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        투고논문 : 일제하 이병헌(李炳憲)의 공자교운동의 성과와 좌절

        이희재 ( Hee Jae Lee ) 한국공자학회 2011 孔子學 Vol.20 No.-

        공자교 운동은 서세동점(西勢東漸) 하에서 느낀 서양문명에 경악한 유교 지식인의 위기의식이며 동도서기적(東道西器的) 대응방식의 일환이라고 할 수 있다. 일제하 유교지식인인 이병헌은 자신의 사상적 바탕은 유교였으나, 새로운 서구문화를 접하면서 큰 충격을 받았고, 또한 중국의 사상가이자 공자교 운동의 선구자인 강유위에게서 큰 영향을 받게 된다.1919년에 발간된 그의 저술 『유교복원론(儒敎復原論)』 등을 통해 그는 공자교의 기본체계를 제시하였다. 이병헌은 그 자신의 학문의 출발이 소위 향교적 유교에서부터 시작되었기 때문에 그의 사상적 바탕이 되었고, 또 일제에 저항했던 위정척사파와 같은 보수적 유생의 입장에서 출발했기 때문에 이들을 보수적인 유교에 대해 노골적으로 공격하지는 못했지만, 그의 저술에서 나타나는 ``구파``니 ``향교식 유교``라는 말 자체가 기존의 주자학자들에 대한 비판이었다. 그는 유교의 성격을 정의하면서 "유교는 공자의 교"이며 또한 공자는 "오로지 하나이며 둘일 수 없는 소위 ``독일무이지교주(獨一無二之敎主)``"로서 섬기는 대상이 되어야 한다고 주장했다. 종래의 유교는 공자이전의 요순 이래로부터의 성인은 물론이려니와 공자의 제자들이 모두 제례를 드리는 대상인데 비해 이병헌은 ``오로지 공자``만이 공자교의 존숭의 대상이어야 한다는 것을 주장했다. 이병헌의 공자교에 있어서 대동사상은 종래의 군주 중심의 사유를 벗어나 공자에 의한 대동(大同)의 의리와 맹자에 의한 민본의 정신 그리고 춘추의 태평세를 이상으로 하는 세계를 지향해야할 이상세계로 보았다. 춘추에서 말하는 소강시대와 『예기(禮記)』에서 말하는 승평세가 가정과 국가 간이 서로 대립되는 시대라면, 미래의 사회는 대동시대이며 태평시대인데 그것은 공자교에 의하여 구현되는 인류의 평화시대이다. 그의 공자교운동은 기존의 보수적 주자학자들의 비호응, 그리고 민중적 기본을 확대하지 못하고 좌절되었지만. 공자교 운동의 과정속에서 그가 치열하게 연구한 성과가 『공경대의고(孔經大義考)』, 『시경삼가설고(詩經三家說考)』, 『서경금문고(書經今文考)』, 『예경금문설고(禮經今文說考)』 등과 같은 고전연구의 성과로 나타났다. 그의 주장을 뒷받침하는 전거들은 금문경학으로 기본의 고문경학을 비판하는데 중점을 두고 있다. 금문경학의 설이란 공자의 문하생들이 구전해온 설이며, 반대로 향교식 유학은 수구적인 고문경학인데 이는 유흠(劉歆)에게 의거하는 날조된 것이라고 했다. The Confucian culture supported society since long time, but this old society caused big chaos because of the arrive of western civilization and the occupied by Japan. The collapse of Chosun dynasty lead to abolish the Confucian shrine and it`s school role. This abolition means official dissolution of Cofucian rites that have been supported by dynasty. The typical scholars who focus on moral fidelity resisted and fought against the Japanese rule, but Korean was colonized by Japan. Japanese ruler had double standard to Confucianism. They hoped to reform traditional custom, on the other hand, they need to keep traditional Confucian morals in Korea. Therefore, Confucian shrine could worship to Confuzu during Japanese imperial period. Lee Byunghean(1870-1940) was shocked by Western civilization and Japanese, he realized on human right, democratic idea and accept the universalism. He thinks that traditional Confucianism needs reflection about the premodern way. The ideas also could find to his teacher Gwak Chongseak. But his idea was influenced by Kang Youwei`s Confucian church, Great equality and original Classics conclusively. His suggested that Confucian church must faith to Confuzu like Jesus and Buddha. He asks that break the old Confucianism served monarch and realize the Great equality for the human beings in the global. This idea originated from real Classics, he studied hard on the Classics for his important mission. Lee`s Confucian church movement failed to integrate to peoples. Nevertheless, it is very fresh and meaningful idea to reform on old Confucianism in his time. He did introspection why Confucianism was criticized as a premodern thinking way. He pointed out that old Confucianism pander to monarch and did not communicate with other civilizations. Even though Lee`s ideas originated from Kang Youwei in China, but in Korea he needed more effort for persuasion due to the background of deep rooted Chuzu learning country. Therefore, he studied hard on the original classics. The founder of Confucian church Kang Youwei gave unstinted praise to Lee`s books. But, Lee`s effort was failed because of peoples did not accept the deify of Confuzu. Peoples in his time, did not accept the great equality and individual human right. His movement of Confucian church was a new interpretation base on the new classics studies(今文經學). These ideas were very fresh break the premodern thinking way, but he could not success as a reformer of Confucian church.

