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      • 낙동강 삼각주 말단의 지형 변화

        오건환 한국제4기학회 1999 제사기학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        낙동강 삼각주 말단은 하중도와 사주 그리고 간석지의 퇴적미지형으로 이루어져 있으며, 이들 미지형들은 해안선에 평행하게 바다쪽으로 향해 하중도군, 제1사주군, 제3사주군, 그리고 제4사주군의 순으로 배열되는 특징을 나타낸다. 하중도군은 을숙도-명호도-신호도로서 1916년 이전에 형성되었고, 제1사주군인 맹금머리등-대마등-진우도는 맹금머리등을 제외하면, 하중도군과 함께 1916년 이전에 출현된 사주들이다. 제2사주군인 백합등-장자도와 제3사주군인 나무싯등-새등은 각각 1970년과 1984년 이전에 형성되었으며 제4사주군인 다대등-도요등은 최근인 1990년 이후에 등장된 사주로서 현재 합성되어 있다. 이러한 사실은 삼각주 말단이 1987년 낙동강 하구둑 건설이후 빠르게 전진 발달하고 있다는 것을 의미하며, 이는 하구둑과 신호공단 및 명지주거지의 조성을 위한 하구 부근의 준설과 인공적인 수로의 변경에 따른 토사의 일시적 재퇴적현상에서 비롯된 것으로 보이며, 그 결과 연구지역의 미지형 변화는 삼각주 말단에서 일어나고 있는 낙동강의 유수와 파랑 그리고 연란류 및 조류의 에너지가 하구둑 건설 이전에 작용했던 것처럼 균형을 이룰 때까지 계속될 것으로 생각된다. In present, the terminal area of the Nagdong River Delta consists of micro-depositional landforms with sand barrier islands, sand bars and tidal flats which are arranged parallel to the present shoreline, and have rapidly shifted toward sea during last 100 years due to human activities such as construction of estuary dam, industrial complex and residential area. To clarify the landform changes of the area, the author traced the morphologic change pattern based on interpretation of air-photos, topographic maps and old Korean traditional map, and the results are as follows ; Based on the Daedongyeojido, one of the old Korean map, published in 1861, the area including upper part of the delta was underlying by sea level except two larger sand barriers, which means the Nagdong River Delta was not completely formed as the present outline of morphology by 1860s. According to the topographic map(1 :50,000) of 1916, the delta resembled to the present morphology pattern was exposed in 1916, and at this time the area was mainly composed of one sand barrier island, four sand bars and tidal flats, which had slowly elongated southwards before construction of the Nagdong River Estuary Dam in 1987. But after 1987, the area has been rapidly and drastically shifted southwards in arrange with one chain of sand barrier islands (Elsugdo -Myeonghodo-Sinhodo ) and four chains of sand bars (first chain ; Jinwoodo -Daemadeung-Maenggeummeorideung, second chain : Jangjado-Baeghabdeung, third chain ; Saedeung-Namusitdeung, fourth : Doyodeung-Dadaedeung) parallel to shoreline. This rapid landform change of the area is now occurring, and is seemed to ascribed firstly, to the construction of the Nagdong River Estuary Dam on Elsugdo in 1987, the Sinho Industrial Complex on Sinhodo and Myeongji Residential Area on Myeonghodo in 1992, secondly, to artificial alteration of drainage channel and consequential breakdown of former energy system between riverflow and tidal-and wave-energy. From these facts, it is inferred that the landform change pattern of the area will continue until a new equilibrium between the factor available to this energy system is accomplished.

      • KCI등재
      • 강원도 중부(주문진-양양) 해안평야의 형성과정과 고환경

        오건환 한국제4기학회 1996 제사기학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        강원도 주문진에서 양양에 이르는 해안평야의 지형형성과 고환경을 신석기유적의 기초조사 연구의 하나로서 연구하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 제4기 최종빙기의 최성 기에 해당되는 15,000y.B.P. 경에는 연구지역은 해수면의 하강에 따른 연장하천의 개석곡으 로서 아한대의 침엽수림의 육상영역하에 있었다. 2. 15,000y.B.P.경 이후 해수면은 기온의 호 전으로 7,500y.B.P에 이르기까지 서서히 상승하였고 이에 따라 개석곡은 연장하천의 후퇴로 육성에서 얕은 하성으로 바뀌었다. 3 해수면 상승은 7,500y.B.P. 이후 빨라지면서 해진 (transgression)으로 되었고 그결과 개석곡은 4,000y.B.P.경에 이르러 하성에서 내만 또는 익 곡의 기수성으로바뀌게 되었다, 이 기간은 후빙기의 이른바 고온기(hypsithermal period)로 서 낙엽활엽수 시대였고 내만 또는 익곡의 가장자리에서는 수생식물이 생육하는 습지환경으 로 변모되었다. 4. 개석곡을 내만 또는 익곡으로 변모시킨 해진은 1,500yB.P.경까지 이어지 면서 지금의 고도에서 안정되었다. 그 결과 내만 또는 익곡의 만입부에서 사주가형성되면서 내만 또는 익곡은 곳에 따라 담수 또는 기수역의 석호로 변하였고 기후는 이전의 고온시대 와는 달리기온은 조금식 하강하는 한랭기후로 서서히 변모시켰다. 5. 석호는 1,000y.B.P. 경 에 이르는 동안 배후로부터 운반된 하천의 토사와 전면의 풍성사 그리고 무성하게 생육하는 수생식물에 의해 서서히 고석호로 등장되기 시작되었다. 6. 1,000y.B.P. 이후 현재에 이르는 동안 하천의 토사와 풍성사의 퇴적증가로 육화가 가속되면서 본래의 개석곡은 매적곡으로 등장되었고 그 결과 지금의 해안평야가 형성되었다.

