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      • 2007 개정 음악과 교육과정의 제 문제

        이동남 ( Dong Nam Lee ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2008 한국초등교육 Vol.18 No.2

        2007 개정 음악과 교육과정은 교육부가 원래 표방한 7차 교육과정의 수정 및 보완이라는 개선 차원의 부분개정이 아닌 전면적으로 개정되었다. 개정된 음악과 교육과정은 평가원보고서에 바탕을 두고 있는데, 본고는 평가원보고서와 현행 7차 교육과정과의 비교를 통해 개정음악과 교육과정에 어떠한 문제점이 있는지 살펴보았다. 개정 음악과 교육과정이 안고 있는 여러 문제점 가운데 특히 문제가 되는 것은 내용체제에서 활동과 이해영역의 하위영역 명칭 및 구분을 없애 개념 및 활동내용을 이해하는데 지장을 주고 있다는 점이다. 따라서 앞으로 개정 음악과 교육과정의 적용 및 운영에 있어 많은 혼란과 어려움이 예상된다. 개정 음악과 교육과정이 이미 고시된 상황에서 본 연구는 불필요한 연구가 될 수도 있겠으나 교육과정의 적용 및 운영과 수시개정체제 도입에 따라 문제점이 수시로 재 개정 될 경우 도움을 줄 수 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다고 본다. This paper attempts to review the new music curriculum of 2007 analyzing the conceptual structures in which curriculum can be best organized to meet its current educational purposes. Based on the critical analysis about its organizational system and the stated outcomes, the following problems were observed. 1. From the researcher`s point of view, the full scale revision does not comply with the official policy including occasional revision. it is more desirable to adopt the partial revision method on the 7th curriculum. 2. There are seven problems in the overall structural system. Firstly, the educational objectives are not specified clearly and some duplications and omissions can be found. Secondly, designing the area of utilization in daily lives as a separate entity is not a proper way. Thirdly, sub-levels in the subject matter contents should have been included to describe the possible range of alternatives of learning contents. Fourthly, it is meaningless to rearrange the order from understanding-activity to activity-understanding. Fifthly, it has to be more elaborated to designate the grades and developmental levels of learners such as elementary 3, elementary 4, etc. considering the sequential relationship in the area of objective, teaching-learning and classroom learning activities. Sixthly, in delineating the learning contents for each grade, more detailed objectives and contents are required in accordance with the underpinning principles of new curriculum which emphasize the in-depth and clear articulation of the learning experiences which affect the classroom procedures significantly. Seventhly, it is not sequentially organized between stated purposes and the contents in the area of teaching, learning method and assessment.

      • KCI등재후보

        2007 개정 음악 교사용지도서의 문제점

        이동남 ( Dong Nam Lee ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2011 한국초등교육 Vol.21 No.3

        본고는 2007 개정 3, 4학년 음악 교사용지도서에 나타난 문제점을 살펴본 글로써, 문제점을 찿아 수정토록 함으로써 국악교육의 혼란을 예방하고자 하는데 목적이 있다. 여러 문제점 가운데 특히 중요하다고 생각되는 몇 가지만 지적하면, 첫째는 <대취타>의 악기편성에 ‘장구’를 포함시켰다는 점이다. 4차 이후 7차까지 ‘장구’를 포함시킨 적이 단 한 번도 없고, 국립국악원 등의 국악 전문기관에서도 ‘장구’를 편성하지 않는다. 둘째는 장단보에서 ‘<’ 부호는 “그 음만 특히 세게”와 ‘맺는 박’이라는 의미를 나타내는 부호로 반드시 12박 장단에서 9째 박에만 표시해야 되는데 첫 박에 표시해 놓았다는 점이다. 셋째는 “장단에 맞추어 노래를 불러봅시다.”가 정상적인데 “노래에 맞추어 장단을 쳐 봅시다.”라고 여러 곳에서 틀리게 써 놓고 있다는 점이다. 넷째는 ‘통성’과 ‘세청’은 판소리와 정가에서만 사용되는 전문 발성법인데, “자연스러운 국악발성법에는 크게 통성과 세청이 있다.”라고 여러 곳에서 틀리게 써 놓고 있다는 점 등을 들 수 있다. Related to the Korean Traditional Music, a lot of problems have been found in 2007 revised music guidebooks for teachers. The problems can be classified as wrong information, confusing information, information of unsuitable level for children and other information. This study introduces the most important thing among these issues. First problem is the orchestration of <daechwita>. For nearly 30 years, from 4th revision to 7th revision, Jang-gu is not included in the orchestration of <daechwita>. However, the revised textbooks and guidebooks for teachers include Jang-gu in <daechwita>. It is a serious problem as it means that wrong knowledge has been taught. Second thing is the location of "<"mark in Jangdanbo``<`` Sign means "play the note particularly hard "and ``the last beat (써)`` and it is natural to mark on the 9th beat in 12. ... Inspite of this fact, both of the new textbook and revised instructions marks ``<``sign on the 1st beat. Thirdly, though the phrase "Let`s sing a song according to the rhythm." is a perfectly normal and common sense, the new textbooks and revised instructions make a confusion by mixing with the expression, "Let`s count the rhythm according to a song." with the original one. The forth problem is that the revised guidebooks for teachers introduce "tong-sueng" and "se-cheong" as natural ways of traditional professional vocalization, but it is not. These two ways is used only in the Pansori and Jung-ga. These several problems found in the revised instructions are not just a problem of this edition. It is a serious problem as it can be cited in various reference book including the authorized textbooks for 5th and 6th grade elementary school students. Without fixing of these problems, it can lead to a big confusion in the education of traditional music.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 독일의 초등음악교사 양성 제도에 관한 비교 연구

