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        조선시대 국왕 嘉禮의 절차와 규범

        임민혁 동양고전학회 2012 東洋古典硏究 Vol.0 No.47

        이 글에서는 의례의 시공간에 대한 인식체계를 기초로 국왕의 가례를 거행하는 공간으로서의 궁궐과 별궁, 妃氏의 본가 그리고 가례의 단계별 의절을 살펴보았다. 국조오례의 등 국가전례서에 수록되지 않은 규범을 자세히 밝혀, 종법사회의 특징인 국왕 가례의 역사적⋅문화적 의미와 가치를 복원해 보고자 했다. 妃氏의 별궁 사용은 단종 2년에 처음 기록이 나온다. 선조 때까지만 해도 육례를 거행하는 비씨가는 궁궐 인근의 대군의 집을 임시로 사용하고, 왕비가 태평관으로 거둥하여 그곳에서 임금이 친영했다. 이것이 인조대에 이르러 효종의 잠저였던 어의동본궁을 별궁으로 지정함으로써, 비씨의 생활공간이면서 친영을 거행하는 국왕 지정 관소가 되었다. 비씨의 본가는 그 인근의 집을 세내 사용했다. 삼간택에서 낙점된 처자 ‘妃氏’는 즉일로 별궁으로 갔다. 가례 업무는 局과 동격인 가례도감에서 수행했다. 비씨는 왕비에 준하는 대우를 받았으며, 별궁생활과 비씨 본가의 혼례에 드는 모든 비용은 국가에서 충당했다. 삼간택이 끝난 다음날 國婚定例의 기준대로 비씨의 친정에 聘財를 보내고, 3일째에는 별궁에 예물을 보냈다. 국왕의 가례는 사서인례와는 달리 고례의 형식을 따라, 납채⋅납징⋅고기⋅책봉⋅친영⋅동뢰연 등의 육례로 정형화되었다. 사전 준비로는 별궁의 수리와 생필품의 완비, 정사와 부사 이하 제집사의 차출, 육례 길일시의 길흉점, 예행연습인 習儀 등이 이루어졌다. 사직과 종묘에 告由하는 것으로 시작하는 육례는 궁전에서 친행하였다. 이는 본가인 국왕의 家에서 행해야 하기 때문이었다. 비씨가의 주인도 본가에서 이 예를 받아들이는 의례를 거행했다. 납채 이후 3일째에는 비씨가에 선조연간부터 시작된 定親예물을 보내고, 납징 하루 전에는 ‘本房禮物’이라 하여 비씨의 부모 앞으로 聘財를 수송했다. 납채 다음 절차인 납징은 혼사를 성립시키는 의절이다. 이어서 중국 송나라의 제도를 수용한 조선에서는 請期가 아닌 告期를 거행했다. 친영에 앞서 국왕은 왕비를 책봉했는데, 국왕은 동등한 지위의 여성과 혼인해야 하는 명분 때문이었다. 이날 비씨는 왕비의 권한과 지위를 상징하는 교명문과 책보⋅명복 등을 받음으로써, 국모요 주부로서의 권위를 획득하기에 이르렀다. 이처럼 국왕 가례는 毋不敬이라는 예의 정신이 관통하고 있었다. 그 절차는 부부의 예를 완성하고, 인륜과 상하존비의 질서를 확립해 가는 과정이었다. 이로써 국왕은 종법의 정통을 계승하고 비씨는 점차 왕비로서의 권위를 높여갈 수 있었다. 각 규범의 이행은 별궁의 지정 등으로 사서인례와 차별적인 왕조례의 특수성을 제도화하고, 혼수의 국가 부담 등으로 절제를 장려하고 갈등의 요소를 없애며, 민간의 습속을 채용하여 전통을 존중하고, 습의의 철저로 기강을 바로잡는 등의 파급효과를 나타내 사회의 질서와 안정에 크게 기여하였을 것으로 보인다. There is definite protocol for performing a wedding ceremony of a king. Napbi-eui(‘a ceremony for choosing a queen’) stipulated like a law in National Five Rites is euiju(‘a book of court rites’) and deals with ritual formalities of yuklye(‘six rites’). Additional protocol, tool, institution etc were required in order to perform yuklye in accordance with euiju. Euiju is a kind of manual that stipulated in detail ceremonial sections for each rite and proceedings and methods of ceremonies including bodily movements like moving forward and backward, seunggang(‘to rise and fall’), jwagi(‘to sit and get up’), eupyang(‘to gather hands and bow’) etc, and directions, attires, utensils etc. Among them, content except ceremonial sections and yeyong(‘polite