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        소음인(少陰人) 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯), 오수유부자이중탕(吳茱萸附子理中湯)이 흰쥐의 뇌(腦)와 간조직(肝組織)의 항산화(抗酸化) 기전(機轉)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        정봉연,송일병,Jung, Bong-yeon,Song, Il-byung 사상체질의학회 1999 사상체질의학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        The free radical theory of aging was introduced in 1956 by Denham Harman. This aging theory proposed that normal aging results from random deleterious damage to tissues by free radical and supplying antioxidant lead to decrease oxidative damage, inhibit aging process. In this study, we investigated antioxidantive effects of four Korean constitutional prescriptions for 'Soum' constitution - Palmulgunjatang(Y1), Sipyimiguanjungtang(Y2), Osuyubujayijungtang(Y3) and Seungyangyikkibujatang(Y4). Antioxidative activity of this prescriptions was examined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhyrdazyl radicals, superoxide anion radicals, peroxyl radical, hydroxyl radical scavenging effects and erythrocyte hemolysis inhibitory effects. Y2 and Y3 were shown to have relatively high antioxidative activity on this methods. In additions, result of the cytoprotective effects of Korean constitutional prescriptions agianst 2,2'-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH), a free radical initiator, induced cytotoxcity in human hepatoblastoma cell line was similarly obtained. On the basis of this result, we assayed the antioxidative effects of Y2 and Y3 on experimental oxidative damage, induced in mouse by 100mg/kg AAPH. Male ICR mouse were given oral administration of 500mg/kg Y2 and Y3 for 4 weeks. Thiobarbuturic acid reactive substance (TBARS) and protein degradation level in liver, plasma and brain as index of oxidative damage were decreased and thiol compound, total antioxidant status in plasma were increased by Y2 administration. But, Y3 injected group was decreased only protein degradation level in brain. Also, glutathione, a potent water-soluble endogenous antioxidant, concentration was increased by Y2 and Y3 administration in liver and brain. However, superoxide dismutase and catalase activity as a major antioxidative enzyme in vivo were not shown change by Y2 and Y3 administration. On the basis of these result, Y2 have an antioxidative effects on both water-soluble fraction and lipid-solube fraction in cell and tissues. But, Y3 has a lower antioxidative effects on lipid-soluble fraction than Y2 in cell and tissues. These results suggest that Y2 has a antioxidative effects by protect the tissue against oxygen free radical mediated oxidative damage and Y3 has a limited antioxidaitve effects on water-soluble fraction in vivo. Therefore, we make report that Y2 is more effective prescriptions for anti-aging or therapeutics of diseases. 소음인(少陰人) 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯)과 오수유부자이중탕(吳茱萸附子理中湯)의 항산화(抗酸化) 효능(效能)을 검증(檢證)하기 위해, 약재(藥材)의 항산화력(抗酸化力)을 측정(測定)하였으며, 흰쥐에 투여(投與)하여 뇌(腦)와 간(肝) 조직(組織)의 항산화력(抗酸化力) 증강(增强) 효과(效果)를 실험(實驗)한 결과 유의성(有意性) 있는 성적(成績)을 얻었기에 보고(報告)하는 바이다. 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯)과 오수유부자이중탕(吳茱萸附子理中湯)의 화학적(化學的) 항산화력(抗酸化力)을 검증(檢證)한 결과(結果) 비교적 높은 항산화(抗酸化) 활성(活性)을 보여주었다. HepG2 세포주(細胞株)와 적혈구(赤血球)를 이용한 항산화력(抗酸化力) 검증(檢證)에서도 높은 활성(活性)을 보여주었으며. 특히 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯)은 강한 수용성 항산화력제(抗酸化劑))로 알려진 vitamin C와 유사한 결과를 보였다. 실험용(實驗用) 흰쥐에게 탕제(湯劑) 추출물(抽出物)을 4주간(週間) 투여(投與)한 뒤 체중증가량(體重增加量)과 GOT 활성(活性)을 측정(測定)한 결과 탕제(湯劑) 비투여군(非投與群)과 유의적(有意的) 차이(差異)를 보이지 않아 탕제(湯劑) 투여(投與)에 의한 독성(毒性)은 없는 것으로 사료(思料)된다. 활성산소(活性酸素) 발생제(發生劑)인 2.2'-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH)로 산화적(酸化的) 손상(損傷)을 유발(誘發)한 실험용(實驗用) 흰쥐에서 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯) 투여군(投與群)은 혈장(血漿) 총항산화력(總抗酸化力), 혈장(血漿) 지질과산화(脂質過酸化)가 억제(抑制)되었으며, 혈장(血漿) thiol 그룹의 감소(減少)도 억제(抑制)되었으나. 오수유부자이중탕(吳茱萸附子理中湯) 투여군(投與群)에서는 유의적(有意的) 차이(差異)가 나타나지 않았다. 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯) 투여군(投與群)은 간(肝) 및 뇌조직(腦組織)에서 AAPH로 유도(誘導)된 산화적(酸化的) 손상(損傷)을 유의적(有意的)으로 억제(抑制)하였으며, 체내(體內) 중요(重要) 항산화(抗酸化) 물질(物質)인 glutathione을 보호(保護)하여 체내(體內) 항산화(抗酸化) 능력(能力)을 증진(增進)시킨 것으로 사료(思料)된다. 오수유부자이중탕(吳茱萸附子理中湯) 투여군(投與群)은 제한적(制限的)인 효과(效果)만을 보였다. 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯)은 항산화(抗酸化) 효과(效果)가 높은 처방(處方)으로 볼 수 있는 바 임상(臨床)에서 노화방지(老化防止)에 널리 활용(活用)될 수 있을 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 운동 참가 경험에 따른 운동 태도와 의도의 관계

