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      • KCI등재

        LC/MS/MS를 이용한 원숭이 및 비글견의 간 및 장관 조직에서의 Doxifluridine과 대사체 5-FU 동시분석법 개발

        우영아,김기환,정은주,김충용,Woo, Young-Ah,Kim, Ghee-Hwan,Jeong, Eun-Ju,Kim, Choong-Yong 대한약학회 2008 약학회지 Vol.52 No.2

        A liquid chromatographic method with tandom spectrometric detection (LC/MS/MS) for the simultaneous determination of doxifluridine and its active metabolite, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) was developed over the concentration range of $5{\sim}2000$ ng/ml, respectively. Doxifluridine, 5-FU and internal standard, 5-chlorouracil (5-CU), were extracted from liver and intestine tissue via protein precipitation. Acetonitrile was used as the extraction solvent and the supernatant was evaporated and reconstructed in mobile phase. Optimum chromatographic separation was achieved on a Agilent Zorbax $C_{18}$ ($100\;mm{\times}2.1\;mm$, $3.5\;{\mu}m$) column with mobile phase run in isocratic with methanol : water (20 : 80, v/v). The flow rate was 0.2 ml/min with total cycle time of 5 min. The lower limit of quantification was validated at 5.0 ng/ml of liver and intestine tissue, for both doxifluridine and 5-FU, respectively. The intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy of quality control (QC) samples were <11% coefficient of variation and <7% relative error from theoretical concentration for both analytes. In addition, the special designed stability study was performed, because the metabolism of doxifluridine occurs spontaneously even in ice bath for monkey liver. The stability of doxifluridine in liver and intestine of monkey and beagle dog was compared. It was found that bioanalytical validation could not be performed for the monkey liver; however, beagle dog's liver has relatively low speed of metabolism compared to monkey liver and instead of monkey liver, beagle dog's liver could be used for the validation. Bioanalytical validation could be performed in monkey intestine. Eventually, this developed method for liver and intestine will be useful in support of the toxicokinetic and pharmacokinetic studies of doxifluridine and 5-FU.

      • KCI등재

        LC/MS/MS를 이용한 원숭이 혈액에서의 Doxifluridine과 대사체 5-FU 동시분석법 개발 및 Validation

        우영아,김기환,김원,이종화,정은주,김진호,박귀례,김충용,Woo, Young-Ah,Kim, Ghee-Hwan,Kim, Won,Lee, Jong-Hwa,Jeong, Eun-Ju,Kim, Jin-Ho,Park, Kui-Lea,Kim, Choong-Yong 대한약학회 2007 약학회지 Vol.51 No.3

        A reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography method with electrospray ionization and detection by mass spectrometry is described for the simultaneous determination of doxifluridine and its active metabolite 5-flu-orouracil (5-FU) in monkey serum. The method has greater sensitivity and simpler process than previous published methods with good accuracy and precision. A proper liquid/liquid extraction was used to extract simultaneously doxifluridine and 5-FU which has considerable difference in the polarity. Extracts were analyzed using LC/MS/MS providing a short analysis time within 5 min. The lower limit of quantification was validated at 10.0 ng/ml of serum for both doxifluridine and 5-FU. Accuracy and precision of quality control (QC) samples for both analytes met FDA Guidance criteria of ±15% for average QC accuracy with coefficients of variation less than 15%. The method will be applicable for preclinical studies and bioequivalence studies.

