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      • KCI등재

        거제도 가라산·노자산 일대 낙엽활엽수림의 생태적 특성 규명

        이수동,조봉교,이광규,염정헌,오충현,Lee, Soo-Dong,Cho, Bong-Gyo,Lee, Gyounggyu,Yeum, Jung-Hun,Oh, Chung-Hyeon 한국환경생태학회 2021 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 남해안에 분포하는 양호한 산림 식생의 복원과 관리뿐만 아니라 장기적인 측면에서 기후변화에 따른 변화 경향을 파악하고자 가라산과 노자산 서사면에 분포하는 식생의 식물군집구조 특성을 조사·분석하였다. 86개 조사구를 대상으로 군락을 분류한 결과, 저지대를 중심으로 분포하는 곰솔-굴피나무군락, 곰솔-소나무군락, 계곡부 및 전석지대를 중심으로 출현하는 개서어나무-낙엽활엽수군락, 때죽나무-낙엽활엽수군락, 고로쇠나무-낙엽활엽수군락, 낙엽활엽수군락, 느티나무군락, 상대적으로 해발고가 높고 급경사 사면에 분포하는 졸참나무군락, 졸참나무-때죽나무군락, 때죽나무-소사나무군락, 참회나무군락으로 유형화되었다. 천이경향상 상록침엽수는 낙엽활엽수로의 천이가 진행될 것이나 수령이 약 50년인 개서어나무, 느티나무, 고로쇠나무 등 낙엽활엽교목림은 층위구조가 발달되었을 뿐만 아니라 생태적으로 안정되어 현재의 상태를 유지할 것으로 판단되었다. 환경요인으로는 표고, pH, 점토와 실트의 함량, Mg<sup>++</sup>, Ca<sup>++</sup> 등이 식물 군락 분포에 직간접적으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. This study was conducted to investigate and analyze the characteristics of the plant community structure of vegetation distributed on the western slope and ridge connecting Mt. Noja to Mt. Gara. This basic research was executed not only to restore and manage forest vegetation, but also to monitor the trend of change in the long term. As a result of classifying the communitise in 86 survey quadrats, the Pinus thunbergii-Platycarya strobilacea comm. and P. thunbergii-P. densiflora comm. were distributed around the lowlands. The Carpinus tschonoskii-Deciduous broad-leaved comm., Styrax japonicus-Deciduous broad-leaved comm., Acer pictum subsp. Mono-Deciduous broad-leaved comm., Deciduous broad-leaved comm., and Zelkova serrata comm. appeared in the valley and all stone areas. Quercus serrata comm., Q. serrata-S. japonicus comm., S. japonicus-Carpinus cordata comm., Euonymus oxyphyllus comm. were classified as being distributed on steep slopes with relatively high altitude. According to the succession trend of the forest, evergreen conifers will be transition to deciduous broad-leaved trees. However, deciduous broad-leaved arboreous forests, such as Carpinus tschonoskii, zelkova serrata, and Acer pictum subsp. Mono, were considered to maintain their current succession stage because not only the stratified structure was developed over about 50 years tree age, but also ecologically stabilized. As environmental factors, it was analyzed that altitude, pH, content of clay and silt, Mg<sup>++</sup>, Ca<sup>++</sup>, etc. directly or indirectly affect the distribution of plant communities.

      • KCI등재

        소규모 공공시설 개발 사업지의 생태적 복원 연구 - 고양시 일산정수장 조성예정지를 사례로 -

        이수동,강현경,Lee, soo-Dong,Kang, Hyun-Kyung 한국조경학회 2008 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.6

        This research is to apply suitable natural ecosystem evaluation criteria in order to develop the ecosystem conservation, restoration and ways to build substitute habitats as a compensation plan for damaged soundly natural ecosystems in small-scale projects such as resource recovery facility, filtration, etc. The environmental ecology evaluation i.e. generally based on their actual vegetation, community structure, wildlife, water system survey were measured the primary plans for reflecting unique natural environment level of site. As a result, it is necessary to conserve the land in fallow type of wetland, good conservative condition of deciduous forest, wetlanded watercourse for amphibia and reptiles crossing. However, the plan of filtration plant was destroyed wetland(sound ecosystem), natural forest, asian toad spawning area. According to the result of it schemed to build alternative wetland and spawning area, plan to healthy ecosystem and surface soil transplantation as compensation plan. The alternative wetland and spawning area are not only created a various water levels like depth of water is $0{\sim}30cm,\;30{\sim}60cm$, more than 1.5m but also it leads to asian toad spawning and wildlife inhabitant. Moreover, the ecosystem and surface soil transplantation be applied to use the Quercus acutissima forest resources(114 upper trees, 71 canopy trees, 401 shrubs) and surface soil$(5,072m^3)$ in ecology creation sets.

