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        김공집의 독립운동

        윤선자 한중인문학회 2016 한중인문학연구 Vol.52 No.-

        김공집은 삼악학교․신흥중학교․영창학교 등 국내외의 3개 학교에서 3년여 동안 학생들을 가르치면서 망국인으로서의 현실을 절감하였고 민족의식이 투철한 동료 교사들을 통하여민족의식을 키워나갔다. 이어 도쿄에서 영어와 경제학을 공부한 후 상하이와 만주에서 독립운동의 방법을 모색하여 폭탄을 제조하고, 임정에 군자금을 제공하기 위해 13도총간부를 조직하고 간부로 활동하였다. 그리고 비행사가 되어 독립운동에 참여하고자 비행학교 입학을 희망하였다. 그러나 비행학교 대신 광둥무관학교 입학이 결정되었고, 학업을 계속하지 못한 채 상당 기간을 보내야 했다. 그 후 노주강무당과 한단군사강습소를 거쳐 모스크바비행학교에 유학하여 2년여의 학업을 마치고 졸업하였다. 비행사로 독립운동에 헌신하겠다던 7,8년에 걸친 그의 계획은 이제 실현될 수 있었다. 그러나 그 희망은 비행기 기계고장으로 추락, 사망하면서공중에 산화하였다. 조국의 독립을 위해 모든 것을 바쳤던 김공집의 생애는 그래서 더욱 안타깝다. 길지 않았던 삶을 나라의 독립을 위해 헌신하였던 김공집은 독립운동가였다. Kim Gong-jib had taught students at three schools in Korea and overseas including Samak School, Shinheung Middle School and Yeongchang School for about 3 years, during which he saw the reality of those who lost their country and through other teachers with intelligible nationalism, he developed himself a sense of his own nationalism. After he studies English and Economics in Tokyo, he sought ways to be involved in the independence movement in Shanghai and Manchuria, manufactured explosives, organized 13 executives and worked as one of the executives to financially support the military of The Republic of Korea Provisional Government. He also worked as a pilot and planned to go to a flying school to be involved in the independence movement. However he was admitted to Guangzhou Military School instead of a flying school and couldn't continue his study for quite a long period. Later he went to Nojugangmudang, Handan Military School and Moscow Flying School, where he studied for 2 years. His wish to be part of the independence movement as a pilot seemed to be fulfilled 7-8 years later. However his plane crashed for mechanical failure, which killed him. His death was so unfortunate that he couldn't have a chance to realize what he wished for all his life, which was to be part of the independence movement. Nonetheless, he was still an activist of independence who dedicated his short life for independence of his country.

      • KCI등재

        1790년 프랑스 연맹제(Federation)

        윤선자 한국세계문화사학회 2002 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.7 No.-

        In July 14 1790, the Federation was celebrated at the Champ-de-Mars in Paris to commemorate the collapse of the Bastille. Despite of commemorating the attack of the Bastille by the people, it emphasized only a national unity and a leap for the future without stirring up the memory of the violent attack. The most important purpose of the Federation was a national unity. Therefore the Federation was evaluated the most sacred symbol of un unity. But it was rather an imperfect unity excluded the people and the aristocracy than a perfect unity. This unity represented the imperfection of the bourgeois unity.