        이동남 ( Nam Dong Lee ),주대창 ( Dae Chang Ju ),( Kloppenburg J ) 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구원 2003 한국초등교육 Vol.14 No.1

        한국과 독일의 초등음악교사 양성 제도에 관한 비교 연구 A Comparative Study of Education System for Elementary School Music Teacher in Korea and Germany

      • KCI등재후보

        21세기 세계화에 따른 다문화교수법 적용 방안 연구

        이동남 ( Dong Nam Lee ),홍주희 ( Ju Hui Hong ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2009 한국초등교육 Vol.19 No.2

        다문화사회라는 시대적 상황에서 모든 시대와 문화권을 초월하여 음악의 본질을 이해하고 포괄적인 음악성을 갖춤은 물론 우리나라 음악에 대한 정체성을 갖추기 위해 현장 교육에서 다문화음악교육을 어떻게 할 것이며, 교사와 학생들에게 다문화적 시각을 어떻게 일깨워 줄것인가에 초점을 맞춰 다문화교수법에 대한 문제를 다루어 보았다. 다문화교수법과 관련해서는 먼저 해당 국가의 음악을 비롯한 무용, 놀이, 의식 등 문화와 전통을 살려 지도한 후 외래 문화의 한국적 수용이라는 차원에서 해당 국가의 음악을 우리식으로 지도하는 방안을 모색해 보았다. 과거 우리 음악의 역사를 보더라도 외래 문화를 받아들여 향악화 내지 토착화시켜 우리식으로 연주하였던 사실을 감안해 본다면 바람직한 방안이 아닌가 생각한다. 그리고 다문화적 시각을 일깨워주는 문제와 관련해서는 무엇보다 중요한 것이 현장에서 다문화 수업을 할 수 있도록 학교 환경을 개선하는 것이며, 이밖에 교육과정과 교과서의 개편, 다문화 교육자료의 개발 등을 들 수 있을 것이다. Until now, all dainjong multicultural society in the era of music to transcend time and cultures understand the nature and the eumakseong comprehensive identity for gatchum equip, as well as for the music scene to do with education, and multicultural music education, teachers and multi-cultural perspective, students will focus on how you reminded me about multicultural teaching methods have addressed the problem. Regarding teaching the country`s first multi -cultural music, including dance, play, ritual, and culture and traditions, and with me, following the acceptance of foreign culture in the style of music of the country to map our way mosaekhae saw. The history of music, even at the past, we accept a foreign culture to Agendist hyangak be angry with us, considering the fact that carriers play I think to look is desirable. And multi-cultural perspective, the problems associated with falls in the field should be most important to allow for multi -class is to improve the school environment, the restructuring of courses and textbooks, and could make the development of multicultural educational materials will. National University of Education and Training In addition to music and multicultural music education students in the field to strengthen the multicultural music class when he can do to help you see the effort needed. So far the discussion of the multicultural music education has started to discuss the situation gyoyukron times, but was lost at the same time, South Korea and the establishment of cultural identity in music can bring a broad understanding of the training methodology is useful in music education could see. However, as the current course or textbook in the field training for students to realize multi-cultural perspective, multicultural education is lacking. Therefore, multicultural music education music education across the curriculum and textbooks to successfully restructure yirujil, as well as audio-visual materials for multicultural music education and the development of sanctions gokjip and the map data is needed.

