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        대학생의 긍정심리자본과 적응수행의 구조적 관계: 진로포부 매개효과 중심으로

        장현정 ( Hyunjeong Jang ),유정민 ( Jeongmin Yoo ),조태준 ( Taejun Cho ) 인천대학교 사회과학연구원 2021 사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 우리나라 4년제 대학에 재학 또는 휴학 중인 대학생을 대상으로 긍정심리자본과 적응수행 간의 구조적 관계와 진로포부 간의 매개효과를 확인하는데 있다. 이에 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 긍정심리자본과 진로포부는 적응수행의 구성요소인 위기상황 대처, 창의적 문제해결, 대인관계 적응에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 둘째, 긍정심리자본이 진로포부에 정(+)의 영향을 미친다는 결과가 도출되었다. 셋째, 진로포부는 긍정심리자본과 적응수행의 하위요인인 위기상황 대처, 창의적 문제해결, 대인관계 적응 간에 간접효과 보다 직접효과의 영향력이 더 커 부분매개를 나타내었다. 긍정심리자본에서 진로포부를 지나 적응수행으로 연결되는 간접효과가 가장 큰 변인은 창의적 문제해결, 위기상황 대처, 대인관계 적응 순서이다. 총 효과는 위기상황대처, 창의적 문제해결, 대인관계 적응 순으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과에 바탕을 두고 변화에 능동적으로 적응할 수 있는 4차 산업역명 시대에 필요한 미래인재를 육성하기 위한 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학은 미래 사회에서 요구하는 역량을 갖춘 학생들을 육성하기 위해 인지적인 전공지식전달과 습득만을 강조할 것이 아니라, 예기치 못한 상황에서도 대처하고, 다양한 관점에서 문제를 해결할 수 있는 열린 유연한 사고를 가지며, 다수의 의견과 생각의 차이를 조절하고, 이들과 원만한 관계를 맺을 수 있는 대학교육 시스템이 진화해야 한다. 둘째, 수업내용과 교수방법의 변화에 맞추어 평가방식에도 변화가 필요하다. 셋째, 학생들은 대학에서 제공하는 지식에 의존하기보다 자신에게 필요한 정보는 자기 주도적으로 탐색하여 활용하기 때문에, 이제 대학에서는 직접적으로 지식을 전달하는 것에서 확대하여, 학생의 호기심을 배가하여 진로에 대한 포부를 가질 수 있도록 지도해야 한다. 따라서, 대학생들이 대학교육에서 배운 자산으로 변화하는 미래사회에 대처하고 적응할 수 있도록 대학의 교육시스템이 변화해야 할 것이다. We have tried to cope with the changing world, but there are limitations in predicting and preparing for the speed and direction of the change. The environment, culture, education, medical care, and organization are making plans to cope with change, and the organization focused on finding and nurturing talent who can adapt to the change. However, it is not the current situation of yesterday that there are cases in which the organization selects new employees through various procedures based on the talent image of excellent talent, but before they can adapt to the organization. In the end, it remains an important task to find and nurture these talents by knowing what kind of talents can adapt to changing external situations from various angles. Therefore, I would like to look for various variables that can improve the adaptation performance of college students who will become members of the future organizational society, and study how these variables can be applied to university education. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of career aspiration and the moderating effects of positive psychological capital and career aspiration in the relationship between positive psychological capital. Subjects for inquiry in this study are as follows: First, do college students’ positive psychological capital and career aspirations affect adaptive performance? Second, Second, does positive psychological capital of college students affect their ability to cope with crisis situations, creative problem solving, and adapt to interpersonal relationships, which are components of adaptation performance through the mediating effect of career aspirations? Third, does career aspiration affect the performance of adaptation? Fourth, what is the mediating effect of career aspirations between positive psychological capital and adaptation performance? For this study, 1,363 four-year university students across the country were collected, and self-reported online survey data on positive psychological capital, adaptation performance, career aspiration, and satisfaction with university departments. Descriptive statistics analysis and reliability analysis were performed using the SPSS 25.0 program. In order to verify the mediating effect of the career aspirations in the relationship between positive psychological capital and adaptation performance, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using the AMOS 25.0 program. Bootstrap was used to examine the significance of the model. In order to verify the mediating effect of the career aspirations in the relationship between positive psychological capital and adaptation performance, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted using the AMOS 25.0 program. Bootstrap was used to examine the significance of the model. The major results shown from this study are as follows. First, it was found that the positive psychological capital of university students had an effect on adaptation performance. I think this is also a characteristic of performing adaptation, such as adapting to the situation and solving complex problems creatively. Second, the positive psychological capital of university students was found to have a significant effect on career aspirations. Among the constituent concepts of career aspiration: achievement aspiration, leadership aspiration, and education aspiration, it is consistent with previous studies related to leadership variables. Third, it was found that career aspiration has an effect on adaptation performance. Fourth, between positive psychological capital and adaptation performance, career aspiration showed a partial mediating effect. There was a partial mediating effect between handling emergencies or crisis situations, solving problems creatively, and Demonstrating interpersonal adaptability, which are the subordinate variables of adaptation performance.

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