attitudes’), that is, euitaeyongmo(‘ceremonial attitudes and attires’), cannot be carried in euiju. Concrete ritual formalities that couldn’t be carried in euiju required additional protocol. Thus, enacted that way, many ceremonial sections and institutions were performed in king’s wedding ceremony like a standard or regulation. This protocol belongs to the category of yeje(‘a ritual institution’). Byeolgung(‘a separate palace for a queen or a crown princess’), gilhyungjeom(‘divination’), symbolic objects for a queen etc are constituent elements of ceremony that belongs to yeje. The nature of protocol in various ceremonial rituals performed in king’s wedding ceremony is closely related to the tradition of inheriting rules. Although there could be additions and subtractions due to restrictions like king’s arbitrary will or external conditions, the nature of sustainability in protocol is obvious in king’s wedding ceremony. This text has introduced the procedures of king’s wedding ceremony in detail. It is necessary to approach rituals in various ways within the system of awareness of time and space. Spaces for performance of king’s wedding ceremony are categorized into three areas of palace, byeolgung and the maiden home of the queen. The study investigated in detail byeolgung and the maiden home of the queen among them to which had been paid less attention. The historicity of national ceremonies has conservative tendency that doesn’t change prominently in accordance with the flow of the times. Though there appeared some changes in certain elements in ceremonial formalities, they did not alter the protocol of rituals. So, the study tried to explain such partial changes throughout the entire period of Joseon Dynasty and simultaneously endeavored to grasp, in a profound and practical manner, the procedures of each ceremonial section in stages, beginning from the preparation of wedding ceremony. I hope that this study will contribute to restoring historical and cultural meaning and values of king’s wedding ceremony with utmost authority that achieves the ideologies of jongmyo(‘royal ancestral shrine’) service and familial inheritance, both characteristic of jongbeop(‘laws governing familial relationships’)-dominated society.

