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        민수기 20장 2-13절에 나타난 모세의 실패에 대한 공시적 연구

        정석규 한국구약학회 2012 구약논단 Vol.18 No.3

        This paper is an exegetical paper on the final form of Numbers 20:2-13, which depicts Moses' failure to enter the Promised Land. This paper is not concerned about the exposing the cause of Moses' failure, but about the intention of the text. In order to disclose the intention of the text, this paper examines the final form of the text by a synchronic approach rather than a diachronic approach. First, this paper analyzes the structure and texture of the final form of Numbers 20:2-13. The extant form of Numbers 20:2-13 is portrayed in the rhetorical scheme of inclusio of the introductory exposition on the situation (20:2a) and the concluding etiology on the name (20:13). In this framework, the main block concerning the event caused by the lack of water (20:2b-12) is described in terms of a five-part concentric design as follows: a. People's negative evaluation on Moses' action (20:2b-5), b. Moses' and Aaron's response on the people's complaint (20:6a), c. YHWH's instruction (20:6b-8), b'. Moses' and Aaron's response on YHWH's command (20:9-11), a'. YHWH's negative evaluation on Moses' action (20:12). Second, the structural analysis on Number 20:2-13 exposes the literary intention of the text. In its extant form, the third major unit concerning YHWH's instructions to Moses (20:6b-8) is most highlighted by being placed at the center of the literary block (20:2b-12) in the chiastic structure, and the first and fifth major units (20:2b-5, 12) are emphasized by composing the rhetorical scheme of inclusio. In YHWH's instructions to Moses (20:6b-8), YHWH is exhibited as not only a comforter with Moses and Aaron in trouble, but also the One who provides the best possible thing for the people in need as well as the One who restores the crisis of the leadership of Moses caused by the people's protest. The framework of the account (20:2b-5, 12) illustrates that Moses was not a legitimate leader for the people as they entered Canaan by emphasizing the negative evaluations on Moses by both the people from below and YHWH from above (cf. the law of kingship in Deut 17:14-20). Third, other texts concerning Moses' transgression (Num 20:22-29; 27:12-14; Deut 32:48-52) portray YHWH's denial of Moses and Aaron in relation to their leadership and its transfer to Joshua and Eleazer. Also, the final form of Numbers 20:2-13 shows that YHWH is the only leader of the Israelites but not Moses by the comparison between YHWH's leadership and Moses' leadership (20:12-13). 이 논문은 모세가 약속의 땅 입성이 하나님으로부터 거절되었음을 다루는 민수기 20장 2-13절을 구조 분석적으로 해석한 것이다. 이것을 통해 본 논문은 민수기 20장 2-13절이 모세의 죄가 무엇인지 밝히는 것에 관심을 갖고 있지 않고, 모세가 이스라엘 백성을 가나안 땅에 이끌고 감에 있어서 정당한 지도자가 아니라는 사실을 강조하고 있음을 보여준다.

      • 英國行政法의 發展 : Dicey의 行政法否認論에서 福祉國家成立까지

        鄭石圭 淸州大學校 1960 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        The background of the political thoght in England of the 19th century was individualism. Administration was satisfied with a negative maintenace of the public peace in and out of the country. Adam Smith's economic lheory of "laissez-faireism," Jhon Locke's advocation for individual rights and sancitity of property rights, and Jeremy Bentham's behaviorism based on the individualistic utilitarianism made contributions to the formation of the 19th century political philosophy. Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest supplied the foundation for Spenser's political theory that the deformed and the people with congenital disease should not be supported for their existence. In this setting, English public law put its emphasis on freedom of property rights, contracts, and corpora; and the maximization of such freedom being the policy for the national interests and the welfare of the people, it minimized the government interference. The success of the "laissez-faireism" was literally made in a negative aspect of "do nothing." Under this circumstance, such an administrative law as to make adjusting differences between private and public interests its mission and to consider protecting the freedom and right of the people form unjust aggressions of the national authority its aim had no room for its being. It is affirmable that in such political, economical, and social environment, the so called Dicey's theory "There is no administrative law in England." was accepted in England as a sound argument. However, reaching the last half of the 19th century, the maturity of the industrial revolution made England rapidly turn from an agricultural state to a "factory of the world." concentrating the popuation into the cilies and arousing social problems such as housing, disease, smoke, etc. It changed the traditional social relations and systems from the bottom, destroyed the old village life, and brought forth the problem of the factory town. By this, an reformation was inevitable in Parliament itsefl and the middl class not only advanced to the rich class but also took possession of the political power. More impotant than this was the emergence of the modern wage earning class (the workers, though nominally free, have to sell their labor force to make living.) At this, philosophy of humanism claimed a ban on the long hour work for children and hygenic safty of the factories. Again, entering into the 20th century, it was indispensable for the increase and development of the private enterprises to bring about government interventions for the public interests and recontly led to nationalization of the important industries and business organizations. It also made it possible for the economic contral laws to be enacted for maintenance of the English position in foriegn trade and necessity of an efficient use of the insufficient materials in the national economic stand point. The "Town and Country Plannining Act, 1944" was instituted for maintenance and improvement of the soil. Moreover, such a development in social and economic legislations as the establishment of an extensive social security system which included benefits for unemployment, old-age, and disease caused the English traditional theory, Dicey's denial of the English administrative law, to come to oblteration in fact, which meant the very development of the English administrative law. Under the policy of "laissez-faireism" until the middle of the 19 th century, administration was nothing more than a negative peace preservation, but now the administrative function and method gradually became positive. Thus, the development of the English administrative law is forming in the current thought of the age. A factor I emphnsize especially in the development of the English administrative law is the course in the economical transition. The economical unequality at its extrementy as in this modern society, regardless of its origin, is not approvable in moral sense. Keynes's economic theory which was to break through the sources of the calamities The threat of the excessive differences between poor and rich, unemployment, Profound financial panic, and inflation brought about by the industrial revolution put a spur to the development of the English administrative law. The characteristic of the Keynes's claim is that the cause of the mass unemployment and the financial panic is not an essence of capitalism but has a foundation on human psychology, saying that by government contral full employment can be realized and we can escape from the social evil. I have tried, in this essay, to investigate and critisize the theoritical basis of the English administrative law which was disapproved by the Dicey's theory and to reveal the contents and the course in which the law has been developed by the request of a welfare state.

      • KCI등재
      • 法學은 어떠한 姿勢로서 硏究할것인가

        鄭石圭 청주대학교 법학연구소 1967 法學論考 Vol.7 No.-

        그러한 가운데 법을 연구하는 참다운 길이 있을 것이다. 본래 법이란 기존 법질서를 지키는데 그 주안점이 있기 때문에 법의 성질이 보수적인 경향을 띄고 있는 것도 불가피한 사실이다. 그러나 학문의 현실을 움직이게 하고 법학 또한 법을 변동시킬수 있는 힘이 있다는 것도 명백한 사실이다. 오늘날의 세계 정세는 격동에 격동을 거듭하고 있으며 금년에 대통령선거와 국회의원선거를 앞둔 우리나라의 국내정세 또한 긴요한 시기에 놓여 있다. 법학을 전공하는 제군들도 항상 시야를 넓혀 무엇이 정도이며 어떠한 자세로서 학문의 길을 전개시킬 것인가는 전공분야의 학문을 파고들기 전에는 중요사라는 것을 강조하며 제군들의 건투를 기원하는 바이다.

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