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        유토피아 공간의 (불)가능성 : 김훈의 『黑山』을 중심으로

        우현주 인천대학교 인문학연구소 2023 인문학연구 Vol.40 No.-

        본 연구는 토머스 모어의 『유토피아』를 전유하여 『黑山』에 나타난 공간적 상상을 유토피아적 특징으로 고찰하고자 한다. 두 소설은 권력층의 부패와 무능, 피지배층의 곤궁, 사회 비판적인 초점화자, 현실 대안적 공간의 상상력, 대항적인 이상향 지향 등의 특징을 공통적으로 함의한다. 『黑山』에서 전체주의적 유교 이데올로기의 권력 언어는 정치적 실패와 매의 폭력만을 낳는다. 이에 반해 소설 속 민중의 기도문은 민중이 원하는 종교의 현실을 담고 그들이 구축하고 싶은 유토피아의 형태를 현세에서 갈망하기에 권력의 실세를위협한다. 아울러 우성(牛聲)이나 계성(鷄聲), 동물의 몸으로 은유되는 비언어적 표현은 친숙한 낯섦을 재현하면서 권력의 바깥을 사유하기에 저항성을 갖는다. 이러한 현실적 배경이 집약된 黑山에서 정약전은 중간자(메타쿠)로서 자산(玆山)의 유토피아를 기획한다. 양반이자 사학죄인, 육지인이자 섬 거주자, 권력 언어에 의해 생사를 건너온 그는 『자산어보』를 저술하며 민중의 삶을 철학적으로 환유하는 새로운 가능성을 열어간다. 『黑山』의 결말에서 양반을 포함한 마을 사람들이 함께 건설한 서당은 일상의 기본 원리와 인간의 근본을 미래 세대에 가르침으로써 토머스 모어의 불(가)능성의 유토피아가 아닌 불가능성을포함한 (불)가능성의 유토피아로서 가치를 갖는다.

      • KCI등재후보

        재일 디아스포라 인물들의 정체성 연구 ― 손창섭의 『낙서족』과 『유맹』을 중심으로 ―

        우현주 동서대학교 일본연구센터 2009 次世代 人文社會硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        This thesis brings out a problem to the fact that existing discussions about Chang Sub Sohn's novel are commonly concentrated on his early works which are classified into Korean postwar literatures of 1950. Created during late 1960 and 1970, 『Naksojok』 and 『You-Maeng』 are worthy because they are on the branch of Chang Sub Sohn's works that reveal the present throughout the past. In 『Naksojok』, the writer described a personal emotion full of sadness and rage, and set the caricatured character who is separated from the real world. On the contrary, 『You-Maeng』 shows the problem of Korean Japanese's identity. At the same time, it figures out the life of Korean People both who lived in the period of Japanese colony and in 1970's Korean Japanese's first and second generation. Moreover, 『You-Maeng』 has complex and multi-layered structures like the problems of identity and colonial discourses. Most of all, 『You-Maeng』 is located in the border area between Diaspora literature and Korean literature. 『You-Maeng』 has the features of Korean Literature cause it was written in Korean Language and it's reader were Korean too. However, 『You-Maeng』 also has a meeting point with Diaspora literature in some aspects such as the vivid description of Japanese Society and the narrator who is considered as the writer's other self. 『You-Maeng』 is quite close to 'the literature of Diaspora of the Korea in Japan' both in synchronic and diachronic point of view, especially due to it's delicate description of the difference and the boundary. This thesis brings out a problem to the fact that existing discussions about Chang Sub Sohn's novel are commonly concentrated on his early works which are classified into Korean postwar literatures of 1950. Created during late 1960 and 1970, 『Naksojok』 and 『You-Maeng』 are worthy because they are on the branch of Chang Sub Sohn's works that reveal the present throughout the past. In 『Naksojok』, the writer described a personal emotion full of sadness and rage, and set the caricatured character who is separated from the real world. On the contrary, 『You-Maeng』 shows the problem of Korean Japanese's identity. At the same time, it figures out the life of Korean People both who lived in the period of Japanese colony and in 1970's Korean Japanese's first and second generation. Moreover, 『You-Maeng』 has complex and multi-layered structures like the problems of identity and colonial discourses. Most of all, 『You-Maeng』 is located in the border area between Diaspora literature and Korean literature. 『You-Maeng』 has the features of Korean Literature cause it was written in Korean Language and it's reader were Korean too. However, 『You-Maeng』 also has a meeting point with Diaspora literature in some aspects such as the vivid description of Japanese Society and the narrator who is considered as the writer's other self. 『You-Maeng』 is quite close to 'the literature of Diaspora of the Korea in Japan' both in synchronic and diachronic point of view, especially due to it's delicate description of the difference and the boundary.

