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        스티로폼 폐부자 해양쓰레기 저감 방안

        장용창(張容暢),김경신(Kim, Kyung Shin),김창수(金昌洙) 한국지방정부학회 2018 지방정부연구 Vol.22 No.3

        통영 굴 양식장에서 발생하는 스티로폼 폐부자 해양쓰레기 문제의 개선 방안을 찾기 위해 어민들의 의견을 제도분석틀을 통해 분석하였다. 그 결과 양식장은 공유지의 비극이 발생하는 공유자원의 특성을 주로 가지고 있지만, 관련된 법과 정책은 이런 특성에 알맞지 않기 때문에 문제가 지속되는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 이 문제와 관련된 이해관계자들의 이해(理解)와 이해관계(利害關係)가 다양하고 상이하여, 적절한 대응 정책 개발을 위한 대화와 합의가 힘든 것으로 보인다. 정부는 2017년부터 친환경부표를 보급하기 위해 보조금을 지급하고 있지만, 면담한 어민들은 이 정책에 대한 부정적인 의견을 나타냈다. 또한 어민들은 폐부자의 불법적 투기에 대한 체계적인 감시와 관리를 바랬는데, 이는 공유자원 관리 이론과도 일치하며, 계류 중인 어구관리법안의 취지와도 일치한다. 환경 문제를 더 넓은 범위에서 파악하고 해법을 제시하는 제도분석틀이 실제 정책 개발에서도 더 많이 활용될 필요가 있다. In order to find solutions of marine debris problems of used styrofoam buoys from oyster aquaculture farm in Tong Yeong City, fishermen`s opinion was analyzed through Institutional Analysis and Development Framework. It was analyzed that the problem has continued because the law and policy does not fit to the aquaculture farm, of which physical attributes are mainly those of the common pool resources, where the tragedy of the commons typically happens. In addition, the communication and consensus among the stake-holders to develop proper countermeasures is difficult because their understanding and interest are diverse and different. While the government began to subsidize `environment-friendly buoys`, the interviewed fishermen showed negative opinion to this policy. Moreover, the fishermen wanted systematic monitoring and management of illegal dumping of used buoys, which coincides with theory of the common pool resources management and with the purpose of the pending Law to Manage Fishing Gear. The Institutional Analysis and Development Framework needs to be used in developing government policy more often, as it is useful to understand an environmental problem with wider viewpoints and to find its solutions.

      • KCI등재

        ‘태(台)(대(臺))’자(字)로 구성된 중국 지명의 한자음(漢字音) 표기고(考)

        장용 한국중국언어학회 2017 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.71

        “台” and “臺” is actually two words meaning are different, then two words of “sound” began to slowly close, and simplify the implementation of the policy, two words eventually merged to a “台” word, the pronunciation and meaning of the two words in Korean are also different. So Korean made some mistakes in recording these Chinese names of places. Through the collation of the Chinese phonetic symbols of simplified Chinese characters “台” in the Chinese names of places composed of simplified words and stations in Korean dictionaries and websites, it is found that there are mainly two ways of marking. One kind is “대(臺)”, the other is “태(台)”. Based on the evolution of “台” and “臺”'s meaning, and through the investigation sources containing names of simplified Chinese characters “台” included in the 『中國古今地名大詞典(Ancient and Modern Chinese geographical names Dictionary)』, in addition to “Star” and “foreign language” in these special circumstances, place names from “buildings” evolved. More, use these names “台” characters should be “臺(대)”. From this we can know the existing South Korea website and put these Chinese names “台”, labeled “태” is not correct, should be changed to “대”. But “mistake” is a common language phenomenon, wrong usage has been used to correct it is not an easy thing. But even so, Chinese characters and Korean characters can refer to each other and complement each other. Both of them are of great significance to the study of Chinese language and writing.

