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        전통적 신체관의 분석 및 대안

        이행원 한국체육철학회 2003 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Analysis & alternative of traditional concept of physique. Lee, Haeng-Won(Incheon City College) Were body and mind seperated? The purpose of this study was to examine the nature of body and mind through historical contemplation a) meaning of body b) nature and concept of body c) relation between physical education and Dualism and Monism. This study analyzed the relationships between body and mind Also this study identified the nature of body and mind and investigated the relationship between The Bible and Dualism and Monism. This study focused on Plato, Asceticism, and Descartes. In order to solve the question, the studies used analytic method and speculative method were selected and reviewed. Results of the study showed that Dualism and Monism were perceived differently according to concept and importance of physical education. Dualism emphasized mind but neglected body. The problem was that Dualism emphasized mind. A viewpoint of physical education It is important that systematic theory which overcome Dualism. Monism had various aspects and concerns about a question of moment. so it is important to be aware of limitation in Dualism and Monism. As Overviewed relationship between body and mind from traditional opinion to the present opinion, we can prepare the foundation which solves the present questions. 과연 身體와 精神은 분리되어지는 것일까? 아니면 서로 優劣이 있는 것일까? 여기서 심신 통합체로서의 인간을 전인적으로 파악하기 위해서 필요한 학문이 바로 철학이다. 체육이 신체활동을 통한 교육(education through the physical), movement education, human movement이라고 정의되기까지 체육의 본질 및 개념 정립의 바탕이 되는, 1. 신체가 어떠한 의미로 해석되어져 왔는가? 2. 신체관에 따라 체육의 위상은 어떻게 달라지고 신체관과 관계를 갖는 체육적 의의는 무엇인가? 3. 전통적 신체관을 극복하기 위한 대안은 무엇인가를 규명하고자 함이 본 연구의 목적이다. 주된 연구내용은 심신관과 신체이론에 대하여 지금까지의 연구결과 축적된 자료들을 정리하여 조명하고 분석함으로써 시대조류에 어울리는 체육의 개념정립에 접근하고자, 1. 정신과 신체의 문제, 즉 인간의 몸(body:신체)과 마음(mind:정신)에 대한 본질, 몸(body:신체)과 마음(mind:정신)이라는 두 실체 간의 관계 조명, 2. 일원론과 이원론적 신체관에 대한 개요조명, 3.전통적 신체관의 주류를 이루는 이원론의 대표적 학자로 지목되는 고대 Greece의 Platon의 신체관과, 근대철학의 아버지로 일컬어지는 프랑스가 낳은 위대한 철학자 Descartes의 신체관에 대한 조명과 분석, 4. 이원론이 갖는 한계와 이를 극복하기 위한 현대적 의미의 代案的 신체관에 대한 분석, 5. 이를 토대로 체육의 학문적 위상과 철학적 價値를 논하였다. 따라서 철학적, 세계사적, 체육사적 의미를 갖는 신체관, 심신관, 또는 신체이론에 대한 사료와 선행연구 사례를 광범위하게 수집하여 수집된 자료를 비교분석하였다. 아울러 종단적 사료에 의한 문헌연구임을 밝히며 광범위한 자료에 대하여 주로 분석적 방법과 추론적 방법에 의존하였다. 전통적 신체관으로 Platon의 신체관과 Descartes의 신체관을 택한 이유는 이들 두 명의 철학자들은 고대와 근현대를 상징하는 대표적 철학자이며 철학사에서 불후의 이름을 남기는 철학자로 후세에 추앙을 받고 있는 실정이다. 학문적으로도 당시를 주도했고 또한 심신관에서도 남달리 뚜렷한 이론을 정립한 철학자들로서 심신 이원론을 주장한 대표적 철학자들이기 때문이다. 연구결과 심신관의 일원론과 이원론의 여부에 따라 체육의 개념과 체육의 중요성에 대한 인식이 다르게 결정된다는 사실이다. 종래의 심신 이원론적 사고는 정신을 지나치게 중시하고 신체를 경시하고 있다. 이원론에서 精神重視의 사상을 체육학에서 문제시하는 이유는 정신중시 사상이 체육학을 경시하는 필연적 결과를 초래하기 때문이다. 체육학적 관점에서 볼 때 身體賤視 내지 身體蔑視 사상이 심신관계에서 이원론을 근간으로 형성되어 있기 때문에 무엇보다 이를 극복할 수 있는 이론적 체계의 확립은 중요한 문제이다. 심신 일원론은 매우 다양한 형태를 갖고 있으며 체육학의 당면문제와 밀접한 연관을 갖고 있다. 체육학의 당위문제와 관계가 되는 전통적 신체관을 극복하려면 일원론이든 이원론이든 그 각각의 한계를 인식하는 것이 중요하며 오늘날 전통적 신체관에 대한 代案으로 心身統一體論이 대두되고 있음을 유의해야 한다. 전통적 견해로부터 오늘날의 주장에 이르기까지의 개괄적인 분석과 검토를 통해 체육학의 당면문제를 극복할 수 있는 기반을 마련할 수 있으리라 사료된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구성주의와 체육 교수-학습

