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pH-ISFET 마이크로프로브의 製作과 그 生醫學的 應用
이광만,손병기,Lee, Kwang-Man,Sohn, Byung-Ki 대한전자공학회 1988 전자공학회논문지 Vol. No.
A pH-ISEFET microprobe for in vivo measurements has been fabricated by combining ISFET (SL-IIS) chip and capillary thin film reference electrode. A two-step TCE oxidation for the gate oxide layer and multilayer encapsulation using silicone rubber and epoxy were specially used for the improvement of the stability and temperature dependence of the ISFET's. The measured sensitivit, response time and temperature dependence of the pH-ISFET microprobes are 50 mV/pH, less than one second, and - 0.01 pH/$^{\circ}$ , respectively. By operating continuously more than 40 days, a long term stability of 0.016 pH/day is obtained. The result of pH monitoring of femoral arterial blood in a rabbit is fairly good agreement with the value of blood gas analysis.