      • KCI등재

        《現代漢語辭典》(第六版)中“等意成語”的釋意方式考 -以“一字之差”爲主-

        장용 한국중국언어학회 2013 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.47

        『現代漢語詞典』(제6판)에는 약4천 여 條의 成語가수록되어 있다. 이 중에서 주의를 요하는 것은 ``等義成語``이다. 等義成語``란 두 개의 成語에서 그 구성 글자는 다르지만 그 의미는 같거나 유사한 것을 말한다. 사전에는 약 9백 여 條의 ``等義成語``가 수록되어 있는데 한 글자가 차이나는 경우도 있고 두 글자가 차이나는 경우도 있다. 본문에서 고찰하고자 하는 것은 ``等義成語`` 중에서 한 글자가 차이나는 경우이다. 예를 들면 ``白日見鬼``와 白書見鬼``의 경우에 각 성어의 두 번째 글자가 ``日``과 ``書``로 서로 다르다. 이런 현상 은 ``辭典學``, ``語彙學``, ``文字學``의 각도에서 연구해 볼만한 가치가 있을 것이다. 본고에서 는 ``辭典學``의 각도에서 이러한 ``等義成語``의 해석방식에 대하여 고찰해 보고자 한다 필자의 정리 결과에 의하면 『現代漢語詞典』에는 ``主條``에 대한 해석방식이 모두 27 종류,``副條``에 대한 해석방식이 3 종류가 있으며, 이를 통해 ``主條``와 .副條``에 대한 해석방식이 매우 다양하다는 것을 알 수 있다 『現代漢語詞典』은 현대한어어휘를 수록하고 해석하는 데에 많은 노력을 기울인 훌륭한 사전이지만, 해석방식의 통일이라는 면에서 보면 아직 보완하고 수정해야 할 부분이 남아 있다.

      • KCI등재

        한한(韓漢) 사자성어(四字成語)의 용자(用字) 차이 연구(硏究) - 한 글자만 다르게 사용된 성어(成語)를 중심으로 -

        章蓉 한국중국언어학회 2018 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.77

        漢韓成語的比較硏究已經進行了二十幾年,但是到目前爲止,所有的硏究都停留在簡單的羅列成語的階段,本文想越過羅列這一界限,進行更爲具體的硏究。 本文選擇漢韓成語中“一字之差”的成語進行比較,考察出了漢韓成語之間選用不同字的原因,從韓語的角度來看,主要有表現在以下幾個方面: 1. 字義的發展方向與漢語不同 2. 記錄某一槪念的方式與漢語不同 3. 含義上與漢語存在著細微的差異 4. 受到韓語一般詞彙的影響 5. 兩國的文化及認知心理不同 6. 語言的借用和類推等語言學方法的作用 另外,通過本文的硏究不僅能具體了解到漢韓成語之間的差異及形成該差異的原因,同時也能看到帶有韓國特色的成語雖然從結構和用字上看似是中國成語,但是在漢語中却沒有出現過,這些成語其實屬於韓國自創的成語,是韓國固有的成語。特別是像“洞房華燭”、“泰山峻嶺”、“雨後竹筍”這些成語實際上已經完完全全韓國化了。這些已經韓國化的成語在詞義的保存和豊富上都起著不可忽視的作用。 Idioms comparative study of Chinese and Korean has been going on for 20 years, but so far, all the research stay in a simple list the stages of idioms, this paper think over the list of the line, for more specific research. This paper choose “一字之差” in the Chinese and Korean idioms comparison, investigated the reasons for choosing different characters between Chinese and Korean idioms. There are mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1. The development direction of Chinese characters is different from Chinese 2. The way to record a concept is different from Chinese 3. There is a slight difference in meaning 4. Influenced by Korean vocabulary 5. The two countries have different cultural and cognitive psychology 6. Influenced by language borrowing and analogy In addition, Korean idioms play an important role in preserving and enriching the meanings of words.

