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        보편에 이르는 길

        이만영 ( Man Young Lee ) 민족어문학회 2012 어문논집 Vol.- No.66

        본 연구는 최재서가 작성한 평문을 통시적으로 검토함으로써 그의 국민문학론이 어떻게 형성되어왔는지 추적해보고자 한다. 『국민문학』에서의 활동 이전과 이후의 비평 의식을 매개할 때라야 비로소 최재서는 하나의 연속적 실체로 간주될 수 있다고 판단되기에, 본 연구에서는 1930년대에 개진된 최재서의 비평 체계 속에서 국민문학론의 맹아를 추출하고 이를 최재서의 국민문학론과 접맥시키는 데 주력할 것이다. 이를 위해서 먼저 최재서가 엘리엇(T. S. Eliot)의 ‘전통’과 ‘몰개성’이라는 개념을 자신의 비평 속에 어떠한 방식으로 활용했는지 검토한다. 최재서는 동시대적인 질서 관념을 내세우기 위해 전통 개념을 활용한 바 있는데, 여기서의 동시대적인 질서는 특수한 개별 문학이 보편적인 세계 문학과 교섭할 수 있는 질서를 의미한다. 최재서는 이러한 전통 개념을 작가가 마땅히 가져야 할 모럴로 간주하면서, 한 작가의 개별성이나 지역 문학의 특수성은 궁극적으로 세계 문학의 보편적 윤리들을 담지 해야 한다고 주장했던 것이다. 이러한 인식은 ‘몰개성’이라는 엘리엇의 비평적 개념과 유기적으로 연결된다. 최재서는 엘리엇의 몰개성론을 참조하여 개성에 얽매인 ‘소아(小我)’적 글쓰기를 배제하고 전통에 의거한 ‘대아(大我)’적 글쓰기를 지향해야 한다고 단언한다. 이러한 그의 관점은 결국 개성을 억압하는 통제가 필요하다는 논리로 귀결되는데, 그 논리는 1940년대 『국민문학』을 통해 개진했던 전체주의적 논리와 동궤를 이루고 있다. 최재서의 논의는 개성보다는 전통을, 지역문학의 특수성보다는 세계문학의 보편성을 강조하는 방향으로 진행되었던 바, 거기에서 중요하게 부각되는 것이 ‘코스모폴리탄(cosmopolitan)’ 이념이라 할 수 있다. 최재서는 조선적 특수성보다 서구적 보편성을 강조하면서, 작가에게 필요한 모럴은 문명의 중추인 유럽 대도시의 문화와 접촉함으로써 형성될 수 있다고 말한다. 하지만 이러한 서구 중심적인 코스모폴리탄 이념은 1940년 6월에 일어났던 ‘파리 함락’을 기점으로 커다란 변화를 맞게 된다. ‘파리 함락’은 보편성의 표본이라 할 수 있는 서구의 몰락을 확인하는 일대 사건이었기에, 최재서는 코스모폴리탄 이념을 강조했던 기존의 비평적 논리를 수정할 수밖에 없었다. 결국 그는 서구를 대체할 만한 보편성의 표상을 일본으로 설정하기에 이른다. 엘리엇의 이론을 참조하여 개성보다는 전통을 강조하고 개별적인 지역문학보다는 보편적인 세계문학의 모럴을 강조했던 그가, ‘파리 함락’ 이후 일본 중심의 보편성을 강조하게 되면서 이른 바 국민문학론을 주창하기에 이르렀던 것이다. 따라서 최재서의 비평을 통시적인 흐름으로 바라본다면, 그의 비평논리는 엘리엇의 전통론과 몰개성론에서 출발하여 대동아공영권을 인정하는 국민문학론으로 귀결됨으로써 결국 논리의 파탄을 맞이할 수밖에 없었던 것이다. This study aims at pursuing how the National Literary Theory of Choi, Jae-Seo has been composed by reviewing the criticism of Choi, Jae-Seo. Choi, Jae-Seo can be considered as one continuous entity only when the critique consciousness before and after the activities in『National Literature』is mediated mutually, so in this study, the researcher will concentrate the efforts on extracting the sprouts of the National Literary Theory in the criticism system of Choi, Jae-Seo set forth in 1930s and grafting them in the National Literary Theory of Choi, Jae-Seo. For this, we should review in what manner Choi, Jae-Seo utilized the concepts of ``tradition`` and ``impersonality`` suggested by T. S. Eliot in the criticism of his own in the first place. Choi, Jae-Seo says that the tradition should also include the idea of contemporary order, which means the order that a special individual literature can negotiate with the universal world literature. Choi, Jae-Seo regarded the concept of tradition like this as the moral which a writer ought to have, and asserted that the personality of a writer or the speciality of local literature should contain the universal ethics of world literature ultimately. The recognition like this is organically connected with the critical concept of ``impersonality`` suggested by T. S. Eliot. Referring to ``impersonality theory`` suggested by T. S. Eliot, Choi, Jae-Seo asserts that a writer should aim at the writing based on ``larger self`` in accordance with the tradition to the exclusion of ever writing based on ‘smaller self’ constrained by personality. After all, his viewpoint like this results in the logic that the control to oppress the personality is required, and this logic forms the same track as totalitarian logic stated through『National Literature』in 1940s. The discussion of Choi, Jae-Seo is progressed toward the direction that the tradition rather than personality is emphasized and the universality of world literature rather than the speciality of local literature is emphasized, and it can be said that what is highlighted here is the ``cosmopolitan`` ideology. Laying emphasis on the universality of the West rather than the speciality of Joseon, Choi, Jae-Seo says that the moral required for a writer can be formed by contacting the culture of big cities in Europe, the backbone of civilization. However, the cosmopolitan ideology like this centering on the West encounters a big change starting from the ``Fall of Paris`` that occurred in June, 1940. Because the ``Fall of Paris`` was one of big incidents confirming the decline of the West which was regarded as a model of universality, Choi, Jae-Seo had nothing but to modify the existing critical logic which emphasized the cosmopolitan ideology. In the end, he came to establish Japan as the representation of universality to replace the West. Although having emphasized the tradition rather than personality, and the moral of world literature rather than individual local literature after referring to the theory of T. S. Eliot, he came to advocate the so-called the National Literary Theory as he emphasized the universality centering on Japan after the ``Fall of Paris`` in 1940. Therefore, investigating the criticism of Choi, Jae-Seo through a flow penetrating the ages, the logic of his criticism started from the tradition theory and impersonality theory suggested by T. S. Eliot and resulted in the National Literary Theory accepting the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

