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        『유가사지론』 점토석독구결 해독 연구(4)

        이전경(Lee Jeon Kyung) 구결학회 2004 구결연구 Vol.13 No.-

        각필점토구결 자료인 유가사지론 권8의 7장 1행부터 8장 22행까지의 점토를 정리해 보고 잠정적인 해독방안을 모색한 것이다. This paper surveys the overall textual structure of Yuqie shidi lun(瑜伽師地論) vol. 8, and presents a tentative decipherment and interpretation of cipher kugyols inscribed in a part of that volume.

      • KCI등재

        대학 졸업유예가 취업 및 임금에 미친 효과

        이전이(Lee Jeon Yi),유지현(Yu Ji Hyeon),강영민(Kang Young min),박주호(Park Joo Ho) 한국교육재정경제학회 2017 敎育財政 經濟硏究 Vol.26 No.4

        최근 심각한 청년실업난 속에서 졸업을 미루는 대학생이 급증하고 있다. 이에 본 연구의 목적은 대학생들이 취업준비를 위해 선택한 졸업유예가 취업 여부 및 임금에 미치는 효과를 검증하는 하는 데 있다. 분석에는 한국고용정보원에서 제공하는 대졸자 직업이동 경로조사(GOMS) 2014년 자료를 활용하였다. 본 연구의 분석 대상은 약 12,000여 명의 4년제 대학 졸업자이고, 경향점수매칭(propensity score matching)을 활용하여 졸업유예 선택에서 나타나는 내생성(endogeneity) 문제를 제거한 뒤 최종 분석에 활용한 표본의 수는 2,888명이다. 특히, 본 연구는 임금이 취업한 사람들에게만 관측된다는 특성을 고려하여 Heckman(1979)의 2단계 표본 선택 모형(two-step sample selection model)으로 졸업유예의 효과를 확인하였다. 연구결과에 따르면, 첫째, 졸업유예를 선택 한 학생과 선택하지 않은 학생 간 인구학적 특성에 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 졸업유예에 대한 자기선택 편의를 제거한 후 졸업유예의 효과를 분석한 결과, 졸업유예 경험이 있는 학생들이 그렇지 않은 학생들에 비해 취업할 확률도 높고, 취업할 경우 임금도 더 높은 경향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 학생들이 노동시장에 적기에 진입할 수 있도록 대학이 보다 현장 적합성 높은 교육을 제공하고 졸업 요건 등을 제도적으로 보완하여 졸업유예로 인한 사회적 비용을 줄일 필요성이 있음을 반증하고 있다. A growing number of university students are delaying graduation amid a tough job market. As an exploratory endeavor, this study examined the impact of undergraduate students graduation delay on labor market performance, getting employment and the degree of wage. Data were from Korea Employment Information Service s Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey(GOMS) 2014. This study particularly tried to control sample selection bias by employing propensity score matching techniques with Heckman‘s sample selection model. The result of the present study showed that the delay of university students graduation has a positive significant influence on employment probability and wage, even after controlling for covariates. Some useful policy implications were suggested for an effective school to work transition.

      • KCI등재후보

        Resonace theory에 기반을 둔 index function을 통한 새로운 QRS 검출 알고리즘

        이전,윤형로,이경중,Lee, Jeon,Yoon, Hyung-Ro,Lee, Kyung-Joong 대한의용생체공학회 2003 의공학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        본 연구는 공진이론에 기초한 인덱스 함수(index function)를 이용하여 간단하게 QRS를 검출하는 새로운 알고리즘에 관한 것이다 ECG 근 몇 개의 사인파형의 조합으로 모델링 가능하며. 이때 ECG의 일차차분 값은 사인파형의 크기 및 주파수와 관계가 있다. 이 사실에 근거하여, R-L-C 회로의 허수부의 제곱값과 유사한 인덱스함수를 디자인하였으며. 인덱스 함수의 응답에 적응방법(adaptive method)를 첨가하여 QRS를 검출하였다. 이 알고리즘은 다른 QRS 검출 알고리즘에 비해 비슷하거나 높은 검출성능을 보였고. 복잡한 전처리 또는 후처리 과정이 필요치 않으므로 실시간 검출에 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 것이다. This paper describes a new simple QRS detection algorithm using index function based on resonance theory. The ECG signal can be modeled with several sinusoidal pulses and its first difference has some relations with the amplitude and frequency of sinusoidal pulse. Based on above fact, an index function, similar to the square of the imaginary part of a simple R-L-C circuit, was designed. A QRS complex is detected by applying the adaptive method to the response of index function. The algorithm showed a performance comparable to or higher than the other algorithms. Because it does not require any complicated preprocessing or postprocessing, it can be implemented in real time.