        이행원(Haeng Won Lee) 한국체육철학회 2000 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Recently, Constructivism that is expansively accepted to the subject matter is regarded as `an alternative epistemology of education` and an educational basic philosophy or a folk theory of teaching-learning. Constructivism is a theory for the knowledge as a domain of philosophical concerns, and for the perception system. After `60s and `70s behavioralism was transformed into various types of structuralism and cognitivism in philosophical speculation. In these days, epistemology evolved and formed constantly was informed us for the systematic theory. Generally speaking, the concept of constructivism is defined as a subjective understanding for the learner`s reality because of transforming or developing into a structural of cognition That is, constructivism re-structurizes transcendental cognitive structural to establish one`s cognitive learning model or personal understanding model as, in particular, a personal`s cognitive form, for the subject of learning, reality, and it explains for the essential of knowing(learning). In a traditional teacher-centered education, a knowledge is regarded as transmissions from teacher to students, but in a constructivistic perspective, it isn`t like that, but is informed for making for themselves by the subject of cognition. Also, the new 7th national curriculums key concept is a differentiated curriculum, open education, etc. It`s background theory is constructivism, and in educational research a student-oriented individual learning, a reflective teaching-learning, an authentic assessment, a portfolio assessment, a performance assessment, a cooperative learning, etc. are based on constructivism. It`s expressive adaptation is tried to the subject, which is not established in physical education. Further more research has not been conducted yet. Therefore, it is requested that understanding reality for physical education in Korea, in addition to making a diagnosis and developing practical domain and change and orientation for form be become nowadays. The main purpose of this research is to understand the value of constructivism to, know that it is a paradigm of physical education, which is possible to adapt in physical education, and to try to present orientation of constructive teaching-leaning in physical education. As mentioned above, constructivism is based on a principle of the self construction, a principle of the viability of the knowledge, and a principle of the non-objectivity. The subjective independence is usually regarded as an objectivity on radical constructivism: it is regarded as a common subjectivity, and is comprised sociality, cooperative spirit in social constructivism. On the assumption of these three principles, the teaching-learning principles of constructivism can be led as follows: ① the principle of individualizing (student-central), ② the principle of interaction(social), ③the principle of activity (meaning-oriented), ④the principle of abstraction (reflective). In general, `constructivism is neither a new concept, nor a best theory`. It is only `useful penetration` as an educational alternative epistemology to reform, and is a background theory in education and teaching-learning theory to change the mainstream. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that constructivism was presented as a theory for the problem-solving, correcting an error, and changing the problem in physical education.

      • KCI우수등재

        인문 · 사회과학편 : ROUSSEAU의 자연주의(自然主義) 체육사상(體育思想)

        이행원(HangWonLee) 한국체육학회 1995 한국체육학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        The philosophy of naturalism has significant relation to education and J. J. Rousseau is a representative of naturalism. This study was based on his writings, Emile, and it contains J. J. Rousseau’s thought of education and physical education. As a result of this study the following conclusions are summerized:1. J. J. Rousseau’s thought of education became the basement of the formation of the democracy and the new education in the twentieth century. It also had an direct effect on the thought of education of pestalozzi and Phianthropismus and Dewey’s progressivism.2. J. J. Rousseau’s thought of physical education divided human developmental stage in to five stage (i. e, Animal stage, Savage stage, Pastoral stage, Social stage, Adult stage) and he placed emphasis on the need of adeguate physical activity according to developmental stage and the value and role of physical education as education. J. J. Rousseau’s objective of physical education is the completion of the health body and tough physical fitness.3. His view of health had an emphasis on the spontaneous, free physical activity of children and he emphasized that the fresh air and nourishment and the sleep after exercise and fatigue need for health. He also placed emphasis on the need of play and recreation and the fact that the sight clothes to the body is harmful to growth development.4. His view of body is based on the dualism of body and mind and the body and mind are not constrative subjects but reciprocal ones.

