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        부산지역 병의원을 내원하는 성인의 구강건강 인식수준이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.10

        본 연구는 부산지역 병의원에 내원하는 성인을 대상으로 주관적 인식수준에 따른 삶의 질을 알아보고 영향요인을 분석하여 주관적 인식개선을 위한 방안마련과 함께 삶의 질 향상을 위한 기초자료로 삼고자 한다. 2015년 12월부터 약 9개월 간 부산지역 병의원에 내원하는 성인들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 결과는 다음과 같다. 주관적 건강수준에서 여자가 3.16점으로 높았고, 연령은 높아질수록 낮았으며, 비 흡연자에서 3.17점으로 높았고, 주관적 구강건강수준은 연령이 높을수록 낮았고, 최종학력에서는 대졸이상이 3.04점으로 가장 높았으며, 흡연을 하지 않는 경우 2.87점으로 높았다. 증후증상 합은 여자가 1.41점으로, 연령이 낮을수록 증상의 인식이 없었다. 최종학력은 높을수록 월 소득은 많을수록, 비 흡연자에서 구강 내 증상 인식수준이 낮았다. 일반적 특성에 따른 삶의 질을 분석한 결과, OHIP-14는 최종학력이 높을수록, 전신질환 없는 경우 54.71점으로 높았으며, 단일문항 행복지수는 학력이 높을수록, 전신질환이 없는 경우 6.48점으로 높았다. 또한 5문항 행복지수는 학력이 높을수록, 전신질환이 없는 경우 3.82점으로 높았다. OHIP-14에 미치는 요인으로 증후증상 합이었으며, 행복지수, 주관적 구강건강상태순 등으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 행복지수에 가장 큰 영향력을 미치는 변인은 OHIP-14이었으며, 주관적 건강상태, 학력_고졸이하, 만성질환 유무 순 등으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 삶의 질 향상을 위해서는 주관적인 인식수준의 개선이 필요하며, 인식수준개선을 위한 다양한 보건교육프로그램과 함께 정확한 정보를 전달할 수 있는 장의 마련이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study wasto determine the quality of life according to the level of subjective perception as well asto analyze the influencingfactors and improve the subjective perception to improve the quality of life. The results of the survey for adult patients in hospitals and neighborhood clinics in the region of Busan for nine months from December 2015 were as follows. Regarding the total symptoms, the women had a score of 1.41, and the younger respondents felt they suffered from no symptoms. An analysis of the quality of life by the general characteristics showed that the respondents who were better educated and had no systemic diseases hada higher score of 54.71 on the OHIP-14. The respondents who were better educated and had no systemic diseases hada higher score of 6.48 when a single item was used to determine their happiness index, and the respondents who were better educated and had no systemic diseases hada higher score of 3.82 when five items were used to rate their happiness index. The factor with the greatest influence on their scores on the OHIP-14 was the total symptoms, followed in order by the happiness index and self-rated oral health status. The variable that exerted the largestinfluence on the happiness index was the OHIP-14, followed by the self-rated health status, high-school or lower education, and the presence or absence of one or more chronic disease. Therefore,animprovement inthe subjective awareness level is required to boost the quality of life, and a variety of health education programs should be prepared to raise the awareness level. In addition, there should be a chance to convey accurate information.

      • KCI등재

        일부 대학생들의 구강 내 증후증상 인식과 치과공포수준

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon) 한국산학기술학회 2016 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.17 No.12

