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        미국, 영국, 일본의 교육감 협의체 운영 사례 분석

        이인회,박수정,나민주,김용 한국교육개발원 2009 한국교육 Vol.36 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to find implications for the operation of the superintendent association in Korea by analyzing the operations of the superintendent associations in America, England, and Japan. Since each country has different systems of local educational authority, the study attempted to compare the history, purposes, operation, and major activities of the superintendent association in each country. The major findings are as follows. First, the superintendent association in each country was created based on voluntary membership and encouraged all the superintendents to join and act together. Second, the purposes of these organizations were not only to provide opportunities for the exchange of information and opinions concerning local education, but also to suggest educational policies to the government and work as a leading advocate for legislation. Third, the organizations were in need of office space and staff in order to fulfill their mission effectively. Also, it was necessary to have a special institute to conduct research on local education policy and administration. 이 연구는 외국 교육감 협의체의 운영 사례를 조사, 비교, 분석함으로써 우리나라 교육감 협의체 운영에 대한 시사점을 도출하기 위한 것을 목적으로 하였다. 연구대상은 미국, 영국, 일본의 교육감 협의체이며, 국가마다 지방교육행정제도가 상이하므로 조직론의 관점에서 각국 교육감 협의체의 설치배경, 목표와 역할, 조직 운영 및 주요 활동을 비교하였다. 이 연구를 통해서 도출된 주요 결론은 다음과 같다. 교육감 협의체는 지방교육의 수장들의 협의체로서 자생적으로 출범하여 운영되고 있으면서도 교육감의 필수 가입 및 활동을 유도하고 있다. 각국의 교육감 협의체는 지방교육에 관한 정보와 의견을 교류할 뿐만 아니라 대정부 정책 건의 기능을 수행하며, 나아가 입법 기능을 위한 역할도 수행하고 있다. 교육감 협의체는 업무의 효율적 수행을 위하여 상설의 사무국 조직이 필수적으로 요구되며, 지방교육정책 및 지방교육행정에 대한 연구기능을 수행할 수 있는 조직 또한 필요하다.

      • KCI등재후보

        액션러닝 기반 교양수업 운영 사례 분석 및 수업운영 전략 탐색

        이인회,권순철 한국교양교육학회 2013 교양교육연구 Vol.7 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 액션러닝 기반 교양수업의 운영 사례를 분석하여 교수자에게 효과적인 수업운영의 전략을 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 2011년 1학기부터 2013년 1학기까지 운영되고 있는 J대학교의 ‘자기관리와 미래준비’ 교양교과목의 수업운영을 분석하였다. 본 연구의 분석대상으로는 교수자 CoP보고서, 교수자 강의성찰일지, 학습자 성찰저널, Web 카페 등의 자료가 사용되었다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 수강생들이 가장 어려워하는 과제해결의 프로세스를 좀 더 정교화시킴으로써 이를 사전에 방지해야 한다. 둘째, 교수자들은 자발적인 학습조직에서 도출한 수업운영 전략을 액션러닝 기반 교양수업에 즉각적으로 적용해야 한다. 셋째, 교수자는 러닝코치로서 권위를 수직적으로 활용하기보다 수강생들이 동료의식을 갖도록 학습자 중심으로 수업을 운영해야 한다. 넷째, 수업운영의 전략들을 적용하는 시기는 교양수업의 흐름에 맞추어 전략의 효과성을 담보한 뒤에 유연하게 결정해야 한다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the instructional management of an action learning-based general arts education and to provide instructors with the effective instructional management strategies. To do so, the instructional management of 'Self-management and Future Preparation' class, which had been offered since 2011, was analyzed. The objects of the study were materials such as instructors' report from the community of practice (CoP) and their journal of instruction, student's journals and Web cafe. The results of the study were as follows: First, it was required to classify precisely the problem solving process, which was the most difficult part of action learning for the students, in order to reduce the their feelings of difficulty even before the class started. Second, the instructors should apply instructional management strategies derived from CoP for the action learning-based general arts education class as quickly as possible. Third, the instructors as a learning coach should not utilize the authority vertically, but manage the class by facilitating the students collaborations focusing on them. Fourth, it was necessary to decide flexibly the right time that the instructional management strategies would be applied in accordance to the flow of the class.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        수업경영체제의 도입·적용에 대한 중학교 교사의 인식