      • KCI등재후보

        2007 초등 검정 음악 교사용지도서의 국악내용 분석

        이동남 ( Dong Nam Lee ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2011 한국초등교육 Vol.22 No.3

        본고는 2007 검정 5, 6학년 교사용지도서에 나타난 국악내용의 문제점을 분석한 글로써 나타난문제점을 보면 정간보의 ‘끝금’을 정간 안에 잘못 표시하고 있고, ‘북’이란 없는 악기를 사용하고 있으며, ‘< ’ 부호의 의미도 모르고 아무 곳에나 표시해 놓고 있다. 또한 ‘대취타’에‘장구’를 잘못 포함시키고 있고, 굿거리장단에서 끝박은 상황에 따라 ‘더러러러’나 ‘덕’으로 칠 수 있는 것인데 이를 ‘다는형’과 ‘맺는형’으로 이론을 창작하고 있다. 이뿐만이 아니라 단소와 관련하여 음역을 원칙도 아니고 현장과도 맞지 않는 ‘仲’에서 ‘□’으로 표시해 놓고 있고, 기준음 ‘黃’의 음고를 ‘Eb’으로 하여 시창을 불가능하게 만들어 놓았으며, 단소보는세로정간보를 쓰면서 장단보는 가로정간보를 쓰는 모순을 범하고 있다. 이 외에도 지역성과 향토성을 생명으로 하는 민요의 곡명과 가사에 방언을 살려 쓰지 않는 등 다수의 문제점을 발견할 수있다. I examined the problems related to the Korean national music contents put on the 2007elementary school music textbook. Among the many problems found, there are some important things that have to be addressed. First, ‘Ending line’, the ending sign, has to be drawn as a bold line on the outside of the last Jeonggan, but in most cases, it is drawn in the Jeonggan. Second, the name ``Drum`` in the explanation of Pansori is wrong name. There is no musical instrument named ``Drum``, Third, it is a serious problem that the sign ‘<’ is wrongly recorded on the rhythm score. Although the ‘<’sign must be marked at the 9th beat in the 12 beat rhythm, it is used recklessly. Fourth, today``s Daechita is passed down on the tradition of Jeonbugochi which is played by Chigosue of the Joseon dynasty. Janggu is included in the Hubugochi which is played by 3 musicions, with Piri, Daegeom,Haegeom not Daechita. Nevertheless, some manuals count Janggu as the instrument for Daechita,Fifth, Some manuals have wrong explaination of the rhythm ‘Gootggerri’. They says that if the rhythm ends with ‘더러러러’, it is ‘Danun form’, and if the rhythm ends with ‘Duck’, it is ‘Ending form’. This is all created. In the rhythm ‘Gootggerri’, the explanation has to be like this; "the last beat can be either ‘더러러러’ or ‘Duck’”. The saying ‘Dalgo Matnuenda(달고맺는다)’ is the term indicates 12 beat rhythm such as ‘Gootggerri’ ‘Joongjoongmorri’,‘Jajinmorri’ with the term ‘Milgo, Phunda’, Sixth, although the range of Danso is from ‘夾’to ‘□’ in theory, only the notes from ‘仲’ to ‘□’ are used in general school education. Some manuals says the range is from ‘仲’ to ‘□’. This is not only inappropriate but also against the rule., Seventh, some manuals marks the level of the standard note ‘黃’ as ‘Eb=黃’. This is inappropriate since it is imppossible for student to read and sing the note with accidental mark. The mark has to be like this; ‘D=黃’. Eighth, while flat Jeongganbo is used as a rythim score, vertical Jeongganbo is used as a danso score. In today``s school education both Jeongganbos and staff notations are used in combination.

