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      • KCI등재

        서울시 아파트 임대차계약 구조에 대한 새로운 해석

        임재만 국토연구원 2011 국토연구 Vol.70 No.-

        This paper has analyzed the causes of Cheonse price hike issue in term of home owners' yield maximization. The results are as the followings. First, I exhibit a critique to the previous studies that monthly rent rate and expected price growth rate are the same. There are thresholds that vary by the home owners' preference of the lease contracts type. It is true only if the expected price growth rate is equal to the sum of monthly rents and loan interests. Second, rental income and sales prices, Cheonse prices, monthly rent rates were analyzed as a function of the empirical relationship. Because of tenants' budget constraints, the more expensive sales price, the percentage of the Cheonse price on the sales price is falls. Finally, based on historical data, I determine the probability distribution of sales prices, Cheonse prices, deposits, rent rates, expected price growth. And assuming a given interest rate factors, how potential homeowners, who seek to maximize expected investment yield, would prefer Cheonse contract estimated through Monte Carlo simulations. The percentage of Cheonse contracts appeared to be shrinking depending on the expected price growth rate decrease. Finally, empirical relationship between MR and security deposit is negative and statistically significant. 이 글은 최근 주택가격이 하향 안정 추세를 보이고 임대차계약 유형이 전세에서 보증부월세로 급속히 전환되는 과정에서 전세가격 급등이라는 사회적 문제의 원인을 주택소유자의 수익극대화 기준에서 분석한 글이다. 이 연구를 통해 얻은 결론은 다음 세 가지로 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 선행연구에서 주장하는 월세이율과 기대가격상승률은 동일하다는 가설에 대한 비판이다. 가격상승률에 대한 기대가 클수록 순수월세보다 보증부월세가, 보증부월세보다 전세의 투자수익률은 더욱 증가한다. 따라서 이 가설은 기대가격상승률이 특정한 값일 때에만 성립한다. 둘째, 임대소득을 매매가격, 전세가격, 월세이율의 함수로 보고, 이를 실증적으로 분석하여 매매가격이 비쌀수록 임차인의 예산제약으로 전세가격이 매매가격에서 차지하는 비율은 떨어지며, 전세가격과 보증금의 차액에 월세이율을 곱해 월세를 계산하는 시장관행을 확인했다. 마지막으로 과거 자료에 기초해 매매가격, 전세가격, 보증금, 월세이율, 기대가격상승률의 확률분포를 결정하고, 대출금리를 주어진 요인으로 가정할 때 수익극대화를 추구하는 주택소유자가 전세계약을 선호할 가능성을 몬테칼로 시뮬레이션을 통해 추정했다. 전세비중은 기대가격상승률 하락에 따라 축소되는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보

        국립법무병원에 입원한 소아기호증 환자의 범죄 형태에 따른 차이 및 특성 연구: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) typologies of child molesters 를 중심으로

        임재만,이재우,심금숙,양정인,김선범,김대연 대한법의학회 2014 대한법의학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        This study aimed to classify individuals who had perpetrated child sexual abuseaccording to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) typologies of child molestersand to assess the correlations between sociodemographic and criminal variables. Weexamined a total of 26 patients diagnosed with pedophilia (DSM-Ⅳ-TR criteria) whohad been hospitalized in the National Forensic Hospital for Cure Custody. Data wereobtained through self-administered questionnaires and reviews of patient records. Patients were classified into preferential offenders or situational offenders based onFBI typologies. Current and first offense ages of preferential offenders were youngerthan those of situational offenders. Preferential offenders were more likely to havebeen exposed to sexual abuse during childhood, and were more likely to watch childpornography than situational offenders (p < 0.05). Additionally, recidivists had lowerIQs (intelligence quotient), lower levels of education, and longer illness durations thanfirst-time offenders (p < 0.05). A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that IQand duration of illness might be risk factors of recidivism, although results were notstatistically significant (p < 0.1). We found that classification of individuals who hadsexually abused children into preferential or situational types, based on FBI typologies,provided on pedophile characteristics and probability of recidivism. We highlyrecommended that low IQ patients receive intensive treatment and education in orderto reduce the possibility of future offenses. This study aimed to classify individuals who had perpetrated child sexual abuseaccording to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) typologies of child molestersand to assess the correlations between sociodemographic and criminal variables. Weexamined a total of 26 patients diagnosed with pedophilia (DSM-Ⅳ-TR criteria) whohad been hospitalized in the National Forensic Hospital for Cure Custody. Data wereobtained through self-administered questionnaires and reviews of patient records. Patients were classified into preferential offenders or situational offenders based onFBI typologies. Current and first offense ages of preferential offenders were youngerthan those of situational offenders. Preferential offenders were more likely to havebeen exposed to sexual abuse during childhood, and were more likely to watch childpornography than situational offenders (p < 0.05). Additionally, recidivists had lowerIQs (intelligence quotient), lower levels of education, and longer illness durations thanfirst-time offenders (p < 0.05). A multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that IQand duration of illness might be risk factors of recidivism, although results were notstatistically significant (p < 0.1). We found that classification of individuals who hadsexually abused children into preferential or situational types, based on FBI typologies,provided on pedophile characteristics and probability of recidivism. We highlyrecommended that low IQ patients receive intensive treatment and education in orderto reduce the possibility of future offenses..