      • KCI등재

        반도체 FAB의 비말에 의한 감염병 전파 가능성 연구

        오건환,김기연 한국산업보건학회 2022 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of this study is to verify whether droplet-induced propagation, the main route of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, can occur in semiconductor FAB (Fabrication), based on research results on general droplet propagation. Methods: Through data surveys droplet propagation was modeled through simulation and experimental case analysis according to general (without mask) and mask-wearing conditions, and the risk of droplet propagation was inferred by reflecting semiconductor FAB operation conditions (air current, air conditioning system, humidity, filter conditions). Results: Based on the results investigated to predict the possibility of spreading infectious diseases in semiconductor FAB, the total amount of droplet propagation (concentration), propagation distance, and virus life in FAB were inferred by reflecting the management parameter of semiconductor FAB. Conclusions: The total amount(concentration) of droplet propagation in the semiconductor fab is most affected by the presence or absence of wearing a mask and the line air dilution rate has some influence. when worn it spreads within 0.35~1m, and since the humidity is constant the virus can survive in the air for up to 3 hours. as a result the semiconductor fab is judged to be and effective space to block virus propagation due to the special environmental condition of a clean room.

      • 낙동강 삼각주 북부의 고환경

        오건환 한국제4기학회 1994 제사기학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The study area is filled up by alluvium which can be classified into lower and upper beds by the facies of deposits and their degree of weathering. The lower bed is not of marine but of fluvial. The upper bed is mainly composed of clay and silt or fine sand beds col-ored dark or dark gray which are of neritic or brackish yielding mollusca fossils. The oyster(Crassostrea ariakensis) obstained from the depth of 3m below the present sea level in the upper bed was dated at 4,100 110Y.B.P. and the veneridae(Meretrix lamarck) 1m height above the present delta plain in the old sand bar was dated at 1,700 85Y,B,P. It is therfore concluded that the study area a small kern col of terrestri-al basin prior to postglacial age had experienced the Holocene transgression. Consequently the study area is considered to have been progressively formed under neritic or brackish circumstance before 1,700Y.B.P.

      • 韓半島 東·西海岸 中部에 分布하는 海成段丘面의 對比

        吳建煥 新羅大學校 1980 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        The features of the shoreline in the Korean Peninsula show striking contrast between the Eastern and the Western Coast. The Western Coast is a typically submerged shoreline with drowned valleys, islands and peninsulas, whereas the Eastern Coast is characterized by the shoreline of emergence with narrow sandy beach and steep cliffs. These contrasting features in the shoreline indicate that the Korean Peninsula has been tilted down on the west and up on the east. The writer investgated the marine terraces which are distributed along the Eastern and the Western Coast in order to clarify the Quaternary crustal movement of the Korean Peninsula on the basis of the correlation between the two marine terrace surfaces. Table 1 in the text shows both the classification and correlation of the marine terrace surfaces of the Eastern and the Western coast. Definite data of the chronology of these terraces surface have not been obtained yet, but from the characteristics of the terraces regarding, a) the width and continuity of the Mugho Surface, b) the change of facies of the Mugho terrace gravel beds, c) the deposit of the Mugho Surface overlying uncomformably the weathered gravel beds of the Jeongdongiin Surface, it may be assumed that the Mugho Sruface of the Eastern Coast and the Geogpo Surface of the Western Coast are correlated with the Riss-Wurm interglacial terrace surface in Japan. From the difference in the altitude of the terrace on the Eastern Coast and the Western Coast, it is suggested that the Korean Peninsula may have been tilted down on the west and up on the east after the formation of the Jeongdongjin Surface in the Eastern Coast and the Mongsanpo Surface in the Western Coast.

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