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        물리적 공간으로부터 감각적 공간으로의 전이 - Anish Kapoor와 Olafur Eliasson의 작품을 중심으로-

        이수홍 ( Soo Hong Lee ),신승연 ( Seung Yun Shin ) 한국영상미디어협회 2015 예술과 미디어 Vol.14 No.2

        인간의 감각을 통해 물리적으로 지각 되어지는 공간과 더불어 그 안에서 발생하는 모든 것은 인지의 대상이 될 수 있고, 이것을 통한 공간의 특징지어짐은 공간 내의 정보와 이전의 경험에 따라 달라질 수 있다. 인간의 지각을 통해 새로이 인식되는 공간은 유클리드적 공간의 정의를 벗어나 관람자의 경험에 따라 새로운 가치를 부여받는 감각적 공간으로의 전이를 통해 관계적 특성을 갖는 공간으로 탈바꿈한다. 아니쉬 카푸어는 작업을 보는 행위와 지각하는 것을 관객에게 동시에 요구하는 작가로, 관람자의 정신적인 개입과 참여를 통해 자신의 작품세계로 들어갈 수 있도록 유도한다. 그의 작품에서 압도적 규모로부터 느껴지는 감각경험은 관객으로 하여금 자신이 알고 있는 물리적 공간에 대한 개념을 변화시키는 계기를 만들어낸다. 실험적인 설치미술 작업을 하는 올라프 엘리아슨은 관람객이 작품을 보는 행위를 넘어 체험을 통해 작품에 하나가 되어 완성시키도록 만드는 하나의 실험실과 같은 장을 전시장 안에 만들어낸다. 원래의 공간을 익숙하지 않은 공간으로 탈바꿈시켜 기존 사고의 틀을 확대시키고, 공간의 확장을 경험을 통해 공간을 재인식하게 만드는 경험을 유도하는 것이다. 물리적 시각 요소만으로 이루어진 공간 연출과 그를 통해 발현되는 공간에서의 경험은 관람자가 느끼는 감정이 인지적, 지각적 요소로 확대되어 더욱 풍부하고 다양한 경험이 가능한 감각적 공간으로 재탄생 될 수 있는 것이다. 카푸어와 엘리아슨의 작업에서 보여지는 관람자의 적극적 침투를 이끌어내는 작업방식은 관객의 입장에서 보다 다양한 경험을 가능케 하여 인간의 감각을 통해 조각과 인간, 그리고 공간 사이의 관계를 보다 사색적인 경험으로 이끌어낸다. 인식의 과정을 통해 함께 만들어가는 이러한 공간 구성은 더 이상 절대 공간을 추구하지 않고 우리가 바라보는 이 시간과 공간을 공유하며 보는 행위에 대한 우리의 인식을 바꾸고 있다. Sensory perception of space and what occurs within it are subject to human cognition. How one perceives and defines a space differs by the information and history it stores. Installation pieces about space in contemporary arts actively utilize these memories and information to become a part of the work or to mobilize viewers in a direction intended by an artist. Anish Kapoor is an artist who demands viewers to simultaneously see and perceive his works. Viewers are invited to enter his art world once they are psychologically engaged in his works. Kapoor`s sculptures are too large to be perceived at once and the experience of not being able to see the piece as a whole due to its scale is considered as one of the sculptural elements of his work. Such sensory experience creates an opportunity for viewers to redefine the concept of physical space. Olafur Eliasson, known for his experimental installations, creates a laboratory-like space in exhibition halls which allows viewers to not only see, but also become a part of, and therefore complete the work. Eliasson suggests that the concept of perception is more than an act of seeing; it is expanded to the dynamic experience of walking into a piece and spending time in it, which then fosters interrelations between the work and viewers. Thus, previously acquired information from cognitive process is overturned to generate a new type of visual imageries. In other words, existing space is transformed into an unfamiliar one to broaden the boundaries of cognition while the expansion of space is re-recognized through experience. Both artists` strategies to trigger active participation offer viewers a broader range of understanding and lead them to experience the rela tions among sculpture, human beings and space through their senses in a meditative manner. The structure of space established by this cognitive process is not limited to the pursuit of absolute space and changes how we perceive the act of sharing space and time.