      • KCI등재

        제7차와 2009개정 과학 교육과정에 따른 중,고등학교 교과서 내 진화단원의 연계성 분석

        우현주,차희영 韓國生物敎育學會 2013 생물교육 Vol.41 No.4

        A purpose of this study was to research how the units of evolution in biology textbooks developed according to the 7th and 2009 Korea National Science Curriculum were connected. Contents, inquiry activities and illustrations of the biology textbooks were analyzed by methods of Framework of evolution key concepts, an analysis table of research activities, an analysis table of illustrations, and a model analysis standard based on connectivity after revised and complimented properly to fit this study. There were gaps and repetitions rather than development in the biology textbooks according to the 7th and 2009 Korea National Science Curriculum. By the 2009 Curriculum of Korea Institute, all the curriculums became an optional course which means that the connectivity could be remarkably different whether students select integrated science or life science II for their high school classes. The worst case would be that a student will not select both of them, then evolution conceptions would be in basic or never educated for the students. In other words, we were not able to find developmental connectivity in evolution units of current curriculum but could find that such an important evolution units has been carelessly managed until now and scaled down continuously. Key words : 2009 revised Korea National Science Curriculum, 7th revised Korea National Science

      • KCI등재

        Gender Hospitality in Novels about North Korean Refugee Women

        우현주 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2022 THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES Vol.25 No.1

        This research examines the realities of diaspora through novels depicting North Korean (NK) refugee women and investigates how communities extend hospitality to their gender. The characters in these novels stand their ground as proactive subjects with critical consciousness despite sexual exploitation and social oppression, and therefore they also urge a rethinking of the writer’s role in representing the subaltern’s voice. I focus on Youth Sonata by Kim Yu-kyeong and A Third Home by Yi Kyoung-ja, examining the identity choices of NK refugee women as objects of hospitality, the issues of membership in their receiving country, the role of the subject of hospitality, and boundary crossing between subject and object of hospitality. The women depicted in Youth Sonata each have a complicated past and must confront the other within themselves and accept them, becoming the object of their own self-hospitality. In A Third Home with identity conflict between her past and present, a NK refugee woman opens a third space that can accept difference. A scene of intersection in China, where the subject of hospitality becomes a foreigner and the object of hospitality becomes a foreigner with agency, demonstrates the (im)possibility of unconditional hospitality. Presenting NK women refugees’ gendered suffering as part of history and the process of accommodating the coexistence of difference in everyday life, the novel suggests that hospitality is possible.

