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      • KCI등재

        치병설화(治病說話); 질병체험의 문학적 재현과 병자(病者)를 향한 타자(他者)의 시선

        이인경 ( In Gyung Lee ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2012 어문론총 Vol.56 No.-

        This paper analyzed the experiences of suffering from diseases, depicted by literary expression in the Korean Remedy Stories which are transmitted orally or included in books. As a result, I found that various human thought about the causes of diseases and the ways to cope with them in the stories. In the stories included in books, the narrator supported that the king could get over an epidemic thanks to divine protection, which shows the king`s moral legitimacy and divineness. The fact that the king had suffered from the same disease as the people did, contains very serious meaning. Because it can be expected that the king would willingly to do his best to assist his people suffering from the same pain as he had. Meanwhile, in the stories orally transmitted, kings are usually portrayed as very strange persons suffering from ridiculous diseases which can be cured with preposterous medicine or dirty things such as bugger, dead skin cell, horse-urine etc. This stories hint censure of the king regarded as a stranger by his subjects, because people used to suppose that king is a person widely different from themselves. For that reason, they could not feel real sympathy with the king suffering from illness, and rather to criticized him instead of showing compassion. On the other hand, it shows that the storyteller would criticize sharply the king`s political corruption exposed as a figurative form, disease. The Remedy Stories do not focus on the pain, feeling and desire of the patients suffering from disease. The narrators tell us the stories about the doctors or the family members to care their patients, insead of patients themselves. Consequently the patients` voices disappeared and patients are always alienated in the stories. We can not easily understand the patients` agony, because it is impossible to completely share or sympathize for the other`s physical pain. Especially, the male-narrators used to look at the female patient and her body from a sexual viewpoint. They always regarded the female patient`s body only as genital organs. In conclusion, it is found that the human primarily should suffer from the same pain as others in his lifetime. Even if it were so, the personal pain could not be properly shared with others, because it is absolutely private experiences.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구비설화에 나타난 '出嫁外人' 담론과 여성의 정체성

        이인경(Lee In gyung) 한국고전여성문학회 2002 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.5

        본고는 구비설화에 나타난 '出嫁外人' 담론을 분석함으로써 전통사회에서의 여성의 정체성 문제를 살펴본 것이다. '출가외인' 담론을 담고 있는 구비설화들은 전승자들에게 '출가외인' 이데올로기를 내면화시키고 재생산하는 기능을 수행하고 있다. 그러나 구비설화는 이런 이데올로기가 전통사회의 여성들에게 정체감의 혼란을 가져다주었을 뿐 아니라, 남성들에게는 가족구성원 중 여성에 대한 신뢰를 무너뜨림으로써 결과적으로 가족공동체의 유대가 깨어지는 사태를 낳았음도 잘 보여주고 있다. 한편 화자의 성별에 따라 설화 각편의 의미가 상이하게 해석되는 현상을 통해서 '출가외인' 담론을 바라보는 남녀 가족 구성원들의 입장 차이를 확인하게 되는데, 이는 구비설화의 전승현장이 곧 가족 문제에 대한 토론공간으로서 긍정적인 기능을 수행할 수 있음을 시사한다. This thesis is to examine the issue of a womans identity in traditional society by analyzing the discourse of Chool-gah-Wayne(出嫁外人), a married woman who is no longer regarded as a family member of hers, represented in folktales. The folktales that contained Chool-gah-Wayne discourse are performing internalization and reproduction of Chool-gah-Wayne ideology for bearers. However, these folktales also display thoroughly the critical situation that not only did this ideology bring confusion in womans identity in traditional society, but also destroyed mens trust for women among family members which consequently resulted in breaking up the ties of family community. Meanwhile, it was possible to confirm different standpoints between women and men of family members to look at Chool-gah-wayne discourse since the meaning of each folktale was differently interpreted according to the sex of informer. This demonstrates that the field of transmitting folktale was able to serve a positive feature as a forum of debate for family issues. After all, folktales that contain Chool-gah-wayne discourse provide productive debate subjects to reestablish womens identities who are leading keep on living inside of modern family structure.

