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        피트니스센터의 고객자산과 고객충성도의 관계에 대한 연구 : 고객신뢰와 고객만족의 매개역할

        유호길(Yoo, Ho-Gil) 한국체육과학회 2020 한국체육과학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine the causal relations between fitness center" customer equity, customer trust and customer satisfaction its customer loyalty. Study subjects were 200 subjects at fitness center in Seoul and the capital area and they were sampled with a convenience sampling method. Collected data of 187 customers were used in study analysis, except the data of 13 customers of which reliability or validity was problematic. Data were processed with the structural equation model using Amos 18.0 program. First, we will need to build a variety of customer equity services that will enable us to gain satisfaction, trust and trust from our customers at the fitness center. Second, various customer satisfaction service strategies and services that give the customer trust and trust will have to be provided to obtain the customer"s intention to repurchase and positive word of mouth effect. Third, to build customer equity that affect customer loyalty, a differentiated customer equity strategy, such as relationship maintenance, service effectiveness and branding, will need to be implemented. Fourth, customer satisfaction is a result of a very important customer equity and it will be important to provide more differentiated services for brand, value and relationship formation to enhance customer loyalty.

      • KCI등재

        피트니스센터의 서비스지향성, 직무만족, 조직몰입 및 조직성과의 관계

        유호길(Yoo, Ho-Gil) 한국체육과학회 2020 한국체육과학회지 Vol.29 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to examine the causal relations between fitness center’ brand personality, brand preference its word of mouth. Study subjects were 200 subjects at fitness center in Seoul and the capital area and they were sampled with a convenience sampling method. Collected data of 185 customers were used in study analysis, except the data of 10 customers of which reliability or validity was problematic. Data were processed with the structural equation model using SPSS 18.0 and Amos 18.0 program. First, the fitness center organization manager will have to increase the service orientation of the employees so that they can achieve the organization’s performance through satisfaction with their duties. Second, the fitness center organization manager will have to systematically manage internal customer management measures that can recognize various service-oriented attitudes that can increase organizational commitment of the members of the organization. Third, the fitness center organization manager will have to plan and implement diverse and reasonable job designs that can have a positive impact on the organizational commitment of the members of the organization, and it is imperative that various and systematic management of the duties of the members of the organization is necessary to increase the organizational commitment of the employees. Fourth, in order to achieve organizational performance, it is necessary to provide specific directions for maintaining and advancing a fundamental framework in which employees can immerse themselves in their duties.

      • KCI등재

        대퇴탈장 수술 전후의 진단 일치율과 진단의 정확도에 영향을 미치는 요인

        유호길(Ho-gil Yoo),이광만(Kwang-man Lee),최운정(Un-jong Choi) 대한외과학회 2009 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.76 No.3

        Purpose: Misdiagnosis is frequent in femoral hernia as inguinal hernia. The aims of this study were to examine the diagnostic concordance and to define the factors having influence on the correct diagnosis of femoral hernia. Methods: Thirty-two patients who underwent femoral hernia operations were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 65.8±15.5 (36∼97) and the female to male ratio was 5.4:1. The mean body mass index (BMI) was 19.8 kg/㎡ (14.6∼26.9 kg/㎡). Twelve patients (37.5%) showed preand post-operative diagnostic concordance and 20 patients (62.5%) did not. Among the 20 misdiagnosed cases, 16 cases were misdiagnosed as inguinal hernia, 2 cases as lipoma, and 1 case as lymphadenopathy. The factors related to the correct diagnosis of femoral hernias were associated with groin mass (96.9%, 31/32: 23 painless and 8 painful), size fluctuation of mass (cyclic wax and wane pattern) (84.4%, 27/32), long duration of mass (over 1 month) (75.0%, 24/32), femoral venous compression CT findings (63.6%, 14/22), and positive ultrasonographic findings (42.1%, 8/19). Emergency operation was done in 12 cases (37.5%). Incarceration was found in 23 cases (71.9%) and most of the incarcerated organs were omental fat (11 cases) and small bowel (10 cases). Bowel resection was done in 4 cases and 2 patients combined inguinal hernia. Conclusion: Through the careful taking of medical history and physical examination, physicians can achieve the correct diagnosis and can also decrease the frequency of emergency operations and their related complications.

      • KCI등재

        상업스포츠시설 이용고객의 관여도, 고객자산, 고객만족 및 행동의도의 관계

        유호길(Yoo, Ho-Gil) 한국체육과학회 2021 한국체육과학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to examine the causal relations between commercial sport facility"s" involvement, customer equity, customer satisfaction its behavioral intention. Study subjects were 210 subjects at fitness center in Seoul and the capital area and they were sampled with a convenience sampling method. Collected data of 193 customers were used in study analysis, except the data of 17 customers of which reliability or validity was problematic. Data were processed with the structural equation model using SPSS 18.0 and Amos 18.0 program. First, commercial sports facility managers will need to establish strategies to raise interest and interest in commercial sports facility services in order to increase customer equity. Second, managers of commercial sports facilities will continue to seek services that can attract interest and interest from customers to enhance customer satisfaction. Third, the manager of commercial sports facilities should come up with various benefits for commercial sports facilities, efforts to maintain flexible price management, and measures to increase the value of services to increase customer satisfaction. Fourth, managers of commercial sports facilities will have to establish ways to continuously build relationships with customers and strengthen communication to enhance purchasing behavior of customers. Fifth, managers of commercial sports facilities will have to come up with various service strategies to increase customer satisfaction in order to increase customer purchasing behavior.

