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      • KCI등재
      • 우리말의 비능동 범주 설정

        이정택(Jung tag Lee) 서울여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2013 인문논총 Vol.27 No.-

        인구어의 피동 표현은 능동과 규칙적으로 대응하며 이에 따라 피동 범주 설정에 문제가 없다. 그러나 우리말은 다르다. 가장 대표적인 피동 표현으로 알려진 “피동 접미사”의 경우에도 언제나 ‘피동’을 표현하고 있는 것은 아니다. 이른바 “우리말의 피동표현”이 가진 이러한 특성 때문에 우리말 피동은 ‘비행동성’ 혹은 ‘상황의존성’을 가지고 있는 것으로 여겨지기도 한다. 그러나 ‘비행동성’이나 ‘상황의존성’만으로는 이른바 “우리말의 피동 표현”의 정체성을 온전히 파악했다고 할 수 없다. 왜냐하면 피동주에게 가해지는 외부 작용은 ‘피동’이 성립하기 위한 전제조건인데, 이러한 전제조건이 만족되지 않는 경우도 적지 않기 때문이다. 이른바 “우리말의 피동 표현”들이 갖는 공통적인 의미 속성은 ‘피동’이 아닌 ‘비능동’이다. 따라서 이 글에서는 ‘피동’이 아닌 ‘비능동’의 범주를 설정하는 것이 보다 타당함을 주장했다. We can find one-to-one correspondence between passive and active sentences in Inda-European languages. So it is very easy and natural to set up passive categories for these languages. But Korean is different from these ones. Even the so called "passive suffix", which is regarded as a typical passive element, sometimes does not make the real passive. This is the reason why some scholars say Korean passive has the characteristics of non-action or circumstance dependence. But this like explanation is not enough, because we sometimes cannot find exterior influence to the subject, which is the prerequisite of passive, in so called "Korean passive expressions". The real identity of "Korean passive" is 'non-active'. So in this paper I propose establishing Korean non-active category.

      • KCI등재

        시제의 학교문법 기술 -그 문제와 개선방향 모색을 위하여

        이정택 ( Jung Tag Lee ) 한국문법교육학회 2013 문법 교육 Vol.19 No.-

        Tense is one of the important grammatical categories in Korean. So we should not omit this when we describe Korean Grammar. There are so many different opinions on this category. As a natural consequence, it is so difficult to describe tense in Korean grammar textbooks and there are currently many problems in them. In this paper, I analysed how Korean tense is described in Korean grammar textbooks, focusing the first and last government-designed grammar textbooks and the current officially authorized textbooks. I have finally found out problems as the following; 1. The sub-categorization of tense as present, past and future 2. One grammatical form with multiple meanings 3. Introducing relative time reference 4. The discrepancies among textbooks I also proposed solutions for these problems; 1. We should sub-categorize Korean tense into past and non-past. 2. We should describe one form by one meaning as much as we can. 3. We don``t have to introduce relative time reference to Korean tense. 4. We should try to minimize the discrepancies among textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        한국어교육을 위한 한국문화교육의 이상과 현실

        이정택 ( Jung Tag Lee ) 한국문법교육학회 2009 문법 교육 Vol.11 No.-

        Korean culture is very closely related with Korean language, and the domain of it is very huge. So Korean culture is surely a great burden for Korean language teaching and it is impossible for the teachers to teach all the Korean culture in the language classes. The only solution of this problem is to teach the students how to learn Korean culture by themselves. Namely the teacher should teach not only the essential part of Korean culture but also the methods to study culture by themselves. The teachers should teach both Korean culture and the methods in Korean, and all of them should meet the academic standards of the students. Finally, for successful Korean culture education, we should guarantee such things as detailed and systematic descriptions of Korean culture, detailed comparisons between Korean culture and major foreign ones and the teachers who can teach both Korean language and culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        고유 명사와 보통 명사 -분류 기준과 개념 설정을 중심으로

        이정택 ( Jung Tag Lee ) 한국문법교육학회 2011 문법 교육 Vol.15 No.-

        Proper noun is commonly understood as artificial name. As it is regarded to designate unique one, the referent of it is considered as the singular. Common noun may be regarded as the one which designate common properties or plural referents. But ``훈민정음`` is a proper noun, though it can refer many books. Both of ``해`` and ``달`` are common nouns, even though they refer the only things. So it cannot be true that proper noun cannot refer the plural and the common noun cannot refer the only thing. We should recognize that Koreans think all the artificial names belong to one category by intuition and that the grammar should be described systematically according to the intuition of the native speakers. Futhermore the Korean artificial names (including many brand names) which can refer plural things, has almost the same grammatical properties as the typical proper nouns. Therefore we can conclude that they belong to the category of proper nouns and that we should categorize proper nouns and common nouns according to the feather [±Artificial Naming].