      • KCI등재

        대학 캠퍼스 영화의 장소성 변모와 대학생 주체의 현실 대응

        우현주 구보학회 2017 구보학보 Vol.0 No.17

        The goal is to review the identity of the people who are formed through the study on the sense of placeness in the University Campus Movie, and compare them with their responses to reality. So we're going to refer to the space theory of Yi-fu Tuan and Edward Relph. In addition, a university student Subject who was a member of the university campus chose the most popular movie, the origin of Young film was ≪The March of Fools≫ (Ha Gil-jong, 1975), and the most recent work was ≪The King of Jokgu≫ (Woo Moon-Gi 2014). In the ≪The March of Fools≫, the university in the 1970s is a place to differentiate and defend itself against the outside repression of military politics, industrialization and older generations. In a society that prohibits resistance, the university is a place where the possibility of impossibility of resistance is infused. This possibility is in the context of “Our Future” where the characters talk and the place where this dream is to be is the university. In the film, the characters are competing against the world in a melancholic manner. One choose death which dream eternal is, another enlist in the army. The army is a space reserved for the future in a rite of passage. On the other hand in the ≪The King of Jokgu≫, the university in the 21st century isn’t a place to differentiate and defend. The university is transformed into a typical place in established societies. In neo-liberalism, universities are inherent to the principle of exclusion about class, tastes, and gender, etc. The characters are now pitted against spontaneous and chronic quest for reality and the exclusion of Others inside university students instead of the social system or older generation. In the movie, Jokgu propagated the condition of having no purpose about 'Fun' and 'What do you want to do' and it was made of deterritorialization alienated the placelessness. Jokgu goes out of school regulations and makes most of the university campus is converted into vacant lots. It calls on those excluded and gives meaning that I'm doing what I want to do with the Others, now - in here. In the end, Man-Seop`s decision to "I'd prefer not to!"(like Bartleby the Scrivener) about prepare for civil servants exam then there is transversal potential to change love and Jokgu. It can be seen that the university students' responses to reality is not change to signified in the neo-liberalism and that it to be changed with inoperative force that imposes cracks on strong system. 본고는 영화에 드러난 “대학”의 장소성 연구를 통해 구성되는 인물들의 정체성을 재고하고 이들의 현실 대응력을 비교 고찰하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 이푸-투안과 렐프의 공간이론을 참고하면서 대학 캠퍼스의 구성원인 대학생 주체들이 공간에 대한 인식을 잘 드러내는 텍스트로 1970년대 청년 영화의 대표작인 <바보들의 행진>(하길종, 1975)과 가장 최근작인 <족구왕>(우문기, 2014)을 선정하여 “대학 캠퍼스 영화”로 명명하고 분석했다. <바보들의 행진>에서 1970년대 대학은 군부정치, 산업화, 기성세대의 계도성이라는 외부 억압에 맞서 차별화하고 지켜내야 할 장소로 언급된다. 저항을 금지하는 사회 현실은 영화적 표현조차 검열로 불허하고 감독이 이를 가시화하는 과정에서 대학은 저항의 불가능성을 가능성으로 배태하는 공간이 된다. 이러한 가능성은 영화 속 인물들이 언급하는 “우리들의 시대”에 대한 미래지향적인 희망으로 뒷받침되며 이를 꿈꾸게 하는 장소가 대학인 것이다. 멜랑콜리적인 방식으로 세상에 맞서던 인물들은 영원한 꿈을 꾸는 죽음을 선택하거나 꿈을 향한 통과의례적인 군입대에 선별됨으로써 미래를 대비하게 된다. 이에 반해 21세기 영화인 <족구왕>에 등장하는 대학은 외부에 저항하고 변별되는 장소가 아닌 기성 사회의 전형을 이미 시현하는 공간으로 변모한다. 계급, 취향, 젠더 등의 신자유주의적 현실에 의해 배제의 원리가 내면화된 대학 내에서 만섭 일행이 대결하는 대상은 이제 사회 체제나 기성세대가 아닌 대학생들 내부에 만성화된 자발적인 현실 추종과 타자 배제의 원리이다. 영화 속에서 족구는 ‘재미’와 ‘하고 싶은 것’을 한다는 무목적성을 전파하면서 소외되었던 무장소성을 탈영토화한다. 규정에서 벗어나며 대학 캠퍼스를 공터화하는 족구는 배제되었던 것들을 호출하고 타자와 어울리면서 하고 싶은 것을 현재, 이곳에서 한다는 의의를 부여한다. 결국 만섭은 공무원 시험 준비를 할 것이냐 말 것이냐의 이분법적인 선택의 경계를 흐리고 “~하지 않는 것을 선호함”을 주장함으로써 그 자리에 연애, 족구를 치환해 가면서 잠재성을 이동해가는 횡단적 잠재성을 실현하는 것이다. 이는 대학생들의 현실 대응력이 신자유주의적인 현실에서 의미로 환원되지 않으며 그 견고함에 균열을 가하는 무위의 힘으로 변모됨을 확인할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        박완서 전쟁 체험 소설의 반복과 차이

