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      • KCI등재

        외국인 학부 유학생의 대학 생활 적응에 관한 혼합 연구

        이인혜 국제한국어교육학회 2020 한국어 교육 Vol.31 No.4

        The present study investigates international students' adjustment to college in South Korea. Data were collected from 102 international college students through the College Adjustment Survey (CAS) and through qualitative interviews. The results showed the following: 1) freshmen’s adjustment level was the highest while sophomore was the lowest. This indicates that when first-year international students move up to the second year, they would struggle to adjust in college; 2) international students in the humanities and social sciences seem to have more difficulty in language/academic adjustment than those in other majors; 3) the length of stay in South Korea was a variable that had a great influence on college adjustment. In particular, the adaptation to college was low for the group whose stay was between 1 and 3 years; 4) according to the participants’ self-assessed proficiency of Korean, there were differences in academic, language, and cultural adaptation; 5) social adaptation was highly correlated with the categories of college/major satisfaction, job adaptation, and career preparation. This suggests that social support is important, especially the presence of peers from their home countries as a strong source of social support for international students.

      • KCI등재

        억제기능 결함과 도박중독의 관계 : 카지노 도박중독자들을 중심으로

        이인혜,김영주,강성군 한국건강심리학회 2011 한국심리학회지 건강 Vol.16 No.3

        Researches on gambling issues from neuro-cognitive perspective are keep increasing and developing as years pass by. This study was to investigate the relationship between deficiency on inhibition and gambling problems. According to the Dillon and Pizzagalli(2007) 's multi-dimensional theory, this study divided inhibition into cognitive, emotional and behavioral inhibition. The participants were 24 pathological casino gamblers who were all males as a gambling addiction group, and 21 men who were sampled in community as a control group. All participants completed K-NODS, working memory test, and 3 tasks which were designed to evaluate inhibitory functions of cognitive, emotional, and motor responses. The results were as follows; On Stroop Negative Priming Task for evaluating cognitive inhibition, the gambling addiction group slowed more than the control group on their reaction time by failing inhibiting of distractor stimulation. On Emotional Go/No-Go Task for evaluating inhibition of emotional responses, the addiction group reacted more incorrectly, made more error of false alarm, and showed faster(impulsive) reaction time than the control group on sad emotional task. And they were shorter on stop-signal delay time of Stop-Signal Task for evaluating behavioral(motor) inhibition synthesis, the addiction group showed defection for inhibiting prepotent motor responses and had difficulty for inhibiting distractor stimulation. These results suggest that gambling addiction group has comprehensive defection in terms of inhibitory function.

      • KCI등재

        초등 통합교과 교사용 지도서에 나타난 교사 자율성 분석

        이인혜,정광순 한국통합교육과정학회 2019 통합교육과정연구 Vol.13 No.3

        In this study, it was analyzed whether the teacher's guidebook for the elementary integrated subjects gave autonomy to teachers who performed the curriculum. Seven primary school teachers participated in this analysis, a 'Teacher Implementation Autonomy Profile(TIAP)' method developed by Silverstein & Ben-Peretz(1987) was used. As a result of the analysis, firstly, the teacher's guidebook for the elementary integrated subjects has gradually increased the level of information to enable teachers to exercise autonomy in implementing the curriculum, the development of the seventh curriculum was seen as a turning point for change. Second, we could see that in the teacher's guidebook for the elementary integrated subjects, teachers have been perceived as choosing rather than developing curriculum, and by extension as pedagogic experts rather than subject-matter expert. Based on the results of this study, three questions were discussed: why the development of the seventh curriculum was a turning point, does the amount of information was important or not, and what teacher concepts should be taken in relation to the curriculum. 본 연구에서는 통합교과 교사용 지도서가 교육과정을 실행하는 교사에게 자율성을 주는지를 분석하였다. 이 분석에 초등 교사 7명이 참여했고, Silberstein & Ben-Peretz(1987)가 개발한 ‘교사의 교육과정 실행 자율성 프로파일(Teacher Implementation Autonomy Profile, TIAP)’ 분석 도구를 사용하였다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 통합교과의 교사용 지도서는 교사의 교육과정 실행 자율성을 발휘하도록 하는 정보수준을 점차 늘려 왔고, 제7차 교육과정 교사용 지도서가 변화의 분기점임을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 통합교과 지도서는 교사를 교육과정 자료 개발자보다는 선택자로, 내용 전문가(contents experts)보다는 교수학 전문가(pedagogic experts)로 인식해 왔음을 알 수 있었다. 이 연구 결과를 기반으로 왜 제7차 교육과정 교사용 지도서가 변화의 분기점인가, 교사용 지도서에서 제공하는 정보의 양이 중요한가, 교사용 지도서는 교육과정과 관련해서 어떤 교사 개념을 취해야 하는가 하는 세 가지 질문을 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        강우처리 및 수확 지연에 따른 콩 종실 특성 및 수량성 변화

        이인혜,서민정,박명렬,김남걸,이기범,이유영,김미향,이병원,윤홍태,Lee, Inhye,Seo, Min-Jung,Park, Myoung Ryoul,Kim, Nam-Geol,Yi, Gibum,Lee, Yu-young,Kim, Mihyang,Lee, Byong Won,Yun, Hong-Tae 한국작물학회 2020 한국작물학회지 Vol.65 No.4

