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      • KCI등재

        의류점포유통에서 비주얼머천다이징 의식성의 매개적 역할

        이규혜,장정원 복식문화학회 2019 服飾文化硏究 Vol.27 No.3

        Retail firms have begun to pursue the marketing strategies, which stimulate consumers’ sensibility and lead people to purchase their products. The visible effects of visual merchandising (VM) arouse consumers’ interest and play an effective role in having busy people efficiently choose products. Apparel retail stores such as SPA use the offline store to be the experiential environment of their branding. Consumers’ sensitivity and response toward various visual merchandising strategies needs to be accessed. The purpose of this study is to identify VM consciousness and VM evaluation attribute factors. Relationship of such variables with other variables were accessed. As consequence variables, product satisfaction and unplanned purchase behavior were included in the study. An empirical survey data was collected from men and women of various ages. Results indicated that VM consciousness and VM evaluation attribute factors were not correlated with consumer demographic variables. VM evaluation attributes were factored into appropriateness, attractiveness and functionality dimensions. Clothing involvement and brand orientation significantly influenced product satisfaction and unplanned purchase. The direct and indirect effect (via VM consciousness) were significant. For unplanned purchase, brand orientation only had indirect effect. The influence of VM evaluation attribute factors were significant. Appropriateness had stronger effect on product satisfaction whereas attractiveness had stronger effect on unplanned behavior. Functionality dimension had only indirect effect on product satisfaction but did not show significant direct and indirect effects on unplanned purchase. This study identified the pivotal role of VM consciousness in various shopping and purchasing circumstances in offline retail store of apparel brands.

      • KCI등재

        다면적인 가격지각이 의복구매과정에 미치는 영향 : 구매태도 및 행동과의 관계를 중심으로

        이규혜,이은영 대한가정학회 2002 Human Ecology Research(HER) Vol.40 No.9

        The multi-faceted influence of price on consumers' purchasing process of apparel products: Relationships with attitudinal and behavioral variables Price has a significant relationship to clothing products not only because of its practical, emotional and symbolic attributes but also because of its wide range and frequent changes. The purpose of this study was to identify the multi-faceted influence of price on consumers' purchasing process of clothing products. Six types of price-perceptions were related to various attitudinal and behavioral variables in a clothing purchase. A questionnaire was developed and data were collected from 720 adult women living in Seoul. Factor analysis, multiple regression, t-test and canconical correlation were employed to analyze the data. Low price consciousness was negatively related to product-oriented aspects of clothing and effected the one-price sale, visiting public markets and using interpersonal sources of price information. Value for money consciousness was positively related to product-oriented aspects of clothing and consumers' age or marriage and effected price considerations at the on-purchase and post-purchase stage. Price-quality inference was related to product-oriented and market-oriented aspects of clothing while price-prestige inference was related to visual and symbolic aspects of clothing and effected normal-price purchasing. Sale proneness was related to market-oriented aspects of clothing and effected seasonal sale price purchasing and price mavenism was related to market-oriented and visual aspects of clothing and effected price considerations at the pre-purchase stage.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 스마트 학습관리시스템 수용에 대한 연구 - 블랙보드 도입과 활용 -

        이규혜,김지연,서현진 복식문화학회 2019 服飾文化硏究 Vol.27 No.5

        Contemporary University students are considered the Z generation who were born after 1995. They are more tech savvy than millennials. To target the generation, traditional class management platforms have evolved to smart LMS that is more customized and accessible for smart devices. Global level information search and collaboration can also be implemented using such smart LMS. However, switching from one LMS to another LMS requires great effort from teachers and support from staffs. This study measured the learners’ perception of the system when they were exposed to a new smart-LMS. Blackboard Learn Ultra was used for 15 weeks and at the end of the semester, a questionnaire was administered to the students of these classes. Results indicated that experience with previous LMS discouraged students from adopting Blackboard Learn. Result of TAM modeling indicated that perceived usefulness, compared to perceived ease of use and attitude, was an effective aspect to bring positive acceptance of the system. A qualitative approach and network analysis were also conducted based on students’ responses. Both positive and negative responses were detected. Inconvenience due to mechanical aspects was mentioned. Dissatisfaction compared to previous local LMS use was also mentioned. Mobile application and communication effectiveness were positive aspects. Revised course development and promoting how useful the system may help enhance the acceptance of the new system.

      • KCI등재

        태안 마도해역 출수 도자기의 소성온도 및 원재료의 유사성 해석

        이규혜,이찬희 대한자원환경지질학회 2020 자원환경지질 Vol.53 No.3

        이 연구에서는 중요한 수중발굴지의 하나인 충남 태안 마도해역에서 출수된 도자기를 대상으로 물리적, 광물학적및 지구화학적 특성을 분석하여 태토의 동질성과 소성온도를 검토하였다. 연구대상 도자기는 청자, 분청사기 및 백자로 다양하나 전반적으로 거의 유사한 물리적 특성을 보인다. 모든 도자기의 태토에서 뮬라이트와 석영이 주요 광물로확인되며, 일부 백자에서만 크리스토발라이트가 동정되었다. 또한 청자와 분청사기 태토는 동질한 조성과 점토화도 및원소의 거동양상을 보이는 반면, 백자는 이와 상이하며 미량 및 불호정원소를 중심으로 다양한 특징을 보인다. 따라서 백자는 청자 및 분청사기 제작에 사용한 태토와 성인이 다른 점토로 제작되었으며, 이 중에서도 낮은 Th 함량을갖는 일부 백자는 또다른 상이한 환경에서 형성된 점토를 활용한 것으로 추정된다. 한편 도자기의 소성온도는 대부분1,200에서 1,300o C로 보이며 일부 청자는 1,150o C에서 1,200o C, 일부 백자는 1,500o C 정도의 과소성을 경험하였을 가능성이 있는 것으로 해석된다.