      • KCI우수등재

        인문 · 사회과학편 : 삼국시대(三國時代)의 체육(體育)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)

        李行遠(LeeHangWon) 한국체육학회 1983 한국체육학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        I. Historical characteristics of the Era of the Three KingdomsThe Era of the Three Kingdoms is a historical period when the Korean race unified tribal states to form ancient countries with national systems which finally prepard for the United Shilla in Korean history.II. Purpose of StudyStudy the physical culture in the Era of the Three Kingdoms as to what they were conducted, so that they may help present day`s Koreans recognition, who face with international competition in athletic sports.III. Method of StudyThis is a study refering to sundry records in the historical literatures of Samku-Sagi, Samkuk-Yusa, other historical writings and previously conducted studies.IV. Contents of Study1. Summary of the Era of Three Kingdoms and its characteristics in the Korean history.2. Characteristics and objectives of the ancient physical training.3. The activities and training of the knights studied through Hwarangdo of Shilla and Choeui-Seonin of Kokuryeo.4. Physical training for miltary arts: fencing, archery, spear exercise, horse-riding and hunting.5. The art of self-protection: ssirum, taekwondo, chukkuk, fighting with stones and swimming6. Physical training for recreation: tuho, aksak, cheopo, game of baddok, jukma, flying-kite, getting-on-swing and hawking.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 자원봉사의 성공적 활용사례 분석

        이행원(Haeng Won Lee) 한국사회체육학회 2011 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.43

        This research analyzed the contents and experience of sports voluntary service in the 1986 Asian games and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which have been commonly acknowledged as the biggest and successful games. To provide useful materials, useful to the large international competitions and games, it drew the results through integrative literature reviews as followings: Firstly, the voluntary service in the 1986 Asian Games and the 1988 Olympic games were acknowledged as successful. In addition, in terms of achievement and operation, these games were exemplary events in the operation of large-scaled sports events. Secondly, the operational experience of the 1986 event was connected to the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the 2002 Worldcup, the 2002 Busan Asian games, and the Daegu Universiade, leaving its name as a role model in large-scaled international sports events. Thirdly, the success of the 1986 Asian games puts the significance in a point that it was a rehearsal for the complete success of the 1988 Seoul Olympics along with pan-governmental and pan-national wishes across the nation.

      • KCI등재

        사회체육 지도자의 역할과 현안문제에 대한 고찰

        이행원(Hang Won Lee) 한국사회체육학회 1996 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        The activation of sport for all is based upon sound local communication, formation of whole some a man of sound body and mind, healthy life of individual. The quality and role of expert in sport for all are very important to program and facilities. The purpose of this study was to review the quality, role and current issue of expert in sport for all. The results of the review were as follows 1. In quality, the expert in sport for all must possess sound personality, fundamental knowledge, health as basic virtue. 2. In social-culture, the expert in sport for all must perform as manager, educator and researcher with high expertness. 3. The role of the expert in sport for all relates to local dwellers, material resource, program and organization of sport. 4. The current issue of expert in sport for all are cultivation, qualification, and management of expert, and ensure social status of expert. 5. In political measure, government must improve poor system and policy, adminstration and social system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구성주의 원리에 의한 체육학습 모형 탐구

        이행원(Lee, Haeng-Won) 한국체육과학회 2013 한국체육과학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Constructivism is one of the alternatives to overcome a problem of traditional education and an alternate paradigm of objectivism which has lasted for a long time. The purpose of this study is, to search for a ideal type of teaching-learning based on constructivism as an alternative of traditional teaching-learning of physical education, suggest the effective teaching-learning of physical education to adapt to changes of the times, and contribute to improvement in teaching-learning of physical education. As a result of this study, based on interaction principle which is the fundamental of social constructivism considering social interaction as being the most important, it is concluded that by positive interdependent type, cooperative learning, in which cooperative interaction is the most active, is the most appropriate learning type to constructivism principle. Cooperative learning is suggested as the most ideal teaching-learning of physical education. Moreover, possibility of cooperative learning as a traditional teaching-learning of physical education is analyzed.

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