      • KCI등재

        택지개발지구에서의 비오톱 평가에 기초한 환경생태계획 기법 연구

        이수동,Lee, Soo-Dong 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.34 No.6

        Since 1990, urban areas have been expanded rapidly due to the concentration of the population and several development projects including large scale apartment complexes and residential developments. Due to these development projects, the quality and functions of ecosystems have been continuously degraded, regardless of public agencies' efforts introducing development index, guideline, and amendment of law for sustaining the quality of ecosystems. Substantial guideline and content cannot expect the sustainable maintenance of nation's natural resources. Recent improve this situation, ecological planning was introduced, but research data of environments and objective systems were not enough showing the limits. The purposes of this study were to reduce the urban sprawl caused by residential development plans for environment-friendly residential developments, to establish applicable ecological planning, and to suggest the land use plans that reduce adverse effects of developments to nature ecosystem.

      • KCI등재

        담수호소 유역 수변의 생태적 특성과 관리방안 연구 - 사천시 두량저수지를 사례로 -

        이수동,김상범,Lee, Soo-Dong,Kim, Sang-Bum 한국조경학회 2009 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.37 No.1

        The freshwater lakes located at the fringe of urban cities are a habitat for diverse organisms. However, they are facing severe danger of environment deterioration and water pollution caused by reckless development of the area. In this study, an ecological management plan was suggested to promote the biodiversity through appointing management area based on the research and analysis data of flora and fauna as well as maintain biodiversity and harmonize utilization of freshwater lakes such as Duryang Reservoir at Sacheon, Gyeongsangnam-do. Base on the data of ecological research and analysis, this study conducted research on biotope assessment, wild life habitat assessment and presence of protected species. As a result, the ecosystem conservation area including multi-layer structured natural forests, waterside and wetland that are home to various species and the edge area with high habitat diversity were recognized as highly preservable regions. Management areas were ecologically disturbed region, highly polluted commercial district and damaged waterside caused by fishing. Proactive management must be implemented through vegetation management such as vegetation transition and shrub planting as well as establishing pollutant management system. The deterioration of waterside and forest vegetation of freshwater lake has a direct influence on biodiversity and water quality. Therefore, the conservation area and development area should be totally separated from each other, and the development area must be restored and managed strictly. 도시 근교에 입지한 담수호소는 다양한 생물이 서식하는 생물다양성의 보고이나, 무계획적인 이용의 증가로 수질오염과 식생훼손의 위험에 직면해 있다. 이에 본 연구는 사천시 두량저수지를 대상으로 담수호소의 생물다양성 유지와 이용의 조화를 추구하기 위한 관리방안을 제안하고자 동 식물 생태계의 정밀한 조사 분석 자료에 근거한 관리지역 설정 과정을 거쳐 생물다양성 증진을 위한 생태적인 관리방안을 제안하였다. 생태계 조사 분석 자료를 바탕으로 비오톱 유형 평가, 야생동물 서식처 평가, 보호종 출현 유무를 종합한 결과, 생태계 보전지역으로 설정된 지역은 층위 구조가 형성된 자연림과 생물서식의 기반을 제공하는 수면 및 습지, 서식처 다양성이 높은 주연부 지역이 보전가치가 있었다. 관리지역은 식생이 교란된 지역, 오염강도가 높은 상업지, 공업지 등과 낚시로 인해 훼손된 수변지역으로, 식생천이 유도, 관목식재 등의 식생관리와 오염물질관리 체계 구축을 통한 적극적인 관리가 시도되어야 할 것이다. 담수호소에 있어 수변식생과 산림식생 훼손은 생물다양성 및 수질에 직접적인 영향을 미치므로 보존지역과 이용지역을 명확하게 구분하고 이용지역 이외에는 엄정하게 복원 관리하여야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        경기도 동부권 광역자원 회수시설 조경설계

        이수동,장종수,강현경,Lee Soo-Dong,Jang Jong-Su,Kang Hyun-Kyung 한국조경학회 2006 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.34 No.2

        As the local self-government are stabilized and the environmental value is becoming more important among local residents, the occurrence of the anti-movements against waste treatment facilities is getting more frequent. Opposing to build the reuse facilities of wastes takes place because of concerning of health and hygiene, as well as matters of unclear policy making process. However, these facilities must be built in somewhere for the convenience and profit of the public. The NIMBY phenomenon against reuse facilities of wastes could be a burden for the city operation system, and it could worsen citizens' quality of life in the long run. In these lights, reuse and recycling facilities of wastes in East region are necessary facilities improving citizens' quality of life and enhancing the growth of cities in the region. However, there have been concerning of deforestation during the construction process of the facilities. The landscape design presented here for these facilities considers the features of the environmental ecosystem and tries to establish a plan to preserve the natural environment of the City of Ichon. This paper presents methods minimizing adverse effects of the facilities on the existing environments and promoting the city image with integrating culture, tourism, landscape and environment of the city. The landscape design makes efforts to harmonize natural environments in the site, human activities and culture. Well-being park was aimed to lead healthy and energetic outdoor activities of local residents. Ecological park was aimed to enhance the ecological functions of the forests and restore the valley ecology. Culture park was aimed to capture the city identity by creating a place that contains all the variety of meanings of the City of Ichon.