      • KCI등재

        1925년의 한국 천주교 순교자 시복과 규장각 자료

        윤선자 한국근현대사학회 2013 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.64 No.-

        In 1922, bishop Mutel read Gyujanggak resources including Heonjong Annals,Seungjeongwon Journal and Ilseongrok and researched and mimeographed records of martyrs. It was to support proof for beatification of martyrs in Gihae(1839) and Byeongoh(1846) period; since study on martyrs in Byeongin(1866~1871) period was also in progress, records of Byeongin martyrs were studied as well. Mutel could read and mimeograph Gyujanggak resources, which were not accessible to Koreans, for many reasons. First, Mutel had been studying the records of Korean martyrs for a long period, which provided him with comprehensive knowledge on the field; second, he was familiar with Chinese characters ; and third, Japanese colonial administration and Korean Catholic leaders had a cooperative relationship. Mutel organized and transcribed records in Heonjong Annals, Seungjeongwon Journal,Ilseongrok and Chuangeupgukahn(collection of written judgements for felons in Joseon era) according to resource type and period to make books. Mutel made sure that the transcribed version could sufficiently support the records of martyr in the records of Joseon government by comparing the transcribed version with the original and having the transcriber testify that it is the same as the original. And he translated and published the records of Gihae and Byeongoh martyrs to send to Rome for supporting beatification research. Gyujanggak resources that Mutel transcribed were also included in Gyeonghyang resources, a Church journal. However it was not according to resource type and period as Mutel transcribed. The records in Heonjong Annals, Ilseongrok and Seungjeongwon Journal were organized by martyrs arrested or beheaded on the same day and the records were laid out based on arrest, interrogation and beheading in that order. Publishing the records in Gyeonghyang resources was because prayers were needed for beatification of Gihae, Byeongoh martyrs in 1925; but more importantly, it was to educate believers on the martyr history and respect the martyrs’ deeds. The premier issue included martyr history in Gyujanggak resources, introduced Heonjong Annals, Ilseongrok and Seungjeongwon Journal based on which the martyr history was written; however details on which part of the martyr history was based on which resource lacked. Documents, French-translated version of the transcribed version, which was published in 1922, included only Gihae and Byeongoh martyrs but Gyeonghyang resources included history of Byeongin martyrs as well to draw more interest for their beatification.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        독립운동과 태극기

        윤선자 호남사학회 2009 역사학연구 Vol.35 No.-

        태극기는 1883년 제정이 반포된 이후 조선의 군권, 부모형제, 조선백성을 의미하였다. 국권 상실 이후에는 국권회복과 독립의지, 애국심을 상징하였다. 이를 분명하게 보여준 것이 3ㆍ1운동 때였다. 태극기를 만든 이들은 주로 학생들이었는데, 학생들 외에도 여공, 기생, 농민회 및 청년회 회원들은 물론 일제식민통치의 하부조직원인 순사와 면서기도 태극기를 만들었다. 태극기를 만든 이들이 주로 학생이었던 만큼, 만든 장소도 교장실과 기숙사 등 학교 안에서였다. 학교에 이어 태극기가 많이 만들어진 곳은 개인 집이었다. 태극기 제작은 비밀리에 이루어질 수밖에 없었다는 것이 이유였다. 태극기는 만세운동 참여자 수와 장소에 따라 제작 매수에 차이가 많았다. 개인 단위로는 수십 장이, 십여 명 이상이 함께 준비할 경우에는 수천 장이 만들어졌다. 태극기에는 ‘대한독립만세’와 같은 만세운동 참여자들의 열망이 글로 표현되었다. 태극기를 들고 만세운동에 앞장선 이들은 일경에 손을 절단당하여 순국하기도 하였다. 일제는 태극기를 만든 사람은 물론 태극기를 지닌 자들도 독립운동가로 간주하고 탄압하였다. 태극기는 독립을 외치는 이들과 함께 했다. 팔에 태극기를 새겨 독립운동에 함께 한다는 마음을 다짐하였고, 독립운동단체에 가입하였다는 증거로 삼았다. 각종 기념식에 태극기가 등장하였고, 임정의 모든 행사가 태극기에 대한 경례로 시작되었다. 그래서 일제는 태극기를 엄중 경계하였지만, 6ㆍ10만세운동 때도, 광주학생운동 때도, 그리고 이후에도 태극기는 한반도 이곳저곳에서 만세를 외쳤고 독립을 갈망하였다. 태극기 논란은 제정 이후 명확한 국기 도안과 사용이 전국적으로 교육ㆍ홍보되지 않은 상황에서 국권이 상실되었고, 국치 이후에는 태극기의 의미가 독립해야 할 국가인 때문이었다. 독립운동과 함께 하였던, 독립운동의 상징이었던 태극기의 중요성이 컸으므로 태극기의 의미를 정확하게 알고자 하였다. 그런데 이를 분명하게 규정해줄 국권이 없는 가운데 ‘논란’의 형태로 태극기에 대한 관심이 표출된 것이다. 따라서 ‘논란’은 태극기가 국가ㆍ민족ㆍ독립의 상징으로 인식되었다는 의미이다. Since its establishment in 1833, Taegeukgi represented right of Chosun's ruler, parents, brothers and sisters and people of Chosun. After loss of national right, it represented restoring national right, will for independence and patriotism. It was clearly shown when the independence demonstration on March 1 broke out. Students made Taegeukgis and woman workers, gisaeng and members of agrarian and student unions as well as low rank police officers and myeon officials also participated in making Taegeukgis. Since it was mainly students who made Taegeukgis, principals' offices or dormitories in schools were the places where Taegeukgis were made. People's homes were the next. Making Taegeukgis should be kept secret. Number of Taegeukgis for production varied depending on the number of participants or places. Several tens per person, several thousands per over 10 people were allocated for production. On Taegeukgi, words of participants' hope such as 'hurrah to Daehan's independence!'were expressed. Those who led the demonstration with Taegeukgi in their hands were killed on site for their hands amputated by Japanese police. Japan considered those who made Taegeukgi or had it as activists and oppressed them. Taegeukgi had always been with those who exclaimed independence. Some had Taegeukgi imprinted on their arms to show their support for the independence movement and proof of participation. Taegeukgi was displayed in every ceremony and every event of provisional government began with a salute to Taegeukgi. Japan was on alert for Taegeukgi; however it was seen throughout the country during independence demonstration on June 10, Gwangju Students Movement and so on representing people's hope for independence. Controversy over Taegeukgi rose because the country lost its right while nationwide education and promotion were insufficient and after national disgrace, Taegeukgi should represent independent country. The importance of Taegeukgi as a symbol of independence movement grew and the need to know the meaning of Taegeukgi grew accordingly. But when there was no national right to define it, interest in Taegeukgi emerged in a form of 'controversy'. Therefore 'controversy' suggests Taegeukgi has been recognized as a symbol of the country, nation and independence.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        임실지역과 한말 항일의병

