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      • KCI등재

        액티브 시니어의 여가활동과 외모관리의 관계에서 신체자신감의 매개적 역할

        정선옥,선준호,이규혜 한국피부과학연구원 2022 아시안뷰티화장품학술지 Vol.20 No.2

        Purpose: This study explores the causal relationship between active seniors’ participation in physical leisure activities on their appearance management attitude and behavior and verifies the mediating effect of physical confidence. Methods: The study subjects were in their 50s or older and had participated in physical leisure activities. In total, 215 data were used for the analysis. Additionally, single regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and bootstrapping-based mediating effect verification were performed. Results: The hedonic participation motive of leisure activities had a significant effect on physical confidence and appearance management attitude. However, the practical participation motive had no significant effect. Moreover, the mediating role of physical confidence in the path of hedonic participation motivation on appearance management attitude was verified. Finally, the appearance management attitude had a significant positive relationship with all appearance management behavior. Conclusion: This study is academically significant in that it explores the relationship between leisure activities and beauty in the era of super-aging, where successful aging has become increasingly important. Additionally, it offers useful data for senior marketing in the leisure and beauty industries. 목적: 본 연구는 액티브 시니어의 신체적 여가활동 참여동기가 외모관리태도 및 행동에 미치는 인과적 관계를 탐색하고, 신체자신감의 매개효과를 검증하는 데 목적이 있다. 방법: 연구대상은 신체적 여가활동에 참여한 경험이 있는 50대 이상인 자로 선정하였다. 총 215부의 자료가 분석에 사용되었고, 단일회귀분석, 다중회귀분석, 부트스트래핑 기반의 매개효과 검증을 수행하였다. 결과: 여가활동의 쾌락적 참여동기는 신체자신감과 외모관리태도에 모두 유의한 영향을 미친 반면에 실용적 참여동기는 유의한 영향을미치지 못하였다. 또한 쾌락적 참여동기가 외모관리태도에 미치는 경로에서 신체자신감의 매개적 역할이 검증되었다. 마지막으로외모관리태도는 모든 외모관리행동과 유의한 정적 관계에 있는 것으로 확인되었다결. 론: 성공적인 노화가 중요해진 초고령화 시대에 여가활동과 뷰티의 연관성을 탐색하였다는 점에 학술적 의의가 있으며, 여가 및 뷰티산업의 시니어 마케팅 전개시 유용한 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        『 쁠라떼로와 나 Platero y yo 』 에 나타나는 생태학적 사유

        정선옥 한국서어서문학회 2000 스페인어문학 Vol.17 No.1

        Este trabajo intenta releer Platero y yo que fue el primer libro del poeta en el que aparecio′ el Juan Ramo′n Jime′nez. El empezo′ a escribirlo hacia 1906, a su vuelta a Moguer despue′s de haber vivido dos an ̄os con el doctor Simarro. Platero y yo es el resultado de sus experiencias obtenidas a trave′s de varios paseos por el pueblo. El recuerdo de otro Moguer unido a la presencia del nuevo y su nuevo conocimiento del campo y la gente determino′ el libro. En este libro hay muchos puntos interesantes relacionados al pensamiento ecolo′gico. En este arti′culo analizamos su pensamiento ecolo′gico desde los cinco puntos de vista. Primero, aparece la comunio′n del hombre y la naturaleza, especialmente la del poeta y su burrito, Platero, Segundo, el poeta describe detalladamente, con afecto especial, las cosas naturales tales como la flor del camino, el a′rbol del corral, el canario, el pino de la corona, la perra parida, el canto del grillo, los patos, etc. Por eso estas cosas aparecen en la obra como un sujeto de si′ mismo no comp un objeto o simple reflejo del sentimiento humano. Tercero, denuncia el arruinamiento del ambiente debido a la contaminacio′n. Por ejemplo, en el $quot;XCV. EL RIO$quot; el ri′o esta′ contaminado por las minas de cobre, principal industria del norte de Huelva. Debido a esta contaminacio′n Moguer ya no era el pro′spero pueblo de antes. Cuarto, el poeta critia el egocentrismo que es el fundamento del arruinamiento ambiental. El egocentrismo aparece en el lenguaje de cada di′a o la actitud humana hacia los animales inu′tiles. Segu′n la filosofi′a escola′stica el hombre es el duen ̄o del Universo pero este pensamiento sirve como base de la explotacio′n del hombre a la naturaleza. Quinto, la actitud juanramoniana de renunciar al apego a su ego, tambie′n aparece en su manera de actuar delante de la muerte de Platero. El sufre una metamorfosis tambie′n como las cosas naturales. Su muerte fertiliza los procesos vitales y forma parte de una nueva creacio′n. Hasta el hombre no es libre de este ci′rculo natural. Generalmente exists una tendencia a la diferenciacio′n traditional del yo frente a la naturaleza en la tradicio′n occidental. Pero en Platero y yo hay una tendencia notable a la identificacio′n de la naturaleza con el yo, en lugar de una ri′gida dicotomi′a de hombre-naturaleza. La actitud del poeta hacia la naturaleza deriva de su i′ntima comunio′n con la naturaleza desde su tierna edad en su pueblo Moguer. El pensamiento ecolo′gico juanramoniano de que el hombre no es el amo de la naturaleza sino una parte de la naturaleza tambie′n es el fundamento del pensamiento de $quot;Deep Ecology$quot;.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Growth characteristics of chrysanthemum according to planting density