      • Study on Flow Structure inside Room Air Conditioner Using Visualization Technique

        이수홍(Soo-Hong Lee),라선욱(Seon-Uk Na),강근(Geun Kang),고한서(Han Seo Ko) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.11

        Whole flow fields of a room air conditioner (RAC) have been visualized by a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique to analyze the flow structure with various inlet and outlet angles, and to control an eccentric vortex which affects an efficiency and noise of the RAC. A test model with 5 stages of a cross flow fan has been manufactured and a transparent acryl has been installed at the side of the test model for the PIV experiment. The inlet and outlet flows and the flow inside the cross flow fan have been analyzed by varying the inlet grill angles and outlet blade angles. The movement of the eccentric vortex has been investigated experimentally by developing the measurement technique for the inner flow field of the cross flow fan. From the visualization of the inner flows, the origins of the noise inside the RAC and the condensation points around the outlet parts of the cold air have been observed and the solution of the problems can be proposed in this study.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영남지역 묘역식지석묘의 특징과 구산동지석묘의 성격

        이수홍(Soo Hong Lee) 부산고고학회 2023 고고광장 Vol.- No.32

        영남지역의 묘역식지석묘를 검토하고, 구산동지석묘의 특징과 성격에 대해 살펴보았다. 영남지역에는 현재까지 56곳의 유적에서 340여기의 묘역식지석묘가 조사되었다. 묘역식지석묘는 영남 각지에 분포한다. 청동기시대 전기의 늦은 시기에 출현하여 초기철기시대까지 지속적으로 축조되었다. 청동기시대 후기에는 거대한 묘역식지석묘가 군집을 이루어 축조된다. 이 시기는 거대한 묘역식지석묘가 계층화의 과정을 보여주지만, 아직 완전한 불평등사회로 진입한 것은 아니다. 초기철기시대가 되면 불평등사회로 진입하면서, 공동체를 위한 것이 아닌 1인을 위한 무덤이 축조되는데 무덤군에서 거대한 묘역식지석묘는 단 1기만 축조된다. 구산동지석묘는 그 규모에서 압도적인 거대함, 무덤군에서 1기만 촌재하는 묘역식 무덤, 상석이 묘역에 직교하고, 매장주체부가 목관(木棺)이며, 출토유물이 기존의 지석묘 출토유물과는 이질적인 옹(甕)과 두형토기(豆形土器)라는 특징이 있다. 초기철기시대에 축조된 것이 확실하며 무덤으로 축조되었다. 김해지역에 새로운 이주민의 정착이 늦어진 것은 구산동지석묘를 축조할 만큼 강력한 세력이 있었기 때문이다. 구산동지석묘는 초기철기시대 재지민이 축조한 최후의 군장묘이다. 청동기시대가 끝나는 전환기에 변화를 받아들이는 모습을 상징적으로 보여준다. 이후 청동기시대는 종언하고 새로운 시대가 개막한다. This study set out to review dolmens with a boundary in the Yeongnam region and examine the characteristics and nature of the Gusan-dong Dolmen. In the Yeongnam region, approximately 340 dolmens with a boundary were investigated at 56 relics. The distribution of dolmens with a boundary covers the entire Yeongnam region. They appeared in a relatively late period of the former part in the Bronze Age and continued to be constructed until the early Iron Age. Entering the latter part of the Bronze Age, large-scale dolmens with a boundary were built in clusters. This period witnessed the stratification process of such large-scale dolmens with a boundary, but they had not entered a completely unequal society yet. Entering the early Iron Age, they entered an unequal society and built graves for individuals rather than the community. Only a large-scale dolmen with a boundary was built for a grave group. The Gusan-dong Dolmen is characterized by its overwhelmingly vast size, its uniqueness as the only dolmen with a boundary in the grave group, its stone stable orthogonal to the grave boundary, its wooden coffin for the subject of burial, and its artifacts heterogeneous from the ones of the old dolmens including jars and pedestal vessel pottery. There is no doubt that the dolmen was built as a tomb in the early Iron Age. The settlement of new migrants in the Gimhae area was late because there was a force that was powerful enough to build the Gusan-dong Dolmen in the area. The Gusan-dong Dolmen was the last chief tomb built by local people in the early Iron Age, displaying their acceptance of changes during a transitional period at the end of the Bronze Age in a symbolic way. It marked the end of the Bronze Age and opened a new age.

