of the education for our people as well as the education for our national slvation, and the internal aim of Korean's education lies on them since 1910. It is not too much to say that the main current of Korean students' consciousness under the Japaness pooression originated from that circumstance. There might be several poinions whether or not that we have had student movements in our country after the 3. 1 independent movement in 1919. A few examples in this books even makes us feel as if it were more or less small scales and it spreaking was localized. Nevertheless, we must not estimate it nothing but a student movement lying in a formation period. It distinctly had an aim and con sciousness when we consider that we had put our wish and indignation in effect which lied hidden in the minds of all our people and students though it was dispersive.

      • 光州 學生 民族運動의 全國的 擴大에 대하여 : Anti Japanese Movement

        鄭世鉉 淑明女子大學校 1973 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        Kwangju Students' Anti-Japanese Movement was a milestone on the national movement line which conversely developed movements for independence in various ways under the more tightened Japanese colonial system after the Samil Independence Movement in 1919. The students' movements during 1929 and 1930 should not be estimated as students' movements in a simple sense. Because the students' anti-Japanese struggle begun in Kwangju was the struggle by students conscious of, on a national dimension, the imperialistic Japan, the invader, which temporarily stopped Korean history by occupying Korean territory forcibly and repressing Korean people. 1) As Kwangju students' anti-Japanese struggle contained national affirmation in a positive sense, students in Chullanam-do could immediately join the action of Kwangju students. 2) The national movements of Korean people within its territory could be united as single national power of "Singanhoe." under the existing situation that only the radical left-wing was excluded, overcoming differentiation and conflict since 1920. These socil conditions were the direct background which promoted nationwide students' movements. 3) As many organizations such as social organizations, youth organizations, students' organizations as well as Singanhoe immediately supported Kwangju Students' Movement, students' movements turned to the character of national movement. The only difference between common national movements was that the subjects of the struggle were students. 4) Singanhoe played the basic role in Seoul Students Movement. Its support under the name of reality investigation of Kwangju Students' Movement. could be interpreted as multi-purposeful intervention which included cheerup and sympathy. Moreover, Singanhoe was the guarding background in production and circulation of manifestoes spreaed in schools and other important places in Seoul at early December, 1929. Also it was a desirable contribution to the formation of the atmosphere to promote students' movement that Singganhoe, in spite of tight repression, continuously propelled a number of meetings such as report lectures, speeches opposing press repression and meetings for the enlightenment of people. 5) Especially the students' movements in Seoul in December, 1929 and January, 1930 through press which survived continuing confiscation and deletion could be the stimulating accelerators to nationwide students' groups. 6) There appeared several types of students' movements originated from Kwangju Students' Movement because of different conditions according to districts and schools. These are a few examples: a) presentation of petitions; b) presentation of manifestoes; c) circulation of manifestoes; d) cheers within schools; and e) demonstrations. No matter what were their substances and types of action, the students' movements were all in common in the fact that they were patriotic anti-Japanese struggles, not expecting their prices, on the national independence line.

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