      • KCI등재

        의류제품 구매과정에 있어서 내적준거가격의 영향

        이규혜,이은영 한국복식학회 2004 服飾 Vol.54 No.6

        Price is one of the most important components of marketing mix. For consumers, price is an always-existing cue and definite evaluation criteria. However, information on price is meaningful only when it is perceived. Sources of price perception can be the actual retail price at the selling point, the internal reference price expected by consumers for a certain clothing product, and the external reference price advertised by marketer such as the price before mark-down. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of internal reference price on consumers' purchasing process of clothing products. A questionnaire including clothing stimuli was developed in order to assess consumers' internal reference price level. Usable data from 680 adult female urban residents were used for data analysis. Results indicated that consumers with relatively lower internal reference price tend to react low-price focused external reference price and use discount stores and unit price promotions. Consumers with relatively higher internal reference price advertisement are likely to have higher level of education, tend to infer price information to higher quality or prestige of products, and purchase clothing with regular retail price or coupons.

      • KCI등재

        서울 송파 지역 고분 출토 토기의 재료학적 동질성 및 소성온도 해석

        이규혜,윤정현,이찬희 국립중앙박물관 2022 박물관보존과학 Vol.28 No.-

        This study seeks to identify the material characteristics of earthenware excavated from the Bangi-dong Ancient Tomb No. 3 and the articulated stone-mound tomb of the Seokchon-dong ancient tombs in the Songpa region, and analyze the homogeneity and the firing temperature of the materials used at each excavated site. The remains have been studied relatively recently, and the groups of tombs in which they were found demonstrate the transition of ancient Korean burial systems, and at the same time, provide important archaeological data about those in power at the time. The earthenware pottery excavated from the two sites examined in the study were buried at different times, and it is assumed that they were made by procuring weathered soil of similar gneiss, judging from the behavior of the compatible and incompatible elements and the weathering tendency found by examining the main components. In addition, the examination of the mineral composition and microstructure of clay indicates that the earthenware from Seokchon-dong was fired at 950 degrees Celsius or lower at a relatively early stage. On the other hand, the earthenware from Bangi dong Tomb No. 3 was confirmed to have experienced temperatures below 850 degrees Celsius and above 1,000 degrees Celsius. However, it is difficult to interpretthe difference as the result of the changes in firing temperature throughout the eras. It is expected that it will be possible to interpret the changes in earthenware manufacturing techniques by comparing more diverse earthenware potteries and ancient soils. 이 연구에서는 송파 지역의 석촌동고분군 연접적석총과 방이동고분군 3호분에서 출토된 토기를 대상으로 재질특성을 파악하고 출토지에 따른 재료의 동질성과 소성온도를 해석하였다. 유적들은 비교적 근래에 연구가 이루어진 곳으로, 이를 포함하고 있는 고분군은 고대 한반도 묘제의 변천과정을 보여주며 동시에 당시 중앙세력에 대한 중요한 고고자료를 제공하고 있다. 두 유적에서 출토된 연구대상 토기는 각기 다른 시기에 매장되었으나, 호정 및 불호정성을 띠는 원소들의 거동양상과 주구성성분을 통해 살펴본 풍화경향으로 보아 유사한 편마암류의 풍화토를 수급하여 제작한 것으로 여겨진다. 또한 광물조성과 태토의 미세조직을 살펴본 결과, 상대적으로 이른 시기인 석촌동 토기들은 950℃ 이하에서 소성된 것으로 판단된다. 반면 방이동 3호분 토기는 850℃ 이하와 1,000℃ 이상의 온도를 경험한 것으로 확인되어 차이를 보인다. 그러나 시기에 따른 소성온도의 고온화로 해석하기에는 어려움이 있으며, 향후 보다 다양한 토기 및 고토양과의 비교를 통해 토기의 제작기술 변화를 해석할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        점토질 퇴적암의 강화처리 적용실험 연구: 함안층 새발자국 화석지

        이규혜,이찬희,양혜리 대한자원환경지질학회 2020 자원환경지질 Vol.53 No.1

        The bird track fossil site in Haman Formation is divided into seven sedimental layers by the sedimentary structures, lithofacies and sequences. The bird tracks top on the highest layer, which includes ripple marks and suncracks. The layer has lithofacies with reddish grey siltstone and dark grey mudstone, alternately. As an analysis for the same rocks of the fossil site, physical properties show on mean values for 0.62% of absorption rate, 1.64% of porosity and 2.63 of specific gravity. Rock-forming minerals composed mainly of plagioclase, quartz, calcite, chlorite and mica. Meanwhile, we executed an experiments based on the petrography and weatherings to find a proper consolidants. In the experiments, the OH 100 reagent proved stable aspect and the lowest transition rate in terms of weight and chromaticity. Also, it showed the highest increase in ultrasonic velocity, improving the physical properties of the rocks. In the case of applying the OH 100 with antihygro, an swelling inhibitors on the sedimentary rocks, the chromaticity indicated an stable transition aspect. When it comes to the physical properties, the antihygro also decreases the porosity effectively. Thus, the most proper method for the fossil site of Haman Formation is to apply antihygro and OH 100 reagents since the rocks includes clay minerals that show swelling characteristics. However, this result is deduced from an indoor application experiments, leaving the necessity of verification how these reagents would affect the bird tracks site under the field condition.

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