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세침흡인 세포검사로 진단된 턱밑 연조직 방선균증 - 1예 보고 -
이호정,김동훈,이원미,김은경,주종은,Lee, Ho-Jung,Kim, Dong-Hoon,Lee, Won-Mi,Kim, Eun-Kyung,Joo, Jong-Eun 대한세포병리학회 2005 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.16 No.1
A patient with actinomyces infection of the submandibular soft tissue was diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). A 38-year-old woman presented with a right submandibular mass which slowly grew in size over one month. Clinically and radiologically, the lesion was considered as tuberculous lymphadenitis or cellulitis. The polymerase chain reaction for tuberculosis was done by aspirated specimen but the result was negative. The smears of aspiration cytology showed characteristic colonies (sulfur granules) of actinomyces in inflammatory background. After antibiotic therapy for eight months, the patient has been well, showing no detectable mass. This patient was simply and rapidly diagnosed by FNAC and can avoid unnecessary surgical biopsy.
이호정,공경엽,정동해,허주령,김온자,Lee, Ho-Jung,Gong, Gyung-Yub,Chung, Dong-Hae,Huh, Joo-Ryung,Kim, On-Ja 대한세포병리학회 1998 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.9 No.2
Fine needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) has become a popular method for the diagnosis of a wide variety of both superficial and deep-seated lesions. However, there are few reports about the potential of FNAC for the diagnosis of intraoral lesions. We experienced 44 FNACS from intraoral lesions at Asan Medical Center: 22 from the palate, 6 from the tongue, 5 from the parapharyngeal space, 5 from the lip, 2 from the floor of mouth, 1 from the buccal mucosa, and 3 from other intraoral sites. Histological confirmation was obtained in 32 cases and we analyzed 27 cases excluding 5 cases of inadequate aspirates. Diagnosis was specifically made in 19 of 27 cases(70%) including 1 mucoepidermoid carcinoma, 1 undifferentiated carcinoma, 1 chordoma, 9 pleomorphic adenomas, 1 neurofibroma, and 6 benign lesions. There were three false negative cases(sensitivity, 62.5%) and no false positive cases(specificity, 100%): Two cases diagnosed as "cystic lesion" were confirmed to be mucoepidermoid carcinomas and a case diagnosed as pleomorphic adenoma was proved to be adenoid cystic carcinoma. The results of our study suggest that FNAC is a useful technique in the diagnosis of intraoral lesion.
유방의 양성 및 악성 유두상 종양의 세포학적 소견의 비교 검색
이호정,공경엽,김봉희,안세현,박정미,허주령,강신광,노재윤,Lee, Ho-Jung,Gong, Gyung-Yub,Kim, Bohng-Hee,Ahn, Sei-Hyun,Park, Jeoug-Mi,Huh, Joo-Ryung,Khang, Shin-Kwang,Ro, Jae-Y. 대한세포병리학회 1999 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.10 No.1
Benign and malignant papillary neoplasms of the breast may be difficult to distinguish in both cytologic and histologic preparations. To define the cytologic features of benign and malignant papillary lesions, we retrospectively reviewed 18 cases of fine needle aspirates from histologically confirmed cases of papilloma or papillary carcinoma of the breast. This study included 3 intraductal papillary carcinomas, 3 invasive papillary carcinomas, and 12 intraductal papillomas. Ail cases were evaluated for presence or absence of papillary fragments, bloody background, apocrine metaplasia, macrophages, and degree of cellularity, atypia, and single isolated columnar epithelial cells. Papillary fragments were present in all cases. The background of the smear was bloody in all 6 carcinomas, but in only 7 out of 12 papillomas. Markedly increased cellularity was present in 4 carcinomas(67%) and 7 papillomas(58%). Single cells were present in 5 carcinomas(83%) and 8 papillomas(67%). The majority of papillomas and papillary carcinomas had mild to moderate atypia, and severe atypia was noted in one case of intraductal papillary carcinoma and one case of invasive papillary carcinoma. Apocrine metaplasia was absent in all cases of papillary carcinomas, but present in 8 papillomas(57%). Macrophages were noted in 4 carcinomas and were present in all cases of papillomas. The constellation of severe atypia, bloody background, absence of apocrine metaplasia and/or macrophages were features to favor carcinoma. Malignant lesions tended to show higher cellularity and more single isolated cells. The cytologic features mentioned above would be helpful to distinguish benign from malignant papillary lesions of the breast. However, because of overlapping of cytologic features, surgical excision should be warranted in all cases on papillary lesions of the breast to further characterize the tumor.