        정선옥,김용주,이규호,이철희,노현권 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2017 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.44 No.4

        In this study, the effects of planting density on the growth of chrysanthemum in a greenhouse were evaluated on two popular varieties (i.e., Sinma and Moonlight). Planting density treatments were as follows: 1) 12 cm × 12 cm, 2) 6 cm × 12 cm, 3) 6 cm × 12 cm with one-cell vacant, and 4) 6 cm × 12 cm with two-cell vacant. Size of each treatments indicate one chrysanthemum was planted in that sized cell that was rectangular shaped field and these treatments were located in a line. Moreover, “one and two-cell vacant” means that it makes middle point of the field empty, offers beside chrysanthemum larger spaces to grow. For the Sinma variety, the results of growth and flowering characteristics at the harvesting stage showed that leaf number, leaf length, flower length, and leaf area were highest when the crop was planted at the 12 cm × 12 cm density, and the next preferable density was 6 cm × 12 cm with one-cell vacant. For the Moonlight variety, the results showed that stalk height and diameter, leaf number and length, flower length, leaf area, and flower number were highest at the 12 cm × 12 cm planting density. For Sinma, ratios of marketable production were 87.5% and 83.3% for the 12 cm × 12 cm and 6 cm × 12 cm with two-cell vacant, respectively. For Moonlight, ratios were 88.0% and 84.3% for the 12 cm × 12 cm and 6 cm × 12 cm with two-cell vacant.

      • KCI우수등재

        한국어판 간호사-간호사 협력 행동 측정도구의 타당도와 신뢰도 검증

        정선옥,이민진,권용은,이지영 간호행정학회 2022 간호행정학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        Purpose: This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Nurse-Nurse Collaboration Behavior Scale developed by Liao et al (K-NNCBS). Method: Data were collected through an online survey, of 258 nurses working in general or tertiary hospitals. We translated the NNCBS into Korean and evaluated it through content validity, criterion validity, reliability, and confirmatory factor analyses. Results: The factor loading of the 23 items belonging to the four domains ranged from .40 to –.87. The confirmatory factor analysis supported a good model fit (χ2=578.556(p<.001), CFI=.83, RMSEA=.08, SRMR=.07). Regarding criterion validity, the K-NNCBS was positively correlated with communication competence (r=.54) and negatively correlated with task conflict (r=-.22) and relationship conflict (r=-.29). Cronbach's ⍺ for K-NNCBS rated on a five-point Likert scale was .90. Conclusions: These findings show that the K-NNCBS is valid and reliable. This scale can be used to measure the collaboration behaviors among nurses in Korea. 연구목적: 본 연구의 목적은 Liao et al.(2015)이 개발한 The Nurse–Nurse Collaboration Behavior Scale (NNCBS)을 한국어로 번역하고, 번안된 한국어판 간호사-간호사 협력 행동 측정도구(K-NNCBS)의 타당도와 신뢰도를 검증하기 위한 것이다. 연구방법: 본 연구는 현재 종합병원 또는 상급종합병원에서 근무하는 258명의 간호사를 대상으로 웹기반 설문조사를 통하여 자료를 수집하였다. 도구의 타당도와 신뢰도를 검증하기 위하여, 내용 타당도, 준거 타당도, 신뢰도 검증 및 확인적 요인분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과: K-NNCBS는 4개 영역 23문항으로 구성되었으며 요인의 적재량 값은 .40~.87이었다. 확인적 요인분석 결과 K-NNCBS의 모형 적합도는 양호한 적합도를 보였다(χ2=578.556(p<.001), CFI=.83, RMSEA=.08, SRMR=.07). K-NNCBS는 의사소통과 통계적으로 유의한 정적 상관관계(r=.54)를 보였고, 과업갈등(r=-.22), 관계갈등(r=-.29)과는 통계적으로 유의한 부적 상관관계를 보여 타당성이 확보되었다. 5점 Likert 척도로 평가되는 K-NNCBS의 신뢰도는 Cronbach alpha 값은 .90였다. 결론: 본 연구결과 K-NNCBS는 타당도와 신뢰도가 검증되었다. 이에 K-NNCBS는 국내에서 간호사의 협력 행동을 측정하는 도구로써 적용 가능함을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        프랑코 시대의 스페인 여성 문학 연구

