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        노년기 생활체육참여가 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

        이상덕(Lee Sang Deog) 한국사회체육학회 2003 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The object of this study is to clarify the relationship between the participating in lifetime sports activity by seniors and the quality of life. Therefore, these are the results of the study: 1. The difference of quality of life by the social demographical characteristics, the groups of male for gender, 60-65 years old for age, above the university degree for education, having job for whether or not being in work, 200-250 million won for the average monthly income, more than 2.1 hundred thousand won for the monthly pocket money, and very healthy for the physical condition showed the relatively high quality of life compared to other groups of characteristics. 2. For the matter of the effects on the difference of quality of life by the whether or not participating in life-time sports activity, the group of participating in life-time sports activity showed the highest quality of life in the categories such as the satisfaction in the leisure time, the fact how they feel about their lives, and the satisfaction in their general life. 3. For the effects on the difference of quality of life by participating in life-time sports activity, the satisfaction in leisure time affects on the intensity and frequency in participating, the fact how they feel about their lives affects on the intensity, frequency, and the length. Also the satisfaction in living affects on the intensity and frequency.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        성인 여성의 스포츠활동 참여에 따른 만족도

        이상덕(Lee Sang Deog),홍승후(Hong Seung Hu),유신환(Yu Sin Hwan),박찬길(Park Chan Gil),최경호(Choe Gyeong Ho) 한국사회체육학회 2003 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        This study aims to knowing relationship between a sports activity and a grade of sports participant, satisfaction so that it desires women`s sports attending. In some places of Kang won, we have analyzed 371 women who take part in swimming, squash, tennis and golf through researches. The findings are following. First, It showed a little bit difference in a demographic peculiarity about a director, general primary factories an age bracket. In satisfaction of sports activity, in 30`s women showed highly feeling of satisfaction. In scholarship, educational attainments equal to and higher than those of high school graduate of women showed highly satisfaction and 201-250 thousand Won a month fell satisfies with their sports activity, and very healthy women showed the most satisfaction in the condition of women`s health. Second, It showed a little bit difference in a characteristic of provision about a director, general primary factor as kinds of taking part in an sports event. And in term of participation, there was a little bit difference as establishment/environment, in time of participation, it showed some statistical difference as a approaching primary factor. Women who have exercised in Squash show the highest figure and have exercised for under 60 months in term and every day attending in sports satisfied highly. And more than 90 minutes participate the most positively in their athletic.

      • KCI등재

        성인여성들의 생활체육참여동기와 생활만족도와의 관계

        이상덕(Lee Sang Deog),최천진(Choe Cheon Jin) 한국사회체육학회 2003 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        This study, which is about the motivation of adult women participating in lifetime sports activity and the satisfaction of living, has concluded these results: 1. From the characteristics among the sample test group, the groups of thirties for the age(M=3.72), above the university degree for the education(M=3.62), little bit week for the physical condition(M=3.79), 151-200 million won for the average monthly income(M=3.66) showed the best motivation of participating in sports activity. For the events of lifetime sports activities and the how often the participators engage in the activities, tennis for the events of the sports activities (M=3.80) showed the most royal. The groups of more the 60 months for the length of the time in participating in the sports activity(M=3.78), practicing every day for the frequencies(M=3.81), more than 90 minutes for the intensity(M=3.72) showed the highest motivation. 2. From the characteristics of sample group when measuring the satisfaction of living, the groups of more than fifty years old for the age(M=3.52), above the university degree for the education(M=3.47), very healthy for the physical condition(M=3.56), more than 301 million won for the average monthly income(M=3.46) showed the highest level of satisfaction of living. For the events of lifetime sports activities and the how often the participators engage in the activities when measuring the satisfaction in living, tennis for the events of the sports activities(M=3.58) showed the highest satisfaction. The groups of more the 60 months for the length of the time(M=3.54), practicing every day for the frequencies(M=3.49), more than 90 minutes for the intensity(M=3.41) showed the highest satisfaction in living. 3. When testing the effects on the motivation and the satisfaction in living by the level of participating in lifetime sports activity, it showed that social motivation affects on the length of the time and the intensity, the motivation of intelligence and resting affects on the frequencies. 4. The study about the relationship between the motivation of participating in lifetime sports and the satisfaction of living showed the motivation of social, awareness, and efficacy affects on the satisfaction of living.

      • KCI등재

        Steiner Tree 이론을 이용한 우편물 교환센터의 최적 위치선정

        양성(Seong-Deog Yang),유웅규(Woong-Gyu Lyu),이상중(Sang-Joong Lee) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2008 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.22 No.9

