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흰쥐의 제 2형 콜라겐 유도 관절염에 대한 우슬과 족삼리 전침 자극의 치료 효과
이재춘,오명화,남기원,김용억,유영대,장미경,김계엽,Lee, Jae-Choon,Oh, Myung-Hwa,Nam, Ki-Won,Kim, Young-Eok,Yoo, Young-Dae,Chang, Mee-Kyung,Kim, Gye-Yeop 대한물리치료학회 2007 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.19 No.1
Purpose: We investigated the effects of the combined therapy in rats with rheumatoid arthritis induced by type II collagen for 28 days, which consisted of the oral administration of the AR and EA applied to zusanli acupoint(ST36). Methods: Normal group was oral administered with 0.9% NaCl $0.5\;m{\ell}/day$ to normal rats. Control group was oral administered with 0.9% NaCl $0.5\;m{\ell}/day$ to arthritic rats. Group I was oral administered with AR 500 mg/kg $0.5\;m{\ell}/day$ to arthritic rats. Group II was given 2 Hz EA of ST36 in the test group for 30 min/day to arthritic rats. Group III was oral administered with AR 500 mg/kg $0.5\;m{\ell}/day$ and 2 Hz EA of ST36 in the test group for 30 min/day to arthritic rats. We Observed effect of the histopathological changes by H&E stain of liver, kidney, knee joint and ELSIA of cytokines($TNF-{\alpha}$). Results: 1. The vacuolization of liver tissue was decreased in group I, II, III comparing with control group. 2. The glomerular sclerosis of kidney tissue was decreased in group I, II, III comparing with control group. 3. The erosion of arthritic site of knee joint tissue was decreased group I, II, III comparing with control group. In particular group III was the most effective comparing with group I, II on the histopathological view. 4. In the ELSIA test of $TNF-{\alpha}$ concentration, Control group significantly increased in the concentration more than group I, II, III. The rate of increase in concentration slowed down in group III more than group I, II(p<0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that 500 mg/kg of AR extracts and EA have clear therapeutic effect on the rheumatoid arthritis.
이재춘,김대업,이광희,김성형,양계식 大韓小兒齒科學會 2001 대한소아치과학회지 Vol.28 No.4
소아치과에서 국소마취는 공포의 대상이며, 특히 행동조절이 힘든 소아의 경우 더욱 그러하다. 국소마취에 대한 공포는 주사침의 자입시나 주사액의 주입시 느끼는 동통 만큼이나 주사침 자체의 공포도 크게 차지한다. 주사침 자입시의 동통을 완화하기 위하여, 도포마취제 등이 개발되었으나 이들은 국소마취의 동통을 완화시키는 면은 있으나 주사침 자체에 대한 공포를 없애지는 못하였다. Syrijet Mark Ⅱ??(Mizzy Inc, USA)는 주사침이 없는 치과용 분사식 주사기(jet injection device)로서 소아에서 주사침에 대한 공포를 성공적으로 감소시킬 수 있다고 알려져 있다. 저자들은 여러 행동등급의 소아를 대상으로 Syrijet을 사용하여 국소마취를 시행한 후 동통평가의 척도로서 VAS(visual analogue scale)를 소아에게 적합하게 색생화한 CAS(color analogue scale)을 이용하여 국소마취시의 동통수준을 측정한 결과, 기존 주사침에 의한 국소마취시 보다 국소마취의 동통이 감소된 것을 알 수 있었다. Syrijet의 장점으로는 주사침이 없다는 점, 기존의 술식에서 일회용이었던 미취용 카트리지를 재사용할 수 있다는 점, 신경 및 혈관에 안전하다는 점 등이 있었으며, 단점으로 부피가 크며, 가격이 비싸며, 사용시 숙련성을 요구한다는 점 등이 있었다. Local anesthesia procedure in pediatric dentisty using needle-tipped syringes is stressful and painful for the child patients. The Syrijet Mark Ⅱ (Mizzy Inc. USA) is a jet injection instrument, which uses high pressure to propel fluids into soft tissue without the use of a hollow neeldle, so it seems to be able to reduce the injection phobia of the child patients. The authors compared the Syrijet with the conventional syringe by assessing the pain level after local anesthetic procedures using CAS(color analogue scale) which was developed from VAS(visual analogue scale). The result showed that the pain was reduced by the use of syrijet. The advantages of syrijet were no use of neeldes, the reuse of the anesthetic cartridge, and the safety to nerves and vessels. The disadvantages were the large size, the high price, and the need of skill to use.