      • KCI등재

        初等敎員 任用考査의 音樂實技 評價 改善方案 硏究

        이동남(Lee Dong Nam)(李東南) 국립국악원 1995 국악원논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        The current Bxam for Elementary Teachers was installed in 1991 to favor teachers who graduated from national education institutes and teachers universities which was declared unconstitutional to the rights of all teachers. This new system implemented in 1991 brought on much concern to the graduates of educational institutes along with the elementary teachers already in schools for the reason that teaching on the elementary level carries very special characteristics. Being that the form of education received from an institute specializing in elementary level education, which is different from an ordinary university which breeds industrial careers and leaders are unique in its teaching methods these graduates cannot easily switch careers after leaving the schools. Also much criticism has been abound in seminars and academic meetings about its problems and needed changes as well. The evaluation system for applied (practical) music are discourse and interview, but often interview and applied music evaluation are held in the same manner with art and physical education. Although its classification may be the same with art and physical education the scoring system for applied music has problems in the way a candidate is evaluated, the biggest being the exclusion of traditional music. When it is said that one of the most important skills for and elementary educator 10 have is applied skills, one must have equal skills in both Korean and Western music. With this problem in mind a paper was presented 10 the National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts in June of 1994 regarding the improvement plan for the education of Korean traditional music to elementary and junior level schools. Its summary is as follows. First, applied music exams must not be passed off behind an interview as it is done now but be treated as a separate entity. If the system should remain the way it is, it would be no better than making formal claims of a real evaluation. Also, the scope, content, and method of the exams should be announced and available in writing at least 6 months in advance for the examinees to prepare properly. Second, in order to keep to the highest quality that should be expected of the education universities, the subject of practical music evaluation must not on.ly be of the organ but include sight reading and singing along with the evaluation of the most widely used instrument in the classrooms the recorder. And most importantly the ability to play changgo and tanso along with the knowledge of other Korean instruments must be included in the exams. As the piano is a necessity in Western music education. Last, to keep a fair system of assessment by the evaluators, guidelines should be set forth and made public beforehand and readily avaliable. Changgo which underlies all traditional music is a must and as the tanso is a very easily potable instrument, it is a good practical instrument for education purposes. Third, in the actual assessment of an individual, there is the problem of physical time, whereupon there isn t really enough time to evaluate all of the above qualities in a candidate. In order to solve this problem, although it may not be wise or reasonable to assess all the above qualities, it is still important to equally test both the traditional and Western music skills as explained above. So, evaluation should include the resting of the organ and tanso skills and to leave changgo recorder and sight reading/singing as a choice subject. The choice subject can bo left for the city s educational board to choose one subject each year as the additional subject of evaluation. Fourth, the scope of the test should be narrow as it currently is, befitting that of the elementary level. Already it would be a full task to learn tanso, changgo, recorder, organ and such.

      • KCI등재후보

        현행 개정 초등 음악 교과서의 문제점

        이동남(Dong-nam Lee) 한국국악교육학회 2010 국악교육 Vol.30 No.30

        본고는 현행 2007 개정 3,4학년 음악 교과서에 나타난 국악 내용의 문제점을 살펴본 글이다. 장단 관련 내용, 시김새 관련 내용, 기타 내용으로 구분하여 문제점을 살펴보았는데 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저 장단 관련 문제점으로 ‘장단의 세’에서 ‘세’란 말은 국악이론에서도 존재하지 않는 말로 ‘강약’, 혹은 ‘셈여림’으로 바꾸어 쓰든가 사용하지 말아야 하고, 장단보의 ‘<’부호는 12박장단의 9째박에만 사용되는 것으로 첫박에 표시된 ‘<’ 부호를 모두 삭제해야 하며, 교사와 학생들에게 혼란을 야기시키는 변형장단을 없애고 기본장단만 실어야 한다. 그리고 장단보 마지막 정간 안에 ‘겹세로즐’을 표기하여야 서양악보와의 형평성면과 이론적으로도 맞고 장단이 리듬형으로써의 기능을 발휘할 수 있도록 생각한다. 다음은 시김새 관련 문제점으로 꺾는소리는 한자로 ‘상퇴성’이라고 부르듯이 퇴성의 일종으로 꺾는 소리 ‘시’ 다음의 음이 ‘라’가 되지 않으면 자연스럽게 흘러내릴 수 없다. 따라서 ‘시’의 꺾는 소리 부호를 없애던가 아니면 ‘시’를 ‘라’로 바꾸어야 한다. 그리고 기타 문제점으로는 우리 음악의 멋과 운치를 살리려면 〈덕석물자〉, 〈어깨동무〉, 〈새노래〉로 된 곡명을 ‘시조’식으로 〈몰자몰자덕석몰자〉, 〈동무동무어깨동무〉, 〈후여딱딱새야〉로 바꾸어야 하며, 〈강강술래〉에 나오는 놀이요는 가창주체면, 가창방식면, 장단면에서 전래동요가 아니라 민요이며, 자장가 또한 가창 주체가 어른인만큼 전래동요가 아니라 민요로 보아야 한다. 그리고 ‘북’이라는 악기는 존재하지 않으므로 용고, 좌고, 소리북, 풍물복, 사물북 등 구체적으로 써야하며, 〈대취타〉의 악기편성에 ‘장구’는 4차 교과서 이후 7차까지 30여 년 가까이 단 한 번도 들어간 적이 없고, 국립국악원 등 국악전문기관에서도 ‘장구’는 편성하지 않으므로 삭제해야 한다. This study deals with some of the problems related to the traditional Korean music knowledge in the revised 3rd and 4th grade textbook. The contents of this study which revealing the problems of the text of the rhythm and other information including Sigimsae is summarized as follows. From the phrase of 'the Sae of Rhythm', the term 'Sae(勢)' is the term that not be found in traditional Korean music compendiums. Therefore, this term should not be used unless it is taught as a term 'rhythm' or 'dynamics'. And the < signs that marked on the first beat of the score should be eliminated as it is all wrong. Also it should be marked with only the basic rhythm without the deformated rhythm. As the characteristic of the dampening sound is slipping down after singing a higher note than the original note, like suggested in the word 'sangtoeseong' in chinese character, it is natural to change the note 'Ti' to 'La' or delete the dampening sign of the note 'Ti'. In order to preserve the classical grace and charm of the Korean traditional music, 〈Moljamoljadeokseokmolja〉, 〈Dongmudongmuukkaedongmu〉, 〈Huyeottakttaksaeya〉 is more suitable fur the tides than 〈Deokseokmolja〉, 〈Ukkaedongmu〉, 〈Saenorae〉. And considering the questions that who leads singing, what is the way of singing and what is the main rhythm, various play songs of 〈Ganggangsullae〉 are not traditional nursery rhymes but folk songs. Lullaby also a folk song, not a traditional nursery rhymes. Since a musical instrument 'Drum' does not exist, it should be written in derail with the classified names of yonggo, Juago, soribuk, pungmulbuk. And 'Janggu' is not able to be count as a member instrument of 〈daechwita〉 as it has not been included in the professional training or public education since the late Joseon dynasty.