      • 과학기사 및 과학정책에 대한 사회조사

        張龍 漢陽大學校 1973 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        Like many social problems, the dissemination of natural science and technology is a concern of a developing country, since science and technology play an important role in national life, ranging from an individual to the nation as a whole. Also, the effective dissemination of science news by the mass media is considered to be one of the major concerns of underdeveloped and developing countries because the influence of the mass media upon the public is considered to be great. But, like many other social problems. this national concern and the influence of the mass media (and/or the effects of the mass media) upon the general public have not been studied yet in the Republic of Korea before. This research is an attempt to expedite the effective means of dissemination of the government's policies and effective means of propagation of science news and science policies of the government by the mass media, by analyzing and determining the major factors affecting the people's accessibility to, readability of, and understanding of science news and science policies of the government reported by mass media. And this study is also intended to provide, if possible, effective means to solve the problems of disseminating modern technology, scientific knowledge, science news and science policies, etc. by having the general survey throughout the country. To have the general survey effective, four stage sampling methods were utilized. At the first stage, to determin the sample-size and sampling, the proportional stratified sampling method was adopted, based on the statistics of the newspaper subscribers published by the Ministry of Culture and Public Information. At the second stage the cluster-sampling and area-sampling methods were used in combination with the random-sampling of the administrative units. At the third stage and fourth, the subjects to be interviewed were proportionally distributed to each administrative unit and were randomly selected in accordance with the number of the newspaper subscribers in the ratio of the one-fifteen thousandth. By way of such milti-sampling, 345 subjects were randomly selected and interviewed with a questionnaire of 36 items prepared in advance. After the survey, the socio-economic-demographic status was analyzed. And then following factors were analyzed: 1. The subject's attitude toward the science news and science policies of the government, reported by the mass media, 2. The subject's access to science news and science policies of the government, 3. The factor of group pattern, 4. The subject's response to science news and policies, 5. The subject's understanding of science news and policies reported by the media and etc. As the results of the study, certain interesting findings emerged, of which some important ones follow: 1. The mass audiences depend for their sources on daily papers more than any other media; 2. The highest ranking of "motive" of access to science news and/or science policies appears to be "in order to acquire knowledge," while the passive motive such as "advice by others" ranks low; 3. The dominant factors governing apathy to science news and policies are ignorance, poor readability, and difficulty of understanding science news in general; 4. Ranking of the readers' interest in science news stands in the order of closeness and immediacy of the subjects to their daily life, such as "health", "public nuisance, and pollution" and "drug and medicine"; 5. The closer the topic is to the interest of the audiences, the more the science news is read by them; 6. The overwhelming response of the audience was that their daily life is positively affected by science news; 7. The audiences responded that science editorials and comments are hard to understand; 8. Science news in general motivates the audiences' awareness and/or intensiveness. Reviewing some of important factors and findings, it is felt that the media and government should take some measures (a) to increase the dimension of accessibility to science news, (b) to improve readability, (c) to solve the problems of apathy, and etc. Some of measures to he recommended are: (a) to increase pages of daily edition of the newspaper, (b) to prevent the general science news and those concerning the daily life from being neglected, (c) to induce readers to wider accessibility to the media and daily applications of knowledge so gained, (d) to have adult education performed for the masses by utilizing the educational institutions, (e) more emphases be given to the dissemination of scientific culture through the electronic media, and etc.

      • 學術誌로서의 增幅을…

        張龍 漢陽大學校 社會科學大學 新聞放送學科 1977 크로노스 Vol.8 No.-

        신문학과가 창설된 이래 연륜을 더하여 감에 따라 알찬 결실을 맺어가고 있는 것과 같이, 학과에서 발행되는 학술지인 「크로노스」도 하나 하나의 연륜을 쌓아 올해 벌써 제8집을 발행하게 되었다. 이제까지 학생 중심의 학술지이라 학과중심이었던 「크로노스」를 이제부터는 교수 및 학생 공동의 것으로 그리고 연구소와 학과의 공동발전지로 발전하기에 이르른 것을 기쁘게 생각한다. 「크로노스」의 발전과 더불어 「커뮤니케이션」도 시대적 변천에 따라 달라져 가고있다. 일반적인 「커뮤니케이션」에서 부터 「매스 · 커뮤니케이션」에 이르는 이론의 전개에서 요즈음은 여러 기기적 발명과 발달에 따라 다른 양상을 띄게 되었다. 이에 따라 「퍼스널 · 커뮤니케이션」과 「매스 · 커뮤니케이션」이 주축을 이루던 「커뮤니케이션」이상도 또 하나의 이론을 받아들이지 않을 수 없게 된 것같다.

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