      • KCI등재

        예천 금당실 송림의 생태적 특성 및 관리방안

        이수동 ( Soo Dong Lee ),이찬 ( Chan Lee ),김동욱 ( Don Wook Kim ),김지석 ( Ji Suk Kim ) 한국환경생태학회 2013 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        본 연구는 천연기념물 제469호로 지정된 예천 금당실 송림의 실질적인 보존관리방안 수립을 위한 기초자료를 확보하고 지속가능한 관리 및 보호방안을 제안하였다. 숲에 영향을 주는 문제점을 방지하고 저감하여 숲의 지속가능한 이용과 보전을 위해 본 연구에서는 지형 및 지세, 토지이용, 수목 생육현황, 토양환경, 이용 및 관리현황 등을 조사·분석하였다. 예천 금당실 송림은 해발 130~140m의 평탄지에 위치하며, 주변지역은 대부분 경작지로 이용되었다. 송림에 식재된 수목은 총 565주이며, 이중 소나무가 558주이고 25개의 밑둥이 확인되었다. 식재된 소나무는 흉고직경 30~50㎝에 집중되어 있었으며, 평균 수령은 85.4년이었고, 최고 수령은 약 200년으로 추정되었다. 표본목의 가지 생장량은 연간 4.3~5.1㎝이며 가장 생장이 왕성한 중앙의 가지는 3년간 평균 24.2㎝의 생장을 보였다. 7개 조사구의 토양 이화학적 특성 분석 결과 유기물 함량, 전질소, 유효인산, 전기전도도 항목은 비교적 양호하였으나, 토양 pH, 치환성 양이온 등의 항목에서 개선이 필요하였다. 현재 내부의 시설물와 이용압력은 많지 않은 상태이나, 경작에 의한 잠식 등의 위협요인이 남아있으며, 생태계 관리에 치중한 관리로 시설물, 이용객, 운영 관리 등의 종합적인 관리가 필요한 상태이었다. 본 연구에서 제시한 지속가능한 관리방안은 생태계관리, 시설물관리, 이용객관리, 운영관리 4가지 부분을 고려하였다. The purpose of this study was to provide data for the basic research to found the effective conservation and management plan for the Geumdangsil Pine Forest of Yecheon designated as Natural Monument No. 469. Furthermore, this paper suggest efficient sustainable forest preservation and using. In order to achieve the sustainable forest preservation, this study was to analyse topography, land use, tree growth, soil environment, forest usage and forest management, etc. According to analysis the results, the site area is located in the flatlands where is from 130 to 140 m above sea level. The around forest was transformed into agricultural land. The 565 individuals of Pinus densiflora grows in the forest, whereas, 25 trees was cut down or died. There are signs of 25 stumps. The most of 565 trees` diameter at breast height(DBH) was centerized between 30 ㎝ and 50 ㎝, moreover, the average life expectancy of trees were 85.4 years. The oldest age of tree was estimated to be 200 years. The Sample trees of rate of branch growth is from 4.3 ㎝ to 5.1 ㎝ per year. The middle branch which is more vigorous growth grow 24.2 ㎝ for 3 years. Moreover, the result of soil physico-chemical properties analysis of 7 plots, 4 categories which is soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, specific electrical conductance was generally good, however, the 2 categories which is soil pH, exchangeable cation needed improvement. Currently, the site was not pressured by facilities and usage, however, there might be threaten by agriculture such as encroaching on forest. Therefore, there should establish comprehensive ecosystem management such as facility management, visitors management and operation management In this paper considered 4 fields that is ecosystem management, facility management, visitors management and operation management for sustainable management.