      • 合作共贏時代背景下充実中韓関系的路徑思考

        禹潁子(우영자) 한국갈등관리학회 2014 한국갈등관리연구 Vol.1 No.1

        중국과 한국은 동북아의 중요한 두 나라로서 오랜 우호교류 역사를 갖고 있다. 1992년 수교 후 양국관계는 5년마다 단계별로 격상되어 현재 다방면에 걸쳐 호혜적 협력관계를 의미하는 ‘전략적 협력 동반자 관계’를 맺고 있다. 즉, 1992년 선린우호 협력관계에서 시작한 양국관계는 1998년에 ‘21세기 협력동반자 관계’, 2003년에 ‘전면적 협력 동반자 관계’, 2008년에는 ‘전략적 협력 동반자 관계’로 각각 격상함으로써 이는 양국관계의 정립에 있어서 가장 최상위 단계로 평가받고 있다. 경제관계에서 오늘날 중국은 한국의 최대 교역국과 투자대상국으로 부상하였고 한국 역시 중국 제3위의 교역상대국으로 부상하였다. 인문교류에서도 양국 수교 이후 한류(韓流)와 중국바람(漢風)으로 대변되는 중한 간 문화적 관심과 교류의 열기가 고조되고 중한 양국 간 상호 방문자 수 역시 급증하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 양국 간에는 교역 마찰, 민간 영역의 민족주의의 대두, 역사문제에 대한 부동한 해석, 양국 공유문화에 대한 종주권 논란이 불거지는 등 유교문화와 같은 쌍방이 공유하고 있는 문화를 통해 수교 초기 가졌던 호감은 실망감으로 전이되거나, 갈등의 불씨가 되기도 하였다. 또한 한국 이명박 정권 시기 남북관계 경색 국면과 탈북자 문제 등을 둘러싼 중한간의 이견이 양국 국민여론 악화로 연결되기도 하였다. 현실적으로 평가할 때 중한 전략적 협력파트너 관계는 내용(?涵)의 실현이 아닌 양측이 공동으로 노력해야 할 목표로 되었다. 2013년 새롭게 출범한 중한 양국 지도부에게는 그동안 한미동맹의 강화 속에서 냉랭했던 양국관계를 재조정해야 하는 과제가 놓여있었다. 2013년 6월 박근혜대통령의 방중을 계기로 중한 정상은 <중한 미래비전 공동성명>을 발표하고 중한 전략적 협력동반자 관계를 신뢰에 기반 하여 내실화하기로 하고, 이를 위해 ①정치안보 분야 전략적 소통강화, ②경제사회 분야 협력 확대, ③인문유대강화 활동추진의 세 가지 방안을 중점적으로 추진해 나가기로 함으로써 양국 관계의 새로운 도약을 위한 중요한 틀을 마련하였다. 이를 기초로 본고는 양국관계 내실화를 위한 일부 방안을 제시하는데 목표를 두고 있다. 본고의 구성은 다음과 같다. 우선 , 중한 수교 20여 년 동안 양국이 정치, 경제, 사회 문화 등 각 분야에서 이룩한 성과들을 정리하였다. 다음으로 양국 관계발전에서 분쟁과 역사 문화 마찰이 가중되고 있는 현황 진단을 통해 교류 협력 증진 및 관리의 중요성을 살펴본다. 마지막으로 2013년 중한 정상회담의 관련 주요결과를 정리하고 양국 간 협력 증진 및 관계 내실화를 위한 제안으로 1) 지역과 국제적 전략 사고로 다자간(多邊主義) 틀 속에서의 양자 간 협력 증진, 2) 동북아지역 경제일체화 추진을 통한 경제협력 강화, 3) 양국 간 문화 갈등 해소를 위한 인문교류의 중점영역인 교육협력, 청소년 교류, 언론교류, 학술교류 강화의 필요성과 방안들을 제시하고 양국 문화산업의 육성과 지방도시 간 인문교류 강화를 통한 인문유대 추진을 강조한다. 본고에 수록된 내용은 필자의 개인적인 관점이며, 당 연구소의 공식 입장이 아님을 특별히 강조한다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        경남지구(慶南地區)의 스카른형(型) 광상(鑛床)의 성인(成因)과 스카른광물(鑛物)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        우영,이민성,박희인,Woo, Young Kyun,Lee, Min Sung,Park, Hee-In 대한자원환경지질학회 1982 자원환경지질 Vol.15 No.1

        Many skarn type iron ore deposits are distributed in Kimhae-Mulgeum area of Gyeongnam Province. Integrated field, mineralogic, geochemical and fluid inclusion studies were undertaken to illustrate the character and origin of the ores in this area. The iron ore deposits in this area are NS or NNE trending fracture filling magnetite veins which are developed in andesitic rocks near the contact with late Cretaceous micrographic granite bodies. Symmetrically zoned skarns are commonly developed in the magnetite veins of this area. Zoning of skarn from center to margin of the vein are as follows; garnet quartz skarn-epidote skarn-epidote orthoclase skarn-altered andesitic rocks. Major ore mineral is magnetite and small amount of hematite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite are associated. Vein paragenesis reveals four depositional stages; 1) skarn stage, 2) iron sulfide and oxide stage, 3) skarn stage, 4) sulfide stage Minute halite-bearing polyphase inclusions and liquid inclusions are contained in quartz. Filling temperatures range from $257^{\circ}$ to $370^{\circ}C$.