        본 연구는 대학생들이 인지하는 구강 내 증후증상과 공포감의 관련성을 연구하여 적절한 시기에 치료와 예방을 위한 방안을 모색하고자 2015년 9월부터 3개월간 부산지역에 거주하는 대학생을 대상으로 최종 288명을 최종 분석하였다. 공포수준은 모든 항목에서 여자에서 높게 나타났으며, 세부적으로는 약속 미룸(p=0.014), 진료 시 긴장(p=0.001), 진료 시 호흡 가쁨(p=0.009), 진료 시 심장 박동 수 증가(p=0.010), 약속 시 두려움(p=0.003), 치과도착 시 두려움(p=0.001), 대기실 대기 시 두려움(p=0.001), 치과냄새 두려움(p=0.006), 마취 시 두려움(p<0.001), 주사바늘 주입 시 두려움(p<0.001), 치아삭제용 기구를 볼 때 두려움(p<0.001), 치아삭제용 기구 소리 두려움(p<0.001), 치아삭제 시 느낌에 대한 두려움(p<0.001), 치석제거 시 두려움(p<0.001), 치과치료 전체에 대한 느낌 나쁨(p<0.001)에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 증후증상 인지에 따른 공포수준은 충치가 있는 경우 진료회피(p=0.001), 생리적 반응(p=0.001), Dental Fear Survey(DFS) 전체(p=0.003), 깨진 치아가 있는 경우 진료회피(p=0.010), 자극요인(p=0.031), DFS전체(p=0.019)에서 공포수준이 높았다. 상실치아가 있는 경우 생리적 반응(p=0.019), DFS전체(p=0.033), 아픈 치아가 있는 경우 자극요인(p=0.031), 잇몸의 통증이 있는 경우 자극요인(p=0.013), DFS전체(p=0.034)에서 공포수준이 높았다. 따라서 통증을 느끼기 전 정기적 검진과 더불어서 예방적 처치를 할 수 있는 전반적인 시스템을 구축하여 치과를 내원하는 환자들로 하여금 공포감을 줄여 적절한 시기에 치료를 받을 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다. This research studied the relevance of oral symptoms and fear to find solutions for prevention and treatment at the right time. The study was conducted over a three-month period from September to November 2015. College students who lived in the region of Busan were surveyed, and the data from 288 respondents were analyzed. The female students felt a higher level of fear in every item than the males. To be specific, there were statistically significant differences in postponing the appointment (p=0.014), tension during treatment (p=0.001), dread when making the appointment (p=0.001), dread upon arrival (p=0.001), dread in the waiting room (p=0.001), dread of dental smells (p=0.006), dread while undergoing anesthesia (p<0.001), dread when receiving an injection (p<0.001), dread when looking at a tool for tooth preparation (p<0.001), dread of the sound of a tool for tooth preparation (p<0.001), dread of the feelings of tooth preparation (p<0.001), dread during scaling(p<0.001), and apprehension about the entire treatment (p<0.001). Concerning the fear level according to oral symptom awareness, the respondents with dental caries experienced a higher level of fear in terms of treatment avoidance (p=0.001), physiological reactions (p=0.001) and overall Dental Fear Survey (DFS)(p=0.003), and the students whose teeth were broken had a higher level of fear in terms of treatment avoidance (p=0.010), stimulus factors (p=0.031) and overall DFS (P=0.019). The students who had a missing tooth felt a higher level of fear in terms of physiological reactions (p=0.019) and overall DFS (p=0.033), and the respondents with gingival pain felt a higher level of pain in terms of the stimulus factors (p=0.013) and overall DFS (p=0.034). Therefore, college students should be educated to visit a dental clinic when they are aware of any oral symptom, and methods to reduce the stimulus factors as much as possible should be considered carefully to relieve dental fear.

      • KCI등재

        보육교사의 구강보건지식수준과 치아우식증 예방인식도 조사

        윤현서(Yoon, Hyun-Seo) 한국산학기술학회 2014 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.15 No.9

        보육교사들의 구강보건지식수준과 치아우식증 예방인식도를 조사하기 위하여 서울·경기, 부산·경남지역의 보육교사 를 대상으로 2013년 3월부터 5개월간 총 433명을 조사하였다. 보육교사들의 구강보건지식습득 경로는 병원56.6%로 가장 많 았고, 구강보건지식 응답 분포에서 정답률은 “치아가 빠졌을 때 우유에 넣어서 치과에 간다” 100%로 가장 높았고, “치아가 빠졌을 때 물로 씻는다” 35.1%로 가장 낮았다. 구강보건지식 수준은 부산·경남(p<0.001), 원생 수는 많을수록(p<0.001), 교사 의 연령이 젊을수록(p<0.001), 학력은 전문대졸업(p=0.002)에서 지식수준이 높았다. 치아우식증 예방효과 인식수준에서는 연 령이 증가할수록(p<0.001), 기혼(p=0.002), 직책에서는 원감(p=0.023), 경력에서는 10년 이상(p=0.009)에서 높았다. 아동들의 구강건강의 향상을 위해서는 보육교사들의 정확한 구강보건지식이 습득이 선행되어야 하며, 이를 위해서는 연령에 맞는 교 육프로그램을 개발하고 정기적교육이 이루어져야 할 것이다. This study examined the oral health knowledge of childcare teachers and their awareness of the prevention effects against dental caries. The subjects in this study were 433 childcare teachers in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, Busan and South Gyeongsang Province, on whom a survey was conducted for five months, beginning in March, 2013. Hospitals (56.6%) were the most common route by which the childcare teachers acquired oral health knowledge. Regarding the distribution of the correct answers on oral health knowledge, every teacher gave the correct answer to the item "When a tooth comes out, it should be kept in milk and then be brought to a dental clinic," and the smallest number of them (35.1%) gave the correct answer to the item "When a tooth comes out, it should be washed with water." Concerning the level of oral health knowledge, the respondents, who worked in Busan and South Gyeongsang Province (p<0.001), who worked in childcare centers with more children (p<0.001), who were younger (p<0.001), and who were junior college graduates (p=0.002) had better oral health knowledge. In regard to the awareness of the prevention effects against dental caries, the respondents who were older (p<0.001) and who were married (p=0.002) were more aware of the prevention effects. According to position and career, teachers who were assistant principals (p=0.023) and had worked for 10 years or more (p=0.009) were more aware of the effects. Therefore, child care teachers should acquire accurate knowledge to improve the oral health of children, and regular training programs for age and education are needed.