      • KCI우수등재

        국민의 안전권 보장수단으로서의 소방사무 ― 소방공무원의 국가직전환과 소방사무의 국가사무화에 관한 소고 ―

        임재만,김재호 한국공법학회 2019 공법연구 Vol.47 No.4

        One of the justification and purpose of the nation's existence is to protect the life, body, and property of the people. The Korean Constitution is explicitly not recognizing the safety right as a fundamental right of the people. However, many prior studies agree that the safety right is derived from the Constitution. The nation's obligation to protect the people from disasters and accidents is materialized through legislation. The Constitutional Court's judical review on this issue is based on the excessive prohibit principle. Fire services are an important means of ensuring safety right as a fundamental right of the people. It is carried out by fire department and fire officers based on the 「FRAMEWORK ACT ON FIRE-FIGHTING SERVICES」. The National Fire Agency(NFA) under the Minister of Public Administration and Safety is responsible for the fire services as a central government agency based on 「GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION ACT」. And the 「LOCAL AUTONOMY ACT」 distribute the local fire services to local autonomous affairs of the Metropolitan Municipalities. That is to say, fire services are carried out by fire department and fire officers affiliated the NFA or each Metropolitan Municipalities. The legal nature of fire fighting, rescue and prehospital emergency medical care which have a central position in the fire services are factual acts. The most effective way to protect of right from the factual act is the national compensation. Meanwhile, the work is underway to change fire officers to the national public servants in order to resolve regional differences in fire service. 국가의 정당성근거이자 존립목적 중 하나는 국민의 생명・신체, 재산을 보호하는 것이다. 우리 헌법은 국민의 기본권으로서의 안전권을 명시적으로 인정하고 있지는 않지만 선행된 다수의 연구에 의하면 헌법에서 국민의 기본권으로서의 안전권이 도출된다는 점에 견해가 일치되고 있다. 재난・재해에 대한 국가의 국민보호의무는 입법을 통하여 구체화된다. 이에 대한 헌법재판소의 사법심사는 과소보호금지원칙에 근거하여 헌법이 요구하는 최소한도의 수준에 부족함이 없는가를 기준으로 삼는다. 소방사무는 대표적인 국민의 안전권 보장수단이다. 소방사무를 담당하는 중앙행정기관으로 「정부조직법」에 근거한 행정안전부장관 소속의 소방청이 있고, 「지방자치법」은 지역소방사무를 광역지방자치단체의 자치사무로 배분하고 있다. 즉, 소방사무는 소방청과 각 시・도 소속의 소방본부에서 소관하고 해당 산하 소방기관과 소방공무원에 의하여 수행되고 있다. 소방사무는 긴급성・상시성・위험성・정보의 불충분성과 예측의 불확실성 등 일반 행정사무와 비교되는 특성을 가지고 있다. 소방사무에서 가장 중심적인 위치를 차지하고 있는 화재진압・구조・구급업무의 법적성질은 행정상 사실행위이고, 이에 대한 국민의 권리구제는 헌법소원・행정쟁송・국가배상・손실보상・정당방위로 나누어진다. 다만, 행정상 사실행위는 단기간에 종료되는 것이 일반적이고 해당 사실행위가 종료된 후에는 소의 이익이 없게 됨으로써 각하판결이 내려지게 된다는 점을 고려할 때, 가장 실효성 있는 권리구제수단은 국가배상이다. 문재인 정부는 국민안전처 소속 중앙소방본부를 행정안전부장관 소속의 소방청으로 독립시킨바 있다. 근래 소방과 관련한 가장 큰 현안은 ‘소방공무원의 국가직 전환’으로 보여 진다. 이는 소방사무가 광역지방자치단체의 자치사무로 배분되고, 각 단체장의 의사결정과 지방재정에 의존하면서 발생한 소방력의 지역별 불균형을 해소하기 위한 방안으로 관심을 모으고 있다. 이와 함께 장기적으로는 소방사무를 국가사무로 전환하는 방안도 검토해볼 필요가 있다고 판단된다. 한편, 2019. 6. 25. 국회 행정안전위원회 법안심사소위원회에서 소방공무원의 국가직 전환과 관계되는 법안을 가결하면서 이에 대한 논의가 본격화되고 있는 바, 본 연구가 참고자료로 활용되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        아파트 임대차계약 당사자의 공동균형에 관한 연구: 수도권을 중심으로