      • KCI등재

        금정산 북문 산지습지의 식생학적 특성 및 관리방안

        이수동(Soo Dong Lee),김미정(Mi Jeong Kim),김지석(Ji Seuk Kim) 인간식물환경학회 2015 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        The mountainous wetlands of Korea face a crisis due to deterioration from a natural succession posed by both arid climate and human activity. In response, governmental sources must determine the best path toward protecting mountainous wetlands from these damaging threats. Accordingly, this study was conducted to gather basic data, such as the wetland status in regard to the region’s environmental ecology, coupled with extant disturbances, in order to comprehend the mountainous wetland ecosystem. The study defined and accelerated a methodology in which to efficiently conserve and manage these valuable wetlands. According to the results of a topographic survey, 80% of the wetland presents a 5°sloping angle, which may be described as flat. The wetland consisted of accumulated peat, positioned over a granite basis. As a result, the research site will maintain the current status, unless a method is found to cause the water to flow out abruptly. The regional flora is composed of 41 families, 104 genera, and 143 species, especially Molinia japonica, Sium ninsi, and Leucanthemella linearis. These three species are the most valuable of the group. The actual vegetation of the wetland-dependent grassland (14.22%), such as Molinia japonica, Isachne globosa, Carex spp., and others, as well as species in the arid grassland (12.56%) consisting of Miscanthus sinensis and Eragrostis multicaulis, etc., are representative. However, in mixed vegetation areas, the species Molinia japonica blended with Miscanthus sinensis causes concern for the continuance of arid shrubs, which have proved highly desirable for processing the arid soil. Finally, vegetations valuable for preservation are diminishing steadily due to a lack of water flow, human usage, and soil inflow as deforestation occurs on-site. Symptoms of an on-going arid process were evidenced as arid vegetation such as Miscanthus sinensis, Rodendendron yedoense var. poukhanense, etc. broadened seriously. For the longevity of our valued wetlands, this study found a paramount need to address and thereby diminish these damaging factors. In retrospect, for the sound maintenance of a sustainable mountainous wetland, it is essential to execute exact management measures, inclusive of preventing the inflow of soil and organic matter, connecting the surface and subterranean waters, and prohibiting the widening of the damage inflicted on the area by arid vegetation and human activity.

      • 핀-튜브형 액체건조제 제습기의 높이에 따른 성능특성에 관한 실험적 요구

        이수동(Su-dong lee),박문수(Moon-soo park),정진은(jin-Eun chung),이진수(jin-soo lee) 대한기계학회 2003 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2003 No.11

        Several desiccant cooling systems have been developed in terms of cost and performance. In this study a fin- tube exchanger has been used for liquid desiccant dehumidification system. This dehumidifier has been designed to study the adsorption characteristis of the aqueous triethylene glycol(TEG) solution which has the flow range from 20 to 50 LPM.The dehumidifier performance characterstic of woking factor variables such as inlet solution flow rate, air flow rate, solution concentration, solution temperature, brine temperature, air temperature and inlet air relation humidity has been analyzed. The result of this experiment can provide useful data for hybrid air conditioning systenm.

      • KCI등재

        백두대간 댓재에서 백봉령구간 마루금의 식물군집구조 특성

        이수동 ( Soo Dong Lee ),홍석환 ( Suk Hwan Hong ),김지석 ( Ji Suk Kim ) 한국환경생태학회 2012 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        백두대간은 남한구간만 약 670㎞로 전체 지역에 대한 생태적 특성을 파악하기는 어려워 각 지역에 대한 상세한 연구가 지속적으로 수행되어야 한다. 이에 본 연구는 백두대간 구간 중 댓재에서 백봉령구간의 식생구조를 밝히고 향후 복원 및 관리계획 수립시 필요한 기초자료를 제시하고자 마루금을 중심으로 10m×10m(100㎡) 조사구 40개소를 설치하였다. TWINSPAN에 의한 군집분류 결과 구상나무군집, 소나무 우점군집, 신갈나무 우점군집, 일본잎갈나무 우점군집 등 8개로 유형화되었다. 구상나무군집과 소나무군집은 신갈나무와의 경쟁을 회피할 수 있는 능선부 또는 암반지대에 분포하였으나 낙엽활엽수와의 경쟁으로 쇠퇴할 가능성이 높아 보호의 필요성이 있었다. 단위면적당(400㎡) 종다양도는 0.8046~1.1283이었으며 단일종 우점군집이 낮고 경쟁상태인 군집은 높은 것으로 나타났으며 대부분 층위구조가 형성된 보호가치가 있는 숲이었다. Baekdudan has 670㎞ long within South Korea, so the study for detail vegetation characteristics is needed. In this study, we surveyed the plant community structure from Daetjae to Baekbongryung for the next restoration and management plan. We designated 40 quadrats (10m×10m(100㎡)) for this study. As a result of TWINSPAN, plant community separated 8 different communities such as Abies koreana comm., Pinus densiflora comm., Quercus mongolica comm. and Larix kaempferi comm. etc. Abies koreana comm. and Pinus densiflora comm. which is mainly located in the mountain ridge and near rocks are needed avoidance from the competition with Quercus mongolica comm. The possibility of atrophy of these communities is to be high, the protection is needed. Species diversity index was between 0.8046~1.1283. Most communities have multi-layer structure and have the ecological value of protection.

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