        윤선자 호남사학회 2007 역사학연구 Vol.30 No.-

        The War of Righteous Army against Japan in Im-Shil Area in the Late Daehan Empire The righteous army developed their activities in Im-Shil after the year of 1907. This area was named as a place of righteous army next to the Tae-In area. Ho-nam righteous army soldiers was mostly active in Im-Shil area. Jae-Choen Kang was one of the representative righteous army soldier there. Next to him, more soldiers appeared such as Seok-Yong Lee, Dong-Gu Kim, Seong-Hyun Jeong, Yun-Sok Yang, San-Hong Choi, Seong-Ryb Jeong, Jeong-Yo Yu. They engaged their own righteous army activities and they individually developed their own righteous army. They worked in the field of agriculture the most, and commerce followed the next. Especially the ratio of the ones who engaged in commerce was much higher than that of the other districts. The number of those who had a local bar (the place where sold Mak-geol-ri, Soju) was high because of geography. The righteous army put much emphasis on guarding their local area. Righteous solders of Im-Shil also acted in Jin-An, Yong-Dam, Jang-Su, Jeon-Ju, Nam-Won and Soon-Chang. Their central areas were Im-Shil and Jin-An, which were the center of Seok-Yong Lee, the head of righteous army. They had to pay attention to the living right of the local people, because they could only act with their support. They developed their activities in connection with local people through taking care of the issues such as taxes. 임실은 1907년 이후 의병활동이 활발하게 전개된 지역이다. 전북에서는 태인에 이어 출신 의병이 많이 거명된다. 또한 호남 의진의 활발한 의병활동이 임실지역에서 펼쳐졌다. 임실과 관련된 한말 의병은 1906년 임실에서 거병한 강재천을 들 수 있다. 이후 임실 출신의 많은 의병들이 배출되었는데, 이석용 부대를 비롯하여, 김동구·정성현·양윤숙·최산흥·정성립·유종여 부대 등 특정한 의진에 참여하여 의병활동을 추진함은 물론 개별적으로도 많은 의병전쟁을 전개하였다. 의병들은 농업종사자가 가장 많고, 이어 상업종사자가 많은데 상업에 종사하는 이들의 비율이 다른 지역과 비교할 때 매우 높다. 특히 주막업이 많은데, 이는 임실의 지리적인 위치와도 관련이 있다. 의병들은 출신지(거주지) 등 연고지역을 중심으로, 지방을 수호하는 활동에 비중을 두었다. 임실 출신 의병들은 임실은 물론 진안·용담·장수·전주·남원·순창 등에서 의병활동을 펼쳤는데, 의병들의 출신지인 임실과 이석용 의병장의 거병지인 진안이 중심이었다. 한편 연고지역 주민들의 생존권을 보호하여야만 자신들 역시 더 원활하게 활동할 수 있었기 때문에 세금과 같은 지역민들의 문제에 일정한 관련을 가지면서 의병활동을 전개하였다.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 공화 2년의 마라 숭배 -공포정치의 탄생과 민중적 영웅주의-