      • KCI등재

        데이터 전처리와 앙상블 기법을 통한 불균형 데이터의 분류모형 비교 연구

        이희재,이성임,Leea, Hee-Jae,Lee, Sungim 한국통계학회 2014 응용통계연구 Vol.27 No.3

        There are many studies related to imbalanced data in which the class distribution is highly skewed. To address the problem of imbalanced data, previous studies deal with resampling techniques which correct the skewness of the class distribution in each sampled subset by using under-sampling, over-sampling or hybrid-sampling such as SMOTE. Ensemble methods have also alleviated the problem of class imbalanced data. In this paper, we compare around a dozen algorithms that combine the ensemble methods and resampling techniques based on simulated data sets generated by the Backbone model, which can handle the imbalance rate. The results on various real imbalanced data sets are also presented to compare the effectiveness of algorithms. As a result, we highly recommend the resampling technique combining ensemble methods for imbalanced data in which the proportion of the minority class is less than 10%. We also find that each ensemble method has a well-matched sampling technique. The algorithms which combine bagging or random forest ensembles with random undersampling tend to perform well; however, the boosting ensemble appears to perform better with over-sampling. All ensemble methods combined with SMOTE outperform in most situations. 최근 들어 데이터 마이닝의 분류문제에 있어 목표변수의 불균형 문제가 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해, 이전 연구들은 원 자료에 대하여 데이터 전처리 과정을 실시했는데, 전처리 과정에는 목표변수의 다수계급을 소수계급의 비율에 맞게 조정하는 과소표집법, 소수계급을 복원추출하여 다수계급의 비율에 맞게 조정하는 과대표집법, 소수계급에 K-최근접 이웃 방법 등을 활용하여 과대표집법을 적용 후 다수계급에는 과소표집법을 적용한 하이브리드 기법 등이 있다. 또한 앙상블 기법도 이러한 불균형 데이터의 분류 성능을 높일 수 있다고 알려져 있어, 본 논문에서는 데이터의 전처리 과정과 앙상블 기법을 함께 고려한 여러 모형들을 사용하여, 불균형 자료에 대한 이들모형의 분류성능을 비교평가한다.

      • KCI등재

        서지학의 연구방법

        이희재,Lee Hee-Jae 한국문헌정보학회 1991 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.20 No.-

        To give any science or discipline an assured status, the most important and fundamental thing is to establish the method of research. 'Bibliography' is an ambiguous and much-abused term in any area, oriental, anglo-american, or latin countries. This study is a little essay to examine the different theories of these three areas and to synthesize the common factors. It is devised three parts : the definition of the term itself and the transition of its concept, the introduction of each theory, and a proposition of methodology based on these theories. In all, bibliography is commonly understood to mean (i) a list of books and other graphic materials arranged according to some system, (ii) the study of books as material objects include historical and textual problems, (iii) as a science of books, the systematic study of all conditions of its production, diffusion, and utilisation, including the study of factors of explication of phenomenon, on the political, economical, technical, social and culturel plans.

