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      • KCI등재

        후(後) 장국영 시대 팬덤의 정체성과 사회문화적 함의

        오유정 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2018 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.60

        This paper will discuss the uniqueness and socio-cultural implications of Post - Leslie Cheung(張國榮) Fandom. Since his death in 2003, the amount of fans of Leslie Cheung has steadily increased year after year. Perhaps the most salient group among new fans of Leslie Cheung are those who were born after his death or were too young to know about him when he was alive. These fans are referred to as ‘Hourongmi(後榮迷)’, which literally translates to ‘Post-Leslie Cheung Fans’. Generally, celebrity fandom focuses on interaction between fans and the star, but since Post-Leslie Cheung fans do not have the ability to interact with their star, they have instead built a distinctive identity as inheritors of his spirit. Furthermore, this unique kind of fandom illustrates some special socio-cultural implications such as: the changing image of the ‘Ideal Man’; the expanding function of digital media for fandom; and the differing psychological traits of the 80hou(後), 90hou(後) and 00hou(後) generations. In short, Post-Leslie Cheung fandom primarily consists of new generations who are infatuated with Leslie’s “spirit of being true to oneself” under the pressures of society, and they try to spread this message through digital media.

      • KCI등재

        전지구․지역․국지연안 통합 파랑예측시스템 개발을 위한 여름철 태풍시기 풍파성장 파라미터 민감도 분석

        오유정,오상명,장필훈,강기룡,문일주 한국해양과학기술원 2021 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.43 No.3

        In this study, an integrated wave model from global to coastal scales was developed to improve the operational wave prediction performance of the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA). In this system, the wave model was upgraded to the WaveWatch III version 6.07 with the improved parameterization of the source term. Considering the increased resolution of the wind input field and the introduction of the high-performance KMA 5th Supercomputer, the spatial resolution of global and regional wave models has been doubled compared to the operational model. The physical processes and coefficients of the wave model were optimized for the current KMA global atmospheric forecasting system, the Korean Integrated Model (KIM), which is being operated since April 2020. Based on the sensitivity experiment results, the wind-wave growth parameter (βmax) for the global wave model was determined to be 1.33 with the lowest root mean square errors (RMSE). The value of βmax showed the lowest error when applied to regional/coastal wave models for the period of the typhoon season when strong winds occur. Applying the new system to the case of August 2020, the RMSE for the 48-hour significant wave height prediction was reduced by 13.4 to 17.7% compared to the existing KMA operating model. The new integrated wave prediction system plans to replace the KMA operating model after long-term verification.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 정도보어 ‘A/V+極+(了)’와 ‘了’에 관한 고찰

        오유정,문유미 중국어문학연구회 2022 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.135

        This paper analyzed the semantic functional characteristics of 'A/V+Ji+(Le)' focusing on the role of 'Le' in 'A/V+Ji+(Le)', which has not been discussed much in previous studies. The results can be summarized as follows: First, in order to understand the relationship between 'A/V+Ji+(Le)' and 'Le', based on the corpus, the distribution difference according to the syntactic position of the degree adverb 'Ji', the collocation relations and semantic characteristics were examined. As a result, it suggests that the addition of 'Le' in 'A/V+Ji+(Le)' can be seen as voluntary. Next, when 'Ji' is used as an adverb or complement, there is a clear difference in the verb/adjective that is combined. Second, in order to analyze the relationship between the correct complement structure 'A/V+Ji+(Le)' and 'Le', the usage of 'Ji' and the resulting diachronic formation process of 'A/V+Ji+(Le)' were investigated. The degree adverb 'Ji' has undergone a process of transformation of syntactic and semantic functions from the original noun to a verb and from a verb to an adverb. At this time, the subjectification of 'Ji' played an important role in the diachronic formation of 'A/V+Ji+(Le)'. In this process, 'Ji' undergoes one more important change with the advent of the sentence-final particle 'Le'. Before early modern times, 'A/V+Ji' without 'Le' was the mainstream, but in early modern times 'A/V+Ji+Le' has become the mainstream form. Semantically, the emergence of the sentence-final particle 'Le', accelerates the subjectification of 'Ji'. That is, 'A/V+Ji' and 'A/V+Ji+Le' have different meanings. The former shows the meaning of the degree of the predicate, but the latter loses the meaning of the degree and plays a role in emphasizing only the speaker's cognitive judgment of the predicate proposition. Finally, the meaning and role of 'Le' in the 'A/V+Ji+(Le)' structure were discussed. In the corpus analysis, it could be confirmed that there were a lot of adjectives/verbs expressing emotions such as '高興, 難受, 難過, 可怕, 害怕, 痛苦, 興奮, 有趣' in 'A/V+Ji+Le' compared to 'A/V+Ji' or 'Ji+A/V'. This can be said because adding 'Le4' is suitable for emphasizing express the speaker's subjective emotional and cognitive state. As such, the 'Le' of 'A/V+Ji+(Le)' is a modal marker 'Le4' and is used to express the speaker's subjective opinion and belief, It can be said that it is used in various ways to emphasize and exaggerate the attitude of the speaker in combination with degree complement 'Ji'. which represents maximum amount/large amount. Therefore, syntactic and semantic differences between 'A/V+Ji' and 'A/V+Ji+Le' also occur depending on whether the modal marker 'Le4' is involved.