      • KCI등재

        간경도감 불경언해 사업의 또 다른 함의

        이전경 ( Jeon Gyung Lee ) 한말연구학회 2014 한말연구 Vol.- No.34

        This paper aims to highlight another point to current discourse on Gangyeon-Dogam’s “Eonhaeh”. The point that is proposed here us that an interpretation method of high authority is introduced regarding then “eonhae” of Gangyeon-Dogam. Due to the authority of this method of interpretation, other interpretation method has been ceased and only this method remains. This method has been the unified method which is continued to present times. The evidences for the claim shows that after the emergence of Gangyeong- Dogam, various attachement forms became unified in interpretation of some Buddhist text. This paper emphasizes such facts and analysis and focuses on the differences in the Buddhist text attachments in before Gangyong-Dogam’s. This paper also examines the Buddhist text attachment forms in Bubhwa-gyeong and Neungum-gyeong in 15th and 16th centuries. This paper arrivesatthe conclusion that basis of the analyses; Gangyeong-Dogam’s“eonhae”editions were very significant in education of Buddhist stext during the times. The Buddhist scripts of Gangyong-Dogam are one of the first important translations in Korean history due to the strict system of translation, editing and publication processes. In studying and educating the doctrines of Buddhism, the texts of Gangyeong-Dogam were very influential during the times when Buddhism’s influence was decreasing. This proves that Gangyong- Dogam’s Buddhists texts became standard for interpreting and the attachments interpretation method became unified. Furthermore, in the 15thcentury data, oral instruction forms are displayed not only in influence of Buddhism instructions but also in changes of Classic Chinese education(Hanmoon). In the method of translation, right attachment follows “EumdokGugyeol” and the left attachment follows “SukdokGugyeol”styles. Therefore, the reader first reads aloud and that interprets the meanings. In other words, the traditional lecture system and test method of oral memorization style of studies were completed. In conclusion, the results of “eonhae” project of Gangyeon Dogam can be summarized in three ways. First, it unified the ways of interpreting Buddhist texts. Secondly, such study process brought about enlightenment of Hoonminjungeum, the new letters, and also brought about changes in letter literacy. Thirdly, the study process of Chinese classical studies (Hanmun) was reflected in its influences of re-arrangement of the empty spaces in Hanmun texts.

      • KCI등재

        연세대 소장 각필본 『묘법연화경』의 처격 표기

        이전경(Lee, Jeon Kyung) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2013 한국학연구 Vol.44 No.-

        이 글은 연세대 중앙도서관 소장 각필구결본 『묘법연화경』의 점토표기법을 밝히기 위한 연구의 일환으로 이 자료에 나타난 처격의 표기 양상을 살핀 것이다. 이 자료에는 처격조사로서 대체로 ‘?’와 ‘?’, ‘??’, ‘??’가 사용된다. 빈도로 보아 대표적인 처격은 ‘?’이며 나머지 표기들은 용법이 제한적이다. ‘??’의 용법은 유가사지론 계통과 동일하나 ‘??’의 분포가 제한적인 점, ‘??’를 시간 표기에 사용하는 점이 이 자료의 특징이 다. 처격의 ‘?’가 단독으로 사용된 용례나 존대 ‘??/??’는 확인되지 않는다. 다른 석독구결자료에서 나타나는 ‘??’의 예 또한 나타나지 않는다. 이 자료의 처격출현 양상에 한정하여 본다면 이 자료가 석독구결의 시대인 12~13세기 이후의 자료임을 추정해 볼 수 있다. 대체로 석독구결자료 중 오래된 것으로 보이는 화엄경에서만 특이 처격인 ‘??’가 나타나기 때문이다. ‘??’가 다수 현토된 ‘?時’의 예를 통해 시간명사 ‘끠?’표기 가능성을 제시하였다. 15세기의 언해본과 일치할 가능성이 있는 이 표기는 이 자료의 시기가 후대일 가능성을 높인다. Seokdok Kugyol is classified by Huayanjing (華嚴經) Type and Yuqieshidilun(瑜伽師地論) Type. The Code Kukyol, YonseiUniv. collecton, is in accordance with Code Kukyol system of Yuqieshidilun Type. Generally, ‘?’, ‘??’, ‘??’, ‘??’ are used as Locative Case. In terms of frequency, typical Locative Case is ‘?’, but the other cases are limitedly used. The usage of ‘??’ is similar to Yuqieshidilun Type, however, distribution of ‘??’ is limited, and use of ‘??’ as a time mark are the distinct features of this document. There are no examples that show exclusive use of locative case of ‘?’ and use of ‘??/??’ as an honorific word. Also, ‘??’, shown at the Seokdok Kugyol, is not appeared. In terms of Locative case apperance, the document is estimated to be made after 12~13 century, which is the Seokdok Kugyol age because ‘? ?’ is appeared only at Huayanjing which seemed to be the oldest Seokdok Kugyol. It suggests the possibility of the notation ‘?’ which is a timesnoun in 15 century, by example of ‘?時’ where lots of ‘??’ is attatched. Also, it shows that the material is made at the late period.

