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      • 海洋勢力理論과 外交政策

        全雄 弘益大學校 東西文化硏究所 1998 東西文化硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        <Abstract>The sea is one of the most dynamic geopolitical forces. It is commonly said that the sea opens the way to new countries, new resources, and new riches. So he who does not share in the sea is shut off from the good things and honors of the earth. For he who aims at worldwide esteem must ally himself with the sea. Only thus can he hope to rule the world.Historically the most decisive of all world-political trend is the drive of a nation towards the sea. It guides a people out of continental narrowness to the freedom of the open coast. The drive to the sea is apparent in almost all aspects of present day world politics.The profound influence of sea commerce upon the wealth and power of a nation was clearly seen long before the true principles which governed its growth and prosperity were detected. To secure to one's own people a disproportionate share of such a benefits, every effort was made to exclude others, either by the peaceful methods of monopoly or prohibitory regulations, or when these failed by direct violence. So sea power has had an immense determining influence upon the world history. According to Mahan there are six elements to make the sea power of a nation ① geographical position, ② physical conformation, ③ extent of territory, ④ number of populations, ⑤ national character, and ⑤ character of the government. Three things used to be pointed to the wealth and strength of a sea power'① production with the necessity of exchanging products, ② shipping whereby the exchange is carried on, and ③ colonies which facilitate and enlarge the operations of shipping and tend to protect it by multiplying points of safety. Sea power is fundamentally a matter of appropriate bases, productive and secure. By the way, these has been constant conflict between a continental policy and oceanic one in each country. To be sure the drive to the sea is not a constant force of equal strength of all times. Oceanic, sea-conscious tendencies alternate with continental considerations in the mind of nations. However, the principle of naval strategy seeks to demonstrate that the rise and fall of sea power, and therefore nations, has been always linked with the commercial and military command of the sea. The main doctrine of sea power or naval strategy is to bring the main enemy force to battle, and defeat him in a decisive engagement. The organized force of the enemy are ever the chief objective. From the strategic point of view, the offence undertakes certain risks and disadvantages in ordeal to reach and destroy the enemy. On the other-hand, the defence, so long as it remains such, refuses the risks of advance, holds on to a careful, well ordered position, and avails itself of the exposure to which the assailant submits himself.According to Clausewitz, war is nothing but a continuation of political intercourse with an admixture of other means. Mahan also holds that war is simply a violent political movement and an extension of politics. It meas that the sea power is nothing but a instrument to attain foreign policy goals of a nation, that is wealth, prosperity, and security of a nation. The functions of sea power(or naval force) for foreign policy of a country are as follows ; ① diplomatic manipulation, ② negotiation by force, and increase of national prestige in world society The proposition, "our frontiers to be the coasts of the enemy" or "from the sea", is today's main strategy of sea power.

      • 共産主義의 戰略 및 戰術槪念

        全雄 弘益大學校 1982 弘大論叢 Vol.14 No.1

        In general, the concept of strategy and tactics comes from the relationships between the objectives pursued and the means employed. Strategy and tactics are defined as an art to attain the set goal effectively, coordinating human and physical resources and distributing them in balance. Strategy is also a plan or an artifice to put one's policy into practice and to accomplish its goal whether it is military or political. In order to have successful strategy, proper tactics are necessary. The concept of tactics is a process wherein the strategy is put into practice. Tactics are an auxiliary art of the strategy. Tactics usually decide when and/or where to attack and defend, and determine the available means contributing to the strategy. Therefore strategy and tactics have a close relationship with one another. Thus, the development of strategy depends on the development of tactics and vice versa. Both concepts are also. complementary to each other. For wartime strategy and tactics the means mobilized is usually at one's discretion whether it is peaceful or compulsory, while in peace time it depends upon diplomatic methods, that is, negotiation and compromise, ect. Communist strategy and tactics frequently put emphasis on the goal-attainment. Their way of approaching the goal is indiscriminate in the choice of means. The communist revolutionary strategy and tactics are also based on the class bias. It disregards the function of reason and rationality of man in the historical process of development in human society while it takes into considerations only the function of antagonism and conflict in the historical process. The Marxist scheme on the historical process of the development of captalist society is based on class struggle, proletarian revolution, and proletarian dictatorship. It excludes any possibility of harmony or cooperation in human society, and it resorts only to struggle and violence. The Leninist concept of strategy basically rests on the idea of utility and deception while the Stalinist concepts rests on violence and force. On the part of Lenin and Stalin, the objective and the means are considered separately. In other words it means that the choice of means in attaining the goal is indiscreet. Both people regard political strategy and tactics as a part of military maneuvers. Mao Tse-Tung's concept on strategy and tactics was to apply the Bolshevik's tactics to the particular conditions in China. His strategy was to lay siege to cities through the rural socities, and his tactics were guerilla tatics based on the rural area. In conculusion, the communist strategy and tactics combine the dichotomous concepts of war and political Machiavellian machination. The Communists in general make use of military and police force and violence when they are superior in power to their counter partner while when inferior they propose negotiations and make a peace-loving gestures. From this data, we can clearly see the immorality and inhumanity .of the communist strategy and tactics today. The following are the contents of this thesis: 1. General Concepts of Strategy and Tactics 2. The Communist Concepts on Strategy and Tactics 1) Marx and Engels' Views on the Communist Revolutionary Strategy 2) Leninist-Stalinist Concepts on Strategy and Tactics 3. Two Levels of the Communist Strategy 1) Domestic Revolutionary Strategy 2) International Revolutionary Strategy 4. Types of Bolshevik Strategy 1) The Role of the Communist Party 2) The Role of Communist Ideology 3) The Principles of Communist Strategy 4) The Types of Bolshevik Strategy (1) Strategy of Access (2) Strategy of Neutralization (3) Strategy of Legitimacy (4) Strategy of Mobilization 5. Types of Communist Tactics 1) Peripheral Origanization and Infiltration Tactics 2) The Tactics of the United Front 3) The Front in Unity Tactics 4) The Tactics of Peaceful Approach 5) The Tactics of Terror and Uprisings 6) Guerilla Tactics 6. Mao Tse-Tung's Concept on Strategy and Tactics 7. In Conclusion