      • KCI등재

        被자문의 주관화와 신(新) 被자문의 형성

        오유정 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2018 中國硏究 Vol.76 No.-

        In this paper, I will discuss the subjectivity and subjectification of new Bei constructions ([Bei+XX]). These new Bei constructions have specific features: no agent NP appears syntactically; can take intransitive verbs, adjectives, nouns and even auxiliaries as a predicate. Whereas normal Bei constructions can only take transitive verbs. It is well known that Bei constructions experience "Desubjectification" diachronically, through the appearance of agent NP syntactically ([NP1+Bei+VP] -> [NP1+Bei+NP2+VP]). However, there is also "Subjectification" of Bei construction temporally, and as a result of this, null-subject Bei constructions had appeared as a transitional phenomenon. Based on this, I will insist that the formation of new Bei constructions is also the result of another subjectification amongst the desubjectification of Bei constructions. From the point of view of subjectification, null-subject Bei constructions and new Bei constructions have common features: first, they both omit one NP syntactically; second, the predicate of Bei constructions have changed from a transitive verb to an intransitive verb, or even be a noun or an adjective; third, new Bei constructions and null-subject Bei constructions both express negative emotion of unexpected, discontented, helpless etc. However, subjectification of new Bei constructions is more common and similar to Jiao(叫)/Gei(給), which omit agent NP, than null-Bei constructions, so it is unlikely that new Bei constructions will disappear as easily as null-Bei constructions did. 본고는 일반적인 被자문과는 다른 통사, 의미적 특징으로 주목 받고 있는 신(New) 被자문([被+XX])의 주관성과 주관화에 대해 논의한다. 신 被자문의 특징은 크게 두 가지로 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 통사적으로 행위자 NP가 나타나지 않으며, 둘째, 자동사, 형용사, 명사, 심지어 조동사도 술어도 취할 수 있어 오직 타동사만을 술어로 취하는 일반적인 被자문과 대비된다. 주지하다시피, 被자문은 통시적으로 행위자 NP가 통사적으로 나타나지 않는 단거리 피동문에서 행위자 NP가 삽입되는 장거리 피동문으로 통사적 변화를 겪었다([NP1+被+VP] -> [NP1+被+NP2+VP]). 그리고 그러한 과정에서 본래 '여의치 않음'과 같은 부정적인 피동의 의미에서 점차 객관적인 피동의 의미를 나타내는 '탈주관화'를 겪은 것으로 이해된다. 그러나 그러한 통시적 탈주관화의 과정에서도 일시적으로나마 주관성이 다시금 강해지는 '주관화'의 모습이 나타나기도 하는데, 바로 수동자 주어가 동사 뒤에 후치하거나 생략되는 Ø被자문의 경우가 그러하다. 이를 바탕으로 본고는 수사(修辭)적 기법으로 여겨지는 신 被자문 역시 Ø被자문과 마찬가지로 被자문의 탈주관화의 거시적 발전 과정에서 일종의 반작용으로 나타난 주관화의 산물이라고 제시한다. 그러한 주관화의 관점에서 신 被자문은 Ø被자문과 비교할 수 있는데, 첫째, 이 둘은 모두 NP 성분이 삭제되고, 둘째, 被자문의 술어로 자동사, 명사, 형용사 등을 취할 수 있으며, 셋째, 모두 의외성, 불만, 무력감 등과 같은 부정적 의미를 나타낸다. 다만, 신 被자문은 행위자 NP 삭제를 통해 주관화를 이루고 있다는 점에서, 마찬가지로 행위자 NP를 삭제하며 피동 표지로 발전한 叫/给자문과 주관화의 방식이 동일한데, 그러한 의미에서 일시적으로 나타났다 사라진 Ø被자문과는 달리 그 용법이 보다 오래도록 유지될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • 장애학생의 여가활동으로써 게임 이용 실태 및 요구 조사

        오유정,강혜경,이장주,박춘희,김진석 국립특수교육원 2008 장애학생의 여가활동으로써 게임 이용 실태 및 요구 조사 Vol. No.