        임재만 국토연구원 2009 국토연구 Vol.60 No.-

        This paper provides the insights on the structure of the various lease contracts in real estate market, Korea. There are all deposit no rent type(‘chonsei’), monthly rent with deposit type, and pure monthly rent type, and more rent/deposit ratio has various spectrum according to market conditions and landlord/tenant financing conditions and credit status. Previous studies assumed that there are linear relationship in deposit with monthly rent via monthly rent conversion rate. However they have an important error to ignore the risk-return trade-off relation of investment theory. This paper develops and investigates empirically the condition of risk-neutral pooling equilibrium to equalizing equity income rate without regard to deposit ratio. This concept is rationalized, because landlords have not informed about tenants' credit status and business prospects. 임대차계약에는 전세, 보증부월세, 순수월세 등 다양한 유형이 존재한다. 특히 보증부월세에는 임대인과 임차인의 자금조달 조건과 신용상태, 선호도 등에 따라 다양한 (월세, 보증금) 조합이 있다. 최근의 기존 연구에서는 보증금비율과 월세 사이에는 월세전환율이라는 선형관계가 있다고 가정하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 가정에는 기본적 투자이론에서 말하는 수익-위험 상충관계를 무시하는 중대한 오류가 있다. 이 글에서는 위험중립형 지분투자자를 가정하고 보증금비율과 무관한 균형 지분소득률 성립조건을 이론적으로 추출하고 실증적으로 추정했다. 이론적 보증금비율과 주택가격상승률, 시장금리의 관계, 그리고 전세비율과 월세전환율, 시장금리의 관계를 추정한 결과 위험중립 균형 지분소득률 조건이 위험프리미엄을 포함한 상태에서 성립함을 알 수 있었다. 즉 월세전환율은 보증금운용이율로 적절하지 않았다.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 감정평가에 있어서 위험과 불확실성에 관한 연구

        임재만 국토연구원 2008 국토연구 Vol.57 No.-

        This paper addresses the risk and uncertainty of real estate appraisal, applies Monte Carlo simulation technique with discounted cash flow method to the value of real estate in order to explain the risk and uncertainty of real estate appraisal. The initial value of simulation are extracted from the office market data of Seoul, Korea. It assumes that the rent follows the geometric Brownian process, and base interest rate follows AR(1) process. The risk premium is estimated by real estate risk scoring method, which expresses the risk of real estate investment with risk score. This paper presents the results of simulation with variation in the components of income estimation(simulation #1), or risk factors of discounted rate estimation(simulation #2), and together(simulation #3). The range of present value of simulation #1 is largest, simulation #3 is next, simulation #2 is most narrow. I conclude that risk scoring method is reliable tool to enhance the performances of simulation, and that with simulation technique, the risk and uncertainty of real estate appraisal could be identified, understood, applied to various purposes by various users of the appraisal reports. This paper addresses the risk and uncertainty of real estate appraisal, applies Monte Carlo simulation technique with discounted cash flow method to the value of real estate in order to explain the risk and uncertainty of real estate appraisal. The initial value of simulation are extracted from the office market data of Seoul, Korea. It assumes that the rent follows the geometric Brownian process, and base interest rate follows AR(1) process. The risk premium is estimated by real estate risk scoring method, which expresses the risk of real estate investment with risk score. This paper presents the results of simulation with variation in the components of income estimation(simulation #1), or risk factors of discounted rate estimation(simulation #2), and together(simulation #3). The range of present value of simulation #1 is largest, simulation #3 is next, simulation #2 is most narrow. I conclude that risk scoring method is reliable tool to enhance the performances of simulation, and that with simulation technique, the risk and uncertainty of real estate appraisal could be identified, understood, applied to various purposes by various users of the appraisal reports.

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