      • 外交政策의 分析方法과 硏究傾向

        全雄 弘益大學校 1983 弘大論叢 Vol.15 No.1

        More than ever before in hstory, The thrust of foreign policy is being felt in all fields of human affairs. The situation has come to such that the very survival of the human race is directly dependent upon the pursuance of the right kind of foreign policy by every country. Gone are the days when foreign policy was treated as a distant concern and as the exclusive preserve of a few elites. Foreign policy problems are high on the agenda not only of political decision-makers and students but of ordinary people as well. Recently, it has received greater attention than any other aspect of politics. Foreign policy problems have become the most important branch of politics. Policy in general is more likely to be directed toward seeking solutions and final answers to problems. Foreign policy is defined as a series of decisions or plans to seek to maximize a nation's goal abroad, to seek to adjust their society to its environment, and to seek to adjust their own needs and wants to the changing environment. In the latter case, it constitutes a form of adaptive behavior. Foreign policy analysis is concerned with action theory and so it is based on the state centric model. More generally, foreign policy is the system of activities evolved by communities for changing the behavior of other states and for adjusting their own activities to the international environment. It means that the authoritative actions which government takes in order either to preserve the desirable aspects of the international environment or to alter its undesirable aspects.

      • KCI등재

        방첩의 개념과 실제 : 대스파이 활동(Counterespionage)을 중심으로

        전웅 한국경찰연구학회 2014 한국경찰연구 Vol.13 No.4

        이 글은 방첩의 한 유형으로서 ‘대스파이 활동’의 개념과 의미, 그리고 그것을 실행하는 단계 또는 방법들에 대해 논의해 보고자 시도되었다. 대스파이 활동은‘보안’과 대비되는 개념이다. 보안은 수동적이고 방어적 차원의 방첩을 의미하는 반면, 대스파이 활동은 능동적이고 공격적인 차원의 방첩으로 해석된다. 대스파이 활동의 목적을 달성하기 위해 첩보수집, 방첩수사, 방첩공작, 방첩분석 등 여러 가지 활동기법들이 동원된다. 이러한 활동기법들은 각기 독립적으로 수행되는 것이 아니고 상호 유기적으로 밀접하게 연계되어야만 방첩 목표를 성공적으로 달성할 수 있다. 방첩의 실패로 인해 적의 기만책을 적시에 정확히 파악하지 못하면 국가안보에 치명적인 손을 야기하는 정보실패가 발생하게 된다. 이처럼 방첩의 성패는 궁극적으로 정보의 성패와 직접적으로 연결된다는 점에서 방첩의 중요성이 강조된다. 성공적인 방첩은 방어적인 차원의 보안과 더불어 보다 적극적으로 적대세력의 위협을 탐지, 파괴, 무력화, 역용하는 등의 공격적인 활동이 수반되어야 할 것이다. 오늘날 미국을 비롯한 선진정보기관들은 과거의 수동적이고 소극적인 보안을 넘어서서 보다 적극적이고 공세적인 방첩을 추구하고 있다. 이러한 추세를 반영하여 향후 방첩 전략은 수동적인 보안보다는 능동적인 방첩을 의미하는 대스파이 활동에 보다 역점을 두는 방향으로 변화될 것이 요구된다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the concept of the 'counterespionage' as a type of counterintelligence and the process and methods to achieve the goal of the 'counterespionage.' The concept of the counterespionage contrasts with the one of the 'security.' While the security means a defensive and passive type of counterintelligence, the counterespionage is as an offensive and active type of one. Various measures are utilized to achieve the goal of the counterespionage, such as collection, counterintelligence investigation, counterintelligence operation, and counterintelligence analysis. In order to successfully achieve the goal of the counterintelligence these measures should be applied with being closely related among them. If we could not find out the deception of the enemy in time, the serious intelligence failure would occur and cause the most damaging impact on a nation's security. The performance of the counterintelligence is closely related the success and failure of the intelligence. In that sense, the counterintelligence is recognized as the key element of the intelligence activities. It is required to take both the defensive measures of security and the aggressive measures of the counterespionage such as discovering, destroying, neutralizing, and counteracting the threat of an enemy. Today, the advanced intelligence organizations including the U.S. intelligence community pursue to take a more positive and aggressive counterespionage measures while they just used to utilize a passive security ones in the past. Accordingly, the policy of the counterintelligence should be changed to be more focused on the counterespionage as a active type of counterintelligence than the security as a passive type of counterintelligence.