        In modem societies, leisure is becoming an. indicator of the quality of life, not just representing ‘rest’. Students with disabilities are not excluded here. As stated, the ultimate purpose of special education is to bring an individual with disability to become an independent participant of society as an adult. To fulfill this premise, therefore, ‘leisure’ becomes an important aspect of education for students with disabilities. Because of the rapid changes in the information industries, more and more leisure activities involve games bases on digital contents using computer and Internet. This research was conducted to study strategies to employ online games as a leisure activity for students with disabilities, so that they are not left out from the societies full of knowledge and information. As the first step of the study, previously published articles on the education of students with disabilities, leisure cultures, online games, and online games as a leisure activity for students with disabilities were studied. For the second step, a qualitative study was conducted collecting data on the awareness and current status on games, support needs, and the awareness on the e-sports events. 9 teachers and 9 students participated in the study. The third step involved a survey research. Based on the results from the qualitative study, questionnaires for teachers with 19 questions and for students with 21 questions were developed. 148 special education teachers 245 students with disabilities around the country participated in the survey. The results and suggestions from the study are as follows: First, the satisfactory level of students with disabilities was high for the leisure activities they participate in. However most of the leisure activities involved Internet, online games, and watching TV, which did not promote physical movement. Therefore, programs that can promote physical movement and social interaction should be developed to expand the participation of the students with disabilities. Second, students with disabilities were enjoying various online games. It was suggested to develop online games that meet the characteristics of various disabilities. For example, games for limited cognitive skills or limited physical skills can be considered. Third, teachers, on the other hand, did not play games much, resulting lack of information on games. They had some difficulties instructing students. Therefore a training program was suggested to support teachers to understand games, so that they can instruct students right. Fourth, plans to prevent side effects should be considered, so that students with disabilities can enjoy online games more appropriately. In other words, a system to prevent issues arise from being too much absorbed into games should be developed. Fifth, both teachers and students with disabilities have positive feelings toward e-sports events. Therefore strategies to promote participation should be devised. For example, more e-sports games can be added, and restrictions on the number of games that students with different disability categories can participate in can be removed. Collaboration among related agencies are suggested. 현대 사회에서의 여가는 단순히 '쉼'의 의미를 넘어서 삶의 질을 가름하는 지표가 되고 있으며, 장애학생도 여기서 예외일 수가 없다. 특히, 성인기에 지역사회의 독립적인 구성원으로 생활하게 하는 것이 특수교육의 궁극적인 목적이라고 할 때 '여가'는 장애학생 교육에 있어 중요한 요소가 된다. 또한 정보화 산업의 급속한 발전은 여가생활에서도 컴퓨터나 인터넷 등 디지털을 기반으로 한 놀이 문화를 팽배하게 한 바, 장애학생이 지식정보화 사회 속에서 소외되지 않고, 온라인게임을 여가활동의 하나로 즐길 수 있는 방안을 알아보고자 이 연구를 수행하였다. 이를 위해 1단계로 문헌연구를 통해 장애학생 교육과 여가활동, 여가문화와 온라인게임, 장애학생의 여가활동으로써 온라인게임에 대해 고찰하였다. 2단계는 질적 연구로 교사 및 장애학생 각 9명씩을 대상으로 게임에 대한 인식 및 현황, 지원 요구 및 e스포츠대회에 대한 인식을 알고자 하였다. 3단계는 설문조사연구로 질적 연구 결과를 바탕으로 교사용 19개 문항, 학생용 21개 문항으로 구성된 설문지를 개발하여 전국의 특수학교 교사 148명, 장애학생 245명을 대상으로 조사연구를 수행하였다. 이 연구를 통해 얻어진 결론 및 제언을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애학생의 여가활동에 대한 만족도가 높게 나타나기는 했지만 주로 하는 여가활동은 인터넷, 온라인게임, TV시청 등으로 정적인 활동에 치우쳐 있어 보다 활동적이며, 사회적 상호작용을 할 수 있는 프로그램을 개발하고, 참여를 확대시킬 수 있는 방안을 모색할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 장애학생들은 다양한 온라인게임을 즐기고 있었으며, 장애특성을 고려한 온라인게임 개발 필요성을 제시하였다. 지적 능력의 제한이 있는 경우와 감각 또는 운동 능력에만 제한이 있는 경우를 고려하여 온라인게임을 개발할 것이 요구된다. 셋째, 장애학생들이 온라인게임을 주된 여가활동으로 즐기고 있는 반면, 교사들은 평소 게임을 즐기지 않으며, 게임에 대한 정보도 없어 학생들을 지도하는데 어려움이 있었다. 따라서 교사들이 게임에 대해 이해하고, 올바르게 지도할 수 있도록 연수 프로그램이 마련되어야 한다. 넷째, 장애학생의 온라인게임을 여가활동으로써 적절하게 즐길 수 있도록 부작용을 예방할 수 있는 방안을 모색한다. 즉, 게임에 과몰입함으로 발생하는 문제들을 예방할 수 있는 시스템이 개발되어야 한다. 다섯째, 교사와 장애학생 모두 e스포츠대회에 대해 긍정적인 인식을 갖고 있으므로 참여를 확대할 수 있는 방안을 모색하여야 한다. 예를 들면, e스포츠대회의 종목을 확대하고, 장애영역별로 종목 제한을 없애는 방안 등에 대해 관련 기관 간에 논의와 협의가 필요하다고하겠다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어의 비(非)화제 주어 (2)