이호정 ( Ho Jung Lee ),홍정연 ( Jeong Yeon Hong ),박태흠 ( Tae Heum Park ),이성열 ( Sung Yul Lee ),이종석 ( Jong Suk Lee ),정의현 ( Euy Hyun Chung ),이상훈 ( Sang Hoon Lee ),김정은 ( Jung Eun Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2020 대한피부과학회지 Vol.58 No.6
Fixed drug eruption (FDE) is a drug-induced disorder that may appear as patches or bullae. It recurs at the same sites as those involved in exposure to the same drug (causative drug). We encountered two cases of generalized FDE, and both patients had a history of diclofenac exposure before the onset of skin lesions. In the first case, an 82-year-old female patient presented with multiple erythematous patches on the trunk and lower extremities. In the second case, a 71-year-old male patient developed multiple bullae on violaceous patches on the trunk and extremities. The findings of histopathologic examinations were indicative of the diagnosis of FDEs. Although diclofenac is commonly used as a non-steroidal inflammatory drug, diclofenac-induced generalized FDE occurs rarely and has not been reported in Korea. With reuse of causative drugs, the size and number of lesions tend to increase. Therefore, early diagnosis of FDE is important, and avoidance of repeated exposure to drugs should be educated
노자사상(老子思想)과 미스 반 데르 로에(Mies van der Rohe)의 건축사상에 관한 비교연구
이호정(Lee, Ho-Jung) 한국실내디자인학회 2014 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.23 No.3
Quantum theory of Niels Bohr received the Nobel Prize in Physics was rooted to the Oriental thought ‘Yin-Yang and the Five Elements 陰陽五行’, and architect Frank Lloyd Wright is also known as Lao Tzu’s thoughts on the best architectural theory. Thus, the western architecture and oriental thought is very similar to the concept development. On the basis of this fact, the architectural philosophy of Mies van der Rohe is closely contact with Lao Tzu’s Taoism, that is ‘The greatest has no boundary 大象無形, Tao Te Ching chap.41’ or ‘The way to be is not to be 有道者 不處, Tao Te Ching chap.24’. Hence the aim of this thesis is to investigate the interrelation between the German architect Mies van der Rohe’s ‘almost nothing’ and the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu’s ‘Taoism’.
신장(新疆) 지역 고대(BCE 20C~CE 8C) 신발의 유형과 변화 요인
이호정 ( Lee Ho-jung ) 중앙아시아학회 2017 中央아시아硏究 Vol.22 No.1
Xinjiang, China is one of the most important places where numerous ethnicities have experienced cultural exchanges and acculturation. This paper focuses on the culture of shoes of various ethnicities native to Xinjiang in the ancient times. The shoes, as a unique part of each culture helps to understand the cultural exchange of the region. In this paper this begins with the classification of the shoes and further investigate the factors of transformation. The shoes of the region are classified into three basic types: sandals, slip-ons, and boots. To Consider the formed aspect by the type of shoe, the boots had appeared earlier than slip-ons. In other words, boots were worn from about 4000 years ago, which suggests that it is the reflection of their climate and geography as well as the nomadic and pastoral lifestyle. The styles of the boots had developed from simple covering of the feet and ankles, through an early styles made of leather, woolen material and felt, and finally to the boots of the various designs and material in the 3th century, which suggest the cultural exchanges through the Eurasian continent. Another type of shoes, slip-ons, have appeared since the 2nd century BCE, which seem to have been introduced by influencing of the continuous expansion of the Han dynasty into the West. As Xinjiang region was became a trade route of international merchants on the Silk Road, and silp-ons have been more developed by influencing of its circumstance. The advent of slip-ons is the result of the social changes including the imported culture, the changes in lifestyle, and the economic development which the caravan trade brought about. Summarizing of the aspect of shoes changing in Xinjiang, the people who had lived in there wore boots only. With going into West of Han dynasty, slip-ons which had originated of Chinese Culture were introduced in Xinjiang and then, those two types of shoes were worn by the people of there. The cause of coexisting of two type shoes in Xinjiang, were presumed to be influenced of changing their life style that a nomadic life in ancient was changed gradually to be a trading post on Silk Road.