      • KCI등재후보

        2007 초등 검정 음악 교과서의 국악내용 분석

        이동남(Dong-nam, Lee) 한국국악교육학회 2011 국악교육 Vol.31 No.31

        본고는 2007 국정 3?4학년 교과서의 국악내용의 여러 문제점이 5 6학년 검정 교과서에 미친 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 중심으로 검정 교과서의 문제점을 교 분석한 글인데 논의에서 제기되었던 문제점을 바탕으로 몇 가지 제언하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학년별 연계성도 중요하지만 잘못되었거나 수준에 맞지 않는 내용은 반영하지 말아야 한다. 악순환의 반복을 막기 위함이다. 둘째, 교과서에 교육과정의 내용을 반영하는 것은 당연한 일이나 잘못되었거나 수준에 맞지 않는 내용은 반영하지 말아야 한다. 악순환의 반복을 막기 위함이다. 셋째, 국악이론을 외곡하거나 없는 내용을 함부로 창작해서 사용하지 말아야 한다. 장단에 있어 ‘<’ 부호를 함부로 표기한다든가 역사성을 무시하고 ‘대취타’에 장구를 편성하는 등의 행위를 예로 들 수 있다. 넷째, 제재곡은 초등 학생들이 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 전래동요를 중심으로 향토색이 짙은 토속민요와 시김새가 없는 단순한 형식의 통속민요가 바람직하다. 다섯째, 민요곡명에서 가급적 ‘노래’라는 명칭을 사용하지 말아야 한다. 국악에서 ‘노래’와 ‘소리’는 엄연히 다르다. ‘멸치잡는노래’가 아니라 ‘멜후리는소리’로 써야한다. 여섯째, 민요의 생명은 지역성이나 향토성에 있다. 따라서 가급적 현대어나 표준어로 바꾸지 말고 방언을 살려야한다. ‘거문도뱃노래’를 ‘거문도노젓는소리’로 바꾸어야 한다. 일곱째, 민요악보를 보면 원곡의 가락과 가사는 물론이고 곡명까지 임의로 바꾸어 실은 것을 볼 수 있는데 원곡을 왜곡시키는 일은 절대 해선 안된다. 여덞째, 장단보는 정간보만을 써야한다. 서양악보를 혼용할 경우에는 쉼표가 없는 악보를 사용해야 하고, 형평성을 고려하여 정간보의 마지막 정간에 ‘겹세로줄’을 표시하여야 한다. This thesis examines how a number of problems of Korean traditional music contents in 2007 national textbook for 3,4, grade affects to 2007 national textbook for 5,6 grade, Based on arguments in the thesis, the problems can be sum up as below. First, though the connectivity between grades is important, contents which are wrong or imply unsuitable level of knowledge can't be reflected. It's for preventing vicious circle. Second, it is resonable to contents the contents of eutticu1um in textbook, contents which are wrong or imply unsuitable level of knowledge can't be reflected Third, distorting the Korean national Music theory to inserting unauthorized contents should be restricted Fourth, for the easy access to elementary school children, with the traditional nursery rhymes as a center, the songs rich in local color and simple form of folk songs without 시김새 are suitable for the textbook.

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