        원주,정봉 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 1997 自然科學 Vol.8 No.2

        Fishbein과 Ajzen(1975)의 합리 행위이론과 지각 행동 통제를 추가시켜 이를 확장시킨 Ajzen(1985)의 계획 행동 이론의 간명성과 운동 참가 지속에 대한 높은 설명력으로 운동 심리학 분야 연구자들의 많은 관심을 끌고 있다. 본 연구는 운동 참가 경험에 따른 운동 태도와 의도의 관계를 규명하기 위해 운동 참가 경험을 비참가, 참가포기, 운동참가, 참가재개로 구분하여 운동 의도의 차이를 분석하였다. 전국민을 모집단으로 설정한 다음 다단계 표집으로 3,000명의 연구 대상자를 선정하여 국민생활 체육 참여 영향요인에 대한 사회조사 자료를 활용, 일련의 통계적 분석을 실시 한 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 운동 의도는 Sallis와 Hovell(1990)이 구분한 운동 참가 경험에 따라 차이가 있다. 둘째 합리 행위 이론과 계획 행동 이론은 한국인의 운동참가 지속을 잘 설명하며, 지각한 행동 통제를 추가시킨 계획행동 이론이 합리행위 이론보다 운동의도에 대한 설명력이 상대적으로 크다. 셋째, 운동 참가 경험에 따른 운동 의도를 설명하는 데에 있어서 운동에 대한 태도, 주관적 규범, 지각한 행동 통제의 상대적 중요도가 상이하다. Reasonable Action Theory of Fishbein and Ajzen(1975) and Planned Action Theory of Ajzen(1985) have interested many researchers in sport psychology for their simplicity and high explicability of sport participation adherence. In this study all national were selected as the case group, and 3,000 subjects were chosen through multistage stratified chuster random sampling. By analyzing the data of social survey in effective factors of the nation's life-sports participation we came to the conclusion as follows; Frist, sport intention varies according to sport participation experience as Sallis and Hovell(1990) said. Secong, Reasonable Action Theory and Planned Action Theory added the perceived action control is relatively mere explicable in terms of sport intention than Reasonable Action Theory. Third, with regard to sports intention is sport participation experience the relative importance in the attitude toward sports, subjective norm and perceived action control are different.

      • KCI등재후보

        운동기술학습과 협응

        원주(Ju Yean Won),정봉해(Bong Hea Chung) 한국사회체육학회 2002 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.17 No.-

        TIn physical activities and sports motor skill acquisition can be defined as the changes in movement organization that accompany the prolonged practice of a motor task. From the perspectives of information processing this motor skill acquisition was considered to be the process of organizing a motor program appropriate to the given task, schematizing the program to the memory system, and reorganizing it into an efficient scheme to improve motor skill performances. However, recently the dynamics system theory defines motor skill acquisition as a process of forming efficient coordination patterns to perform the given task and increasing flexibility to cope with the changes in features of environment and the given task. In terms of eco-psychology it is defined as a process of increasing coordinations between perception and actions to conform to the given task and environmental requirements in perceptual motor activity domain through practice and experience. This study starts from the eco-psychological perspectives regarding motor skill acquisition process formation of coordination patterns, and shows changes in the degrees of freedom and coordination patterns, perceptual-motor workspace, general understanding of search strategies, and the importance of formation of coordination patterns in motor skill acquisition.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 교육모형이 체육수업의 성취동기에 미치는 영향

        원주(Won Ju Yeon),정봉해(Jeong Bong Hae) 한국사회체육학회 2003 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The aim of this study was to prove how sports education model had influence on achievement motivation in physical education of high school students. To solve this subject, we gathered 200 highschool students and divided them into two groups-for sports education model and technique-oriented model then watched them on for the next 12weeks. After the had been given physical education, we collected all the data about how their achievement motivation and avoiding a failure were changed. then we did a tested t by using SPSS program to find out what the difference were between two groups. Finally, we were able to bring out the following results from this study. Firstly, for male students, classes which were based on sport education remarkably had influence on their learning strategy, overcoming obstacles, seriousness of diligence, competence of motor ability and value of learning. Secondly, the state of anxiety from stress actually didn`t have any influence on the group for sport education model, but according to the study, sports education model could solve a failure anxiety of students. Thirdly, for female students, classed which were based on sports education, had influence on their learning strategy, overcoming obstacles, competence of ability and value of learning. Fourthly, the study showed that for female students, classes which were based on sports education, actually didn`t have any influence on their seriousness of diligence, state of anxiety from stress and failure anxity.

      • KCI등재후보

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