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이지은(Lee, Ji-Eun),이재완(Lee, Jae-Wan) 한국지방정부학회 2014 지방정부연구 Vol.18 No.1
이지은(Lee, Ji-Eun), 이재완(Lee, Jae-Wan) 본 연구의 목적은'삶의 질'에 대한 지역주민의 인식을 유형화하고 분석하는 데 있다. 지역주민의 삶의 질에 관한 주관적 인식을 분석하기 위해 Q방법론을 활용하였다. 지역주민을 대상으로 한 인터뷰 및 선행연구 검토를 통해 Q진술문을 작성하였고, P샘플은 서울시에 거주하고 있는 지역주민 40명을 대상으로 하였다. 분석 결과, 삶의 질에 대한 주민인식은 ① 기본적 요건 지향, ② 물질적 요건 지향, ③ 비물질적 요건 지향으로 유형화되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 삶의 질에 관한 인식이 지역주민마다 다를 수 있으므로, 지방자치 수준에서 숙의민주주의를 실현할 수 있는 공론의 장을 마련할 필요가 있다는 점을 시사한다. 지방정부가 지역주민들의 삶의 질을 향상시키는 정책을 수립할 때 다양한 주민들의 인식과 의견이 반영될 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다. The objective of this study is to classify and analyze citizens' perceptions on 'quality of life'. In order to examine quality of life as perceived by citizens, Q-methodology was used. A set of Q-statements was constructed with reference to field interviews of citizens and literature review of the precedent study, and it was rated by 40 citizens residing in Seoul. The results of this study revealed that citizens' perceptions of quality of life could be classified in terms of three perspectives: 1. Basic conditions orientation, 2. Material conditions orientation, and 3. Non-material conditions orientation. Based on the analysis results, this study suggests that as citizens' perceptions of quality of life can be diverse, there is a need to develop a public sphere where deliberative democracy would be realized and advanced at local government level. By creating and developing public spheres, local governments would be able to take citizens' perceptions and opinions into account better when establishing policies for improving citizens' quality of life.
이지은 ( Ji Eun Lee ) 서울대학교 미국학연구소 2014 미국학 Vol.37 No.2
This paper examines how Change-rae Lee`s On Such a Full Sea imagines a communal consciousness of diaspora identity through the use of a collective narrative voice that creates a narrative sense of split identity in readers` minds. The novel`s use of heroine figure, Fan, as a locus of communal consciousness very much corresponds to the conventional framework of the Bildungsroman narrative, which builds a communal consciousness incorporated into a progressive history through a depiction of the individual hero`s or heroine`s reconciliation with social norms. The narrative consciousness grounded in this individual hero/heroine invites readers to experience the sense of community congruent with the linear development of history. Lee`s novel, however, complicates the narrative consciousness through a collective narrative voice “we,” by shifting the referent from “we” inside the narrative frame to “we” outside the narrative frame and by dislocating the main figure Fan from society. The sense of disjointedness manifested by the narrative sense of split identity and the heroine`s displacement in society conceptualizes diaspora identity. Diaspora identity configured in this way propounds a more liberating version of communal consciousness as it allows deviations from norms and exploration of new possibilities not bound by nation or ethnicity. The communal consciousness of diaspora identity depicted in Lee`s novel challenges the homogeneous sense of community merged with history and gestures toward heterogeneous deviations from history.
각막궤양에서 양막이식술 후 발생한 각막혼탁 감소를 위한 각막문신
이지은,이승욱,김지홍,전종배,엄부섭,이종수,Ji Eun Lee,Seung Uk Lee,Ji Hong Kim,Jong Bae Jun,Boo Sup Oum,Jong Soo Lee 대한안과학회 2006 대한안과학회지 Vol.47 No.9
Purpose: To report on the cosmetic efficacy of corneal tattooing using India ink in cases where amniotic membrane grafting was performed to promote corneal wound healing in corneal ulcers. Methods: Amniotic membrane grafting of corneal ulcers was carried out in three patients with no expectation of visual recovery. After corneal reepithelization, a 30 G needle filled with India ink was placed into the amniotic membrane space between the regenerated corneal epithelium and the stromal bed, and the ink was then carefully injected. Results: The staining of corneas to the appropriate opacity with India ink was successful in all cases. There were no significant complications during the mean follow up period of 17 months. All the patients were well satisfied with the corneal staining. Conclusions: When corneal opacity occurs subsequent to an amniotic membrane graft for a corneal ulcer, this corneal tattooing with an intrastromal injection of India ink into the amniotic membrane space might be a very useful method to achieve a good cosmetic result.