      • KCI등재

        “운명, 복 · 행복, 공생(共生)”에 관한 담론 - <차복설화>에 대한 성찰적 읽기-

        이인경 ( Lee In-gyung ) 한국문학치료학회 2015 문학치료연구 Vol.37 No.-

        이 논문은 <차복설화〉를 현재적 관점에서 재해석하여 삶의 현장에 비판적으로 적용해봄으로써, 이 설화에 담긴 운명론이나 행복관이 우리의 현재적 삶에 어떤 의미를 주는지를 고찰한 것이다. <차복설화〉에 대한 이런 성찰적 독해는 21세기 자본주의사회의 무한경쟁 속에서 치열하게 분투 중인 우리 현실을 대상화함으로써, 일상 속에 매몰된 “나`의 참모습과 내재된 욕망을 객관적이고 냉정하게 직시하는 기회를 제공해준다. 이 설화에서 주인공은 운명의 힘을 인정하지만 거기에 굴하지 않고 타인의 복(福)을 빌려와 자신의 가난한 운명을 벗어나려고 하는 운명개척의지를 드러낸다. 그러나 그의 운명대응방식은 운명에 대한 근본적인 철학적 성찰이 없이, 철저히 세속적이고 물질주의적인 성취를 추구하는 데에 머물고 있다. 필자는 복의 의미를 이런 가족중심의 현세적 쾌락주의에서 찾으려 하지 말과 보다 초월적인 도덕적 가치와 공동체적 삶을 위한 관심과 실천으로 시야를 확대해야 함을 피력하였다. 또한 복의 의미를 물질적 풍요가 아닌 가족이나 좋은 이웃과의 소중한 만남에서도 찾을 수 있음을 보였다. 차복이의 치부(致富)는 물물교환에서 출발한 상업적 메커니즘을 통해서 시작되었는바, 이는 자본주의 경제구조와 맥을 같이한다. 물론 차복이의 착한 성품, 정직함 성실함이 재물을 증식하는 안정적 기반이 되었지만, 차복이의 자산형성과 증식은 역시 행운에 의한 것임을 알 수 있었다 차복이의 자본형성 과정은 총량이 정해진 것을 다수가 나누어갖는 경제적 분배구조 안에서 이루어졌던바, 이는 양적(量的)성장이 동반되지 않으면 한정된 자본의 분배를 두고 치열하게 경쟁하는 냉정한 “제로섬 게임 zero-sum game” 을 보여준다. 차복이의 부는 타인의 것을 잠시 빌려온 것이었기에, 그는 만기가 되자 전 재산을 원래 주인에게 돌려주기로 한다. 이는 지구상의 모든 자연환경과 자원은 후손으로부터 빌려온 것이므로 고마운 마음으로 동식물과 함께 평화롭게 공유하다가 본래 상태대로 보존하여 미래로 넘겨줘야 한다는 생태주의적 관점으로 해석할 수 있다. <차복설화〉에 대한 성찰적 독해는, 운명의 복주머니 크기와 관계없이 스스로 행복하다고 느끼며 사는 것이 진정한 복이라는 것, 현재 자신이 소유한 것의 가치를 인식하고 감사하며 현실을 불평하지 않고 만족면서 충분히 누리며 사는 것이야말로 복 받은 삶임을 깨닫게 해준다. The key objective of this study is to interpret the Korean folktale <The Predestined Poor Person Begged for fortune〉 from the perspective of Modern Times and consider fatalism and human happiness carefully, which the tale depicts. These reflexive interpretations provide us excellent opportunities to objectively monitor our struggle in the aggressive competition in capitalist societies in the twenty-first century, and to face realities obscured in daily lives such as our hidden desires and distress. I suggest that we refrain from finding the significance of fortune in materialistic and individualistic pleasures such as money and prosperity of family, but aspire toward moral values of the community and our immortal souls. Moreover, this tale presented the ecological conscience that we must preserve resources of the earth and pass it on to the future generations, who have the ownership and have temporarily rented it to us. Finally, this study suggests that we can be very happy and lucky when we are contented with our routine and are grateful for the same.

      • KCI등재

        설화전승자의 의식 변화와 "제사설화(祭祀說話)"의 미래 -<644-3 제사 차린 정성 부족하다고 해 끼친 혼령> 설화를 중심으로-

        이인경 ( In Gyung Lee ) 한국문학언어학회( 구- 경북어문학회) 2010 어문론총 Vol.52 No.-

        This paper researched what would be the future of oral transmission depending on the change of bearers` viewpoints and philosophy, especially about the `folktales related to ancestor memorial rites`. This study had been proceeded as follows. I had some students who were at college or graduate school appreciate the `folktales related to ancestor memorial rites` and make descriptions of their impressions. And then, I compared their various impressions and interpretations found in their descriptions with the storytellers` messages deduced from the folktale versions they narrated orally. As the result, I found there is a great difference between the two. The students, that is the younger generation, do not agree with the sense of values Confucian ideology, that the storytellers emphasize in their folktale versions. In contemporary Korea family culture, there coexist the nuclear family and the large family. So, The younger generation is in a confused state of values Confucian ideology. Especially the young women are oriented towards the nuclear family around the husband and wife rather than the large family around the traditional patriarchal dignity. In Conclusion, I suppose that the future of oral transmission of the `folktales related to ancestor memorial rites` is not good. Because it seems that the most bearers, who should hand over Korean folktales in the future, would not willingly transmit `the folktales related to ancestor memorial rites`.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

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