        국내 택배시장은 과거 몇 개의 업체에서 독점해왔으니 현재는 대기업들과 수많은 중소기업들이 참여하고 있어 경쟁이 심화되고 있다. 우편물의 신속한 배송과 운송비용의 최소화는 매우 중요하며 이를 위하여 운송거리의 최단거리화가 우선 필요하다. 본 논문은 전국의 주요 도시에 배치된 우편집중국을 기하적으로 가장 짧게 연결하는 교환센터의 최적 위치를 찾는 방법을 제시한다. 송전계통의 routing, 배전선로밍의 최적화 등에 이용되고 있는 Steiner Tree 이론을 최단거리 우편물 운송망 구축에 적용하였다. Steiner Tree 이론으로부터 선정된 위치에 교환센터를 설치할 경우, 운송비를 절감하여 경영수지를 개선할 뿐 아니라 신속한 배달을 최우선으로 하는 택배 시장에서 우위를 점할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Steiner Tree 이론은 차기 초고압 선로를 최단거리로 연결하는 전력소의 위치선정 등에도 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. Faster, safer and cheaper mailing of the postal matter is essential for surviving in the competitive market of horne-delivery service. In the past, the domestic delivery business has been run by only a few number of companies. But more and more number of companies including medium size ones are participating in the business, and the competition is getting severe. This paper proposes a method to select the optimal location of mail distribution centers that minimally connect the local mail centers of some major cities in Korea using the Steiner Tree theory, which is about connecting a finite number of points with a minimal length of paths and has been used in the distribution system optimization and optimal routing of the transmission lines of the electric power system By using Steiner Tree theory in finding the best location of the postal delivery hub, we may expect the reduction of transportation cost and the increase of profit, resulting in acquiring the superior position in the competitive delivery business. It is expected that we may use the Steiner Tree theory in finding the best location of the electric power substation for the next higher EHV(extreme high voltage) transmission network.

      • 전력조류방정식과 자코비안 행렬의 성질에 대하여

        이상중(Sang-Joong Lee),양성(Seong-Deog Yang) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2004 한국조명·전기설비학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2004 No.11월

        Though the reference angie has been specified conventionally on the slack bus, it can be specified on any bus in the system without changing power flow solutions. This paper describes that the loss sensitivity of the slack bus can be obtained through an angle reference transposition. A concept of two reference buses, consisting of "power slack bus"

      • KCI등재

        On The Optimal Generation Using The Loss Sensitivities Derived by Angle Reference Transposition

        양성,이상,Yang, Seong-Deog,Lee, Sang-Joong The Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrica 2005 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.19 No.1

        전력계통을 효율적으로 운용하려면 관련량을 정확하고 신속히 계산하는 좋은 알고리즘이 필요하다. 최근 IEEE Transaction on Power System에 위상각 이동을 이용한 손실 최적화 알고리즘이 발표되었다. 동일한 손실최적화 문제를 본 논문에서는 Standard method of Lagrange Multiplier 기법을 적용하여 해석하였으며, 그 결과 저자들은 두 가지 방법이 수학적으로 동일함을 증명하였다. In this article, we apply the standard method of Lagrange multipliers to examine the algorithm in a recent IEEE publication which calculates the optimal generation for minimizing the system loss using loss sensitivities derived by angle reference transposition, and show that the two algorithms are mathematically the same.

      • KCI등재

        3 모선 시스템의 유무효 발전력 최적분담을 통한 연료비 최소화

        이상,양성,Lee, Sang-Joong,Yang, Seong-Deog 한국조명전기설비학회 2005 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.19 No.1

        동일한 부하조건에서 발전기 출력을 적절히 분담하여 발전 연료비를 절감하는 일은 계통운용상 매우 중요하다. 본 논문은 최적화 기법을 이용하여 구한 발전기의 손실감도를, 기존의 유무효전력 최적조건식에 대입하여, 연료비를 최소화하기 위한 최적 발전력 배분을 구하는 방법을 제안한다. 간단한 모형 시스템을 예로 들어 제시한 방법의 적용 결과를 도시한다. This paper presents the minimization of the fuel cost by optimal allocation of P-Q generation in a three-bus sample system. Derivation of the system loss sensitivities by optimization technique is introduced. The loss sensitivities are substituted into the optimality conditions and the optimal P-Q allocation is computed to obtain the minimal fuel cost.

      • 지열히트펌프 활용을 통한 전력계통 부하율 향상 및 CO2 감축

        이건우(Geon-Woo Lee),이상중(Sang-Joong Lee),양성(Seong-Deog Yang) 한국조명·전기설비학회 2008 한국조명·전기설비학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.10월

        2008년 8월 우리나라는 온실효과로 인한 기후변화 대응 역량을 강화하고, 에너지의 안정적 공급과 효율화 체계를 구축하기 위한 방안으로 ‘제1차 국가에너지기본계획’을 발표하였다. 이에 따르면 우리나라는 세계 10위의 에너지다소비 국가이자, 그 중 97% 이상을 해외 수입에 의존하는 나라로서 신재생에너지설비의 중요성이 크게 부각되고 있다. 본 논문은 일반적인 건물의 난방설비로 이용되고 있는 가스와 유류설비를 지열히트펌프로 대체함으로서, 진력계통의 부하율을 향상시키는 방안을 제시하였으며, 이에 따른 에너지비용 절감과 온실가스의 감축방안을 정량적으로 제시하였다. August 2008, Our country was announced the Energy Vision 2030 for strengthening response capability climate change by the greenhouse effect, 'Stable supply of energy' and 'Efficient systems'. According to the report, Our country is the world's top 10 is a country that consumes a lot of energy. and more than 97% of the energy because it is dependent on foreign imports, The importance of NRE(New and Renewable Energy) is rising significantly. This paper was applied geothermal heat pump it one kind of the renewable energy equipment, in General buildings, and analyzed the effect of the installation. Thus, to improve the load factor of the Electric power system was proposed, and As a result, can be expected the energy cost savings and the reduction of greenhouse gases, through Economic electric power supply.

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