        이인회,이혜정 한국교원교육학회 2010 한국교원교육연구 Vol.27 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 단위학교에 수업경영체제를 도입, 구축하고 적용하기 위한 중학교 교사의 인식을 분석하고 시사점을 도출하는데 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 충청북도 중학교 교사 1,133명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사 분석 결과, 수업경영체제 도입의 타당성과 필요성이 매우 높다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 많은 교사들이 학교운영 및 수업의 질 향상을 위한 수업경영체제 도입에 공감하고 있었으며, 수업경영체제 도입을 위한 구체적인 각 항목들에 대해서도 긍정적으로 생각하고 있었다. 또한 수업경영체제 도입에 대한 반대 이유를 분석한 결과, 수업경영체제를 학교 현장에 도입하기 위해서는 현장적합성에 대한 고민, 교사 업무의 경감, 교사 중심의 개선 노력, 학교여건의 구비 및 개선 부분들에 대한 신중한 검토가 필요한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        User Satisfaction and Preference for Activation of Ecological Playgrounds

        이인회,강현경,백승준 인간식물환경학회 2018 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        This study was conducted to suggest more effective ways to create successful ecological playgrounds. For this study, current status of ecological playgrounds, users’ satisfaction and preference were analyzed in July, 2016. A case study was done at Yangpyeong ecological playground, Umyeonsan ecological playground, and Gulponuri ecological playground. To detect current status, location suitability, naturality, eco-education playfulness, and rest・community were examined. Also, It examined users’ satisfaction by accessibility, rest・community facility and preference with programs. As a result, planting rate of native species compared to total species did not exceed maximum 45%. Distribution of educational guidance facilities compared to nature experience and play facilities was at least 62.5%. As a result of analyzing satisfaction and preferences on selected sites, users generally had above average level of satisfaction on a 5-point scale. By contrast, the satisfaction on rest facilities, including pergolas and benches was lower. So complementarity of rest and community was required. In case of preference about additional programs at ecological playgrounds, the average preference of taste focused programs was the lowest among programs focusing five senses. Hence, to boost participation and maximize effectiveness of ecological experience, more sensory educational programs should be considered, such as forest observation, smelling flowers focused on olfactory sense, and listening to sounds in forest focused on auditory sense. In additional facilities preference, users most wanted to supplement and add play rides, pergolas and benches. Users wanted to expand rest spaces and experience learning center on a similar level at every single selected site. This study focused on current status analysis of ecological playgrounds in the targeted places, satisfaction of users and preference survey. With ecological resource utilization program plans considering communities, corporations, and environment, it would be able to contribute to bigger creation effects.

      • KCI등재

        Twin System of a Successful Charter School and Policy Implications

        이인회 한국디지털정책학회 2018 디지털융복합연구 Vol.16 No.7

        American charter schools are independent public schools of choice, freed from rules but accountable for results. Charter schools have celebrated the 25th anniversary of its creation in 2017 and become part of landscape of public education in America. However, little research has been conducted on an individual charter school. This study aimed to examine the major factors of a successful charter school. A qualitative approach was employed. Seven one-hour in-depth interviews were conducted with semi-structured interview questions. And four teachers were participated. The conclusions are as follows: First, there is the combination of system and cultural factors as major successful factors of the Dayton Early College Academy. Second, system factors are the gateways and the advisory that is a twin at the charter school. The findings are considered to be applied for Korean educational settings and the implications can be used for policy development in Korea.

      • KCI등재

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