        우현주 한국여성문학학회 2018 여성문학연구 Vol.45 No.-

        Park Wan-seo's novel, which is loved as a steady seller, is misunderstood by the same content and boredom due to the fact that the Korean War has been repeated. The purpose of this research is to grasp the intention of the writer 's story by emphasizing the fact that Park Wan-seo's novel, which is based on the Korean war experience, has differences in repetition. Park Wan-seo's novel explores the meaning of the Korean War in depth by seeking interaction with readers and communication with the times when it is created. In the 1970s, Park Wan-seo's novels emphasized the logic of postwar recovery and modernization of the batters, and the logic of polt to strengthen the ranks of the batters by reproducing Others. In the 80s and 90s, the characters are divided into the war-experience generation, the childhood-experience generation, and the war-free generation. The generation of childhood war experience, who is the narrator, criticizes the generation of war-experience that considers postwar issues as their absolute experiences, or the generation of war-free experiences that bind with resignation and forgiveness. By the 2000s, the author declares that he will no longer testimony of the war against the public who are indifferent to the nation's armistice. By choosing to give up speach act, the author encourages active participation by the reader. Park Wan-seo shares the memory of the war with the public, repeats reproduction to prevent the recurrence of war, and builds a narrative of difference to embrace the generational change of the reader. 전 세대에 걸쳐 넓은 독자층을 확보한 박완서 소설은 꾸준한 스테디셀러로 자리매김하고 있지만 한국 전쟁의 반복되는 소재 속에서 계몽성과 동어반복적인 내용 구성으로 오해를 받고 있다. 본 연구는 이 지점에 착목하여 한국전쟁 체험을 소재로 하는 박완서 소설에 내재된 반복과 차이의 의미를 재구하고 작가의 서술 의도를 파악하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 무엇보다 박완서 문학의 특징은 소설의 동시대적인 현실과 병행되는 기억의 재현과 그 미묘한 변주에 내포된 한국전쟁의 의미를 재고하는 데에 있다. 전쟁 체험 소설에서 작가는 단순한 소재적 반복이 아닌 해당 텍스트가 창작되던 시대와의 상호작용 및 동시대 독자와의 소통을 추구하면서 전쟁의 일상을 재조명하는 반복과 차이의 의미 분화를 기획한다. 1970년대 박완서 소설은 전후 복구와 근대 산업주의 논리에 은폐되었던 전쟁 체험을 통해 전쟁의 결과로 탄생한 사회적 약자를 재생산하고 계급의 위계를 공고히 하는 공모의 논리를 고발한다. 이를 통해 작가는 부끄러움과 수치심이라는 전쟁 체험 세대의 수렴과 발산의 감각에 주목한다. 80-90년대 소설에서는 유년기 전쟁 체험 세대가 등장하여, 전후의 문제를 당사자적으로 극단화 하거나 혹은 체념과 용서로 봉합하는 전쟁 세대와 타자의 기억을 소비하고 억압하면서 외부자로 안도하는 미체험 세대를 모두 비판한다. 이 시기 소설에서 작가는 현실 논리에 압도된 전후의 기억을 복원할 필요성과 더불어 전쟁을 실감하는 세대 갈등을 예각화하며 공감의 난망을 드러낸다. 이후 휴전이 고착된 2000년대는 전쟁 체험 세대의 노년화와 전쟁 체험의 세대적 공백기의 특성을 보인다. 이 시기 박완서 소설의 전쟁 체험은 말년성의 갈등과 부조화를 감내하며 이를 저항의 동력으로 삼는다. 휴전 중인 당대 현실에 무관심한 대중을 향해 작가는 직설화법으로 증언하지 않을 권리를 선언한다. 발화의 포기 자체를 선택하는 작가의 능동성은 증언을 원하는 것과 원하지 않는 것, 발화 행위와 비행위, 부정과 긍정 사이의 모호함을 가시화하면서 전후 현실에 대한 독자의 책임 의식을 환기시킨다. 이로써 전쟁체험의 기억을 대중과 공유하고 전쟁의 재발을 막고자 하는 작가의 반전 의식이 소설적인 재현의 반복을 추동한다면, 정전의 물리적 거리를 실감하고 독자의 세대적 변화를 포용하는 작가의식은 차이의 서사를 구축함을 확인할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어과 핵심역량 신장을 위한 프로젝트 학습에 대한 초등영어 교사와 학생의 인식 연구