유용 미생물 제제 이용 발효 유채박 비료 제조 및 시용 효과
이지은,박원,김광수,이영화,권다은,문윤호,차영록,강용구,Lee, Ji-Eun,Park, Won,Kim, Kwang-Soo,Lee, Yong-Hwa,Kwon, Da-Eun,Moon, Youn-Ho,Cha, Young-Lok,Kang, Yong-Ku 한국작물학회 2019 한국작물학회지 Vol.64 No.1
Rapeseed meal, which is a byproduct of rapeseed oil extraction, improves crop productivity by supplying nutrients to the soil. The present study aimed to manufacture fermented rapeseed meal compost using two effective microbial agents and evaluate their efficiency as fertilizer. To types of fermented rapeseed meal, manufactured using either a bio-carrier or microbial agent, showed no differences in pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and total nitrogen content. However, the contents of $NH_4-N$ and $NO_3-N$ as inorganic nitrogen were increased by 5.6 times and 1.5 times, respectively, after 5 d of fermentation. Rapeseed meal fermented for 5 d was applied to tomato a basal fertilizer and after eight weeks, the plant height increased in all fermented rapeseed treatments compared to that in the chemical fertilizer treatment, and also the quantum yield of photosystem II (PS II) showed the same trend. The total nitrogen content of tomato leaves treated with a microbial fermented rapeseed meal was twice as high as that of that treated with a chemical fertilizer. It was confirmed that the increase in the tomato height was an effect of the rapeseed meal containing inorganic nitrogen, which can easily be absorbed by plants. From these results, it is considered that fermented rapeseed meal manufactured with an effective microbial agent for 5 d showed the highest inorganic nutrient content and greatest growth enhancement in tomato.
수소화-탈수소화법을 이용한 탄탈륨 스크랩으로부터 탄탈륨 분말 제조 연구
이지은,이찬기,박지환,윤진호,Lee, Ji-eun,Lee, Chan Gi,Park, Ji Hwan,Yoon, Jin-Ho 한국자원리싸이클링학회 2018 자원리싸이클링 Vol.27 No.5
For recylcing of high purity tantalum (Ta) scrap, We investigated manufacture of tantalum powder using hydride-dehydride (HDH) process. Tantalum had excellent properties such as ductile, hardness and high melting point. Usually these properties made difficult to make a powder. In this study, Tantalum powder was manufactured using Tantalum hydride via hydridation. Tantalum hydride was formed at $500^{\circ}C$, 5 hr/$700^{\circ}C$, 3 hr and it is easy to make a tantalum hydride powder because hydrogen in the tantalum act as a defect dislocation and lattice expansion. The powder was pulverized to a size of less than $10{\mu}m$ under a condition of 1300 rpm, 30 min using a ring mill, and tantalum powder with less than 50 ppm hydrogen was prepared through dehydridation in an Ar and low vacuum atmosphere.
이지은,이은주,Lee, Ji Eun,Lee, Eun Joo 한국데이터정보과학회 2017 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.28 No.3
The purpose of this study was to identify the changes in the risk factors of metabolic disease by compliance rate and numbers of health behaviors performed in the people who voluntarily participated in the metabolic disease management program implemented in a public health care center. Data were collected from a total of 168 people, January to June of 2015. Data were analyzed by paired t-test and ANOVA with post hoc test. The compliance rates were about 62% and 66% at 3 and 6 months respectively after implementing the program. Although the numbers of health behaviors performed was small, the participants with high compliance rate had significantly lower risk factors of metabolic disease after 6 months. Therefore the compliance rate is critically important to manage metabolic disease and enhancing compliance rate of health behaviors should be developed and investigated in the future studies.
응급실 간호사의 환자안전문화에 대한 인식과 환자안전관리활동
이지은,이은남,Lee, Ji-Eun,Lee, Eun-Nam 한국중환자간호학회 2013 중환자간호학회지 Vol.6 No.1
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate emergency room nurses' recognition of patient safety culture and their performance of safety management activity. Methods: Data were collected from July 1 to August 31, 2012 on 292 emergency room nurses working at 25 general hospitals located in B city in G province. The Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture was used to measure patient safety culture, and an 82-item questionnaire was developed to measure safety management activity. Results: the performance of safety management activity were significantly associated with the total career years, whether the nurses had undergone safety training, and whether the nurses has been working in the regional emergency care facility. Of 6 subcategories of the patient safety culture, the perception of a directly commanding senior/manager, frequency of accident reports, and hospital environment were associated with the performance of safety management activity. Conclusion: For improving performance of safety management activity among emergency room nurses, it is necessary to develop an educational program of safety management activity by their level of performance.