      • KCI등재

        토기를 통해 본 청동기시대 사회상

        이수홍(Lee, Soo Hong) 부산고고학회 2020 고고광장 Vol.- No.27

        가장 많이 잔존하는 고고자료인 토기를 활용해 청동기시대 사회상에 접근하고자 하였다. 기존의 토기 연구가편년에 집중되어 있었는데, 편년 이외 토기를 통해 무엇이 밝힐 수 있는지에 대한 검토이다. 토기의 표면에 잔존하는 흑반의 관찰을 통해 어떻게 소성되었는지, 그을음과 탄착흔의 관찰을 통해 어떻게취사하였고, 어떤 음식을 조리하였는지에 대해서 접근할 수 있다. 토기의 기종 차이는 지역성을 나타내기도 하는데, 생업의 차이를 반영하는 것이다. 동일한 기종이라도 기형이나 문양에서 지역성을 보인다. 동남해안지역의 검단리식토기, 부산지역의 연지동식토기, 호서지역의 플라스크형 적색마연토기, 경남지역의 함안식적색마연토기, 서부경남과 동부전남지역의 채문토기는 특정지역에서만출토되어 지역상을 보인다. 돌대문토기, 횡대구획문토기, 타날문토기, 점토대토기는 이주의 결과 한반도 남부지역에 출현하였으며, 파수부 심발형토기, 파수부 적색마연토기, 플라스크형 적색마연토기는 주민의 왕래에 의해 인접한 곳으로 전파되었다. 토기의 분포권을 집단과 연결시킨 최초의 사례는 고조선의 표지적인 유물로 인식되어 온 미송리형토기이다. 최근에는 점토대토기를 고조선과 연결시키기도 한다. 집단의 정체성에 대한 연구는 고고학에서 끊임없이 추구해야 할 연구 분야지만 신중을 기할 필요가 있다. This study set out to approach the social aspects of Bronze Age with pottery, which offers the most affluent archeological materials remaining today. As the previous pottery studies has been focused on dating, they were the studies of what can be revealed through the features of pottery itself without the dating. The investigator examined the methods of making pottery by observing carbon traces by firing on the surfaces and the cooking methods and types of food they cooked by observing soot and scorching. Differences among the types of pottery reflected local colors or different occupations among different areas. Even under the same type of pottery, the local colors were reflected through forms and patterns. The Geomdanri-type pottery of the southeastern coastal area, Yeonjidong-type pottery of Busan, flask-type red burnished jars of Hoseo region, Haman-type red burnished jars of Gyeongnam region, and pottery with an eggplant design of western Gyeongnam and eastern Jeonnam were excavated only in certain respective areas and reflected their local aspects. The Doldaemun pottery, pottery with a line section, pottery with a stamp design, and clay-stripe pottery were excavated in the southern regions of the Korean Peninsula as a result of migration. The deep bowl pottery with handles, red burnished pottery with handles and holes, and flask-type red burnished pottery were spread to adjacent places through the travel of residents. The first case of connecting the distribution areas of pottery to a group was the Misongri-type pottery regarded as a marker artifact of Gojoseon. In recent years, the clay-stripe pottery has been connected to Gojoseon. The field of archeology needs to pursue research on the identity of a group constantly with caution.

      • 동시 공학에 의한 자동차 전장 시스템 연구

        이수홍(Soo-Hong Lee),최두선(Doo-Sun Choi) 한국자동차공학회 1993 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Design and production of wiring for automobile systems provide the background for the development of concurrent engineering framwork. Key issues include the development of an architecture that supports collaboration among engineers associated with different parts of the wiring design process and the development of hierarchical representations that capture the different characteristics (e.g., connectivity. geometry) of the harnesses. The abstraction of design information results in features. while the abstraction of operations leads to the development of agents. These abstracts are essential for efficient transactions among people and computer tools in a domain that involves numerous interacting constraints. We have decomposed the wiring design process into four basic categories of tasks that are each addressed by an "agent": the Environment Editor(EE). the Free Space Manager(FSM). the Wiring Editor(WE), and the Pan Selector(PS). In this paper the strategy for the problem decomposition. the definition of features. and the ways in which features, are used by various agents. are discussed. We conclude with a discussion of some of the issues raised by the project and the Steps underway to address them.<br/>

      • Study on Variation of Onset Voltage by Electric Conductivity for Electrostatic Droplet Ejection

        이수홍(Soo-Hong Lee),Nguyen Xuan Hung,김승배(Seung-Bae Kim),고한서(Han Seo Ko) 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.11

        An effect of applied electric potential and physico-chemical parameters on a droplet diameter has been analyzed numerically. Smaller droplets can be ejected from a nozzle by applying electrostatic potential between the nozzle and liquids. Although the droplets have been formed until the critical value of the electric potential, unstable liquid jets with multiple satellite droplets have been observed at higher electric potentials. The critical value of the electric potential is called as an onset voltage in this study. Equations for the onset voltage have been developed by many researchers. Since the developed equations are appropriate for only their cases, a numerical analysis has been performed in this study to calculate the droplet diameters and the onset voltages accurately by various functions such as a surface tension of liquid, a distance between a nozzle and electrode, an inside diameter of the nozzle, etc.

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