      • KCI등재

        부산지역 65세 이상 노인의 구강건강과 자가건강평가수준(SRH)

        윤현서 ( Hyun Seo Yoon ),전진호 ( Jin Ho Chun ),이정화 ( Jung Hwa Lee ) 한국치위생과학회 2012 치위생과학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the oral health status and health care of elderly people on their self-rated health(SRH). The subjects on this study were 479 senior citizens who were at the age of 65 and up and resided in the city of Busan. They got a dental checkup, and a survey was conducted by having an one-on-one interview. After the collected data were analyzed, the following findings were given: The senior citizens were diagnosed with a mean of 1.43 systemic diseases, and hypertension(51.8%) was the most prevalent disease among them, followed by diabetes(25.1%), arthritis(41.8%), oral diseases(75.6%), stroke(9.0%) and heart diseases(15.9%). Their self-rated health was better when they were male, when they were aged between 65 and 69, when there was someone with whom they lived, when they were better educated and when they owned their own houses. But their self-rated health was poorer when they felt more oral symptoms, when they had more missing teeth and when they needed both of maxillary and mandibular dentures. Their self-rated health was more positively affected when they were better educated(β=0.894), when they owned their own houses(β=4.220), when they got a dental checkup on a regular basis(β=2.997) and when the rate of their functional tooth was larger(β=0.081). And that was more negatively influenced when they had a denture(β=-1.110), when they had more oral symptoms(β=-1.590) and when they had more systemic diseases(β=3.363). There is a close relationship between the oral health and self-rated health of elderly people. Therefore how to promote their oral health should carefully be considered.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        치과내원 환자들의 구강건강상태와 구강건강관리 행태에 따른 삶의 질

        윤현서 ( Hyun Seo Yoon ) 한국치위생과학회 2015 치위생과학회지 Vol.15 No.5

        본 연구는 구강건강상태와 구강건강관리 행태에 따른 삶의 질을 측정하기 위하여 2013년 3월부터 7개월간 일부지역의 치과병ㆍ의원에 내원한 환자를 대상으로 구강검사 및 설문조사를 실시하여 최종 384명을 분석하였다. OHIP-14는 일반진료를 받은 환자에서 가장 높았고, 하위영역으로 기능제한 교정치료 8.27점, 신체적 동통 7.24점, 정신적 불편감 7.90점, 신체적 능력저하 7.79점, 정신적 능력저하 8.14점, 사회적 능력저하 8.24점 모두 일반진료에서 높았고, 사회적 불리에서는 교정치료(8.78)점으로 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 성별에서는 모두 남자에서 높았고, 연령에서는 연령이 증가할수록 삶의 질이 나빠졌으며, 직업은 주부에서 대부분 낮게 나타났고, 전신질환이 없는 경우 삶의 질이 높게 유의한 차이를 보였다. 구강건강관리 행태에서는 정기검진을 받지 않고, 통증 시 치과내원이 가능한 경우 삶의 질이 높게 유의한 차이를 보였다. 구강건강상태에서는 실란트 시술을 받은 치아, 충전치료를 받은 치아와 상실치아, 보철치료를 받은 치아, 임플란트 식립 치아가 없는 경우 삶의 질이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과에서 개인의 삶의 질에 영향을 향상시키기 위해서는 개인의 구강건강관리 시스템 구축뿐만 아니라 사회적으로도 예방진료와 구강보건교육을 바탕으로 관리시스템을 구축하여 자연치아를 오래 보존하여야 할 것이다. 또한 이를 기초로 하여 삶의 질을 향상하기 위한 끊임없는 노력과 연구들이 이루어져야 하리라 생각된다. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of oral health status and oral health care to life. The subjects in this study were the patients who visited dental hospitals and clinics in several regions for seven months from March 2013. They got dental checkups, and a survey was conducted. The patients who received general treatment scored highest in Oral Health Impact Profile-14. Among the subfactors, the patients who received general treatment scored higher in functional limitation (8.27), physical pain (7.24), physical restrictions (7.90), social restrictions (7.79), physical limitations (8.14) and social difficulties (8.24). The patients who received orthodontic treatment scored higher in handicap (8.78). All the differences were statistically significant. As for gender gaps, the men scored higher in every factor. By age group, the older patients led a worse quality of .life. By occupation, the homemakers mostly led a worse quality of life, and the patients who had no systemic diseases lived a better quality of life. All the differences were significant. Concerning self-rated health status and self-rated oral health state, the patients who found themselves to be in better health and in better oral health led a better quality of life. The differences were significant. Regarding oral health care, the patients who didn``t get regular dental checkups and who could visit a dental clinic whenever they had a pain lived a better quality of life. The differences were significant. In terms of oral health status, a higher quality of life was found among the patients who had sound teeth, whose teeth received no sealant treatment, whose teeth received no filling therapy, who had no missing tooth, whose teeth received no prosthetic treatment and who had no dental implants teeth.