      • 利益集團이 美國의 外交政策決定에 미치는 영향

        전웅 弘益大學校 東西文化硏究所 2002 東西文化硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        According to Max Weber, politics means striving to share power or striving to influence the distribution of power, either among states or among groups within a state. Interest groups have participated actively in politics from the establishment of the first government in America and must therefore be considered as an intrinsic element of American political system. Although we may never have means of measuring political power of interest groups accurately, it is by now generally recognized that interest groups wield a significant amount of power in the American politics. It has been said that both the forms and functions of government in America are a reflection of the activities and claims of interest groups. In other words, governmental decisions are the resultants of effective access by various interests of which organized groups may be only a segment. It also implies that the chief social values cherished by indivisuals in the democratic society are realized through groups. The amazing extent of interest group activity has been proof that foreign policy is democratically controlled. According to David Truman, a political interest group is a shared-attitude group making claims through or upon the institution of government. The shared attitude constitutes interest. Any mutual interest, any shared attitude is a potential group. There are two kinds of groups. One is the group which seeks to satisfy interests, other the group which propagate faiths. Most of the groups have arisen in reaction to the political climate of the times. So large number of interest groups in America were formed during 1920s in responese to the Great Depression, and in response to WW11 and cold war, and Vietnam War. Such events activated people, many of whom previously may have been apathetic and politically passive. What kinds of interest groups and individuals have major effects on the making and execution of American foreign policy? There are ideological groups, religious groups, ethnic groups, economic groups, and foreign governments. Individual interest groups generally function in a pragmatic and opportunistic fashion, using any method or technique which they believe will serve their purpose effectively. A characteristic feature of the governmental system in America is that it contains a multiplicity of point or access. One can find groups working through all the major points of access to the governmental process of foreign policy making. The impact of interest groups on foreign policy seems greatest when they press for positions that public officials are ready to adopt anyway. The technique and tactics which any particular group employs will be determined largely by such factors as size and geographic distribution of the membership, cohesion of membership, financial resources, prestige positions of the organization, quality of leadership and staff, and relations with the political parties and other organized groups. However, Bernard Cohen said that interest groups seem to have considerably less effect on foreign policy than they do in the domestic realm in America. On foreign policy there have been far fewer interest groups active. In the long run, the possibility for group influence on foreign policy issues varies with the issue.

      • 地政學的 要素와 한국의 외교정책

        全雄 弘益大學校 東西文化硏究所 1997 東西文化硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        ( abstract ) Geopolitics is the geographic science of the state. It is the study of the state as a geographic phenomena in space as land, territory, area or as country. In that sense, geopolitics is the study of the country from the point of view of its locations(togo-politics), form(morpho-politics), and area(physio-politics). So geopolitics views space from the stand point of the state. It is based on the broad foundations of geography, essentially on political geography. It attempts to grasp the relationship between the geographical realities and all forms of national power. Also it attempts to study the influence of natural environment on man and history. It is usually said that man and history tend to be conditioned by the physical features, that is lasting realities of our earthly home. Geopolitics sets out to furnish the tools for political action and directives for foreign policy in general. So it is the art of guiding practical politics. 4 German scholar, Haushofer once said "Why did our leading statesmen fail to see what this student of geopolitics realized as early as 1904?" He wanted to make German political leaders think in large terms of great spaces in continents and oceans, and thereby direct historical course with that of German leaders. An American general Mahan's writings are also concerned with grand strategy in the American empire building. The study of geopolitics is usually concerned with the most basic issue of foreign policy and the analysis of a nation's positions in terms of geography and international power politics. Therefor some of the geopoliticans try to find from the map certain compelling dictates of foreign policy. In particular, contemporary geopolitics has concentrated on geostrategy and foreign policy implications of geo-economies. In this sense, 1 explain some geographical·aphical features and geopolitical character of Korean peninsular and its Korean foreign policy implications : ① the relationship between geopolitics and foreign policy, ② the geographical elements and national power, ③ the geopolitical bases of Korean foreign policy, ④ the geopolitical significance of Korean peninsular as pivotal position in the Far East. Despite of technological developments, geographical causation in universal history and physical features of the world have been coercive of human action.

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