        우현주,임희정 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2020 외국학연구 Vol.- No.53

        The purpose of this study was to investigate perception of primary English teachers and students on project-based English lessons and to determine strategies to manage project based English classes. For these purposes the survey was conducted among the 109 students of elementary school and 102 elementary English teachers, in Kyunggi province. In addition, 20 teachers and students of the subjects were selected and in-depth interviews were conducted to supplement the survey. The results of the study reveal that the followings: Even though the English teachers strongly agreed that projet based English class should be introduced to develop students’ core competence, they are not willing to teach the class due to their limited English skill. Most of the students were well aware of project based learning, and they replied that their English skills for English project based learning are not a big problem. The students also expected to increase their core competency in English through project based learning. Based on the results of the study, the effective operation plan of English and project based learning for core competency development is presented as follows. First, the theme of the project-based class should reflect the opinions of the students. Second, flexible class operation is needed. Third, various case suggestions, data sharing and information provision should be made through the expansion of opportunities for teacher training and the establishment of a system for project based learning in English department. Fourth, it is necessary to plan classes so that students can become the center of the class, increase the chance of ignition, and use English in meaningful situations. Finally, teachers should organize groups efficiently in consideration of student level differences, circumstances, etc.

      • KCI등재후보

        재일 디아스포라 인물들의 정체성 연구 ― 손창섭의 『낙서족』과 『유맹』을 중심으로 ―

        우현주 동서대학교 일본연구센터 2009 次世代 人文社會硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        This thesis brings out a problem to the fact that existing discussions about Chang Sub Sohn`s novel are commonly concentrated on his early works which are classified into Korean postwar literatures of 1950. Created during late 1960 and 1970, 『Naksojok』 and 『You-Maeng』 are worthy because they are on the branch of Chang Sub Sohn`s works that reveal the present throughout the past. In 『Naksojok』, the writer described a personal emotion full of sadness and rage, and set the caricatured character who is separated from the real world. On the contrary, 『You-Maeng』 shows the problem of Korean Japanese`s identity. At the same time, it figures out the life of Korean People both who lived in the period of Japanese colony and in 1970`s Korean Japanese`s first and second generation. Moreover, 『You-Maeng』 has complex and multi-layered structures like the problems of identity and colonial discourses. Most of all, 『You-Maeng』 is located in the border area between Diaspora literature and Korean literature. 『You-Maeng』 has the features of Korean Literature cause it was written in Korean Language and it`s reader were Korean too. However, 『You-Maeng』 also has a meeting point with Diaspora literature in some aspects such as the vivid description of Japanese Society and the narrator who is considered as the writer`s other self. 『You-Maeng』 is quite close to ``the literature of Diaspora of the Korea in Japan`` both in synchronic and diachronic point of view, especially due to it`s delicate description of the difference and the boundary.

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