      • KCI등재

        일부지역 대학생의 치과 의료기관 선택요인에 관한 연구

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon),강현영(Hyun-Young Kang),홍인경(In-Kyoung Hong),김혜진(Hye-Jin Kim),이민경(Min-Kyung Lee),이정화(Jung-Hwa Lee),진혜정(Hye-Jung Jin) 한국구강보건과학회 2014 한국구강보건과학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the selection factors of college students in the region of Busan for dental institution. A survey was conducted by visiting the selected students in September, 2013, and an online survey was additionally conducted. The answer sheets from 300 respondents were analyzed. They relied on their past experience(3.85) in terms of information search, and they took considerations on how long it took to get to the dental institution(3.97) in terms of traffic convenience. As for physical environments, they gave priority to cleanness(4.66). Concerning the image of dental institution, they took reputation into account(4.25). In terms of external qualifications, they placed importance on the academic credential of dentist(3.22). As to dental service for the selection of dental institution, they gave weight to dentist ability(seven). In regard to basic elements, they took considerations on treatment cost(4.12), and they especially placed the most importance on dentist ability. The male and female students gave 4.32 and 4.48 respectively to dental service for the selection of dental institution, and the gender difference was significant. Among the selection factors of dental institution, there was a weak positive correlation between traffic convenience and physical environments, between physical environments and the image of dental institution and between dental service and basic elements. Therefore various efforts should be made to offer quality medical service by keeping track of what s considered in choosing a dental institution.

      • KCI등재후보

        Anti-inflammatory activity of various seaweeds in LPS-PG stimulated HGF-1 cells

        윤현서(Hyun-Seo Yoon),김혜진(Hye Jin Kim),박충무(Chung-Mu Park) 한국구강보건과학회 2020 한국구강보건과학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        Objectives: Many seaweeds are considered important natural resources since their abundant bioactive compounds. The present study tried to analyze the anti-inflammatory activity of several seaweeds in the human gingival fibroblast (HGF)-1 cells. Methods: Lipopolysaccharide from Porphyromonas gingivalis (LPS-PG), one of the main causes in the progression of periodontal inflammation, was applied to induce inflammatory response in HGF-1 cells. Nitric oxide (NO) was used as one of the hallmarks for inflammation, which was analyzed by the Griess reaction. The protein expression level of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) was identified by the Western blot analysis. Results: Inhibitory effect of NO production was investigated in the ethanol extracts of Asparagopsis taxiformis Trevisan de Saint-Léon (ATEE), Distromium decumbens (Okamura) Levring (DDEE), Galaxaura fastigiata (GFEE), Hypnea japonica Tanaka (HJEE), Myelophycus simplex (Harvey) Papenfuss (MSEE), and Scytosiphon canaliculatus (Setchell & N.L. Gardner) Kogame (SCEE) in LPS-PG stimulated HGF-1 cells. As a result, ATEE and HJEE the most potently inhibited while GFEE and SCEE slightly ameliorated NO production without any cytotoxicity. But, DDEE and MSEE did not exhibit the extraordinary NO inhibitory effect in LPS-PG induced HGF-1 cells. Western blot analysis was also conducted to identify the inhibitory effect of both extracts, ATEE and HJEE that sharply attenuated NO production, in LPS-PG induced HGF-1 cells. ATEE and HJEE mitigated iNOS expression in a dose dependent manner, which was in accordance with the result of NO production. Conclusions: ATEE and HJEE in the algal extracts used in this study drastically reduced the LPS-PG-induced inflammatory response in HGF-1 cells. All of this ATEE and HJEE will be used as candidate substances for treatment and prevention of periodontal disease.

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