      • KCI등재

        ‘爲’자에 현토된 석독표기자와 그 해독

        이전경(Lee, Jeon-kyung) 구결학회 2012 구결연구 Vol.28 No.-

        ‘爲’는 그 의미가 다양하여 우리말로 번역될 때 다양한 양상을 보이는 한자이다. 여말 선초의 불경 중 음독구결 자료에 ‘爲’자에 약체 한자가 작은 글씨로 첨기되어 있는 자료들이 있다. 팬아시아 종이박물관 소장의 보물1153호 법화경과 연세대 중앙도서관 소장의 법화경 귀중본 647 및 능엄경 귀중본 622에 그러한 예가 나타난다. 사용된 글자들은 대체로 ‘三, ?, ?, 乍, 是/?, 當, 以, 寸’ 등이다. 이들은 ‘爲’자의 새김을 표시한 것으로 보인다. 특히 ‘三’은 석독구결에서 ‘爲’에 현토되는 것이다. 다른 글자들도 그 의미상 ‘爲’자와 관련된 것으로 쉽게 추측할 수 있다. 이글에서 이들의 분포와 용법을 소개하고 이것이 석독구결의 한 종류로 연구될 수 있도록 자료를 제공하여 ‘爲’의 독법에 대한 해결의 실마리를 제시하려 한다. ‘爲’ is a chinese character that has discrete meanings, and thus even its Korean translations seem to reflect such discrete senses of the character. Out of the Eumdok-gugyeol materials of the Buddist scriptures written in the end of the Ko-Ryo dynasty and the beginning of the Cho-Sun dynasty are found the documents that show small letters attached to the word ‘爲’. The Beophwa-Gyeong (Treasure n.1153) of Junju Hanji Musium and the Beophwa-Gyeong(guijungbon n.647) and Neungeom-Gyeong(guijungbon n. 622) of the Central Library of Yonsei University can be taken as examples. The small characters most frequently used are ‘三, ?, ?, 乍, 是/?, 當, 以, and 寸,’ and they seem meant to instruct the semantic readings(saegim) of the word ‘爲’. For example the character ‘三’ is attached to the word ‘爲’, in materials of Seokdok Gugyeol. And it is not hard to surmise that the rest of the characters should be somehow related to the word ‘爲’. The aims of this paper are to examine the locations and usages of these characters for the purpose of suggesting that these characters were employed as a way to indicate semantic readings which originated from Seokdok Gugyeol, and to offer a solution to reading ‘爲.’ Hopefully, this project that takes an in-depth and multidimensional investigation of one text will better illuminate the prevalent translation and learning methods utilized in the end of the Ko-Ryo dynasty and the beginning of the Cho-Sun dynasty.

      • 겔라이트를 혼입한 분말형 폴리머 시멘트 경화체의 흡착성능 평가

        이전호 ( Lee Jeon-ho ),이창우 ( Lee Chang-woo ),황우준 ( Hwang Woo-jun ),이상수 ( Lee Sang-soo ) 한국건축시공학회 2022 한국건축시공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.22 No.1

        In order to solve problems such as acceleration of resource use and environmental pollution, experiments were conducted with the aim of producing indoor finishing materials that can adsorb fine dust and carbon dioxide using gelite and polymer, which are porous materials. Based on the previous experiment, gelite was substituted at each level in a matrix having a polymer S738P substitution rate of 12.5%, and the results are as follows. As the substitution rate of gelite increased, the amount of fine dust and carbon dioxide adsorption increased, which is believed to be due to physical adsorption due to the high porosity of gelite. However, further experiments are needed as the overall adsorption amount is not high due to the filling inside the matrix due to the polymer.

      • KCI등재

        유기 / 무기 나노 템플레이트를 이용한 나노 정보소재 합성 연구

        이전국(Jeon-Kook Lee),정원용(Won Young Jeung) 한국자기학회 2004 韓國磁氣學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        The fusion of nano technology and information technology is essential to sustain the present growth rate and to induce new industry in this ever-growing information age. Considering Korean industry whose competitiveness lies heavily on information related technologies, this field will be inevitable for future. Nano materials can be described as novel materials whose size of elemental structure has been engineered at the nanometer scale. Materials in the nanometer size range exhibit fundamentally new behavior, as their size falls below the critical length scale associated with any given property. Bottom-up techniques involve manipulating individual atoms and molecules. Bottom-up process usually implies controlled or directed self assembly of atoms and molecules into nano structures. It resembles more closely the processes of biology and chemistry, where atoms and molecules come together to create structures such as crystals or living cells. Nano scale sensors are included in the electronics area since the diverse sensing mechanisms are often housed on a semiconductor substrate and usually give rise to an electronic signal. The application of nano technology to the chemical sensors should allow improvements in functionality such as gas sensing. In this presentation, we will discuss about the nano scale information materials and devices fabricated by using the organic/inorganic nano templates.

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