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      • KCI등재후보

        일본에서의 조선·한국의 시 (자장가·전래동요·동요·동시)와 시 그림책 수용 -다문화 공생의 시점에서 보는 <어린이의 문화·말·그림책>의 가능성-

        오오타케키요미 ( Kiyomi Otake ),지호순(번역) 방정환연구소 2020 방정환연구 Vol.3 No.-

        본 논문은 일본에서의 조선·한국의 시(자장가·전래동요·동요·동시)와 시 그림책 수용에 대해 연구한 것이다. 1930년대부터 1990년대까지 70년간 일본인들은 김소운의 뛰어난 일본어 번역을 통해 한국의 자장가, 전래동요, 동요, 동시 세계를 이해했다. 2000년부터 일본인들은 여러 종류의 시 그림책을 통해 한국 자장가, 동요, 동시를 배웠다. 이런 시집의 문화 간 이해와 공감대 형성은 다문화 공생 시대를 위해 필요하다는 평가를 받고 있다. This paper will investigate the history of acceptance of Korean poetry culture in Japan. Over the period of 70 years from the 1930s to the 1990s, the Japanese understood Korean poetry through the outstanding Japanese translation of Kim So-un. Since the year 2000, the Japanese have learned Korean lullabies, children’s songs and children’s poems through picture books of new poems. Cross-cultural understanding through such picture books of poetry and empathy shared through the world of poetry are considered to be necessary for the era of multicultural symbiosis.

      • KCI등재후보

        어린이날 한일 비교연구 -1922년 전후를 중심으로-

        오오타케키요미 ( Otake Kiyomi ),지호순 ( Ji Hosun ) 방정환연구소 2022 방정환연구 Vol.8 No.-

        1922년 5월 근대 한국과 일본에서 동시에 진행되던 어린이날 행사에 대해 특히 일본의 1900∼20년대 어린이 관련 행사와 배경을 자료 조사하여 실증적으로 밝혔다. 방정환의 어린이날이 반식민지, 독립운동, 민족운동으로서 억압된 민족과 인권을 해방시키는 운동이라면 일본의 어린이날은 이와야 사자나미 [巌谷小波]의 “자식은 진정한 나라의 보배다 [子宝は真の国の宝なり]”라는 말과 1900년대부터 간헐적으로 개최된 아동박람회 등에서 선전되어 판매된 단오절 장식(갑옷투구, 무사 인형, 잉어 모양의 깃발) 로 상징된 국력 증강을 위한 강한 어린이와 입신출세를 바라는 국가주의적인 것이었다. 특히 방정환이 도쿄에 머물던 1920∼23년에는 일본 각지에서 전단이나 포스터로 아동애호를 선전하고 어린이들이 깃발을 흔들며 행진하고 어린이를 위한 구연동화회와 어른을 위한 강연회가 개최되면서 아동의 건강ㆍ복지ㆍ교육ㆍ권리 발전을 위한 계몽행사가 활발히 진행되고 있었다. 방정환은 『킨노호시 [金の星]』등 당시 유행하던 아동잡지를 참고하여 잡지 『어린이』를 편집하였다고 하는데, 어린이 행사에 관해서도 그 정신과 형식에 대해 비교 검토하면 아동문화의 양면성을 이해할 수 있을 것이다. 또 방정환이 1923년에 간행한 『사랑의 선물』 표지에는 오카모토 키이치 [岡本帰一]가 그린 꽃다발을 안고 있는 소녀의 그림(원화는 모범가정문고(模範家庭文庫) 『세계동화보옥집(世界童話宝玉集)』(1919년)에 삽입된 컬러 삽화)이 사용되고 있다는 것을 밝혔다. 이처럼 한일 근대 아동문화는 비교 연구를 통해 그 성격을 명확히 알 수 있다. This paper is a study on Children’s Day events held in May 1922 in modern Korea and Japan. In particular, data on Children’s Day-related events and backgrounds in Japan from the 1900s to the 20s were investigated. Bang Jung-hwan’s Children’s Day was an anti-colonial, independence, and ethnic movement to liberate oppressed peoples and human rights, and in the case of Japan, it was based on nationalism. For example, it is symbolized by Iwaya Sazanami’s words, “Children are national treasures,” and by the Japanese children’s day decorations (armor helmets, samurai dolls, carp banners).They wish for military strength and success in the future of their children. In particular, from 1920 to 23, when Bang Jung-hwan was in Tokyo, enlightenment events for the development of children’s health, welfare, education and rights were actively held. Bang Jung-hwan edited the magazine “Orini,” referring to a children’s magazine that was popular in Tokyo at that time. Also, Bang Jung-hwan’s Children’s Day events are similar in form to Japanese enlightenment activities. Therefore, by comparing and studying the relationship between Korea and Japan’s modern children’s culture, we can clearly understand the characteristics of Korea and Japan’s children’s culture.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 아동문학교육 실태와 발전과제 : 출판산업·독서운동·도서관교육·시민운동의 복합체로서의 일본 아동문화·1945년 이후