        Recently in Korea, soybean harvesting has been delayed due to rainfall during the harvesting season, resulting in a reduction in yield and seed quality. This study was conducted to analyze the changes in yield and seed quality during delayed harvest with rainfall treatment using different harvesting methods, including field harvesting and polyethylene film covering after cutting fully-matured soybean plants (PE covering after cutting), with two major Korean soybean cultivars (Glycine max L), Pungsannamulkong and Daewonkong. The shattering rate of Pungsannamulkong, which is higher than that of Daewonkong, increased up to 41.8% when the harvest was delayed for 40 days without rainfall treatment by harvesting with PE covering after cutting. The weight of 100 seeds tended to decrease slightly as harvesting was delayed. When Daewonkong was harvested using the PE covering after cutting method with rainfall treatment, the yield decreased to the lowest level with a 0.8 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> daily reduction rate. Pungsannamulkong showed the lowest yield when harvested using PE covering after cutting without rainfall treatment with a 3.4 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> daily reduction rate. The infected seed rate increased according to the harvest delay in both cultivars, and significant differences were observed according to rainfall treatment and harvesting method. The germination rate was maintained above 95% even after 40 days of delayed harvest if there was no rainfall treatment. However, with rainfall treatment, the germination rate was significantly lowered as harvesting time was delayed. In the field harvesting with rainfall treatment, the germination rate decreased to 77.2% for Daewonkong and 76.5% for Pungsannamulkong after 40 days of harvest delay. For the 100-seed weight, effects of individual treatments and interactions between treatments were not observed. In contrast, the effect of interactions between treatments on the shattering rate was significant in both cultivars, indicating that the shattering rate had the greatest impact on the yield changes during delayed harvest.

      • Watson 간호이론의 분석 및 평가

        이인혜 中央醫學社 1997 中央醫學 Vol.62 No.3

        Watson has developed a nursing theory based on humanity and caring through interpersonal relationship. The theory newly introduced the curative factors which are in contrast to the curative factors in medicine. The theory also emphasized that the essence of nursing should be based on caring, in particular, inter subjective transpersonal caring in which a higher degree of harmony within mind, body and soul which generates self-knowledge, self-reverence, self-healing, and self-care process are to be gained. In this study the Watson's theory is analyzed and evaluated based on the theory evaluation model developed by Kim(1989) to explore its potential in nursing research.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        외국인 학부 유학생의 자기결정성 동기 유형과 학업 스트레스 연구

        이인혜,공하림 고려대학교 한국언어문화학술확산연구소 2019 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.45 No.-

        The present study investigates the relationship between self-determination motivation and academic stress of international undergraduate students in Korea. Data were collected from 138 international college students through the SRQ-A (Ryan, 2004) and the Academic Stress Survey for International College Students in Korea. The results showed the following; 1) the results of the six-level of the self-determination motivation in the SRQ-A was in order of the highest mean to the lowest mean are: identified regulation, integrated regulation, introjected regulation, intrinsic motivation, external regulation, and amotivation; 2) the means of identified regulation, integrated regulation, and intrinsic motivation of international undergraduate students were lower than those of the Korean language learners from the previous studies (Koh & Kim, 2011; Hong, 2017; Jung, 2018). On the other hand, the mean of amotivation was higher than that of the Korean learners of the language courses from the previous studies; 3) the external regulation and introjected regulation showed positive correlations with the academic stress, while integrated regulation and identified regulation showed a negative correlation. 본 연구에서는 외국인 학부 유학생들을 대상으로 자기결정성 동기와 학업 스트레스 및 둘의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 한국에서 유학 중인 138명의 학습자를 대상으로 조사한 결과, 자기결정성 동기는 ‘동일시 조절 > 통합된 조절 > 주입된 조절 > 내재적 동기 > 외적 조절 > 무동기’ 순으로 평균이 높았다. 동일시 조절, 통합된 조절, 내재적 동기는 선행연구의 한국어교육기관 학습자들에 비해 낮게 나타났고 무동기는 높게 나타났다. 외적 조절과 주입된 조절은 스트레스와 정적 상관관계를 보였고, 통합된 조절과 동일시 조절은 부적 관계에 있었다. 국내에 유입되는 유학생들은 해가 지날수록 증가하고 있지만 중도 포기율 또한 높아지고 있다. 따라서 이들을 위해 무동기와 외적 조절이 내면화된 동기 유형으로 전환될 수 있도록 도와주어야 하며, 학업 스트레스 또한 조절할 수 있도록 교육적 지원이 모색되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        중국인 한국어 학습자의 모어 작문과 한국어 작문 비교 연구

        이인혜,전형길 국제한국어교육학회 2014 한국어 교육 Vol.25 No.2

        Inhye Lee. Hyeoung-Gil Jeon. 2014. Comparative Study of L1-L2 Composition of Chinese KFL Students. Journal of Korean Language Education 25-2: 135-163. This study analyzed composition and interview results of Chinese KFL students in order to discover similarities and differences. We examined each part of the composition structure. We found that the Korean compositions (KCs) were mainly deductive. However, the Chinese compositions (CCs) were more non-deductive and had more personal stories. In the body, KCs showed structures which had sequence indicators and parallel lists. On the other hand, CCs showed a structure in which the authors used several examples and facts to support their main opinions. Most KCs had conclusions that summarized the body. Conversely, there were several different kinds of conclusions in CCs. By examining both expressions and meanings of the texts`` linguistic characteristics, we were able to see a difference in discourse markers including final phrases. Exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions, and sentence parallelism were used in CCs. Usage of many of these Chinese rhetorical devices was also spread to KCs. Also, many Chinese cultural subjects were used in KCs. Through this study, we discovered that L1-L2 compositions had large differences when looking at their structures. However, there were both differences and similarities in their linguistic characteristics. Also, there is a need for both students and teachers to be open to interlanguage results when completing L2 compositions using L1 resources.(Korea University)

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