      • KCI등재

        피트니스센터의 셀프리더십, 서비스지향성 및 조직몰입의 관계

        유호길(Yoo, Ho-Gil) 한국체육과학회 2021 한국체육과학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the causal relations between fitness center" self-leadership, service orientation its organizational commitment. Study subjects were 200 subjects at fitness center" in Seoul and the capital area and they were sampled with a convenience sampling method. Collected data of 185 customers were used in study analysis, except the data of 15 customers of which reliability or validity was problematic. Data were processed with the structural equation model using Amos 18.0 program. The conclusion of this study is as follows: First, fitness centers should spare various forms of support and effort to reflect the self-leadership of fitness center organization members in the field to enhance service-oriented attitudes toward customers. Second, fitness center managers are required to think positively about service-oriented attitudes and establish strategies in order to increase employees" organizational immersion as strategic measures to attract external customers. In addition, fitness center managers should take this into account and provide various physical support, programs and human development to make their own decisions and actively manage fitness centers in a self-directed way. Third, differences in the relationship between self-preservation, service orientation, and organizational commitment by gender of fitness centers did not show any differences in routes depending on the characteristics, environment, and circumstances of sports organizations. However, the service-oriented attitude should be positively enhanced by focusing on strengthening self-preservation of the characteristics of constructive accident factors in the male group"s problem-solving method and constructive thinking in the female group"s voluntary goal.

      • KCI등재

        민간스포츠센터의 서비스 품질, 이용만족, 관여도 및 애호도간의 관계

        유호길(Yoo Ho-Gil) 한국체육과학회 2010 한국체육과학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The aim of this study was to examine the relationship among commercial sport center consumers' service quality and participants' satisfaction, involvement and loyalty. As study subjects, the investigator sampled, with a convenience sampling method, 400 users from 8 private sport centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas. Out of the sampled study subjects, 354 users were used for an empirical analysis, except 46 of them whose data were doubted of reliability. Data were analyzed with a SPSS Ver. 13.0 Program. Used methods in a data analysis were a descriptive analysis, and a correlation analysis. In addition, both confirmatory and path analyses were carried out with Amos 7.0. Study findings are as follows: Fourth, as for the influence of a sport center's service quality upon its users' involvement, a facility factor has a positive influence upon users' involvement in a sport center. First, as for the influence of a sport center's service quality upon its users' satisfaction, such three factors of a sport center as facility, personnel, and information have a positive influence upon users' satisfaction. Second, users' involvement in a sport center has a positive influence upon its users' loyalty. Third, users' satisfaction in a sport center has a positive influence upon its users' loyalty. Finally, as for a direct/indirect effect that has an immediate influence upon users' loyalty, users' satisfaction has the biggest direct effect upon users' loyalty.

      • 실 작업 부하를 이용한 옥수수 수확기용 기어박스의 부하 분석

        이호섭 ( Ho-seop Lee ),김지태 ( Ji-tae Kim ),유호길 ( Ho-gil Yoo ),조승제 ( Seung-je Cho ),박영준 ( Young-jun Park ),장경제 ( Kyoung-je Jang ) 한국농업기계학회 2021 한국농업기계학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.26 No.2

        옥수수는 세계 3대 작물 중 하나로 생산성이 높은 작물이다. 옥수수는 생육 기간이 짧아 국내 온난화 현상으로 온도가 높아진 남부지역에서는 2기작 재배가 가능하여 경쟁력이 있는 품목이다. 현재 국내에서 개발된 옥수수 수확기는 full-feed type의 트랙터 부착형 작업기로 트랙터 3점 히치부에 부착되며, 트랙터의 PTO로부터 동력을 전달받아 구동된다. 본 연구에서는 식용 옥수수(품종: Godangok)를 재배하는 필드에서 수확기를 사용하여 수확 작업 시 발생하는 실 부하 데이터를 계측하였다. 계측용 트랙터의 PTO 축에 토크 미터를 장착하여 수확 작업 시 토크와 회전속도를 계측하였다. 또한, 계측된 데이터를 이용하여 기어와 베어링에 작용하는 부하스펙트럼(load spectrum)은 하중 지속 분포(LDD: load duration distribution)방법으로 하중(load magnitude), 회전속도(speed), 시간 데이터(duration)를 도출하였고, 축과 하우징에 작용하는 부하스펙트럼은 레인플로우 카운팅(RFC: rainflow counting)방법으로 하중 진폭(load range), 평균 하중(mean load), 사이클수(no. of cycles)를 도출하였다.

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