        오유정 중국어문논역학회 2018 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.42

        Many Chinese linguists agree to various degrees that Chinese is a topic-prominent language, as is proposed by Li & Thompson (1976). It is presupposed in Li and Thompson’s theory that subject and topic are not identical. Many grammarians, however, still hold the viewpoint initially claimed by Yuen-Ren Chao and Charles Hockett that all subjects in Chinese clauses are topics pragmatically. Since in Chinese there is no overt morphosyntactic marking specified on subjects and the subjects do often function as pragmatic topics, it is rather difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish the two overlapping notions. This paper aims to set a cluster of criteria under which one can specify situations where subjects are definitely not topics. The criteria are based on syntax, information structure, prosody and cross-linguistic comparison. By the application of these criteria to Mandarin Chinese, the paper identifies seven situations in which subjects are not topics, i.e.1) subject is a contrastive focus; 2) subject is an information focus; 3) the whole sentence is in focus; 4) subject is indefinite; 5) subject is bound by a focus-sensitive operator; 6) subject is determined by a minimal quantifier, and, 7) subject is new information. In many cases, non-topic subject occurs in a thetic judgement rather than a categorical judgement. Finally, the paper revisits the issue concerning relationships between subject and topic in general. The author agrees with M. Shibatani that cross-linguistically the prototypical subject is the agent semantically. Languages vary in how far a subject can deviate from the role of agent. In many languages, some non-agent elements with topicality are not allowed to serve as subjects while any agent element, even being in focus, can freely occur as subject. In topic-prominent languages like Chinese, subjects bear topicality more often than in other languages; yet, subjects without topicality, i.e.non-topic subjects are still allowed in a considerable number of cases, as is shown in this paper. Li & Thompson(1976)에 따라 많은 학자들이 중국어를 화제 부각형 언어로 분류한다. 하지만 일부 학자들은 여전히 중국어의 주어를 화용적 화제로 이해하고, 심지어 중국어에는 통사적 주어는 없고, 오직 화용적 화제만 존재한다고 주장한다. 본고는 통사, 정보구조, 운율적 특징 및 범언어적 비교를 통해 최소한 1) 주어가 대조초점인 경우 2) 주어가 정보초점인 경우 3) 주어가 문장 초점문에 사용된 경우 4) 주어가 초점 운용자의 결속을 받는 경우 5) 비한정 주어문일 경우 6) 신정보 주어문일 경우 7) 최소 양화 주어문일 경우에는 주절의 주어가 화제가 아니며, 특히 종속절에서는 그러한 경우가 더욱 많음을 주장한다. 중국어의 주어와 화제는 많은 공통점을 가지지만 엄연히 독립적인 통사 성분인 것이다. 나아가 범언어적 관점에서 주어와 화제의 관계를 살피고, 이를 통해 주어의 원형은 행위자라는 관점을 지지한다. 주어는 행위자 원형을 중심으로 다양한 의미역으로 확대될 수 있으나, 그 원근 거리는 언어마다 차이를 보일 수 있다. 화제 부각형 언어의 주어는 다른 유형의 주어보다 화제적 특성이 뚜렷하지만, 그렇다고 비화제적 행위자 성분이 주어가 될 수 없는 것은 아니다.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 전 · 후치 부사어의 형태 기능적 분포 양상에 대한 일고찰

        吳有晶 중국어문학연구회 2020 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.122

        In this paper, I examined the morphological distribution of De(地) adverbial and De(得) Buyu, that I regard as pre-posing adverbial and post-posing adverbial respectively in Chinese. The result shows that there are significant differences in their distribution. As for pre-posing adverbials, adjectives, especially bare adjectives are the most frequent words used as pre-posing adverbials. In contrast, verbs are the most frequent words used as post-posing adverbials, and most of them are used in phrases or clauses. These morpho-syntactical differences are associated with functional differences between pre-posing adverbials and post-posing adverbials. That is, bare adjectives and verbs are preferred as pre-posing adverbials which indicate the manner and attitude of the verb event. Whereas phrases and clauses which are used to express the result of verb event or the assessment of the speaker in detail are preferred as post-posing adverbials. In summary, De(地) pre-posing adverbials and De(得) post-posing adverbials are complementary in morpho-syntactical and functional distributions in Chinese.

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