신증후군 환아에서 스테로이드 유발 대사성 골질환에 대한 Alendronate의 치료 효과
이지은,이현옥,백경훈,이숙향,진동규,Lee Ji-Eun,Lee Hyun-Ok,Paik Kyung-Hoon,Lee Suk-Hyang,Jin Dong-Kyu 대한소아신장학회 2004 Childhood kidney diseases Vol.8 No.1
Purpose : Children with nephrotic syndrome(NS) are under high risk for metabolic bone disease(MBD) as a complication of long-term glucocorticoid therapy. We prospectively evaluated the effect of oral bisphosphonate(alendronate) therapy in children with NS, which has proven efficacy in adult patients with glucocorticoid induced MBD. Methods : Among 58 children with NS, aged 5 to 8 years and haying a disease duration of more than 2 years, 30(51.7%) were enrolled to meet the selection criteria, less than -1.0 Z-scores of lumbar spine bone mineral density(BMD) by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). These 30 children were divided into three groups and each were assigned to receive alendronate, calcitriol, and no-medication, respectively for one year. Lumbar spine BMD was followed up every 6 months and the biochemical indexes were measured before and 1 year after the treatment. There were no significant difference among groups with respect to the average age, the initial BMD, and the cumulative steroid doses. Analysis of the treatment efficacy was done by the % change of BMD and by the changes in Z-scores of lumbar spine BMD. Results : Mean age and disease duration of patients at the initial lumbar spine BMD evaluation was $7.4{\pm}1.7$ years and $2.2{\pm}1.2$ years, respectively. Twenty-three of 30 children(76%) had osteopenia, and seven(23%) had osteoporosis. There was no difference in the biochemical values among the groups, before and 1 year after the treatment(P<0.05). Twenty two children(73.3%) with frequent relapsing or steroid dependant NS had more frequent MBD, compared to the 8 children(26.6%) with infrequent relapsing NS. The one year % changes of BMD were 8.56 in alendronate group, 5.79 in calcitriol group, and 1.9 in no-medication group. The changes in Z-score of lumbar spine BMD increased in the alendronate group and the calcitriol group, but not in the no-medication group. One year % changes of BMD were different among groups(P=0.0002). Significant differences were found between the alendronate and the no-medication group, and between the calcitriol and the no-medication group(P<0.05). There was no difference between the alendronate and the calcitriol group. No serious adverse effect was observed in the alendronate group. Conclusion : Children with NS receiving high dose steroids are under the high risk of BMD and should undergo regular BMD evaluation. Z-score of lumbar spine BMD was a useful parameter in diagnosing low bone mass in children. Alendronate weekly oral therapy was effective and relatively safe in increasing the lumbar spine BMD in children with NS having steroid induced MBD.
이지은,김수영,이승욱,이상준,Ji Eun Lee,MD,Soo Young Kim,MD,Seung Uk Lee,MD,Sang Joon Lee,MD 대한안과학회 2013 대한안과학회지 Vol.54 No.1
Purpose: To investigate the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of industrial ocular trauma for treatment application and prevention. Methods: A retrospective survey of 207 eyes from 206 patients who visited Gosin University Gospel Hospital from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2007 was performed. The age, sex, diagnosis, causes, injury site, primary ocular surgery, duration of hospitalization and treatment, and initial and final visual acuities were reviewed using the United States Eye Injury Registry (USEIR) form based on the Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETT). Results: The trauma incidence was higher in males (95.65%) in their forties (50.24%). The mean patient age was 41.5 years. Separately counted lesions were presented as a proportion to total injured eyes. The most common diagnosis of industrial ocular traumas was global injuries (124.1%), orbital wall fractures (6.3%), adnexal trauma (5.3%) and optic nerve injuries (3.4%). The most common cause of ocular injuries was flying iron piece (28.67%), and the cornea was the most frequent injured site (69.1%). In 43% of the patients, surgical treatments were performed and the most common surgery was primary closure of the cornea or sclera (82.02%), followed by vitrectomy (30.33%). The average of initial and final visual acuity (log MAR) was 1.2 and 0.93, respectively. In 69.7% of all patients, the final visual acuity was improved or stabilized compared to the initial status. Conclusions: Flying objects are still the most frequent cause of industrial ocular trauma and in approximately 70% of all patients, the final visual outcome improved or stabilized compared to the initial status. These types of ocular traumas can be significantly reduced by wearing protector shields along with educational safety programs.