      • KCI등재

        육군조직 구성원의 외적동기가 군사보안에 미치는 영향 : 계획된 행동이론(TPB)을 중점으로

        임민혁,김두환,김대권 한국테러학회 2023 한국테러학회보 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to understand the effect of external motives of members of the army organization on military security in the army. To this end, in order to examine the influencing factors of external motives of members in the Army on security behavior, the study was conducted based on the planned theory of behavior (TPB), focusing on various external motivations. The scope of the study was about 300 members in the Army, and as a result, the attitude toward security, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control of each member formed a significant causal relationship with the Army's intention to act that affects military security behavior in the organization. In detail, among the external motivational factors, security education and the clarity of security punishment imposed on members formed a meaningful influence relationship of "Jeong." In particular, the security penalties imposed within the Army organization served as a dramatic influence on the attitude of members in the Army and the intention of security actions linked thereto, which requires further research on direct punishment for future security behavior studies. In addition, it is necessary to study the impact of economic damage punishment such as return of bonuses, personnel system records linked to promotion, security penalty points related to job competency evaluation, development of formal education programs for members in the Army, and security innovation. 본 연구는 육군조직 구성원의 외적동기가 육군 군사보안에 미치는 영향을 파악하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 육군내 구성원의 외적 동기가 보안행동에 미치는 영향요소를 살펴보기 위해 다양한 외재적 동기요소들에 집중하여 계획된 행동이론(TPB)에 근거하여 연구하였다. 연구의 범위는 육군내 구성원 300여명을 대상으로 하였으며 분석한 결과, 육군의 조직내 군사보안 행동에 영향을 주는 행동의도에 구성원의 보안을 대하는 태도, 주관적인 규범, 구성원 각자가 구비한 지각된 행동통제 등이 유의미한 인과관계를 형성하고 있었다. 세부적으로 외적 동기 요소들 중에서는 보안교육과 구성원에게 가해지는 보안 처벌 명확성이 “정”의 의미있는 영향관계를 형성하였다. 특히, 육군조직내 가해지는 보안처벌은 육군내 구성원의 보안행동에 대한 태도와 더불어 이와 연계되어 있는 보안행동 의도에 극적인 영향요소로 작용하였는데, 이를 통해 향후 육군내 구성원들에 대한 보안행동 연구와 관련된 직접적인 처벌과 관련된 추가연구가 필요하다고 할 수 있다. 더불어 성과금 반납과도 같은 경제적인 손해처벌과 진급과 연계된 인사시스템 기록 등재, 직무역량 평가와 연관된 보안 상벌점 등에 대한 영향연구가 필요하며, 육군내 구성원들에 대한 보안의 중요성과 필요성에 대한 정식교육 들의 프로그램 개발, 4차 산업혁명을 위시한 기술혁신에 따른 조직내 보안의 취약성 및 경각심을 환기시킬 수 있는 보안혁신교육 들에 대한 보완요소들이 식별되어져야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        LuNbO4:Yb3+, Tm3+ 형광체의 근적외선 및 청색 발광 특성

        임민혁,김영진 한국재료학회 2018 한국재료학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        LuNbO4:0.2Yb3+,xTm3+ powders were prepared using a solid-state reaction process. The effects of the amount of Tm on up-conversion(UC) and down-conversion(DC) luminescence properties are investigated. X-ray diffraction patterns confirm that Yb3+ and Tm3+ ions are successfully incorporated into Lu sites. Under 980 nm excitation, the UC spectra of the powders predominantly exhibit strong near-infrared emission bands that peak at 805 nm, whereas weak 480 nm emission bands are observed as well. The emission bands are assigned to the 1G4→ 3H6 (480 nm) and 3H4→ 3H6 (805 nm) transitions of the Tm3+ ions via an energy transfer from Yb3+ to Tm3+; two- and three-photon UC processes are responsible for the 805 and 480 nm emissions, respectively. The DC emission spectra exhibit blue emission (1D2→ 3F4) of Tm3+ at 458 nm. The amount of Tm affects the emission intensity with the strongest emissions at x = 0.007 and 0.02 for the UC and DC luminescence, respectively. The results demonstrate that LuNbO4:Yb3+,Tm3+ phosphors are suitable for bio-applications.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        조선초기 禮治社會를 향한 수도 한성 건설계획