      • 한인기업 노동자 대상 한국어교육의 문제 진단과 개선 방안

        이정택(Jung tag Lee) 서울여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문논총 Vol.29 No.-

        해외 진출 한인 중소업체들은 한국에서 파견된 관리자와 현지 노동자 간 의사소통에 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 그리고 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위해 통역을 고용하거나 한인 관리자들이 현지어를 학습하기도 하고 현지 노동자들에게 한국어를 가르치기도 한다. 그런데 이들 방법 중 가장 손쉬운 것은 통역을 고용하는 일이다. 그러나 통역을 통한 의사소통은 의도적인 오역이나 지나친 의역 등 많은 문제를 만들고 있다. 따라서 해외 기업의 현지화 정도와 통역 의존도는 반비례 관계에 있는 것으로 관찰되었다. 기업의 발전과 성공을 위해서는 한인 간부와 현지 노동자 사이에 직접적인 의사소통이 이루어져야 하며, 이를 위해 한인 관리자 입장에서 쉽게 선택할 수 있는 방법은 노동자들에게 한국어를 가르치는 것이다. 그런데 이들 노동자들은 회사 안에서 업무를 위해서만 한국어를 사용하면 되기 때문에 그 내용이 지극히 초보적인 수준에 머무른다. 다만 어휘 면에서는 지극히 기초적인 일상 어휘와 함께 업종별로 선별된 전문 어휘가 교육내용에 반드시 포함되어야 한다. 따라서 교육과정, 교재, 교육방법 등도 이러한 본질을 철저하게 반영한 것이어야 한다. The cores of Korean language education for the local workers working for overseas Korean companies are technical lexicon and basic grammar. So everything-every part of Korean language education-should reflect them. Namely, curriculums and textbooks should contain elements such as vocabularies for each industrial classification as well as basic ones and the teachers should teach the laborers how to make expressions using those vocabularies and basic grammar. Now, however, we don't have this kind of textbook or curriculum. So, the most urgent and important step we should take is collecting the essential technical lexicons. To do this work, we should do demand analysis. Then we should make a special textbook and prepare teaching skills for teaching the workers.

      • KCI등재

        형태소 복합 -았었-에 관한 연구

        이정택 ( Jung Tag Lee ) 겨레어문학회 2013 겨레어문학 Vol.51 No.-

        Korean ``-ateot-`` is a chain of morphemes, so it should be analysed into two morphemes, namely ``-at-`` and ``-eot-``. The preceding ``-at-`` can be used without ``-eot-``, but ``-eot-`` should be placed only right after ``-at-``. The meaning of ``-at-`` is closely related with the past. But sometimes it has strong relation with the present. If we cannot differentiate the past and the present clearly, our communication may be disturbed. The accompanying ``-eot-`` helps us to differentiate these two times. Namely, when ``-eot-`` is used, the time is fixed to the past. So we can say the meaning of ``-eot-`` is ``confirming the past``. In this paper, we can explain not only every expression with ``-ateot-``, composing the meanings of the two morphemes but also the distributional restriction of ``-eot-`` by the function of it.

      • KCI등재후보

        문장 성분 분류 시론

        이정택(Jung Tag Lee) 한국어학회 2002 한국어학 Vol.16 No.-

        Most of the expressions which have been regarded independent in sentences, are not sentence elements. They are separate sentences because they have their own terminal contours. Sentence elements are classified into three groups according to their relationship with predicate. The predicate and the elements which have primary relationship with it, are classified as the primary sentence elements. The elements which modify the primary ones are classified as the secondary ones. All the elements modifying the whole sentence are classified as the third sentence elements. The coordinate clauses and conjunctions are also classified as the third ones.

      • KCI등재

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