        정선옥 서울대학교 라틴아메리카연구소 2007 이베로아메리카硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        En las primeras e´pocas de los 1930 desarrolla mucho la historia femenina espan~ola porque las mujeres espan~oles consiguieron los derechos políticos como el de voto que era un acontecimiento simbo´lico. Pero la guerra civil y la era de Franco eran un tiempo desdichado no so´lo en la historia sino tambie´n en la historia femenina. Despue´s de la guerra civil casi todas las escritoras famosas partieron de su patria, por eso, las escritoras nuevas de Espan~a no tenía su modelo adecuada para su literatura y adema´s el gobierno franquista oprimio´ mucho la conciencia femenina liberal. Sin embargo, las escritoras como Carmen Laforet escribio´ su experiencia a trave´s de sus recuerdos. Con este punto de vista critico´ las sociedades autoritarias. Por las descripciones de su psicología íntima hizo esfuerzos por superar las censuras y expresar su identidad femenina.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Non-pharmacological Interventions on Sleep among Older Adults in Korean Long-term Care Facilities: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

        정선옥,김혜영,최은주 한국지역사회간호학회 2022 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effects of non-pharmacological sleep intervention programs in improving sleep quality among older adults in long-term care facilities. Methods: A literature search and selection was performed on nine different databases using the guidelines of PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). Overall, 14 studies met the inclusion criteria and were systematically reviewed. For the metaanalysis, the effect size was estimated using the random-effects model in Review Manager (RevMan) desktop version 5.4 of the Cochrane Library. Results: The meta-analysis of overall non-pharmacological interventions obtained a total effect size of 1.0 (standardized mean difference [SMD]=1.0, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.64~1.35), which was statistically significant (Z=5.55, p<.001). The most frequently studied non-pharmacological intervention was aroma therapy, with an effect size of 0.61 (SMD=0.61, 95% CI: 0.14~1.08), which was statistically significant (Z=2.55, p=.010). In the subgroup analysis, group-based interventions, interventions for >4 weeks, and untreated control studies were more effective. Conclusion: This study confirms that non-pharmacological interventions are effective in improving sleep quality among older adults in long-term care facilities. However, the sample size was small and the risk of bias in assessing the interventions of individual studies was unclear or high, thereby limiting the generalizability of the results. Further reviews that evaluate randomized control trials, evidence-based interventions that consider older adult participants' physical activity levels, different intervention methods and durations, and different control group intervention types are needed to obtain more conclusive evidence.

      • KCI등재후보

        벼의 c/DRE Binding Factor 4 유전자를 이용한 내염성 벼 형질전환 계통 개발

        정선옥,서춘순,이은미,백만기,김우재,박현수,조영찬,김보경,윤성중,백소현 한국육종학회 2014 한국육종학회지 Vol.46 No.2

        내염성과 관련 있는 벼의 CBF4 유전자(OsCBF4)를 벼에서 과발현 시켜 염 스트레스 조건에서 저항성이 증진된 내염성 유전자원을 개발하였다. RT-PCR을 수행하여 분리한 OsCBF4 유전자는 1,429 bp 크기의 뉴클레오티드로 274개의 아미노산으로 구성되었고, 벼의 다른 CBF 유전자와 33~49% 상동성을 나타내었다. 형질전환 식물체는 PCR과 Southern분석으로 OsCBF4 유전자의 벼 게놈 내 도입을 확인하였다. 전이 유전자는 벼 게놈 내에 1~4사본이 도입되었고, 선발된 형질전환 계통 모두에서 전이 유전자가 강하게 발현되었다. 염 스트레스 조건에서 형질전환 식물체는 비 형질전환 벼 보다 생육 정도가 양호하였으며, 특히 CBF4-10 계통은 염 처리 후 많은 식물체가 살아남았다. Real-time PCR 분석 결과 CBF4-10 계통은 120 mM NaCl 처리 시 전이 유전자 OsCBF4 전사체 발현이 잎에서 무처리 대비 약 3배 이상 증가하였다. 결론적으로 일반 벼에 도입된 OsCBF4 전이 유전자는 내염성 증진 기능이 있으며, OsCBF4 전이 유전자의 발현이 높은 형질전환 벼 계통은 내염성 벼 육종 소재로 이용할 수 있을 것으로 평가된다. This study was conducted to isolate a salt tolerant gene and to develop salt tolerant rice for reclaimed-saline areas through genetic transformation. A rice c/DRE binding factor 4 (OsCBF4) cDNA was isolated from rice (cv. Nipponbare) using RT-PCR. The full-length cDNA of the CBF4 gene consists of 1,429 nucleotides and 274 amino acid residues. The OsCBF4 shares from 33 to 49% identity of deduced amino acid sequence with other CBFs of rice. In order to develop salt tolerant rice, transgenic rice plants containing the OsCBF4 gene were obtained via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The stable incorporation of the OsCBF4 gene into rice genome was confirmed by PCR and Southern analysis. The stable expression of introduced gene was also validated by RT-PCR analysis in T₂ plants. Biological assay of T₃ progeny of the transgenic plants in Yoshida solution containing 120 mM Nacl for 2 weeks, confirmed that the OsCBF4 confers salt tolerance to transgenic rice plants. OsCBF4transgene in the transgenic line CBF4-10 was markedly expressed up to over three-fold in the leaf by 120 mM NaCl treatment. Real-time PCR analysis revealed that the levels of the transgene expression were markedly increased under salt treatment. The transgenic line CBF4-10 which showed highest ability to recover from the saline stress could be used as a potential source for salt tolerance in rice breeding programs.

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