        키요미, 오오타케 한국문학교육학회 2003 문학교육학 Vol.12 No.-

        Japan, one of the defeated nations of 1945, needed some radical reforms for system of nation, education and all of their values from that time. By this, imperialism, militarism or totalitarianism before world war Ⅱ were reconsidered, and newly mentioned ideologies were <peace> and <democracy>. To develop democracy, the people should be thoughtful and sagacious, so each people's necessity of free reading was emphasized and reading education for peace and democracy were stressed in order to construct new education. In school education, especially, emphasized thing was democratic-education based on unrestricted reading in library, not standardized totalitarian-education. Under a co-object saying, 「Make peaceful cultural-nation by the power of reading」, 「Book Week」 as a cultural campaign started in 1947. It was a reading promotion for rebuilding the fields and culture of publication that was reduced under strict government control during the war, and aiming at newborn cultural-nation quickly after the war. In 1950, Japan School Library Association「JSLA」 was organized because they thought that The school library has a important role and mission in school activity that is to create democratic idea, independent thought and high-level culture.. The school library was expected as good positions that can train children's 「Power of self-studying」「A Role as Studying·Information Center」 and children's rich humanity by reading「A Role as Reading Center」. In 1957, 「Literature Education Club」 was organized. They set goals in understanding literature education as thing that related with general education, finding common principles between literature and art education, and deepening murual understanding between authors and teachers, and co-studying of both. They also asserted art education as national education that could help restoration of humanity or national task named democratization of Japan and creation of new culture. They said Japanese teachers should foster Japanese children as members of a nation knowing dignity of human being, trying to reach the perfection of self, and having cooperative spirits or affections on human race. Also, existence of <Home·Local library> as civic movement was important. <Home·Local library>, a reading facility opened to children or the citizens in a community and ran by the citizens, developed their democratic literature-education movement initiatively. In 60's, an age of development, culture movement of parents and children like <20minutes-teading of Mothers and children> spreaded nationally. International Institute for Childrens Literarture, Osaka「IICLO」, opened in 1984, symbolzed the development of Japanese literature education for the children and juvede culture. IICLO announced that support of foreign researchers will be put first for Asian researchers. The International Library of Children s Literature, opened in 2000, also has considered Asian juvenile book from the first; for example, they held a Korean picture book exhibition as a opening ceremony. 「Sol's Thanksgiving Story」 selected as a 「subject book of summer」 at the same year. As above, we can pint out that Asian juvenile literature will take important place in Japanese's came of literature education for children.

      • KCI등재

        일제 전시통제하(1937~45)의 황국신민화 아동문화의 실태 : 그림연극·동화집·아동도서·작문집의 고찰 a Paper Play(KAMISHIBAI), Fairy Tale Children's Books, Collection of Compositions

        키요미, 오오타케 건국대학교 중원인문연구소 2004 동화와 번역 Vol.7 No.-

        本槁は. 朝鮮總督府の行』った植民地朝鮮にあける戰爭協力敎育の硏究. 特に1937年の日中戰爭勃發以降. 國家による國民生活全般への統制か强まり. 1945年に戰爭が終わるまで續にた戰時銃制 下の學校敎科書外敎育史料の硏究である.この時期は朝鮮にも適用された國家總動員法に基づぐ非常時で. 韓國においては創氏改名. 皇國臣民運動 韓國語の略禁止等. 暗黑の時代でおった. ここで朝鮮總督府が行った 「皇國臣民化敎育」 の硏究として戰時社會敎育的機能を持った 「紙芝居」 の實際. 「內鮮一偉」 のたぬの童話集. 皇國軍人養成兒童脚書. 創氏改名した兒童達に書かせた作文集(綴り方)の敎育的功罪を考寮した. 綴り方敎育に關しては. 日本において國語敎育など敎育吏硏究のなかで大きな部分を占ゆる關心事項でおる.しかし. 異民族の子ども達に氏名を剝奪し. 言葉を强制させ「天皇のたゆに死にたい」とかかせた作文 はあまりにも殘忍で. 今日的 値觀ではとうてい許容されないものでおった.日本の國語敎育·植民地敎靑史硏究において欠落している部分でもおり. 二度と繰り返されてはならない日本敎育史の暗黑部でおる.

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