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PEM 연료전지 분리판용 흑연입자 복합재의 성형성 평가
이희섭(H. S. Lee),김성근(S. G. Kim),김형중(H. J. Kim),안성훈(S. H. Ahn) 한국정밀공학회 2006 한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2006 No.5월
The bipolar plate is a major component of the PEM fuel cell stack, which takes a large portion of stack cost. In this study, as alternative materials for bipolar plate of PEM fuel cells, graphite composites were fabricated by compression molding. Graphite particles mixed with epoxy resin were used as the main substance to provide electric conductivity. Flow channels were fabricated by compression molding, and design of experiments (DOE) was applied to the tests to evaluate moldability. Results showed that land width and channel depth were two significant factors for moldability, and channel width had little influence on the moldability.