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온실가루이 병원성 곰팡이의 특성 및 살충제 개발을 위한 평가
윤휘건,신태영,유미라,이원우,고승현,배성민,최재방,우수동,Yoon, Hwi Gun,Shin, Tae Young,Yu, Mi Ra,Lee, Won Woo,Ko, Seung Hyun,Bae, Sung Min,Choi, Jae Bang,Woo, Soo Dong 한국미생물학회 2013 미생물학회지 Vol.49 No.1
The greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, is an economically important pest for greenhouse crops because they cause direct damage by feeding on plant nutrients and indirect damage as transmits many virus vectors. It has recently become a serious problem because of the continuous use of insecticide resulting in resistance among greenhouse whitefly population. To overcome these problems, in this study, the biological characteristics and virulence of an entomopathogenic fungus isolated from the cadaver of nymph greenhouse whitefly were investigated. Isolated fungus was identified as Isaria fumosorosea by morphological examinations and genetic identification using sequences of the ITS, ${\beta}$-tubulin, and EF1-${\alpha}$ regions. This fungus was named as I. fumosorosea SDTv and tested for the virulence against nymphs T. vaporariorum and the cold activity, the thermotolerance and the stability of UV-B irradiation on conidia. Mortality rate of greenhouse whitefly showed from 84 to 100% and the virulence increased with increasing conidial concentrations, $1{\times}10^5$ to $10^8$ conidia/ml. Conidia were stable at $35^{\circ}C$, 0.1 $J/cm^2$ of UV irradiation and germinated after 8 days at $4^{\circ}C$. Additionally, the activities of chitinases and proteases produced by I. fumosorosea SDTv were varied according to the medium. In conclusion, I. fumosorosea SDTv which showed high mortality rate against greenhouse whitefly will be used effectively in the integrated pest management programs against the greenhouse whitefly.
윤휘건,김동준,이지훈,마지인,곽원석,우수동 한국잠사학회 2017 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.35 No.1
The two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) has sustained damage on more than 200 host plants worldwide. Many farmers have relied on chemical acaricides to control mite, but the abuse of acaricides has caused serious resistance to mite. To overcome this problem, microbial control using entomopathogenic fungi have been studied. Entomopathogenic fungi have been an important role against the control of pest, and most of their culture products have been demonstrated to have virulence against pest population. In this study, we evaluated and compared the virulence of culture filtrates, aerial conidia and blastospores of selected Metarhizium anisopliae 4-2 and Beauveria bassiana 2R-3-3-1, respectively, among two-spotted spider mite-pathogenic fungi. As a result, the virulence was confirmed in all treatments, and the accumulated mortality rates were between 77 and 100% within 7 days. Especially, treatment with the fungal culture filtrate alone exhibited quite high virulence, and combined treatment with aerial conidia or blastospores enhanced activity. However, the median lethal time of treatments was not significantly different. When two isolates were compared, M. anisopliae 4-2 showed higher virulence than B. bassiana 2R-3-3-1. These results suggest that the selected two fungal isolates and their culture products could be used effectively for the control of two-spotted spider mite.
이중 활성 곤충병원성 곰팡이 4균주에 대한 최적 배양 배지 선발 및 다양한 항균활성 평가
윤휘건 ( Hwi-geon Yun ),곽원석 ( Won-seok Gwak ),우수동 ( Soo-dong Woo ) 한국균학회 2018 韓國菌學會誌 Vol.46 No.3
Selection of the optimal culture medium and evaluation of the antimicrobial activity against various phytopathogens were performed for four entomopathogenic fungal isolates with excellent insecticidal and antimicrobial activity against the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea). The optimal medium was selected by measuring the amount of blastospore production and the antifungal activity of the culture medium. On the basis of these experiments, GY medium was selected for Beauveria bassiana 2R-3-3-1 and Metarhizium anisopliae 4-2, SD3, and PDB medium for B. bassiana SD15. The antimicrobial activity test against other phytopathogens indicated that all four isolates showed high antifungal activities against Colletotrichum acutatum and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. However, for Phytophthora capsici and C. fructicola, only M. anisopliae SD3 showed a high antifungal activity against P. capsici, and the other three isolates had little activity. Antibacterial activity against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis was high in two isolates of M. anisopliae but not in two isolates of B. bassiana . Thus, it was confirmed that entomopathogenic fungi effective for pest control could be effectively used as a control agent for various plant diseases.