      • KCI등재

        경남(慶南) 동남부지역(東南部地域) 철광상(鐵鑛床)의 성인(成因)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        우영,Woo, Young-Kyun 대한자원환경지질학회 1988 자원환경지질 Vol.21 No.1

        Many hydrothermal skarn-type iron ore deposits inchiding Mulgeum, Yangseong, Maeri and Kimhae mines are distributed in the south-eastern Gyeongnam Province, Korea. The deposits are magnetite veins which occurred in propylitized andesitic rock near the contact with late Cretaceous Masanite. Symmetrical zoned skarns are commonly developed around the magnetite veins. The order of the skarn zones from the vein is garnet-quartz skarn, epidote skarn, and epidote-orthoclase skarn. The garnets include isotropic or anisotropic andradite($Ad_{100{\sim}70}$), and the epidotes are composed of pistacite($Ps_{21-31}$). Fe contents of the epidotes generally increase toward the magnetite veins. Epidotes and garnets often show compositional variations from grain to grain, that is, their Fe and Al contents vary inversely. This suggests that the variations depend mainly upon $fo_2$ during the skarnization. Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of minerals from andesitic rock, micrographic granite, major skarn zones and post-mineralization zones were conducted to provide the information on the formation temperature, the origin and the evolution of the hydrothermal solution forming the iron ore deposits. Becoming more distant from the ore vein, temperatures of skarn zones represent the decreasing tendency, but most ${\delta}O^{18}$ and ${\delta}O^{18}_{H_2O}$ values of skarn minerals represent no variation trend, and also the values are relatively low. Judging from all the isotopic data from the ore deposits, the major source of hydrothemal solution altering the skarn zones and precipitating the ore bodies was magmatic water derived from the more deeply seated micrographic granite. This high temperature hydrothermal solution rising through the fissures of propylitized andesitic rock was mixed with some meteoric water, and the extensive isotopic exchange occurred with the propylitized andesitic rock. During this process, the temperature and ${\delta}O^{18}_{H_2O}$ value of hydrothermal solution were lowered gradually. At the stage of iron ore precipitation, because after all the alteration was already finished, the oxygen isotopic exchange with the wall rock was nearly not taken. The relatively high ${\delta}O^{18}$ and ${\delta}O^{18}_{H_2O}$, and relatively low ${\delta}C^{13}$ values of calcites of post mineralization stage, are the results of leaching of the high ${\delta}O^{18}$ chert xenolith in the andesitic rock and low ${\delta}C^{13}$ andesitic rock.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Protection of Maternal Antibody against Hantavirus in Rats

        우영,--,--,--,--,-- 대한의생명과학회 2005 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.11 No.1

        The etiologic agents of haemorragic fever with ranal syndrom (HFRS) in Korea are Hantaan and Seoul virus in the genus Hantavirus, family Bunyaviridae. In order to elucidate the role of maternal immunity to Hantavirus infection in rats, the protective effect of the maternal antibody were studies by using rats experimentally infected with Seoul virus strain HR80-39. Antibody titers of sera and viral antigen against Seoul virus were investigated by indirect immunofluorscence antibody technique (IFA). The dam sera had IFA antibody titers ranging from 1:128 to 1:1,024 after parturition. In fetuses, IFA antibody titers ranged from 1:16 to 1:64 just after birth, increased to peak titers ranged from 1:256 to 1:1,024 in the 2nd week after birth. Challenged newborn rats had IFA antibody titers ranging from 1:64 to 1:1,024 after inoculation. No viral antigen was detected in lungs or other organs of the newborn rats. The maternal antibody to Seoul virus was transferred prenatally through placenta and postnatally via colostrum from immune dams to their offspring. These results demonstrated that maternal antibody to Seoul virus was quite effective in protecting newborn rats against same virus infection.

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