        임민혁 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2006 서울학연구 Vol.- No.27

        The main family which established Joseon dynasty tried to rule the country with ritual using it as an instrument in different ways. The political and social relationship between the ruler and the ruled reproduced and maintained the artificial rank system through systemized national etiquette and shrines. It was, as Jeong Do-Jeon mentioned, a means to observe order according to social position. The Hansung castle walls which were built under Ritual Governance (Yechi) system and the standards were significant as a symbolic construction to structuralize order between the ruler and the ruled. Thus, the capital city of HanSung was built based on the decorum system. The 'Shrine-Prior Construction' theory was one of them. Shrines and the royal palace symbolized filial Piety, respect and dignity, and the castle walls were more like a fortress to protect the capital city. In particular, the former was the political and moral principle for Chin-chin (intimate with kindred people) and Jon-jon(respect someone who deserves to be respected though the person is not kindred), which was the essence of decorum. We Can see that they respected the dignity of the royal palace from their efforts to build the capital city in the heart of the country. The location of Hansung was decided based on 'Taekjoong'(choosing the center of the territory) theory. The center, the most remarkable part, means dignity of a King. I suppose that private houses around the palace should have been restricted depending on their ranks. The royal palace, which was the most dignified place of the dynasty, had to be built in an appropriate size and Structure. Jeong Do-Jeon explained that the decorum system is to demonstrate the ranks and to define the upper and lower classes. Therefore, it was natural that the castle town was built according to the basic construction principles such as Zuamyowoosa(building a shrine on the left while building an altar to the State deities on the right), Samzosammun(three courts and three doors), Jeonzohuchim(a court in the front and the King's bedroom in the back) and Jeonzohusi(a court in the front and a market in the back). Since Ohmunsamzo(five doors and three courts) was the Chinese way to construct a palace, Joseon, which was a subordinate country of China, could not employ this method. We can see that a shrine was built on the left side while an altar was built on the right side, out of the palace, and there were three doors. We also can see the features of the buildings which were erected in accordance with the decorum system in each building. The number of antefixes varied depending on the status(position) of the building, as well as the number of stairs of a stairway. The number of convexes on a long log, the number of short logs, the height of Wol-dae and size can also be explained in the same way. Thus, the distinction between upper and lower class which was expressed by the number of interior facilities even in a small building at the palace, was a revelation of their active will to establish Yechi society.

      • KCI등재

        알칼리 활성 슬래그의 염해 내구성 평가 시험 방법 유효성

        임민혁,이도근,신경준,송금일,송진규 한국건설순환자원학회 2019 한국건설순환자원학회 논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        Recently, studies on alkali activated slag(AAS) binders that do not use cement have been actively conducted. It is known that AAS concrete is highly resistant to chloride damage based on the test method used for ordinary concrete. However, it is fully not understood whether the test method used for concrete can be applied to AAS mixtures. Therefore, in this study, we verified the consistency of NT Build 492 and ASTM C 1202 test methods by applying various experimental variables. According to the experimental results, the two tests yielded opposite results. Therefore, the chloride durability of AAS mortar can be different depending on the evaluation method.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        LuNbO<sub>4</sub>:Yb<sup>3+</sup>, Tm<sup>3+</sup> 형광체의 근적외선 및 청색 발광 특성

        임민혁,김영진,Im, Min Hyuk,Kim, Young Jin 한국재료학회 2018 한국재료학회지 Vol.28 No.6

        $LuNbO_4:0.2Yb^{3+},xTm^{3+}$ powders were prepared using a solid-state reaction process. The effects of the amount of Tm on up-conversion(UC) and down-conversion(DC) luminescence properties are investigated. X-ray diffraction patterns confirm that $Yb^{3+}$ and $Tm^{3+}$ ions are successfully incorporated into Lu sites. Under 980 nm excitation, the UC spectra of the powders predominantly exhibit strong near-infrared emission bands that peak at 805 nm, whereas weak 480 nm emission bands are observed as well. The emission bands are assigned to the $^1G_4{\rightarrow}^3H_6$ (480 nm) and 3 $^3H_4{\rightarrow}^3H_6$ (805 nm) transitions of the $Tm^{3+}$ ions via an energy transfer from $Yb^{3+}$ to $Tm^{3+}$; two- and three-photon UC processes are responsible for the 805 and 480 nm emissions, respectively. The DC emission spectra exhibit blue emission ($^1D_2{\rightarrow}^3F_4$) of $Tm^{3+}$ at 458 nm. The amount of Tm affects the emission intensity with the strongest emissions at x = 0.007 and 0.02 for the UC and DC luminescence, respectively. The results demonstrate that $LuNbO_4:Yb^{3+},Tm^{3+}$ phosphors are suitable for bio-applications.

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