      • KCI등재후보

        조영 경식도 심초음파에 의한 난원공개존 유병율 및 임상적 의의

        이만영(Man Young Lee),전두수(Doo Soo Jeon),전승석(Seung Suk Cheon),이길환(Gil Hwan Lee),강동헌(Dong Heon Gang),김철민(Chul Min Kim),채장성(Jang Seong Chae),박인수(In Soo Park),홍순조(Soon Jo Hong),최규보(Kyu Bo Choi) 대한내과학회 1994 대한내과학회지 Vol.47 No.2

        N/A Objectives: Most of patients with patent formen ovale have normal intracardiac pressure and no other abnormality during their life. But because of the high prevalence of clinically latent venous thrombosis, paradoxical embolism through a patent foramen ovale may occur. Although this is a rare complication, the result can be devastating. Previously, contrast transthoracic echocardiography was used to demonstrate patent foramen ovale but the prevalence rate was less than the expected one based on autopsy in general population. These low detection rates have discouraged the use of contrast transthoracic echocardiography to diagnose patent foramen ovale. But transesophageal echocardiography provides larger tomographic field and more clear views around the interatrial septum than transthoracic echocardiography, We tried this study to evaluate the incidence of patent foramen ovale and its role as a possible cause of paradoxical embolism in cerebral infarction patients. Methods: Contrast transesophageal echocardiographic examinations with indocyanine green were performed in 426 patients including 32 patients with cerebral infarction. The prescence of the patent forancen ovale was confirmed by demonstrating echogenic contrast crossing the interatrial septum. Result: 1) Contrast transesophageal echocardiography is a useful technique to evalute right to left shunt, 2) Patent foramen ovale was demonstrated in 73 of 426 patients and 6 of 32 two patients with cerebral infarction showed pakent formen ovale. But patent formen ovale was thought to be a cause of paradoxical embolism only in 3 patients without accompanying cardiovascular disease or risk factors. 3) The prevalence of patent foramen ovale increased progressively with increasing age. 4) There are no serious complications during and after contrast transesophageal echocardiography. Conclussion: Contrast transesophageal echocardiography is a safe, and reliable technique for evaluating interatrial shunt provoked with cough or Valsalva maneuver. This technique should be considered in cerebrovascualr disease patients without known risk factors to evaluate the possible paradoxical embolism.

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