        윤선자 고려대학교 역사연구소 2019 사총 Vol.97 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is two. The one is to examine the political significance of ritual through the relation of the cult of Mara and The Terror, the other is to explore the nature of popular heroism. On July 13, 1793, after Mara being assassinated, funeral, funeral march, and translation of a heart of Marat were held. In sadness and anger, the Sans-culottes demanded the terror to revenge for Mara, but Robespierre was cautious. It was Mara's wounded body that was displayed at the funeral that provided clear grounds for the demands of the terror. Marat's wounded body was the clear and visible evidence that there was actually a conspiracy of anti-revolutionary nobility, the conspiracy existing everywhere since the beginning of the revolution but being invisible to the eye. After the funeral of Mara, the political accusation that inherited the spirit of Mara was elevated as a civic virtue and the terror was demanded in earnest by the Sans-culottes, Eventually, on September 5, 1793, the Terror became institutionalized. Hébert became 'the second Mara' and expanded the target of political accusations. However, Robespier who felt political and cultural heterogeneity in the Sans-culottes, removed Hébert and substituted the cult of Marat with the cult of Bara. If the cult of Mara caused political accusations and divisions, the purpose of the cult of Bara was to fill the divisions and achieved an unity. The passion of the memorial for Mara spreaded to France in the Year II. In the process, the cult of Mara developed and a new revolutionary hero image was embodied. Through the numerous eulogy used in the cult of Mara and the collective mentality reflected in it, some characteristics of the popular heroism can be grasped. It was characterized by bloodshed expressionism and religious mentality, carnival practices. This reflects the old traditions and mentalities of the people, unlike the classical heroism of the revolutionary elite. In this paper, I discussed the characteristic of the popular heroism, and confirmed Geertz's hypothesis, "rituals are not just reflecting and propagating power but creating and maintaining power" in an analysis of the relationship between the cult of Mara and The Terror. 이 논문의 목적은 두 가지다. 하나는 마라 숭배와 공포정치 탄생의 관련성을 통해 의례의 정치적 의미를 알아보는 것이고, 다른 하나는 민중적 영웅주의의 성격을 탐구하는 것이다. 1793년 7월 13일 마라가 암살되면서 일련의 장례식과 장례행진, 심장 안치식 등이 거행되었다. 슬픔과 분노 속에서 상퀼로트를 중심으로 복수를 위한 공포정치가 요구되었지만 로베스피에르는 신중했다. 공포정치의 요구에 명확한 근거를 제공한 것이 장례식에 전시된 마라의 시신과 상처였다. 그것은 혁명 초부터 도처에 존재했던, 하지만 눈에는 보이지 않았던 반혁명적 귀족의 음모가 실제로 존재한다는 명확하고 가시적인 증거였다. 마라의 장례 절차가 끝난 이후, ‘마라의 정신’을 계승한 정치적 고발이 시민적 덕목으로 고양되고 공포정치에 대한 요구가 본격화되었다. 결국 1793년 9월 5일 공포정치가 제도화되기에 이르렀다. 에베르는 ‘제2의 마라’를 자처하며 정치적 고발의 대상을 넓혀갔다. 하지만 상퀼로트에 정치적, 문화적 이질감을 느낀 로베스피에르는 에베르를 제거함과 동시에 새롭게 바라 숭배를 내세워 마라 숭배를 무력화시켰다. 마라 숭배가 정치적 고발과 분열을 일으켰다면, 바라 숭배의 목적은 그 분열을 메우고 통합을 성취하는 것이었다. 마라를 향한 추모의 열정은 공화 2년 프랑스 전국을 달구었다. 그 과정에서 마라 숭배가 탄생하고 새로운 혁명적 영웅상이 구체화되었다. 마라 숭배에 사용된 수많은 추도문과 거기에 반영된 집단 심성을 통해 민중적 영웅주의의 몇 가지 특징을 파악할 수 있다. 그것은 유혈적 표현주의와 종교적 심성, 카니발주의를 특징으로 했다. 이것은 혁명 엘리트의 고전주의적 영웅주의와 달리 민중의 오래된 전통과 심성을 반영했다. 본 논문을 통해 민중적 영웅주의의 특징과 더불어, 마라 숭배가 실제 공포정치로 이어지는 과정을 통해 기어츠의 가설, 즉 “의례는 단지 권력을 반영하고 선전하는 것이 아니라 권력을 창출하고 유지한다”는 점도 확인할 수 있었다.

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