      • KCI등재후보

        복강경 부신적출술 ⁣개복하 부신적출술과의 비교⁣

        이희재,서영진,원용성,이윤복,김준기,전정수,Hui-Jae Lee,Young-Jin Suh,Yong-Sung Won,Yun-Bok Lee,M.D. and Jun-Gi Kim,Chung- Soo Chun,M.D. 대한갑상선-내분비외과학회 2003 The Koreran journal of Endocrine Surgery Vol.3 No.2

        Purpose: The advent of laparoscopic abdominal surgery made it possible to perform a laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA). We have successfully performed 10 such operations since November 21, 1995. We retrospectively compared the effectiveness and the safety of a laparoscopic adrenalectomy with the effectiveness and the safety of an open adrenalectomy (OA). Methods: The 45 patients with adrenal diseases who underwent an adrenalectomy from March 1990 to January 1998 were included in this study. Ten (10) laparoscopic cases comprised the study group, and 17 of the 32 open adrenalectomy cases, performed by anterior approach, comprised the control group. Results: No one died from an adrenalectomy. Nine cases (45%) from the OA group needed transfusions (average: 661 ml), but one patient from the LA group, who had required a conversion to a celiotomy, required a transfusion (400 ml). The operating times were, on average, 191 minutes in the OA group and 230 minutes in the LA group (p=0.0384). The average size of the masses was 6.5 cm. The first days of walking after the operation was 3.4 days for the OA group and 1.3 days for the LA group (p=0.0002). The patients' former regular diets were started on days 6.9 and 3.2 for the OA and LA groups, respectively (p=0.0001). Postoperative in-hospital days were 17.5 for the OA group and 7.9 for the LA group (p=0.0001). Conclusion: In comparison with an open adrenalectomy, a laparoscopic adrenalectomy showed better convalescent features: that is, less chance of transfusion, earlier recovery, faster resumption of the former diet, shorter postoperative hospital stays, and cosmesis. We think and suggest that a laparoscopic adrenalectomy is a safe and effective procedure, and hopefully it will become the standard choice of operation for various adrenal diseases. (Korean J Endocrine Surg 2003;3:172-177)

      • KCI등재후보

        당뇨황반부종에서 트리암시놀론 아세토나이드 안내 2차 주입술의 임상적 효과

        이희재,김동희,유승영,곽형우,Hui-Jae Lee Dong-Hee Kim,Seung-Young Yu Hyung-Woo Kwak 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.6

        Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of a second intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide for the treatment of diabetic macular edema. Methods: This clinical series study was carried out on 12 eyes with diabetic macular edema. All patients had shown VA (visual acuity) improvement after the first intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide (4 mg). Following the exhibition of decreased VA and increased foveal thickness, the eyes received a second intravitreal injection. We analyzed the visual acuity and foveal thickness at post-treatment 1, 3, and 6 months by ETDRS (LogMar) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Results: The mean improvement of visual acuity was 0.24, 0.11, and 0.00 at the 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-up after the first injection, and was 0.09, 0.00, and -0.20 at the 1-, 3-, 6-month follow-up after the second injection. The mean decrease of foveal thickness was 400, 243, and 109 ㎛ at the 1-, 3-, 6-month follow-up after the first injection and 298, 78, and -53 ㎛ at the 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-up after the second injection. The differences of change in foveal thickness after the first and second injections were significant (P=0.02, 0.04, 0.02) but the differences of change in visual acuity were not significant (P=0.14, 0.41, 0.28). Conclusions: Intravitreal injection of 4 mg of triamcinolone acetonide may increase the visual acuity and may decrease the foveal thickness in the short term, postoperative period, but the second intravitreal injection was less effective than the first injection.

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